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Everything posted by Jomei

  1. @Astrid. welcome back! And yes, very pretty :) @Macradon Mac you are my hero
  2. Jomei

    William D. Gaster

    Approved Welcome to Sword Art Online
  3. Approved Welcome to Sword Art Online
  4. It was a short conversation, mostly via private messages to both himself and Zandra. Ariel was asking a favor of the two, to play a big part in her and Hikoru's upcoming wedding. He felt honored to do so, and despite being in the slumped state he had been in since his situation on Floor Four, he gladly accepted. Of course, they would not be able to do their job without the proper attire. Ariel being the famed tailor of Aincrad she was, was happy to take care of that as thanks for the two's part in the ceremony. Traveling back to the frost covered town, Jomei entered the familiar shop of
  5. After a couple more players arrived, Jomei looked towards the cave in front of them that seemed horribly out of place. He waited there for the boss, his arms crossed and hood still over his head. Since this was the boss event that came with the Easter season, Jomei knew the boss would, of course, be some sort of rabbit. The ground began to rumble as the beast slowly emerged from the cave. Jomei puckered his lips and reached his hand across his body to grab the handle of Saint Andrew's Bane, whistling to the tune of 'Peter Cotton Tail.' His tune trailed off as he saw the large rabbit shaped mon
  6. Approved Welcome to Sword Art Online
  7. Approved! Welcome to Sword Art Online!
  8. Jomei turned his head to look at the all too familiar woman walk in his direction. She already knew Jomei had forgotten to pick up the potions she had crafted for him. "Oh, Hey Zan." he flashed her a small, almost forced smile. He was genuinely happy to see the girl, as she always made his days a bit more bearable. His mind was still tainted with the image of the man he had killed. "What would I do without you." he said through a sigh, smiling again at the girl as he took the first potion and popped open the lid, pouring the liquid down his throat. Immediately, he felt the effects of the potio
  9. Jomei

    Ronin's Journal

    Approved! Welcome to Sword Art Online!
  10. Approved Welcome to Sword Art Online
  11. ((OOC: Oh boy! Christmas event!)) Another holiday, which meant another event for the players of Aincrad to take part in. Last event that he remembered was Halloween, where they fought against the Pumpking. There had not been an event boss light this since then, though there had been two or three floor bosses. Despite wanting to take a small break from the front lines to reflect on some things, he figured he would join in on this one. Could help to take recent events off of his mind. Warping onto the First Floor, a floor that he had not visited in a long.. long time, Jomei immediately bega
  12. Denied Include Username, Real Name, Age, and Gender Expand on Virtues Expand on history to be about your character's backstory. If you wish to role play your character out in the 'unknown' way, you may only AFTER a journal in the correct form is created. Once it is updated, or if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, or any other member of staff.
  13. So it would seem the site is having some issues with double posting and not allowing people to do some things. If anyone accidentally double posts, please let a member of staff know. Better yet, since it won't let me delete things at the moment, make a list in a PM and they will be fixed upon the site returning to normal. I do not mind being bombarded with messages about such, and will take care of it when I can.

    1. Ssendom


      I just wanna l-l-l-lick you from your head to your toes!


      ... I ragret nuffin'

      I just wanna l-l-l-lick you from your head to your toes!


      ... I ragret nuffin'

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      I have only double posted on 2 Status updates. Not in any threads as of yet.

      I have only double posted on 2 Status updates. Not in any threads as of yet.

    3. Ratatosk


      Dude it's worth than you think, I'm quadruple posting

      Dude it's worth than you think, I'm quadruple posting

      Dude it's worth than you think, I'm quadruple posting

      Dude it's worth than you think, I'm quadruple posting



      Stupid autocorrect

      Stupid autocorrect

  14. Ok guys, it has come to my attention that a lot of people are posting one liner "Will Edit Laters" in the boss thread. Now, I understand if you are rolling, and even if you are running a tad late and don't want to suffer the -10 dmg after 24 hours, only to edit the post shortly after. 

    We have too many posts in the boss thread that are said to be edited later and have multiple posts after them. Please, if you have a post that needs to be edited, please get to it today. 

    We are a RolePlaying community, so all posts that are IC need to be taken that way. This goes for everyone. 

    Thank you,


    1. Helios


      You tell 'em!

    2. Lycan


      Perhaps they avoid the damage only for 24 hours after a "Will Edit Later" post? IE, if it is due on 3/22 by noon, they can post a "will edit" which affords them until 3/23 by noon. If it is not edited by then, they take the damage on the next boss post? Seems fair.

    3. Takao


      kwality arpee

  15. I didn't realize that many people participated in the Spring Festival. *feels accomplished*

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Congrats in organizing such a nice event and thank you:D

    2. Jomei


      definitely be on the lookout for more! I'll take any suggestions you guys have!

    3. Kiru


      Jomei let's def plan events together

  16. As much as I don't want to pile on more threads... Who wants to help me with Butcher of The Sands? Maybe some newer faces to traveling with Jomei 

    1. Macradon


      Weeeeeell, I might not be a new person, but I'd like to join :3

    2. Zandra


      I could hel... newer faces? Nevermind :)

    3. Mack


      If you can't find a 4th, I'm in.

  17. So due to me being sick and lazy, im gonna make the fireworks post tomorrow and close up the Festival on Thursday instead.

    1. Ssendom


      Sweet. I posted just in time.

  18. Spring Festival Update:
    The Festival will be ending this Wendesday night (EST) with the Fireworks show being tomorrow night. Make sure you get in your last posts within the next few days!

    1. Hikoru


      I proposed and ended it with an amazing kiss man, I think i'm set XD

    2. Teayre


      EEEEK!!!!!!! I need to post!

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