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Posts posted by Itzal

  1. Itzal just couldn't understand why. Why would she be fighting so hard to convince him? Why did she care? He just wanted her to leave him, leave him alone. He needed to do this. He needed to hunt these players down, wherever they were. He needed to defeat them, destroy them- no. That wasn't it. He just needed someone. To take out all of his hatred on. All of his pain, his fears and his anger. His wrath... His Ulises. Without her... Without either of them he just.. He just couldn't do anything else. His balled fist began to shake as Zandra continued to rant about how she knew this wasn't just a game, that people were dying and that they were permanently mentally scarred. She continued to rant about how she DID care. And through all of this, Itzal didn't dare look her in the eyes. He was scared he couldn't hold the pain back this time if he did. When she finished and backed off a bit, he turned around. With quivering lips, and a cracked voice, he said: "Just... Leave me.... Please......" Hidden from her, a single tear would start to fall down his cheek. He resisted the urge to wipe it off however, as he just stared into the distant moon. "Please.. Just leave me alone... Just leave me.. Forget about me, please."


  2. Itzal reached out and took the stamp and looked at it's stats to see what it was and what it did. His eyes widened a bit when he saw what it did, and how powerful it could be if used correctly. "I see." He said as he added it to his inventory. "Very well. I'll hold onto it then, though your promise is satisfactory enough. All I care about after all, is the safety of the players." He turned his back to Seul. "Good luck Seul. And stay true to yourself." With that he ran towards a tree, ran up it and scaled it before he began to jump from branch to branch. A soft smile creeped onto his face. He was always happy to meet people like Seul. People who wanted to do good, and were willing to listen if it meant they'd improve. Of course Itzal probably should follow his own advice at some point. He still wielded the straight sword despite it's horrible mechanics only because he preferred the weapon itself. Holding any other weapon to him was uncomfortable and cumbersome. A straight sword also had many more ways it could be used in combat. So for him, it was a preference over mechanic. Who knows though? Perhaps it will receive a buff someday. Regardless, with this over with, it was time for him to move on, and continue hunting player killers. He made sure to find a target or two to arrest and imprison on this floor when he decided to meet Seul. Had to be productive after all. "Let's go Velnia."

    +Bunny Stamp

  3. Itzal was silent as he heard the man out. He didn't show much fear, and in fact he seemed to analyze the situation and meet his demands, hiding nothing. There wasn't a hint of frustration or anger, or even fear. He simply took it as fact and moved on from there. He started by confirming that he was after demonics, and then continued to share his story. He explained how the incident in which he attained his orange cursor was both the combination of an accident and self defense. If the player hadn't been there to kill him, it could be let go as a mere accident, a few laughs and lectures, and both players would have gone about their day. However because the player was there to kill him, it ended with one person gaining the orange cursor permanently. Itzal assessed that the player likely planned the event out, preferring to trick, fool or startle players into attacking him first so that they would have the orange cursor when he killed them, and thus, not losing his own green cursor status. At least, that was his theory.

    At this point he accepted that Seul indeed wasn't a cold blooded murderer, and was acting in self defense. He saw no hint of deceit in the player's eyes, and given his reaction he probably was used to uneasy treatment from others. He continued, sharing about how he felt guilt and tried to make up for what he had done. And how recently he gained the strength to join a new guild, with new dreams. And how he wished to have demonics in order to become strong for once. Itzal was silent for a moment after he had finished. Afterwards he pulled his blade back and sheathed it calmly. He twitched one of his fingers and Velnia flew over and landed on his shoulder.

    "I understand. If you wish to attain strength however, just collecting demonics will not suffice. Decide what build it is you wish to master, and focus all of your skills, enhancements, buffs, familiars and strategies around that. A jack of all trades will not survive in a world like this." Itzal opened his menu and pulled out the rapier he'd been carrying. "This weapon in my opinion, is a defect, or close to it at least. One enhancement is accuracy, one is freeze, one is burn, and the last holy. In reality, it would be far better if it had two freeze and two burn, one freeze, one burn, one bleed and one blight, or two holy and two accuracy. Because there is such a wide variety of enhancements, it can make your build greatly unbalanced if you are not careful. Of course, another form of strength is teamwork. If you truly wish to be strong, find players you can work perfectly in sync with. Players who have strengths you lack, and weaknesses you can cover. Players you can strategize with, and think quickly together in the heat of battle."

    Itzal held the weapon out to him, handle first. "Take it. But on one condition: Aim to be strong. Not for yourself. But for every life in this game that has been trapped all this time. Become strong for those who cannot be strong. For those consumed by fear. Become strong, so that you may aid the frontliners in escaping this game and returning home. Never forget that objective."


  4. Itzal rested on the top of a roof, hidden by the shadow of the building next to him. Velnia sat on his shoulder, her tail curling slowly as opposed to jerking in order to prevent drawing attention to herself. So this was the player who was posting all those notices. Seul. He hadn't heard much about him, but from what he could tell, he was definitely making an effort to make a good reputation. Of course, he currently was attempting to retrieve any demonic items left behind by the most recent event bosses, so Itzal felt the need to investigate. Even if he didn't decide to give him his item, it would be good to put any dangerous people away as quickly as he could. He waited in silence until the player began to move away from the board and towards the gates. Finally, he'll be alone on the road. Itzal got up and began to silently make his way from building to building, avoiding the massive crowd of players and npcs below. He continued to follow the player, even across the fields and meadows. Combining his hiding skills with the large stones as cover, he stayed hidden from the player's sight. Eventually they reached the forest. This was the perfect place to approach him.

    Of course, by approach I mean...

    Itzal dived down from a treetop, landing directly in front of Seul, blade already drawn and moved to the player's neck. He let the blade graze him, dealing the most minimal of damage possible as a warning that he wasn't someone to trifle with. The shadow that hovered over his face under the hood swirled like a black mist. "Your seeking demonic items correct? I have a few questions for you, and you'll answer them truthfully. If you lie to me, I'll know." Velnia, his metallic steel dragon familiar, landed on a tree behind Seul, ready to launch iron rods from her jaws to immobilize him at any time. "The questions are simple: How did you get that orange crystal. Why did you kill the victim or victims. What are your feelings towards that moment as of now?" He gave a pause before his final question. "And what are your intentions for demonic equipment?"


  5. "The flaw with your thinking Zandra, is that this isn't a game. It's life or death. A game is designed to be enjoyable, not to hang the threat of death over each and every one of us. Even if players don't die, which you can't convince me they don't, it's even worse because all the psychological damage they've had over the years stays with them." His fist tightened, his voice nearly cracking as he continued. "There's nothing fun about this hell... Only distractions from reality. The reality of death. Of fear. Of hatred..." 'Losing all you've ever loved...' Itzal was silent for a while after that. He sat down and pulled out one of the needles Velnia would breathe to immobilize his targets, spinning it around for a bit, letting it balance on his finger. "...I won't change how I view this world, or the people in it. But, I won't judge you for it. I've lost the right to do so long ago..." He gripped the iron needle tightly, letting the point hover over his thigh by no more than a centimeter. "You could never understand how I'm feeling. Let alone my thoughts, Zandra. Besides, I'm not worth the effort.. Not anymore... Please. Just leave.. And, don't look for me in the future." He took a deep breath... "Just forget about me." Itzal's grip tightened further, shattering the last reminder he had of Velnia into code, and he exhaled. Every memory he had of his friends. Every item, gift. It was all gone now. The only thing left was Beauty Incarnate, which he had created with Kaiser in mind... But soon enough, he suspected even that would be lost to him.


  6. Itzal was silent and stoic until her last words. Something in him snapped and his eyes narrowed with hatred. "Fun? Fun?! You think fighting on the front lines, facing death every second of the day, to escape a hell which you and everyone else had been thrown into against their will is FUN?! Have you really come to accept this place to that depth?!" He turned his body to look at her dead in the eyes, his own piercing daggers towards her. "Every day people die. Every day people cry. Every day people tremble in fear. Their lives were stolen from them. Their humanity shattered. Their morality broken. Can you even count the number of innocent people who couldn't swing a dagger towards another person? Think of every civilian trapped in this God Forsaken World. Even IF we return, their spirits will forever be broken. The scar of war and terror always hovering above them. And you think that this is fun?" His eyes began to water. "Zandra. You are a heartless, soulless person if you truly think that way. So don't you dare." A tear began to slip down his cheek. "DON'T YOU DARE FORGET THE THOUSANDS WHO'VE DIED, AND THE THOUSANDS MORE WHO'LL DIE!!" He stopped talking and grit his teeth. He quickly turned his back to her and walked a few steps forward before stopping again. His clenched fist shaking. "In the end... It's all pointless. There's no point to anything here."


  7. Itzal was about to dismiss her argument by stating that he could easily be replaced, and all they had to do was find more players to recruit and train. There were thousands of players, it wasn't like they had a lack of options or anything. However, he never got the chance to say that argument aloud. When she ventured that there was more to him fighting these player killers that he let on, his right hand twitched a little bit, his eyes narrowing further. In truth, Itzal had been doing everything he could not to think about it, to repress it, and to just bury it within the depths of his mind. The more he thought about it, the worse the thoughts became, the worse he felt, and the more painful it was to think about. Furthermore, he could do nothing to reverse what had happened, and could think of nothing he could do. So he did the next big thing: he locked those memories and feelings down somewhere he couldn't feel them. And he focused on a threat that he could handle that wasn't accompanied by other players. Now with her suggestion, a single image was brought to the front of his mind and he turned away from Zandra. "Whatever logic you use to suggest I return to the frontlines, I'm not going back. If that's your plan I suggest moving on. We both are busy with our jobs."


  8. Itzal's face still showed no ounce of emotion, remaining unnaturally blank as she lectured him. He didn't try to interrupt either, nor did he attempt to defend himself. In all honesty, the labyrinths and the bosses were the last thing on his mind right now. In regards to the boss, his skills, equipment and overall assistance was replaceable, unlike Zandra, who was known for being a very powerful hitter. His skill when it came to the front lines was his paralyzing enhancement, bleed, and most of all his scouting ability. However paralyze and bleed don't stack, they just reset the timer. And they're very common, easily replaced if the raid got a new member, or felt it was needed. Furthermore, no one trusted Are, so he wouldn't be of much use in regards to teamwork. As for scouting, Macradon and Shield both showed incredible potential in that area. He wasn't needed really. And since he had no desire to participate in any of those events, he focused on the one thing he could do now. Additionally... "Zandra. How long do you think the body can last in a hospital bed receiving nutrients through wires? I spoke with a doctor or two trapped with us and it's not as long as you'd think." He held up his hand, showing the amount of years it's been with his fingers. "So shouldn't we all be dead by now? Since we're not, it's safe to assume that time in here is far from what it is out there. Meaning that we do have enough time to clear this game without rushing through it. While monsters are a threat, so long as precautions are taken the danger can be reduced greatly. The only real threat are the floor bosses, which shouldn't be rushed into blindly. Player killers however are a very real threat, and are unpredictable. Additionally they don't have set levels which can be prepared for in time. I'm choosing the biggest threat of the two and covering your backs while you continue the charge."

    When she confirmed that she had not located him on purpose he nodded. "Good."


  9. Itzal opened up his menu and navigated to his inventory section. He went ahead and stored the corridor crystals, his extra daggers and a few other things he was no longer going to need now that the hunt for today was over. "Hunting player killers. That's pretty much it," he answered simply. With everything left in his inventory now, he turned to look at Zandra. His eyes dead and emotionless, his expression lacking any joy, fear, anger, anything. He carried himself like a warrior, ready for an incoming attack at all times, yet his shoulders were weighed down by something. "...So? What is it? You said you were looking for me so there's a reason." While he said this he started racking his brain for how she could have spotted him. She couldn't have used tracking, that's what he had the stealth mod for. Kept him hidden from everyone. So how on earth has she managed to locate him? Did she catch onto his pattern and wait for his next target? Or was this nothing but blind luck? He wasn't sure which one it was, but he wanted to find out. "Additionally, how did you locate me?"


  10. Itzal didn't have much time to act when he heard a familiar voice call out to him to stop. He turned to see who it was and froze for a split second. Zandra.. She was the one player who knew his true identity...  Well, the one person who was still alive that is. Even still, the two didn't know each other very well. Ever since Kaiser passed he hadn't bothered contacting anyone. Only focusing on the one thing he had left: taking down murderers who would kill the innocent and weak without a second thought. Some of them even took advantage of them, abused them, or just used them for one means or another. So now that someone was here telling him to stop, someone who knew his identity. That made it a little bit complicated. Of course, he couldn't really approach this newfound issue until he took care of the present task at hand. He watched the fools charge at Zandra, automatically hoping and praying that she would be a less dangerous, and more merciful, opponent. They were wrong of course, and they both lay there paralyzed on the ground. Itzal didn't hesitate, moving the second the paralysis symbol appeared by their health. He grabbed the two of them, and threw them into the portal. With the player killers now all in the prison, he shut off the portal and sheathed his blade. Normally Velnia would land on his shoulder after a battle... He turned to Zandra.

    "Been a while."


  11. Itzal struck at one of them before leaping back to avoid his counter attack. When he did so he spun around on his heel and parried another pker's attack before bending backward to avoid a slash attack. Now moving backward he rolled, kicking the assailant on the stomach as he got up on his feet again, spinning his blade left and right to parry and block two more incoming attacks. One of the pkers thrust at him with their spear and he step-sided the attack, grabbed the man's wrist and weapon and thrust him and the weapon into one of his comrades. One of his opponents landed a strike on his arm, but instead of pulling away he threw his arm backward, into the blade as he elbowed the pker, grabbed his neck and threw him to the floor where he stomped on his face. Over time the pkers were losing health, but even in this cold 'massacre', he was keeping his eyes on their remaining hp. All the same, the fact remained that these player killers were becoming increasingly terrified of the dark, hooded figure who was treating them all like rag dolls.

    "W-w-wait! J-just stop! We'll stop! We won't attack them anymore, we won't-" The player never finished his sentence as Itzal quickly thrust his sword into the player's open mouth, cutting his tongue off and preventing him from speaking further. While the pain that would normally come from this was not there, the man still suffered psychological influence from the sudden attack and loss of speech. Furthermore, Itzal thrust the blade even further through the man's neck and into the hand of one of his pals, furthering the damage there. Now there was at least one player in the red.

    With that, Itzal used his free hand to grab a corridor crystal strapped to his belt and threw it behind him. He then grabbed the player he silenced, slid the sword out, and threw him into the corridor portal. With that he turned his gaze to the other pkers.


  12. It had been several months since he discovered the grim truth. His wife, Kasier. Jenna Arno. Had died. He was worried because he couldn't find her contact info, and she wasn't returning his messages. Then one day when he was giving his respects to the fallen... Her name... He never did find out why their shared inventory didn't just give him the items. Maybe it was a glitch. All he knew was that his beloved wife was deceased. It was hard for him to process. The first month he cut all ties to anyone and spent some time alone. Near the end of that month he figured he might as well try and be productive, so he went on a walk every morning. One day Velnia was killed, only furthering Itzal's grief. And now... Months later...

    "ARGH!"  The sound of steel piercing through the man's digital shoulder blade was the focus of everyone's attention as the seven player killers turned to look at the person who chose to ambush them. Itzal twisted the blade, activating his weapon's paralytic effect before pulling the blade out and turning the injured player into a shield against the murderer's friends. They swung their rapiers, their swords, their axes and hammers, their spears. All to no avail as he blocked them, pushing them onto their feet by tossing his victim. Itzal's movement was lightning quick, his attacks precise, his movement so ingrained in years upon years of hardening his combat skills to the point where it was more than muscle memory. It was who he was. To Itzal this wasn't a fight. It was a dance. A dance where only one was left standing.

    Even for those who could see through the shadows of his hood, his expression was emotionless. His eyes dead. This was his job. This was how he kept others safe. Nothing else mattered.

    Or rather.

    He had nothing else that mattered anymore...


  13. Itzal watched as the players targeted the different commanders.  He watched as they all lost health and decided to target the one with the most.  The fifth commander.  However with everyone targeting more or less the same targets he was finding it hard to time it right.  Because of this, by the time he came in to attack he wasn't able to get an accurate hit and was deflected.  Maybe the next time he should attack from above...  He turned and looked at Velnia.  His now silver dragon with the steel element.  Perhaps she could help him out.  Maybe.  He'd have to think about it.  Maybe she could pin the commander down while he struck it?  That would kind of give away his signature move when hunting player killers though...  He'd rather not let that get out just yet.  Better never if possible, but he couldn't do nothing.  Maybe she'd spray iron dust in its face.

    ID#  123741  BD:  3+4-2=5  Miss

    Party 3:
    [H: 0/1/1/1/1] Zandra: 1920/1920 HP | 12/162| 22 DMG | 155 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 LD | 84 THN | 36 BRN THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB  [Antidote 3/3][Squeaky Clean]
    [H:2/0/2/0/7] Macradon: 1645/1645 88/175 | 21 DMG | 131 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Phase | 2 Holy Damage | 82 Battle Healing

    [H:0/0/0/1/0] Jomei: 1565/1565 HP | 59/153 | 17 DMG | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 78 B. Healing
    [H:0/0/0/0/0] Itzal: 1,750/1,750 | 85/160 | 19 DMG | 0 MIT | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 1 KEEN | 2 BLD | 1 TXV

  14. Itzal nodded as she explained how the damage buff mod only gave a very small amount.  "I understand that actually.  Though there's also something else.  The game has a great deal of ways to increase damage.  If you combine every one of them, your damage can be insanely devastating.  The damage enhancement."  He looked at Velnia eating her pie.  "Or familiar.  Or the combination of damage familiar and the fallen or holy enhancement.  Or both if you're lucky.  Critical hits.  Surprise attack from stealth skills.  The damage potion.  The protein consumable.  And there's now an enhancement for wedding rings which increase damage further.  Without fallen or critical hits, one's base damage can be twenty three with these combinations, and twenty nine to thirty five with fallen.  Twenty five, thirty one and thirty seven with two handed weapons.  And this isn't counting the sharpness mod.  While yes it's only a small buff, it does count in the long run.  If you want to think of it another way, think of a tapestry.  One single thread alone doesn't paint the image, but with the others you have the full picture."  They needed supporters who had every buff in case of every scenario...  He couldn't convince everyone, but the math was solid.

    When he saw her face change he thought to himself: 'oh boy here we go'.  He felt the slap hit him, though no pain was dealt.  As usual he listened despite the strike doing nothing.  She already had his attention after all.  Evidently she had thought he would fall out of this thinking already.  He just blinked to this, seeing as how his damage output was probably the lowest in the entire frontlines...  If not last then second to last for certain.  It was mainly because the one handed straight sword dealt so little damage with it's times eleven multiplier.  If he had something stronger it would help.  It always confused him how weak the one handed straight sword was.  In the medieval world, if you faced someone with a straight sword, you were in trouble.  But in here.  The MMO known as SWORD art online, it was one of the weakest.  All it was good for was backup damage and stunning.  AoE was worthless if it couldn't deal enough.  At least when he got the surprise attack mod he'd be dealing more damage on occasion.

    When she shared her story he knew he should not mention the fact that multiple variables could tilt the scales, but given that everyone makes sure they are buffed and of the same level on the frontlines those variables dwindled to nothing.  He just nodded. "Sorry.  Old habits.  Helps me focus on getting stronger."  He fell silent for a moment.  "Doesn't help either that I wasn't able to save my apprentices when Fearx and Chaos attacked my guild."  He shook his head with a sigh.  "But you're right.  I shouldn't focus on the negative.  As for scouting, if I tag along it shouldn't take too long.  The only difficulty would be defeating the monsters along the way.  I have buffs for the scouting, and buffs for the floor boss so I'm ready anytime you need me to go."  When she told him to focus on becoming the best sword wielder he just chuckled.  "Hopefully I'm almost there.  I just have to finish the hiding skill, extra mods skill...  And I'm not sure after that."


  15. He was over this.  He was over and done, and it was time to finish this fight once and for all.  Itzal felt the ice beginning to break away.  He could have just stood there and waited for it to finish..  But no.  He was too pissed off.  He pushed himself out and rolled forward, dodging the scald attack expertly.  He landed on his feet and sprang forward at the boss with high speed, his blade at the ready.  As the Leviathan pulled itself in he watched as everyone aimed for the bare patch of skin, but Itzal wasn't going for that.  No.  If this was an all or nothing hit he was going for the critical.  Instead of striking the skin, Itzal jumped onto it and ran along its side, his blade stabbing down and dragging along it's skin as he ran.  He then leaped up to where it's face was and thrust his sword deep into it's right eye.  He grabbed it's eyebrow to hold on with his left hand and shoved the blade deeper with his right.  When the creature bucked he let go.  He thrust his blade between two scales in it's body and let the sword cut the creature on his way down, which also slowed his descent.  When he got to the bottom he pushed off, rolled on the ground and turned ready for action.  Three status bars appeared by it's health:  Bleed.  Paralysis.  And Poison.  FINALLY.

    ID#  123689  LD:  13+5=18  succeed check
    ID#  123690  BD:  10!!!  (Thank you Jesus for this roll)  21+2x11x2=506 damage.  Bleed, Toxic Venom & Paralysis applied.

    [H:18] Calrex: 1621/1850 HP | 159/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [1 Strike] [Frozen 2/2]
    [H:18] Jomei: 1474/1525 HP | 78/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV[1 strike]
    [H:11] [3/3/3/3] Hestia: 2065/2065 HP | 94/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H: 10] Neopolitan: 776/1025 HP | 51/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [2 Strikes]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 149/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes]

  16. Placeholder - Itzal missed his target very very very badly...  Again.

    ID#  123472

    Party 3:
    [H: 0/1/1/1/1/1/2/3] Zandra: 1920/1920 HP | 11/162| 22 DMG | 155 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 LD | 84 THN | 36 BRN THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB  [Antidote 3/3][Squeaky Clean]
    [H:0/0/0/0/5/4/5/4] Macradon: 1645/1645 96/175 | 21 DMG | 131 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Phase | 2 Holy Damage | 82 Battle Healing

    [H:0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1] Jomei: 1565/1565 HP | 68/153 | 17 DMG | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 78 B. Healing
    [H:0/0/0/0/0/1/0/0] Itzal: 1,750/1,750 | 85/160 | 19 DMG | 0 MIT | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 1 KEEN | 2 BLD | 1 TXV

  17. Well.  Looks like he was going to be one hundred percent useless again.  He hated being immobilized.  He'd rather face every boss in Aincrad in a row than be frozen, paralyzed or stunned one more time.  For the love of the world he needed to make sure he was bringing with him, a freeze immune item, and a paralyze immune item.  Every time.  No matter what.  Cause this s**t was getting out of hand.  The freaking evasive non moving crystal was better than this creature's constant freezing.  This was worse than Asterios.  All this made him want to do was hit the boss even harder than before.

    He was gonna get payback one way or another...

    ID#  123471  LD:  1  Frozen

    [H:18] @Calrex: 1721/1850 HP | 157/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [1 Strike] [Burned 2/2]
    [H:16] @Jomei: 1417/1525 HP | 92/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV[1 strike] [Queen's Ire] [Burned2/2]
    [H:11] @Hestia: 2037/2065 HP | 104/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H: 10] @Neopolitan: 801/1025 HP | 60/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [1 Strike] [Queen's ire]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 149/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes] [Queen's ire]

  18. This fight was dragging on for far, far, far too long.  The main reason of course, was that they lost two entire parties and were dragging on against a boss that was far more dangerous than they were originally lead to believe.  Now however, it was basically a stalemate.  Between the boss's layers of defense, it's healing crystal, and the luck they'd been having as of late, they were struggling to even damage it, let alone finish it.  On the other hand, the boss was facing the highest leveled players available to the frontlines at this point.  Their absurd health, energy and the fact that the had a healer was making it rather difficult for the boss to actually do anything to them in any way shape or form...  Though Itzal was a little concerned about Neo, it looked like Hestia had that covered.  At any rate, he slashed at the segment, dealing another strike.  At least this one's evasion was weak...

    ID#  123399  BD:  6+4-2=8  21x11-50=181 damage on Segment

    [H:17] @Calrex: 1708/1850 HP | 168/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [1 Strike] [Burned 1/2]
    [H:16] Jomei: 1417/1525 HP | 92/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV[1 strike] [Queen's Ire] [Burned2/2]
    [H:11] Hestia: 2037/2065 HP | 104/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H: 9] @Neopolitan: 801/1025 HP | 71/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [1 Strike] [Queen's ire]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 149/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes] [Queen's ire]

  19. The battle was going rather slowly.  No one was on the verge of dying thankfully, but the battle was dragging on a bit...  Were the tier two players even supposed to defeat these guys on their own?  The mitigation on these jerks were frustrating for him as he dealt his attacks.  Itzal took a deep breath.  Took a stance.  Then rushed at the sixth commander and thrust his blade through it's neck.  Once the tip of the blade was halfway through he adjusted it's angle so that it would run up into it's head.  Itzal then ran up the frontside of the commander until the blade speared it's way through it's skull entirely.  Itzal backflipped off of it, watching the status effects of bleed and toxin apply before the creature shattered into pieces.  Well..  Normally he wouldn't be so, gruesome?  Except he was taking on the alias of an edgy player killer hunter, so...  Yeah.

    ID# 123226  BD:  10  19+2x11-75=156 damage on Commander 6.  Bleed/Toxin applied

    Party 3:Party 3:
    [H: 0/0/0/0/1/1/1/2/3] Zandra: 1920/1920 HP | 30/162| 22 DMG | 155 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 LD | 84 THN | 36 BRN THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB  [Antidote 3/3][Squeaky Clean]
    [H:0/0/0/0/2/3/2/3/2] Macradon: 1645/1645 104/175 | 21 DMG | 131 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Phase | 2 Holy Damage | 82 Battle Healing {PARALYZED}

    [H:0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1] @Jomei: 1565/1565 HP | 77/153 | 17 DMG | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 78 B. Healing
    [H:0/0/0/0/1/0/1/0/0] @Itzal: 1,750/1,750 | 85/160 | 19 DMG | 0 MIT | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 1 KEEN | 2 BLD | 1 TXV

  20. Itzal breathed a sigh of relief as Neo managed to land a finishing strike on the water crystal just before it had time to heal the boss.  When the boss sent it's scald and frostbite attacks careening towards them Itzal adjusted himself so that it would have minimal impact on him.  After the hit he wasn't affected by neither scald nor frostbite...  Perfect!  It was about freaking time he got some luck today.  He immediately took advantage of this burst of luck and charged at the remaining sahagin...  While activating charge as well.  He unleashed his sword art Meteor Strike and landed a hyper critical hit on the poor fool.  Being paralyzed, bleeding out and poisoned Itzal retreated back to the others.  "If no one's sword art finishes that mob off, the bleed and toxin will."  Now the only question was...  Would this be one burst of luck before back to horrid luck?  Or would his luck be good or decent from this moment forward?

    ID#  123164  LD:  13+5=18   S check succeed
    ID#  123165  LD:  12+5=17   F check succeed
    ID#  123166  BD:  10  21+2+5x11-50=247 damage.  Bleed, toxin & paralysis applied to Sahagin 4

    [H:13] [0] @Calrex: 1695/1850 HP | 171/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [1 Strike] [Hydrated]
    [H:14] [0] @Jomei: 1425/1525 HP | 122/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV[1 strike] [Queen's Ire] [Hydrated]
    [H:11] [0] @Hestia: 1831/2065 HP | 114/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike] [Hydrated]
    [H: 9] @Neopolitan: 565/1025 HP | 70/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [1 Strike] [Queen's ire] [Hydrated]
    [H:7|0|0|0|2|0|0] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 149/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes] [Queen's ire] [Hydrated]

  21. Itzal watched as the water crystal healed the floor boss a little bit of its health.  Damnit he thought.  And for some reason no one was targeting it either.  The only one who tried to actually hit it was Calrex.  Why wasn't anyone else attacking the water crystal?!  Itzal rushed over and tried to release his sword art on it after Calrex had missed it.  Unfortunately the crystal managed to avoid his blade as well.  It was at this point where he wondered if it was God's intention to have them all killed here...  Had it been a full day by now?  How long had they actually been here?  Itzal was sick and tired of this and he really hoped that they managed to finish off this stupid boss very, very soon now.  However by the way things were going, he doubted that was gonna happen.

    ID#  123025  BD:  5+4-4=5  MISS

    [H:13] [1/1/0/0] Calrex: 1850/1850 HP | 127/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [1 Strike]
    [H:14] [0/0/0/1)] Jomei: 1525/1525 HP | 85/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV[1 strike] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:11] [3/0/0/3] Hestia: 1856/2065 HP | 72/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H: 9] @Neopolitan: 590/1025 HP | 51/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [1 Strike] [Queen's ire]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 147/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes] [Queen's ire]

  22. Itzal continued to fight the commanders.  This time he was targeting the sixth commander.  He was pretty sure Macradon had finished it off, but he wanted to make sure.  He appreciated Zandra's confidence in him...  He honestly really did.  However he still lacked the confidence himself.  He had a very weak damage output, and these bosses had seventy five mitigation.  He thought of himself as equal to the average tier two damage dealer when it came to damage.  So, when you put in the math...  Itzal landed the blow and ensured it was going to stay down.  That would be two out of ten now.  Hopefully that would be the last they saw of it and they could get this show on the road.  He wanted to go home soon, so might as well.  He held his sword out tauntingly to the next commander in front of him.  Clearly not putting up with any bravado they might throw.

    ID#  122576  BD:  7-2+4   19+5x11-75=189 damage vs Commander 6

    Party 3:
    [H: 1/1/0/1/0] @Zandra: 1920/1920 HP | 61/162| 22 DMG | 155 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 LD | 84 THN | 36 BRN THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB  [Antidote 3/3][Squeaky Clean]
    [H:0/0/0/0/2/3/2/3/2] Macradon: 1645/1645 97/175 | 21 DMG | 131 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Phase | 2 Holy Damage | 82 Battle Healing 
    @Jomei: 1565/1565 HP | 86/153 | 17 DMG | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 78 B. Healing
    [H:0/0/0/0/1/0/1/0/0] @Itzal: 1,750/1,750 | 85/160 | 19 DMG | 0 MIT | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 1 KEEN | 2 BLD | 1 TXV

  23. With the Leviathan damaged a bit more they had the problem once again, with destroying the water crystal before it could heal it.  And after that, defeating every Sahagin so that they could destroy the segment, so that they could damage the boss again...  The only problem was.  The water crystal had an evasion rate that nullified everyone's accuracy.  Or rather, reduced it to a point where it didn't matter.  If it's evasion was lower, this would be a lot simpler.  But it wasn't.  Itzal managed to avoid being frozen this time around, but it was a tradeoff it seems, as he completely missed the water crystal.  Keen activated, which would be better for the next round, but the fact remained that.  He was very obviously the weak link in this chain.  The only exception being Calrex who seemed to have his effects last twice as long.  Was it because of his unique skill?

    ID#  122573  LD:  16+6=22
    ID#  122574  BD:  4+4-4=4  MISS  (Keen Activated)

    [H:13] @Calrex: 1850/1850 HP | 159/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  4 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [FRZ 1/2] [1 Strike]
    [H:14] @Jomei: 1455/1525 HP | 105/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV [Concentration 3/5] [1 strike] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:11] [3/3/0/0/3/3] Hestia: 2065/2065 HP | 77/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H: 9] @Neopolitan: 724/1025 HP | 62/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [16 BRN 1/2] [1 Strike] [Queen's ire]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1885/1885 HP | 148/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  5 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes] [Queen's ire]

  24. Itzal was watching everything going on, including the rant Mars had made towards Vigilon, causing a frown to form.  He didn't like how Mars was treating this.  After the last few boss fights, was he still treating this like a competition?  Like a game?  No, this was a fight between life and death.  No one should act like they don't need help in this world.  When he heard Zan speak up, his technical side was about to pop up again, but something held him back.  He didn't really have fun in boss fights.  It was all about strategical maneuvers.  Though she was right, they were a full tier below them.  Maybe he'd have some better luck.  Itzal nodded and followed her lead, picking one of the healthier ones at random and launching his attack against it.  It didn't do much, even with charge, but he could handle that.  

    ID#  122235  BD:  7+4-2=9 (mod)  19+5x11-75=189 damage on Commander 8

    Party 3:
    @Zandra: 1920/1920 HP | 61/162| 22 DMG | 155 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8 LD | 84 THN | 36 BRN THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB  [Antidote 3/3][Squeaky Clean]
    [C10:2]Macradon: 1645/1645 106/175 | 21 DMG | 131 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Phase | 2 Holy Damage | 82 Battle Healing 
    @Jomei: 1565/1565 HP | 86/153 | 17 DMG | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 78 B. Healing
    [H:0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1/0/0]@Itzal: 1,750/1,750 | 96/160 | 19 DMG | 0 MIT | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 1 KEEN | 2 BLD | 1 TXV

  25. FINALLY, the frost began to break.  Itzal pushed with all of his might until the ice shattered around him.  His blade found it's way into the ground below him as he leaned against it for a second.  He glared at the boss.  "Alright, I've lost all patience."  He rushed at the boss and thrust his blade into it's body past it's scales.  He drove it as deep as he could before he slashed upward.  He gave another few strikes for good measure and would continue to strike at the stupid thing until it finally swiped at him, which he would dodge and back up again.  When he did, he activated Disguise so that he would have a greater chance at avoiding being frozen again.  It seemed this was affected by stats and such.  He did NOT want to be brought down again by stupid ice.  He hated being stunned and forced to do nothing.  With a very heated passion.

    ID#  122177  BD:  2+4+2=8  21x11x2=462 damage

    [H:13] Calrex: 1774/1850 HP | 159/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT |  4 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH [FRZ 1/2] [1 Strike]
    [H:14] Jomei: 1525/1525 HP | 105/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV [Concentration 3/5] [1 strike]
    [H:11] [3/3/3/3] Hestia: 1931/2065 HP | 100/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Snowfrost] [1 strike]
    [H:8] @Neopolitan: 617/1025 HP | 73/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Snowfrost] [1 Strike]
    [H:7] @Itzal: 1835/1885 HP | 149/160 EN| 21 DMG | 94 MIT |  4 ACC |  6 EVA |  1 KEN |  30THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [2 Strikes]

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