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Status Updates posted by Snow

  1. Appreciative for the support and new faces. Looking forward to building stories together.

  2. I will be sparse for the next week. My apologies for those I am in threads with. I will return on the 30th.

  3. If only there were more hours in the day. X~x;;

  4. It's been a really busy week. Do I owe anyone a post? My threads got buried.

    1. Grave


      You're still in my shop ^^

  5. Silly new person question: Do the fish caught in fishing act as materials used for cooking? If so, I want to open a rotating sushi bar. >_>;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teayre


      I would hazard a guess at no myself.

      This is due to the fisherman profession having their own buffs. However that doesn't stop you mat gathering in a river or snatching fish up or something, to give you mats to allow you to cook in a sushi bar. 

      Or you could prepare the fish in that way, although I would guess it would be a chef rather than fisherman.

      But like ma IC hubby said. I'd confirm it with GMs

    3. Snow


      Is that where you create a support ticket? 

    4. Teayre


      You can do or PM one of the PSTs who are online, if you go onto browse and scroll down a bit. There's a list there. Or just pm Takao or Oikawa. 

  6. When you really want to write, but you also really want to sleep. Writing tomorrow!

    1. Ethereal


      If you suffer from nighttime posting, please dial our hotline on 08000 01066. Help is there if you need it.

  7. Am I missing a post for anyone? I think I'm caught up, but not sure...

  8. Snow

    Happy Birthday, Xion!

    1. Hirru


      Oh snap!  Birthday wishes everywhere!

    2. Mack


      He's this many! *holds up 3 fingers*

    3. Opal


      Happy Birthday!!! <3 

  9. I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day Weekend. Do anything fun outdoors?

  10. I'm hearing a lot of talk about GGO. I used to play a sniper/hand cannon wielder on another site. Is GGO actually ready for play?

    1. Jomei


      Its in Beta right now, but ready for action.

  11. It's been a long journey, but I finally acquired my mimic familiar. I am much excite.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snow


      Have I ever trusted chairs.

    3. Baldur


      Only when you were feeling charitable

    4. Snow


      Heck. >:€

  12. New event! How exciting!

  13. What is the most memorable thing you've done during the lockdown?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Macradon


      Thank you very much!

      My life is like a sandwich, even if it's upside down, Bread comes first.

    3. Baldur


      I've just been working ;_;

    4. Snow
  14. What is your favorite kind of sushi to order?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Snow


      Naw, we'd only make that joke if you were ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING.

      Cal, he roll!

      * Insert Punny Husky*

    3. Calrex



    4. Elora


      Mackerel nigiri with lemon slices.

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