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Status Updates posted by Seul

  1. Anyone feel like giving/selling me an overhealth item? .3.

    1. Teayre


      Teayre's got a load of overhealth stuff (only T1 though) if you want to buy from her ^^

    2. Seul


      I bought one of them, thanks a ton. :0

  2. Anyone feel like tagging along for my Avalanche run? :T

  3. Ordinal Scale trailer 2 is up. :,D 


    1. Baldur


      I have to listen to it on mute cause I'm at work, but it looks awesome :)

    2. Zandra


      @Baldur same when I watched it xD

  4. Alright, I'm officially on spring break! Level 25 here I come. :,D

    Also if I owe you a reply you can just link the thread here and I'll get to it because I think I've lost track at this point.


    1. Macradon


      That should be it


    I've been wondering... How do people get those cool signature banner things? o.o

    1. Zelrius


      We make em. If you want one, Message me.

  6. Performer Crafting Question: If I roll a rare craft and add two monster call enhancements, two monsters will spawn when it's used right? Now, does each monster still only have +1 on the LD or do they both get +2 on the LD if they're killed?

    1. Jomei


      " For each enhancement slot used, a monster will spawn. These monsters give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements, making good loot from them easier to get."

      So yes. 2 monsters. When each is killed, you get a +1 to the LD for the roll on that killing blow of each monster. 
      Ex. Kill one boar, roll with +1 Ld
      Kill second boar, roll with +1 LD

  7. My will to rp has been absent these past few days. But for anyone I owe replies to, I'll get on those soon.

    1. Lessa


      When your muse wanders back, please let me know. I'd love to write with you.

  8. You want dual wielding?! Here, take your dual wielding! And thank Manta and Erin since they helped make it possible.

    1. Seul


      This is for GGO btw-

  9. Update number 1,000,005 for GGO is here!

    1. Seul


      Also if someone can move the update thread to the launcher area and maybe pin the post that has the guides in it that'd be cool.

  10. Why does the dice roller hate me? -_-

    Been rolling everything under 6 for like 10 turns now.

    At this rate we're gonna clear the game faster than I'm going to be able to finish this quest.

    1. Helios


      It's possible that you need to start praying and sacrificing humans to me. I'm always listening bb.

  11. I just realized who the Akarim I always see you reference was. I did I thread with him once! He was awesome; like that one weird uncle everyone has that isn't really their uncle... D,:

    1. Teayre


      hehe, I have no regrets!

  12. Tbh, this one actually looks kinda decent: 


  13. Alright. The hype train is real. I've seen this coming for a while now but today it's official. I've been reading a light novel series for a while now called Hai to Gensou no Grimgal, or Grimgal of Ashes and Illusions, and I love it. :'D They announced that it's receiving an anime adaption next year supposedly in January and it's being covered by A-1 Pictures (same studio that did SAO). Check out the PV! Just something to keep an eye out for because it already looks amazing. :'DDD I'll finally be able to nerd out about the story and people will understand me!

  14. Sorry to people I owe replies-

    I'll get on those sometime later though.

    Been busy these past few days... With loss of internet, Christmas stuff, and FFXIV. xD


  15. Lots of things updated in ALO since the last time I looked. >.>

    Anyone trying to do a thread over there with me?

  16. Slow, slow evening... @-@

  17. I need more SP. If anyone needs help, wants to duel, or just desires for someone to stare at them in town for an hour, let me know. :0

  18. EVERBODY JUST CALM DOWN! There's enough of me to go around-!

  19. Everyone currently in a dungeon in GGO finish up-

    Another change will soon be upon us... But hey at least I let you know this time. xD


  20. One new quest boss down; two more to go... *w*

  21. Could use some thoughts on this:


  22. Still away-

    I'll probably be back and posting again by like Sunday though if I don't die from internet withdrawal first. 

  23. *Casual whistle*


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