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Status Updates posted by Vigilon

  1. So, I've noticed that over in The World Seed, ALO is finally in development. I'm doing my part to help by spreading the word here, and if anyone would like to help by developing or testing, just PM Kyot0 or Grimm, and they can get you situated.

  2. That moment when you remember you have a solo thread to finish.

    1. Baldur


      Don't abandon yourself!

  3. Them inner demons gonna pay! One down, three to go!

  4. Three down, one left! I'm coming for you, final inner demon!

  5. TIER TWO AT LAAAAASSSST!!!! *Faceplants onto the ground* It took so long to get here...Now I've gotta get my hands on better gear!

    1. Zeke


      Congratulations and good luck with the gear. 

    2. Macradon



      Congrats! :D

  6. Two down, halfway there!

  7. Um, I'm considering taking the quest <<Feeding the Enemy>>, but the familiar I have in mind would most likely be found on Floor 4. Is there anyone who can help me? I may have a few questions, and I also hope for the familiar to have buffs.

    1. Baldur


      If you don't succeed on the 15th post (Which you have a pretty low chance of) then you'll have to get to the 30th post... then the 45th post... Ask @Takao how many posts it took him? :P

    2. Vigilon


      Guess I'll look at the shops and see anything that I can afford that has +LD...

    3. Takao



    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Well, I have a large goal to reach. it will cost me about 13000 col to refund the SP from the One-handed Straight Sword...

    1. Aereth


      Feel ya my doood. Had to spend 50k to remove that weak skill. xD

    2. Macradon


      I remember when I was really in need of Col, good times, good times

    3. Pinball
  9. Why is my muse leaving me whenever I need it? It makes absolutely no sense to me!

  10. Would any new players, or players without a guild, be interested in a thread?

    1. Krysta


      I'm up for a thread.

    2. Yumiyashi


      Me too, I kinda need to do some

    3. Vigilon


      I'll see what I can do to get the thread started soon. I will still be accepting players for this thread.

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