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  1. I recently graduated school. I might come back soon. Just need to find a good laptop first.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hirru


      In terms of reliability and durability, Asur are handy.  If you're into moderate pc gaming, Asus would be there for you.  I can't remember any others that are not Alienware and such, though.

    3. Ruby


      It pretty much depends on what you are going for, if you wanting to do some gaming ASUS is a great computer to do so, however the older it gets the worse it gets when it comes to playing a game like League. However I have played League on Toshiba on Dell before, and ASUS does a much better job than those two.

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *also owns a Asus and is pretty happy with it*

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