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Everything posted by Koga

  1. The sickly green glow slowing spitting out floating sparks of the same color were the greatest cause of concern at the moment. NIGHT was right, there was no way they could get all twelve back to the town without aggravating their wounds. Koga wasn't a doctor, but he could tell from the pained look on the farmer's faces, moving without some form of support wasn't really an option. He gave a nod and grunt when NIGHT announced she would go get some help. Nothing to do but sit here and wait. Koga passed the time going to each farmer and inspecting what wounds he could. Not that he could do mu
  2. "Uh, I don't think so?" Koga answered back, eyes drifting skyward as he tried to recall what little knowledge he had about First Aid. "I think you just need enough Skill Points to spec into it, but I could be wrong." Koga couldn't even recall the last time he'd even looked at any skill tree out side of the combat branch. Once upon a time, he'd planned on doing some light tanking, and had been helping Noct plan out her build as a pseudo-support, but that had been a long time ago. Koga chuckled at the comparison of a battle to baseball. "Don't worry about it," Koga replied. "I'm not one to
  3. The pair got up from their spots in the grass and started walking once more (after Oji got his well deserved stretch. Those old bones needed to stay mobile after all). "Player function," Koga repeated. "Huh, never thought of it that way, but yeah, pretty much." That was probably the most concise way of thinking about it. "I think there's the first aid skill," Koga said as he thought about other support builds he'd seen so far, "but I think most of the time people focus on buffing their team, and mostly heal through the use of crystals." At least, that's what Hirru had seemed to be doing when t
  4. Koga shut yet another cabinet, perhaps a little too hard, the sound sharply cutting through the air, but hopefully not loud enough to draw anyone's attention. The man sighed in frustration just as he heard Astreya call to him to check if he was okay. "Yeah! I'm just...looking for a mop...I guess..." This was not how he had planned this going. Looking around at the water, Koga was beginning to question how accurate SAO's physics engine was...How was the whole fucking floor covered in water. It hadn't even been three seconds! Koga quietly navigated his way through the scattered groups of pe
  5. A short nod as Koga turned to help the last two through the tight exit. The winding cavern did little to help the situation, but the group did as well as they could. "Well, I gotta admit," Koga said, "that wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it was gonna be. Beats drilling through meters of rock and hoping the place doesn't fall on us." Here's hoping he didn't jinx them. "Hopefully, when we get them back to the camp we'll be able to get a better look at their injuries and see what we can do before we head back to Mr.Sunshine." And with any luck, he'd know something about that 'secret'
  6. k o g a the elder wolf Koga, thankfully, had enough common sense to not bring Bacon along for this one. He wasn't stupid enough to bring the small boar along to watch them slaughter scores of his brethren. Well, really only, what, ten? But maybe Cardinal had changed the requirements for this quest since the last time he'd done it. So, it was just Koga and Okami this time, with the little boar at home, probably dosing on Koga's pillow, his preferred bed when it wasn't occupied by the player's head. It appeared that Nari and NIGHT had arrive
  7. Though Koga could see just fine (aside from the near complete lack of color), the sounds of shuffling, gravel being moved in the attempt to climb out of the pit, and the sharp intakes of breath as those injured struggled, served as an even greater indicator of their progress. Most indicative all was the distinctive pop of a healing crystal being used, the luminous glow flaring outwards and then to various points over the ledge that Koga could not see. "Alright DAY, your turn." The Wolf stepped towards the construct, grabbing the woman by her slim waist from behind. Unlike the hardene
  8. Koga watched the faces of the players carefully, doing his best to glean some sign of what their hands might be, not that it made much of a difference to the man at this point, he was already set up to lose this hand. Two of the girls in particular, were very telling. For one, Astralin. The girl was wearing a smile the size of Texas. Koga refrained from burying his face in his hand. She was a nice person, but Christ, she was as easy to read as an open book. Nine to one odds she had a 20 or 21 in her hand. The other girl was one who's name he still hadn't yet gotten. Whoever she was, he fa
  9. The comforting hand on his shoulder, though well meaning, did little to allay the longing that accompanied memories of his long since friends. Koga began to wonder if every name he swore to carry would feel that way should the worst come to pass. Even still, it was the burden he'd sworn to carry, and it was an oath he hadn't taken lightly. "Thanks, Oji," Koga said, forcing a small smile to appear on his face. "I appreciate it." Koga then rolled his shoulders, tilted his head, stretching his neck. "Anyways," he said, "we've got a long way to go before we make it out. I expect to see y
  10. "Being comfortable," Koga began to answer to the distressed woman. "With you. People. She just seems like the kind-" Koga cut his sentence short as the lady in question approached them, asking NIGHT to join her for some food. Suppressing a knowing smile, Koga silently turned from the door and made to go stand beside Bismuth while the women had their moment. It was he that then spoke once the women's conversation began to come to a close, an agreement to share a meal together being reached. As one might expect, Nari's response was eager, though tampered by the nervousness Koga had now
  11. Koga heard @NIGHT mutter something beside him. "Regicide?" he repeated, his hand unconsciously drifting to the saya of his katana. "Yeah. I guess so," he agreed. "Can't say I ever thought I'd be party to...what is this? Rebellion? Usurpation?" He'd never been great about semantics. The King then began to say something, drawing Koga's attention, apparently answering some question that @Hirru had asked. He seemed to be faring far better than he had minutes earlier. Although Koga couldn't hear every word that the King spoke, Koga did manage to catch the word 'revolution'. So that's what this
  12. The sound of NIGHT and DAY entering the cavern through the hole behind him caused the man to glance back. They would follow. Koga gestured for the farmers to start leading the way. Their sight within this dark place was better than most, probably accustomed to the near blackness after however many hours or days. Koga at least had the benefit of his night vision. He took frequent glances over his shoulder to ensure that NIGHT and DAY were keeping up. For some reason, he had thought that NIGHT had a the Night Vision mod as well, but as DAY lead her through the winding stone passage, he realized
  13. Koga stayed silent for the most part, aside from the crunching of dirt beneath his boots, as the party made their way beck to the Town of Beginnings, and NIGHT seemed to continuously make Nari more...nervous? Uncomfortable? No, none of those words were really correct. Uncertain, perhaps. His friend dropped back then, and gave the man some small pieces of advice for caring for Bacon. And himself and Okami. "Heh. Yeah, no promises," Koga replied, a small, knowing chuckle escaping his lips. They both knew, even if her advice didn't fall on deaf ears as they surely had, Koga was about as good
  14. "No reason you can't have fun and still give it your all," Koga stated with a simple shrug. Sometimes, he felt people made things too complicated. Often, they thought him too simple, but what was the point with something like this? Fun and effort were not mutually exclusive to begin with. Her second question though had the Wolf narrow his eyes at her. "If you mean when you suggested we kill Bacon, there very much are hard feelings," he said venomously, staring daggers at her. She was still not allowed anywhere near the little boar. The preciousness must be protected. Astreya had Koga
  15. "Mmm, I wouldn't be so sure about that Astreya," Koga sound mirthfully. "You know what they say, you shouldn't count you chickens before they hatch and all that." Regardless of whether or not he walked away with more money...er, sweets, in his pocket that he came in with, Koga would be satisfied. This was about the game, after all, and enjoying the new company he found himself in. Maybe Tala had the right idea after all. When Nari asked whether or not she'd be allowed to join the next round, Koga looked up at her. "Yeah, sure," he said. "Let me go get you a chair, watch my cards for me."
  16. Well it seemed like things had mostly returned to normal. NIGHT seemed less distracted, Nari had calmed down a little, and Bismuth was no longer lying facedown in the ground like a corpse. Koga had begun to worry he would have to resuscitate him. That would have been a much less entertaining kiss. Bacon seemed happy in his pocket, even as NIGHT questioned just what Koga was going to do with the little fellow. "I mean...he just kinda eats bread...right?" Koga had a lot of that. Plus it was cheap. The Wolf glanced down at his new companion, a trace of concern on his face. Maybe it was bette
  17. Item Name: Empty Crest Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 7 Roll ID: 183370 / 183373 / 185916 Roll Result: 8 / 7 / 11 Item Type: Shield Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: TAUNT / THORNS II Description: A simple shield made of steel. Emblazoned upon it's front should be a crest, but instead there is only an empty, tarnished circle. Post Link: Item Name: Knightless Garments Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 7 Roll ID: 203587 / 203590 / 203589 Roll Result: 8 / 8 / 9 Item Type: Light Armor Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: MIT II / REGN Description: Less a
  18. Item Fusion Uncommon T1 Shield [183370] + Uncommon T1 Shield [183373] 1 Material T1 Rare Shield [183370 / 183373] T1 Rare Shield [183370 / 183373] + Rare T1 Shield [185916] 2 Materials T1 Perfect Shield [183370 / 183373 / 185916] T1 Uncommon Light Armor [203587] + T1 Uncommon Light Armor [203590] 1 Material T1 Rare Light Armor [203587 / 203590] T1 Rare Light Armor [203587 / 203590] + T1 Rare Light Armor [203589] 2 Materials T1 Pe
  19. Koga considered what the AI had said. On one hand, if there was another entrance just outside the farmers' reach, it could save them the trouble of having to stabilize the entire cave, and the ability to communicate with them regardless would be helpful regardless. On the other, they hand no clue what the extend of the damage was to the cave's structural integrity. "Let's see if we can find another way in," Koga finally said after a moment's thought. "Tell the others to stop moving the rocks. Let's not make things any worse than they already are, not until we know more at least," he told
  20. The little dance between man and beast had become less a show of aggression from the creature, but more friendly. The harsh, angry squeals had given way to sputtering squeaks, what Koga supposed was what passed as a laugh for the tiny thing. Huh...could it be? Deciding to experiment (besides, what did he have to fear from anything on this floor?), the man stopped moving, a perfectly still target. Unsurprisingly, the tiny board collided with the man's boot. What was surprising, however, was the fact that not a single hit point had been removed from his health bar. Nor had any been added as
  21. Just as Koga expected, the little boar charged at the man's ankles again. A tiny squeal as it kicked up the tiniest cloud of dirt to propel himself at the giants feet, a fearless blitz. Koga watched the little thing move as fast as his little legs could carry him. Which wasn't all that fast, but the little dude was trying, okay. The Wolf stepped to the side, unnecessarily light on his feet and he danced around the smaller creature. At first, the baby boar did not realize he had overshot his mark, so when he finally skidded to a stop, he looked around confused. Turning in a circle he
  22. Item Name: Glacial Blade Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 7 Roll ID: 203559 Roll Result: 12 Item Type: Straight Sword (1H) Tier: 4 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: [DMG][DMG][ACC] Description: A one-handed blade with what appears to be a hilt wrapped around a growth of icy crystal. A large central crystal comes from the center, with two smaller ones forming the guard. While it doesn't hold any Cold enhancements on its own, it nonetheless seems to give off a slight fog from the chilled blade. Post Link: Item Name: Battle Dress Mk III Profession: Blacksmith
  23. "Hey there, 'Streya," Koga greeted the bubbly woman as she walked into his store. "Well, 'new' gear is my specialty. Well, specifically weapons. And armor. And shields...so as long as its something like that, I got you covered." The girl quickly scribbled out her order on some parchment, before sliding it over to Koga. "Easy enough," he said with a nod, flipping the papers over to check the back, despite them usually being blank. "Huh?" Someone had already scribbled something on the other side. That was strange. "Hmph," Koga grunted with a shrug before turning back towards his forge. An o
  24. It wasn't so much party banter, so much as it was thoughtful discussion. DAY was right, quests thus far hadn't been this easy. Well, at least if you weren't entirely overleveled they weren't. But this sounded like a cakewalk, by far. That alone didn't really sit right with Koga. "No, I don't think so," the swordsman replied to the construct. "Cardinal is probably just slowly ramping up the difficulty on us." That felt like a reasonable assumption to the man. Cardinal had never been one to go easy on the players, not in the long run at least. "My guess, we either get caved in as well, or s
  25. Koga straightened his back and crossed his arms as the...what was this guy? The mayor? A foreman? As the guy stood up from his seat and moved towards the map on the wall behind him, pointing to a particular point marked in red with his forefinger. Koga wanted to scoff. First, at the strange implication that farmers were working in a cave, like miners, but then again, that was kind of how this Floor worked. Then at the comment about foreigners. He'd heard something like that plenty of times. Either at home where some were less than friendly to those who they considered to be elsewhere, or
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