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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Status Replies posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. So, how does my journal look so far? It doesn't look to bad yet, does it?

  2. So, how does my journal look so far? It doesn't look to bad yet, does it?

  3. I'm currently in 14 unfinished RP's ...Some recent some old, I'm ewssentially missing 14 SP and that's not even including the quest rewards SP!!!

  4. Aaaand my solo quest is over. :(

  5. Finally decided to come up with a subtitle XD. The Ultramarine Knight!

  6. The site......................

  7. Looks like I'm all set up.

  8. "When you do the right thing, people wont be sure that you did anything at all"- Futurama

  9. Im off for the night. Bye guys

  10. Hey guys! Can anyone point me to a place i could make an SAO HUD graphic for my signature

  11. Think i kind of went overboard on my History X3

  12. Do salvage attempts count as a craft for the day?

  13. I don't even know if I should craft because if i have to recalc my EXP i need to do that before I craft, otherwise I'll be wasting time making craft posts if I just have to go back and change them...

  14. Think i kind of went overboard on my History X3

  15. This is the greatest status update. Because WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!

  16. today/tonight at SAO's daily report: potatoes are falling down like an avalanche from a mountain is this post is just one of those status updates that wastes the space provided for a much more worthy post, stay tuned for more

  17. I am just excited about Mint's character development!! :P

  18. Anyone online with the capability of moving topics? I dun goofed

  19. (Looking for someone to rp with perferibly on floor one)

  20. Remember that you can only craft items based on your current rank, so a rank 1 cook can't create a feast for example.

  21. So guardians is disbanding? I've only just recently heard of this? Aww that is a shame.

  22. When you know stuff out of charcter but can't rp it bus in character you would have no idea... that's the fun I guess.

  23. So, this is like a status update...?

  24. Battle of the Century: Magikarp V.S Metapod. Who will win? Splash or harden? Find out!

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