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  1. Hi, Manta here. I have a whole thing written up, but somehow i cant really bring myself to post it. Ive been rping as this character since Manta and Ebony were pked, knowing that a rebirth system would be coming. I put a lot of ,y heart into this character and a lot of muse into writing her. Ive been told i cant use the new system with her, when it comes out, and i feel crushed. Ive been hoping since i got pked. 

    I havent made a decision yet. I dont know what to do know. Do I start all over for the seventh time? Or give up. Ill make a decision soon. Regardless of my decision, the patch notes look great and i like everything thats been done, except, obviously, my not being able to use the rebirth system on my character

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    2. Takao


      I'm not gonna get into the PKing stuff because it's old news that was handled ages ago. But, because I consider myself to be rather against mindless whining without offering a solution; what sort of "actual logic" would you like to see introduced that would result in fewer of these cases?

    3. Hakai


      @Oikawa First off, i never said anything about easy fixes. Secondly, are you guys Kayaba? Do you not have empathy for others? Im going to assume yes, as the majority of people do. So, yeah, while this is a 'death game', its also a forum rpg that people dont force themselves to play, and do for fun. 

      "  I also told you that when the Rebirth system came into effect it wouldn't affect your character Hakai. " Id like to see a screen shot of when you told me this. Because i dont remember it and im pretty sure that i would remember that.

      And its true @Ratatosk, both what Oikawa is saying and what you said. Pking is an old issue, especially the pkings of Ebony, Manta, Zelrius, and Dom. And yeah, there was a lot of BS involved in that. While the issue still isnt resolved, staff would rather that you forget about it. However, rules have been put in place to prevent further BS pking. They dont want past unresolved issues to come back up, so most of staff would probably rather have me quit the site. You may have gotten the illusion that the issue was resolved, but it wasnt. It just seemed that way because i was banned.

      Rules never being retroactively enforced? Ive heard that before. Thats the biggest lie of all. A few months ago, when i went back and pked Teayre after my own pking, as the rules actually allowed back then, I got a ban.  Teayre was consulted on her side of the story, but when it came to me I had to contact Shark myself after hearing about it from a friend. The long of the short is that I got a ban for causing drama, because they couldnt actually pin me for pking her back. In fact, in that same conversation i got them to revert the pking. (I would point out that this is also a retroactive enforcing of the rules, although it makes complete sense in this case.) 

      I think theres a big problem between real issues being seen as drama. Theres a big difference. Maybe my being upset about not being able to use the rebirth system for Hakai is a bit full of drama, but only because i was upset, and because im a human being with lots of emotions. There are real people behind ever message and status post, real, feeling, hurting, thinking people. I think we all forget that sometimes. I planned to pk Zel way way back, i built my whole build around that, but when i got to the point where i could actually do it, if i landed a hit, some weird stuff happened. I ended up joining AB. That wasnt the turning point, but the fact that they had a guild skype chat was. So i talked to the person that i hated, and i found out that i liked the person behind them, the one that you cant really see on a forum through a rp character. My point is that you cant know someone without having a conversation with them.

      Staff, i said it before, but i feel like you guys all read right over it. You guys all did an incredible job from what ive seen in the patch notes. Ive also noticed that the community as a whole has been improving. Good job with that too. 

    4. Oikawa


      I'll PM you in skype and hope to resolve this matter. Locking this for now like I said.

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