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Posts posted by Froppy

  1. Tsu had been taking a break from her usual hustle and bustle of her daily routine that she usually went through. Almost every weekend Tsu would come out to the frog pond and just watch the little guys hop around and be themselves. Tsu felt sort of a kinship with them, so they were always nice to watch every now and then. She had met plenty of people in this game, but none of them really understood the frog side of her.

    Tsu was in the pond today, swimming around with the frogs and just relaxing. Tsu had been hanging out in the pond for a few hours when she heard another girl's voice, saying that she wondered who made this place. Tsu popped her head out of the pond water and looked up at the curled up girl. "Hey, are you okay, ribbit? You look sad, what's wrong, rrrrrrribbit?Tsu asked, putting one finger to her cheek and tilting her head, wondering what could be wrong with this girl. Tsu hadn't noticed it yet, but Tsu's tongue had been sticking the all the way out for the past few hours as well.

  2. Tsu had been managing her shop all morning, and when she heard the little sound that she got a message, Tsu was glad that she would get a change of pace for today. The message was from a guy named Mars, asking her and two other players to go on a quest to fight a dragon. So it's those dragon hunter quests the guild went on. Tsu had missed out the quest when her guild took it, so she had been needing to on it with someone lately. This was the perfect chance to take it. Tsu grabbed her rapier and her helmet, and then left her shop, locking the door behind her.

    Tsu left the tenth floor and teleported down to the first floor. Tsu spotted the liger that Mars had mentioned and walked up to player, giving a quick wave. "Thanks for inviting me, ribbit. Pin told you about me didn't he? Just call me Tsu, rrrrrribbit.Tsu introduced herself, taking a quick bow.

  3. Tsu burst out laughing when she saw Pin hop out of the teleporter and do a flamboyant dance pose. He looked so ridiculous, but it was just so funny to watch at the same time. Pin clearly had no sense of rhythm, or any passion for dance that he said he had. "You saying that have a passion for dance is like me saying that I have a normal tongue, ribbit. It just doesn't work, rrrrrrribbit.Tsu said, laughing a little bit more at Pin being an idiot. 

    Tsu listened to Pin ask why she put the restaurant on this floor, and Tsu pondered on why for a few seconds. "Well, you live in your shop right? That's what I'm doing here, ribbit. The tenth floor is my favorite floor right now, and there is a frog pond nearby, so that's always nice. I find the weirdness of this town relaxing, ribbit.Tsu said as she started to walk. Pin changed the subject and then asked if he should lead. "It's fine, I'll lead. It's my shop, ribbit.Tsu answered, walking backwards towards the shop in front of him.

  4. Tsu was kind of surprised that Kalu said that he had never actually seem a beach before in this world or in the real world. Apparently Kalu hardly did anything for that matter, that may have been why he was such a downer. SAO was his first break from the 3 things he normally did. "I hardly did much either, I've only played a few games, ribbit. But if you haven't done much, maybe today will be different for you, rrrrrribbit.Tsu said reassuringly, hoping to at least make Kalu look happy.

    Tsu watched Kalu go off and start to wade in the water, and she followed him in. Kalu introduced himself and Tsu nodded. "Nice to meet you Kalu, ribbit. Before you make any puns, I'm already aware of all the similarities between me and frogs, rrrrrrribbit.Tsu said, giggling a little bit. She raised up the beach ball she had and tossed it to Kalu.

  5. Tsu walked along the narrow path, making sure to keep her balance. Eatos was holding up fine too, so that was relieving. She hadn't exactly taken anyone else with her down this path, worrying that someone would fall off. Eatos answered that she was just having bad dreams in response to Tsu's question. "That's fine, I get those a lot too, rrribbit I haven't had one recently, but I still get bad dreams occasionally, ribbit.Tsu responded back. She was keeping her distance from Angel a bit, still not entirely comfortable around the husky.

    The narrow path was about to lead to a cave and Tsu turned to Eatos. "Just past this cave is the frog pond, which is where I'm gonna find my little buddy, ribbit. I'm not sure what I'm gonna him or her yet, but I'll figure out what to name it when I get my froggy buddy, ribbit.Tsu explained, giggling a little bit at the end. It was only about minute walk now until they would reach the cave. Eatos asked if Tsu made this trip a lot, and Tsu nodded her head. "Yeah, I live on this floor. It's just my kind of floor, ribbit. The NPCs are adorable, and there is of course the frogs, ribbit. What floor is your favorite so far, rrrrrrribbit?Tsu asked Eatos, starting to walk backwards now.

  6. Tsu had watched the whole ordeal take place with Outlander and Tsu was getting a bit frustrated. He was being too edgy for his own good, and he managed to get everyone here to hate him. When Ell told her that he wanted the three of them to be friends, but the chance was wasted, Tsu nodded her head. "Yep, Outlander is just not a great guy. But the two of us can be buds, ribbit.Tsu told him as she watched Outlander walk off for a little bit. 

    Tsu's attitude was lifted when she saw Pin arrive, "Hey Pin, ribbit. I didn't think you come to something like this. Or well, anything public for that matter, ribbit." Tsu told him, walking up to Pin and patting his shoulder. She had not expected Pin to come at all, but with the whole Outlander ordeal, it was better to see him.

    Nova announced for everyone to count their total materials within the teams, and Tsu pulled out her basket and started to count with Ell. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We got 8, ribbit. We'll split it 50/50, I keep 4, you keep the other 4, ribbit. Nice working with you on this Ell, rrrrrrribbit.Tsu said, before standing up and walking over to Nova with the basket and showing her the 8 materials. "Team December got 8 materials, ribbit. I'm hoping we got at least second. But it was all fun in the end. Thanks for setting up this whole game by the way, rrrrrribbit.Tsu thanked.

    Tsu then walked up to Outlander, glaring at him at she walked. "I thought we could be friends, but you clearly are just a terrible person, ribbit. This game has broke you, whether you like it or not, and I think we would all appreciate it if you kept your edgy mouth shut, rrrrrribbit!" Tsu shouted at him. Tsu then turned head back, before slapping Outlander across the face with her tongue. She walked back over to Ell and Pin and giggled a little bit. "That was really satisfying, ribbit."

     @Novafire @H3LL0 @Pinball @Outlander

    Team December Score: 8

  7. Tsu laughed a little when Pin arrived a little bit after she got into town. Pin seemed tired out, and Tsu tried to hide that she was tired as well, just breathing a little bit fast. "Ha... salted frog, ribbit.Tsu teased, still trying to catch her breath. Tsu stuck her tongue out at him, and tiredly laughed a little bit more.

    Tsu walked with Pin over to the teleporter, and crossed her arms when Pin told her she moved fast. "The trick for me is to just hop like frog, ribbit It covers a lot of distance in repeated short bursts, ribbit.Tsu explained as they arrived at the teleporter. Pin said he wanted hotcakes, and Tsu nodded, too tired at moment to say anything. Pin offered if she wanted to teleport first, and Tsu nodded, stepping onto the pad. "See you there, ribbit.Tsu said, before vanishing into the teleporter and onto the tenth floor. From there, she just took a few steps back and stood, waiting for Pin to teleport.

  8. Tsu had only been asleep for a few minutes when she heard a voice asked if she called for them. Tsu sat up and turned around, waving to the boy. "Yeah, I invited you here, ribbit. I heard that you've been down a lot lately, so I figured the beach might help cheer you up, ribbit.Tsu said, standing up now. She opened her inventory and got out a beach ball that she had bought at one of the shops and held it at her side. "I figured if we did a few activities together, it would cheer you up, ribbit.Tsu said as she started to walk towards the water. It was sunny out, and Tsu was looking forward to getting to brighten up his day. "I forgot to introduce myself, ribbit. Just call me Tsu. But you might already know me as Froppy, the girl who joined your guild recently, rrrrrribbit.Tsu introduced herself, holding her hand out for the biy to shake.

  9. Tsu nodded in understanding when Pin said that the cookie would spoil his breakfast, "Well, you didn't have to throw it away, ribbit. You could have just saved the cookie for later, ribbit." Tsu told him as she ran, not too far ahead of him yet. Although Pin looked to be on his way to catching up to her. 

    Tsu wasn't exactly running, but she more or less taking really long hops on the way back to town. It was the same way a frog would, which was exactly the point. Tsu looked back at Pin, who was picking up speed and catching up to her bit by bit. She stuck her tongue out at him and laughed, "Catch you me if you can, rrrrrrrrrribbit!" Tsu taunted as she hopped, going a little bit faster now to stay ahead of Pin. They were only about a half mile away from town now, so Tsu didn't have to keep this up for much longer.

  10. Tsu figured that by the way that Angel had stopped sniffing her and hadn't attacked her or anything like that, Angel was fine with her, or at least Tsu wasn't being considered a threat. "Well, I hope she warms up to me then, ribbit. She's not attacking me, so that's all that really matters, ribbit.Tsu said, walking out of the gate of town, leading Eatos out, assuming she was following close behind.

    Tsu looked back at Eatos, and she seemed confused about something, but it didn't look too serious. "Umm, hey Eatos, what's on your mind, ribbit? Is something bothering you, rrrrrrrribbit." Tsu asked, tilting her head as she looked back. Walking out of town, the path narrowed down to a few feet wide. On the sides about 20 feet down, there was water about 10 feet deep. "Watch your step, ribbit. You won't die, but it's a long fall down. Then you won't be able to have McNuggets, ribbit." Tsu warned, looking down off the sides of the path.

  11. Tsu laughed a little bit when Pin tossed the cookie he had just gotten out behind him, saying goodbye to it and calling it a sweet prince. "You could have just eaten it while we were walking, ribbit.Tsu told him, giggling a little bit more as she saw him jog to catch up to her. He asked where they were headed, and Tsu already preferred to head over to McFroppy's. "We can head to my shop, since I actually serve breakfast there, ribbit. Anything you would normally find at a McDonald's, ribbit.Tsu answered, picturing the food in her head. Her stomach growled after saying that, which made her giggle a little bit more. Then Pin said that they should hop to it then, and Tsu took that as another frog pun. "I'll hop to it then, ribbit!" Tsu said enthusiastically as she started to run, and then leaped over Pin's head, landing in front of him and running in front of him. "Last one there's a salted frog, ribbit!" Tsu called out as she continued to run through the jungle. 

  12. Tsu was confused by the way that Pin suddenly burst into laughter, his face a little bit red as well. He had stopped after a few seconds, which left Tsu even more confused. It must have been a funny dream if he's laughing that much. Tsu was a bit skeptical when Pin told her that it was nothing much. "Really? You were laughing a ton. But I won't pry into it, rrribbit.Tsu said as she took the sleeping bag that Pin rolled up for her. She gave him a quick thumbs up and then put the roll into her inventory. "You're welcome, and thanks for rolling it up for me, ribbit.Tsu thanked as she looked around the clearing. Pin asked if she was hungry, but said that he didn't have any hot breakfast. "Umm, I'm not exactly hungry yet. We could grab a bite to eat at your place or McFroppy's, ribbit. I think the NPCs I had working on my shop should have finished making it by now, rrrrrrribbit.Tsu offered, starting to walk back in the direction they came.

  13. Tsu found Jiro's excuse of looking at cute girls funny, a safe joke to make at a Valentine's Day ball. "If you like cute girls, well, I'm right here, ribbit." Tsu joked, reaching for another cookie on the snack table and taking a bite. Jiro introduced himself, and Sorra did the same shortly after. "It's nice to meet you both, ribbit. You two couldn't find a date tonight? Or are you not really into the lovey dovey kind of things here, rrrribbit.Tsu asked, joking a little bit more as she looked out at the couples dancing. That could have been her and Pin if he didn't get so nervous and worked up earlier. Tsu heard Sorra mention that he didn't have a place to live yet, and Tsu put a finger to her mouth. "You don't have a place to live, ribbit? You could just open a shop and use one of the rooms to sleep in, that's what I do, rrrrrribbit.Tsu explained as she grabbed another cookie, looking up at the two guys again.

    @Hikoru @Sorra

  14. Tsu read the short message that Eatos sent her and closed it. At least she wasn't that busy at this time. Tsu looked around town at the hollowed out NPCs. They were weird, but Tsu found them adorable. Something about their emptiness and lack of emotion, Tsu just found that cute. Yomi was a strange place, it felt safer to most to be out of town rather than in it.

    Tsu waved over to Eatos as she saw her arrive, but Angel had gotten to Tsu first and started to sniff her over. Tsu shuddered a little bit, backing away from Angel slightly. Eatos explained that she was overprotective and Tsu nodded. "Ah, okay, ribbit. Just, I'm not really a dog person. But Angel still looks friendly, rrrribbit.Tsu said, calming herself down, and petting Angel on the head, bending down a little bit. Tsu looked back at Eatos and then turned to the west exit of the town. "So I was hoping to find a frog familiar today, ribbit. The frogs tend to be in the caves, and the closest cave is to the west of town, ribbit. I packed some fries and chicken nuggets for us to eat if it takes a while, so we should be set. Thanks for coming out here, rrrrrrribbit." Tsu explained, starting to walk to the west gate.

  15. Tsu had just recently joined the Guardians of the Rising Dawn and had gotten a bit of an introduction to everyone after a short little chat with Eatos. Paglikha seemed to be a bit of a downer from what Tsu had heard, so today she figured that she would try and cheer him up with a trip to the beach. Tsu opened her messages and found Paglikha. "Hey, Tsu here. I heard you've been down a lot, so I was wondering if you would like to come with me to the beach on floor 16. Just bring something light to wear, and we can hang out. See you there!" Tsu sent the message, and then made her way to the floor teleporter and headed to the 16th floor. After arriving, she made her way outside of the main town and over to the coast of the island the floor was on and laid down a big towel on the sand. She was the only other person on the beach today, not even the NPCs were around. Tsu changed into her bikini and laid down on the towel, closing her eyes and waiting for Paglikha to come.


  16. Tsu had headed back down to floor one to take a look at some of the newbies who were coming out of their shells. Tsu herself had come out of her own little shell not too long ago,  but it was always nice to reflect. Tsu stepped out of the floor teleporter and hummed to herself as she walked around town, a little bit of a hop in her step as she did so. Tsu had a good feeling about today, maybe she would make some friends for a change. 

    Tsu stopped walking and turned when she arrived at the gate to the exit iif the city. There were two young women there already, so Tsu decided to join in with their conversation. "Umm, are you two just hanging out together, ribbit? If you are, I hope you don't mind if I join you. I was just going for a little stroll when I saw you two, rrrrrrribbit.Tsu asked, walking up to them and giving a friendly wave.

  17. Tsu had slept through the night peacefully, getting a good amount of rest. Like Pin, she had gotten up more earlier than she usually did. The fire had gone out, but none of the woods around them had caught on fire, so that was nice. Looking at her in game clock after waking up, it was 7:12 in the morning. Pin was already awake it looked like, and Tsu jumped a little bit seeing him, her vision still blurred a little bit after waking up and confusing him for someone else. "Oh, it's just you Pin, ribbit. I thought you were someone else. Well, good morning, hope you slept well, rrrrrrrrribbit.Tsu said as she got out of her sleeping bag and put it back in her inventory.

    Tsu did a few stretches after standing up, looking up at the sky through the clearing. Tsu held out his hand to Pin to help him up off the ground from where he was sitting with a small smile. "Did you dream about anything last night, rrrrrribbit?" Tsu asked, looking down at him.

  18. Tsu was delighted that that Eatos accepted her request to join the guild, sending her the invite. Tsu accepted the invite and sighed with relief. "Well, thanks for that Eatos. I won't disappoint the guild, ribbit.Tsu thanked, before walking off. It was probably not the best time to join a guild, but at least she was in one now.


    Tsu looked around the hall, trying to spot any guy by himself. Of course, everyone was already taken, with three girls seemingly fighting over one boy. Tsy sighed, knowing she had no chance at any of them. Might as well get some snacks before I go. Tsu decided to head over to the snack table, not having eaten anything at the party yet. There were two other guys already at the snack table having a conversation, so Tsu decided to hop in. All she heard was from the blue haired guy that he was trying to see more people, rather than just the sights. "The same thing hoes for me, ribbit. I have been trying to meet more people too, like right now, ribbit. Nice to meet you both. Just call me Tsu, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu introduced herself as she grabbed a cookie and looked up at the two guys.

    @Hikoru @Sorra

  19. Tsu had just recently joined a guild and now seemed to be about a good time to go out and try to find a familiar. Naturally, she was going to try and find a little frog buddy, which just so happened to be found on her favorite floor, floor 10. Tsu sat inside of her shop, going through the list of players in the guild. She stopped at Eatos and sent her a quick message. "Hey Eatos. Would you mind helping me out get a familiar? Meet me at McFroppy's." Tsu sent the message, and then headed back into her kitchen while she waited for Eatos to come.

    Tsu figured that it would take a while, probably a few hours, so Tsu decided to pack some snacks for the quest. She fried some french fries, and cooked up 20 chicken nuggets. She put them all in a box, and then put them in her inventory. Tsu walked out the door of McFroppy's and then locked the door to her shop to make sure no one got in. Even though Tsu had worn a mask when she met Eatos, she should still recognize Tsu. Just to be safe, she left her tongue sticking out a little bit.


  20. Tsu had a good feeling with the team score they had of 7, so Tsu stopped looking for materials and followed Dazia a little bit behind her, keeping a slight amount of distance to keep things from being awkward. Tsu had no idea where the starting area was, so she figured if she followed everyone else that was in the contest, she could find her way back there too. It was just a little embarrassing to have to do that, so Tsu wanted to stay a bit away from Dazia.

    Once Dazia and Yinangi walked up to Vigilon and Nova, Tsu emerged and joined them walking. From what she heard, Vigilon had fallen for Krysta, but Tsu couldn't be sure. Vigilon said they were just friends, which usually was just to hide things like that, but Tsu didn't want to pry into this. "Well, if you're just friends, then you're really good friends. How do you think you do did in the contest?" Tsu asked, more to all four of them with the question. 

    @Dazia @Vigilon @Novafire

  21. Tsu was a bit relieved that Ben didn't want to fight anything too big either. With her first aid skill, all she could do would be to heal him while he fought off spiders. Although the way he mentioned that spiders can swoop down and get them got Tsu a bit on edge. Looking up the trees, Tsu took a few steps away from beneath one of the bigger trees. She felt something land on her, and smacked it with her tongue immediately, but it was just another fly. "So, I'll just stay a little more closer to you then, ribbit. I'm already worried enough now, so I'll stop asking questions. But if we end up fighting a giant spider, I can heal you from behind, ribbit.Tsu said as she looked underneath a few rocks to see if there was a caterpillar nest underneath. There wasn't any caterpillar nests, just one ant hill underneath a rock. Tsu heard Ben shout out that he found a lead, so she got up and followed him immediately, going back to staying close by.

    @Benjamin Bookworm

  22. Tsu couldn't help but smile seeing Pin's brighten a shade again. It was just a funny thing to see. His nervousness was entertaining to observe. Unlike some nervous people who just sputter out words uncontrollably out of anxiousness or the people who can't look at the eyes of anyone, Pin only let his nervous get the better of him slightly. Granted, she just met him, so he could be more nervous than he was, or he is actually more calm, and Tsu just made him nervous. After hearing him say that journals were good places to vent, Tsu decided the she was going to keep her own journal as well in the future. Tsu was about to say something to him, but he had closed his eyes and fell asleep already. "Good night Pin, ribbit.Tsu said before closing her eyes as well and falling asleep after a few minutes.

  23. Tsu had been watching the fight go on for a while, simply remaining silent and observing the whole time. But it was good to see it finally end with no one dead in the end. In a case like this, it was better to not take sides. "Well, even if the duel didn't finish, it was still a good fight to watch, both sides did good, ribbit.Tsu said as she hopped down from the tree she was perched on and slowly clapped. Tsu didn't want antagonize anyone here, so it was better to stay as neutral as possible.

    Tsu nodded her head in agreement with Ben when he said that they should settle this more peacefully. "Yeah. That's an infinitely better idea, ribbit. We could end the contest now, and just all grab some drinks together, ribbit. I'll just be finding some more stuff while you guys cool off, ribbit.Tsu said as she walked into some of the taller grass and started to look around, not really finding anything worth grabbing.

    ID: 95774 LD: 13 (Fail)

    Team December Score: 7

    @Dazia @Krysta @Benjamin Bookworm @H3LL0

  24. Tsu followed Ben closely, still feeling just slightly guilty that she was holding him back from fighting things. A fly started to buzz around her, and it got irritating quickly. Tsu stuck her tongue out and smacked the fly down once it was near her, and it fell to the floor immediately. "Sorry for not telling you my level, ribbit. If you want to fight spiders, I can leave, ribbit.Tsu apologized again, still staying close to Ben.

    Tsu followed Ben off of the path into a clearing, where there seemed to be an abundance of mushrooms, logs, and small creatures. It was pretty, but it would be slightly difficult to spot any caterpillars. Ben told her this would be a good spot to look, but just be careful. "Alright. I'll stay safe, ribbit. It's not like some big spider can swoop down and take us out. I'll just stay away from the logs, ribbit.Tsu said, joking a little bit about the giant spider. Nothing really looking like a caterpillar could be seen, so Tsu moved on, keeping her tongue in her mouth now.

    @Benjamin Bookworm

  25. Tsu wasn't too surprised that Ben was getting a familiar to help him with his crafts. The two main enhancements for familiars was pure damage or crafting. When Tsu would get hers, she would probably opt for the crafting enhancement. She would need it if she ever wanted to pick up her business fast. "Yeah, I'll probably do the same. Then I can get my first customer too, rrrrrribbit.Tsu said in agreement with Ben.

    Tsu wasn't too worried when Ben told her that there would be mist that would make it hard to see. "Well, I'll just stay close to you, ribbit. I would rather not get seperated from you out here, since you have the map, rrribbit.Tsu said, moving in a little bit closer to Ben as she followed him, just to be safe. Ben asked her if she was okay with taking out some spiders if they have to force their way through, and Tsu shook her head. "I can't help with that, ribbit. I'm only level 2. I'd end up getting stuck in the spider's webs, ribbit. My tongue can take care of the little spiders instantly, or any other pests for that matter, so I can help with that, ribbit.Tsu explained, before sticking her tongue all the way out, it going about a little over a foot long out of her mouth. She put it back in, and giggled a little bit. "There isn't too much I can do really, sorry, rrrrrribbit.Tsu apologized.

    @Benjamin Bookworm

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