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Everything posted by Jomei

  1. Jomei watched as liquid poured from the ladle into his cup, filling it nearly to the top once more. "Thank you." he said with a nod towards Oji before taking another sip. The punch overpowered the burn of the sake at this point, but it made for a much easier beverage to drink. After the initial sip, however, he saw Oji offering to refill the sake as well. He thought for a moment before offering the cup, "Just a wee bit." Shifting his fingers so they grabbed the glass around the rim like a claw, he gently twirled the cup to give it a good mix. The Irishman chuckled along with Oji as the m
  2. With Lessa's affirmation that she would not vanish on him, as so many others had in the past, Jomei almost felt a warmth fill him. The smile he shone across to her was soft, genuine, and caring. "Good." he said, the gladness heard clearly in his voice, "Because, lately, there's not many people I can count on that are around anymore. Most either went off to do their own thing or.." A lump formed in his throat, cutting off his sentence and keeping that last word from slipping off of his tongue. The ginger gently gnawed on his lower lip as that beat of silence, that would have been plagued with a
  3. The ginger let out a huff of air as he shifted his feet, twirling his rapier in a circular patterns in his hand. "Who said I was worried?" he offered with a smirk as he felt Hirru's hand clasp on his shoulder, offering him a boost of health that made the damage he had just taken a thing of the past, "I know you've got my back." Being able to hit with a larger attack like that felt good, and it made the thought of clearing through these smaller monsters that much more simple. Made him think that maybe he had made the wrong choice to go with a rapier. Taking a swift peek at his readied swo
  4. With two short hops backwards, Jomei created some distance between himself and the foggy figured. As the blanket of a yellow glow fell over the ginger's body, he looked down at his arms. "Extra energy huh? That's definitely going to help out in the long run. Thanks." He eyed the creatures, one at a time. One was closer to death, the others not touched yet. Jomei was confident in his abilities, but still keeping cautious and not getting cocky. "An AoE move? Not my forte but..." As his title implied, as well as his weapon of choice, Jomei was better suited for one on one bouts, usually debuffing
  5. Letting out a small laugh, Jomei shrugged his shoulders with extended arms. "And technically we're stuck in these twenty-something year old bodies for who knows how much longer. So just means more time to make those dumb decision." His tone suggested he was mostly just joking, since he figured their bodies were still aging outside of SAO... how ever long its been so far. The experiences they would face here, despite being a video game meant for teenagers and young adults, would probably age them mentally as well. So, maybe there wasn't truth behind his words after all.. probably should have ke
  6. Jomei shook his head, "Well... we didn't think it was going to be that bad at the start, a number of players didn't show.. but we still had a large group. I believe we went in there with three.. maybe four teams. But the Leviathan had some trick up its sleeve to perma-freeze players for the fight ((inactive players)). That, along with the constant waves of mobs and struggling to wittle down its health.. At the end there was only 5 of us who took it down." He sighs, "I'm just happy to have made it out of that one alive." Following Hirru through the forest, Jomei decided not to continue co
  7. Oh right, Jomei had nearly forgotten about that boss fight until Hirru had referred to it. In reality, he just tried to forget the whole thing happened... its what made running the meeting for the preceding Floor Boss that more difficult. Jomei switched from his kneeling position to sit more comfortably on the floor as he finished up the berry bar and began to spoon bits of the crème brulee into his mouth. "Honestly.. I had forgotten all about that." He added with a chuckle "Being one of the only ones left standing against the next boss kind of wiped the Elven Council out of my mind." A
  8. So Hirru had a dungeon map for Floor Twenty Two, probably of of the more peaceful floors they had unlocked. Honestly, Jomei was unsure if the floor even had any hidden dungeons, given its slightly less dangerous nature. However, that might spell good fortune for the pair, since Jomei would be dealing a majority-- if not all of -- the damage during their plunge. Lastly, he mentioned bringing any buffs or enhancements along. Checking through his inventory, Jomei frowned slightly.. he was not one to carry potions or food items along very often because of his lack of grinding or gathering. He usua
  9. "And if anyone asked I bought it off an NPC." That was the first thing he heard when he snapped back to reality and into the conversation with the man. Jomei offered a friendly chuckle as he turned his head to face him again. For a short moment, he pondered on how he spaced the first part of the conversation.. what distracted him so? Jomei took the man's hand in a firm handshake, who referred to himself as Oji. He cocked an eyebrow, "Oji, like uncle? Interesting name." he said with a nod. After releasing the handshake, Jomei took another sip of the drink, along with an extra sip. "
  10. Jomei chuckled, "Honestly.. the whole question was just hypocritical of me. I'm searching for that same answer.. what my purpose is. And if destiny really plays a part in our lives, and what happens is meant to be, am I supposed to find my purpose here? So yes, its alright that you're still searching for what you're meant to be, or hell, just what makes you truly you." His feet carried him across the wooden floor, finding his way to the other half of the bench that Lessa lowered herself onto. Facing himself away from the piano, he rested his elbows on his thighs and let out a small sigh.
  11. Sparks flew as Jomei's blade clashed against the attacking Giant Wasp's stinger in rapid succession. The ginger grit his teeth as he planted his foot before the third strike, putting some extra power behind his block so he could parry and redirect the wasp out of his way. Once the insect was staggered, Jomei twirled his blade in his hand so the blade was pointing forward, and delivered a similar striking pattern the wasp had used on him moment before. Each pierce with his blade struck true, causing the wings of the floating monster to slow to a halt, followed by a shattering sound as the Giant
  12. Jomei felt his heart sink in his chest when Lessa admitted that, after she had thought Alkor had died, she felt as though that was the end of her story. Stories of players allowing themselves to expire within Aincrad were frighteningly high, as was expected from a bunch of teenagers and young adults pulled from their every day lives and forced to fight for their lives, loosing friends and loved ones left and right. Like a knife to his gut, twisting and turning, it always hurt whenever someone close to him admitted they had such thoughts. He frowned, as his eyes fell off of hers for a moment an
  13. Jomei could not help but smile as Lessa was able to reminisce about her real world life while in this space. It was his space of solace, so it brought him joy to know someone else was able to share in the moment as well. Jomei watched Lessa as she moved about the room, the pain in the lost woman's voice and stature very apparent. He wondered, for a moment, if he had given the right advice, or if his rambling went off topic and were lost. Maybe not, as she finally acknowledged his finishing point. Jomei shook his head in response to her, "I never said it would be easy. Me dragging you onto
  14. "I haven't really finished sorting through things myself, so this will probably be incoherent blabbering." Letting out a tiny laugh, Jomei slouches over slightly to level his face with Lessa for a moment "Do any of us really have things sorted out?" He then sat back up, and allowed her to continue. Removing his hand from her shoulder, he stretched it across the table to grab his own beverage. Though despite retrieving it to take a sip, he did not find himself doing so throughout the entirety of Lessa's confession. The loneliness, the lack of motivation.. Jomei would not have pinned
  15. Jomei frowned slightly at Lessa's almost pessimistic, but somewhat realistic, view of finding a lover to share her time with while in Aincrad. Yeah, Jomei had just said virtually the same thing, but he knew deep down that it was something that they, as young adults, could not --and frankly should not-- avoid. He started with a small exhale, as he quickly collected his thoughts on how to proceed. "Listen, like I said earlier, we are humans. Its just.. in our nature to seek out someone we want to spend time with, whether its platonically, or romantically. I've found that extreme loneliness is th
  16. Olive eyes met Lessa's as she went through her own reasonings as to why breakups are so much harder in Aincrad. Jomei could agree, to a point, but could also argue the opposite. Hardly stifling a chuckle, he would furrow his brows slightly and speak his mind. "You would think that with more pressing matters at hand, like actually getting out of this virtual world, or staying alive every day, we wouldn't let things like relationships and breakups tear us down. But.. I suppose that's just us keeping hold on our humanity. Reminds us that, inside of these virtual copies of our bodies lives our act
  17. Jomei turned his head towards the man who stood near him, a gentleman who seemed to have quite a few years over Jomei wearing a Santa Claus getup that may have been made for someone a bit smaller than him. Jomei wasn't one to judge though, tis the season for such shenanigans. He held up a green, glass bottle, the liquid sloshing inside as he moved it towards the ginger. Jomei peered at the visible label, the kanji printed on it quickly translated to English as his eyes focused on it... though one did not really need the translation to recognize a bottle of sake. Looking back at the man,
  18. It was not long before a response from each of the men cam rolling in. The first chime sounded, a response from Macradon. The ginger smiled softly, thankful that Macradon was indeed up to hanging out. Sitting forward, slightly hunched, Jomei tapped the incoming message with the side of his thumb and began to formulate a response. However, before he could finish, he was notified of a second response; this time from Baldur. While Macradon had suggested the fourth floor, Baldur went a bit further in their plans to also suggest tackling a field boss on the 19th floor. Both ideas had the same resul
  19. Just as soon as the conversation had started, it had ended. Astreya had excused herself to greet someone that they were already acquainted with. Understandable, since Jomei felt himself an awkward partner to small talk with. Not long after, the two, and a couple others included, were attending to a slightly chaotic display at the dessert table. A pink haired girl, who Jomei recognized but did not know, had allowed her slimy companion to slurp up some of the desserts to make room for some of her own. The ginger let out a small sigh through his nostrils as his head drooped a bit. "I was wonderin
  20. The quiet townhouse was becoming a bit of a bore, or maybe that was just him. Sitting around all day with no other company than the brown owl that could only respond in coos and screeches. Although, Jomei was starting to get a bit more used to his familiar's language, and their communication skills seemed to be improving... Or it was just the way cardinal programmed the familiars. Why have an animal companion that you could not grow to understand and vice-versa. "I'll call for you if I need you." Jomei said to Adere as they stepped out of his apartment. With a shrug of his shoulder, the bird l
  21. Jomei could not help but smile at the warm invitation, "Thank you". It seemed his mention of his musical talent caught the attention of another party-goer. A girl, possibly a few years younger than him, asked about his musical prowess, and mentioned that she too took the Performer profession. The Irishman nodded, "Both, actually. I played a bit of music in the real world before all of this.. and when I saw that Performers were a thing, I jumped on board." He rubs the nape of his neck with a small smirk, "I couldn't really tell you much about the actual profession though, I'm really not much in
  22. A holiday party? The lady time Jomei had attended a holiday party was when he threw one himself with the fellow members of the Holy Dragon Alliance. A simpler time, when he had all the friends he needed and the love of his life by his side. As the memory of that joyous time faded, the ginger was left in the same apartment.. just undecorated and he alone. Honestly, he had considered just not doing anything this season. Just let the holiday pass and go on, business as usual. But he had to admit, he always did enjoy this time of year. Originally he considered trying to put together something
  23. After tossing the key to the blonde haired girl, Jomei rose to his feet and pulled his jacket back on. He turned his attention back towards the locks, realizing that it was taking a bit longer for the girl to use the key than her had expected. "Everything okay?" Jomei asked as he took a few steps in her direction. Just to stand by and watch as the last two keys were inserted into their slots, hopefully revealing the way out. Suddenly, the girl stepped from the chair landing onto Jomei's shoulders. "H-Hey wait!" Jomei shouted as he adjusted his feet, trying to avoid from toppling over. On
  24. After turning the key in the second lock, Jomei felt the click as it disengaged.. but could have sworn he felt some sort of rumble as well. Slight, but ever present after turning that key. Had something else revealed itself? Or possible it was just the sound of the inner machinations of this quadruple locked doorway. If that was the case, why did he still feel it. It wasn't until one of the other girls who was plowing through book after book searching for a key mentioned it being a bit less echo-ey in the room. A careful look around at the décor on the walls revealed the situation that they we
  25. Stepping back from the bookshelf and looking over at the others, he saw that they were a bit more successful than himself. With the amount of books in this study, it was a wonder they were able to find any within the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of pages tucked away. He took the moment of solace to look at the other players in the vicinity of him.. most of them unfamiliar to him. One or two seemed familiar, at best, but he could not place a name to any faces. For a moment, he thought to himself again, what was he even doing here. He came here to get his mind off of things and pull h
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