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Posts posted by Azhoda

  1. It seemed that the hostess wanted me and Lessa to follow her, Leaving the entrance behind us I followed her a bit sheepishly as I didn't really understand what was going to happen and to be frank I didn't really want to know but it feels like I owe someone if I didn't go. And now at least I got someone with me as well, meaning that I don't have to do this alone. The building was just as the outside, the architecture was really based on the old-time bathhouses from greek times or Rome, I don't remember at this time. Getting to the room where the hostess led us to, it seemed that the place was already prepared for us to use and even some snacks and other things were standing on the table.

    I turned to Lessa with a smile, but that smile turned to a pure on redhead of blushing as soon as I heard the NPC talk about undressing. "Uh... Ah!" I was going to say something but Lessa was before me and she just took the words out of my mouth. "Y-Yes... Robes!" I said fast looking at the robes prepared for us. I hesitated at first a bit as I walked over to the robes and looked at it as my menu was hovering over it. But I took a sigh and as soon as I did so my armour was replaced by the robe.

    Still with my back turned to Lessa, she could see that my body had a sort hourglass type body, as well as my arms and legs seemed to have still quite some muscles as well. My hair came loose and was hanging passed my shoulders. "I'm Not really used to this," I said fast. The red locks of my hair seemed to be well cared for as well as my skin itself seemed to be from a distance quite soft itself. I turned around to face Lessa still a bit of blushing as I did, My sea blue eyes stared a bit at her before I spoke up, "Thank you for coming. I probably would not have been here if I was on my own. And I guess, I do need some time to relax after all ... I ask too much from my body I guess." I said holding my arm up and stretching a bit holding my shoulder with my other hand.


  2. Walking up to the door I pushed it open and once I did I notice that this place must have been some sort of storage as well as that it was also empty apart from one shelf. Walking closer to it I pick up the item from the shelf and inspect it. Of course, it was an item for blacksmithing as it was a small piece of gold and I placed it into my inventory. Sooner or later I got at that right moment an update from my quest saying that I need to return to the quest giver and get myself there fast.

    I walked outside of the blacksmith and straight to the gate of this place, looking back one more time before going back to the exit of this cave. My thought drifted off o something about this place and I was thinking about getting back here and start finding out about this place a bit more. But on the other hand, I wanted to have some rest, as well as my stomach, was still not happy with myself as well.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138829 | LD: 17+2=19 | 1 Tier 1 Material
    5/5 Materials | Quest Updated 

  3. Going inside the blacksmith I notice a few stone-like furniture as well as some old dust and wood items. Meaning my thoughts from before could be wrong as wood is not easily gathered underground at all. It made me think of something else. Out there, there as this game that had something close to this, there where people underground hiding and minding their own business. Until one day they disappeared into thin air leaving behind everything they once had.

    It seemed to be a bit long search but still, it seemed fun to think about this as well. I walked in a bit more and looked around moving some things around and looking under the stones. It was clear something or someone left this place without being spares on what to leave behind as really nothing was in here. I sighed and turned around and looked outside of the blacksmith before noticing that there was still a door inside here.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138828 | LD: 3+2=5 | Failed
    4/5 materials

  4. As soon as my roundabout was done I walked up to the structure and looked on the ground near its walls and near what looked to be some sort of baker. Inspecting it a bit closer I notice that it was just not any baker or oven, it was a forge and a really old one as Stalagmites have started to grow on it a bit as well. It was still something important, meaning this building was a blacksmith and I started to look around the forge with the just amount of Luck I needed as I spotted an item just laying there in the forge itself. Picking it up I got a notification about it and I seemed to get an update to my quest as well, meaning just one more Item to go and I got this quest done and ready to go back out of here. Turning around I looked once more last time around the forge and nodded finding nothing more, it seemed that I needed to go and check the inside to find more or I would be at a lost here if I did not.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138827 | LD: 13+2=15 | 1 Tier 1 Materials
    4/5 Materials

  5. Inspecting the body more I notice that is was dead or at least not active at all sitting dormant state for a long time. I knocked on it and as soon as I did I heard the knock I did around as an Echo as well. But it got quiet after that as soon as I looked at it. It was clear this was here for a long time and it seemed that not many players have met their eyes upon this at all. Waiting for a bit I got away from the stone guardian and walked over to the fountain and stared into it. There was still a bit of water inside it but the rest of the structure was either overgrown by the stalagmites or destroyed.

    Letting out a sigh I walked over to one of the buildings that were not blocked of or destroyed at this point. With a smile, I looked at the outside of this building and walked around it to make sure I didn't miss anything I did not want to miss

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138826 | LD: 1+2=3 | Failed
    3/5 Materials

  6. The Ideas started to run into my head as the body laid there. Maybe this was once a place of people and the stone guardians where the guards of this place. And If I remember the third lesson good You needed to get an item from inside this cave, as soon as you picked it up a stone guardian jumped out. Maybe back then that guardian was just protecting what it was told to protect. The item you give to some artisan in the city of beginners. 

    My brain started to think about many and even more ideas on what really could have happened here, like this one. Before everything people in this cave where used to the dark and had Stone guardians to protect themself. After many years people from outside came across this place and wanted to take it or something. I don't know I'm not a storyteller, but it sounded fun.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID:138825 | LD: 8+2=10 | Failed
    3/5 Materials

  7. Walking closer to what I thought to be a cave I notice that my eyes where not playing jokes on me. This 'gate' was made out of stone and it seemed it has laid dormant for a really long time as It was open and I could just walk past it without much trouble. Getting inside it seemed like it was quite a bit brighter inside, noticing that there was a hole at the top of the room where the light came into. I placed my light source away and I opened my menu to take a fast picture of the view from out from the gate.

    The view itself was one of the ages and right in front of me, there was a fountain with stalagmites growing from it as well as all the building having either two or more stalagmites attached to them. What was this place and how is this place even around here? Looking around for a bit I notice a statue, no not a statue more like a stone body. It was so familiar to me as what it was but still, it seemed weird. getting closer to it I took a better look at it and notice that is was a stone guardian, one of the things you had to fight in the third lesson.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138824 | LD: 7+2=9 | Failed
    3/5 Materials

  8. I let out a sigh as I walk around in the new to explore hallway for me. It was dark and the hallway of the cave was narrower than the other paths in this cave. But it was clear that with some time and patient it would be rewarding for sure. It just takes a bit of time over the time it normally takes. Still, it didn't hell me much or any at all that it kept getting narrower and narrower in this cave, what if a boss or either a stong monster popped out and attacked me. I can't swing my weapon around here its way to long and that would mean I just have to do basic thrust attacks.

    But soon as the thought about this came to me the cave started to go back to normal getting bigger and bigger. Opening the map I looked at it for a minute and it seemed that a big and open room was up ahead. It seemed like something was build inside this cave but I was not sure what or if it was something. Getting closer and closer I looked around and for a minute I thought I saw something like a gate pop out from the walls. Or at least it looked like one.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138823 | LD: 5+2=7 | Failed
    3/5 Materials

  9. Now walking over the exit of this opening I have seen to notice one of the smaller stalagmites has something close to it. As I get closer and kneel down to reach out to it I seemed to pick it up and inspect it. Of course, the last item around here is just another material. Meaning that the last Item I got here is are just two more. Standing up from the floor the quest updated and notified that I still needed just two more materials as well. Not like I knew that already or something but still nice to get an update now and then.

    I closed down my map to make sure I didn't walk into a wall or something or even stumble over and fall to the ground. It was still dark here and the cave seemed bigger than normal. It was rare to even get around here but knowing that the third lesson I think is also in this cave system makes it clear that floor one is just a bit more than just hills and forests. And I enjoy that, it gives a vibe of more and open items like the real world as well.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138822 | LD: 16+2=18 | 1 Tier 1 Materials
    3/5 Materials

  10. "Alright Shion, Let's do this!!!" this ... This ... This ... This ... ugh God still not really used to that Echo around here. But still, it was no time to hang around and do nothing, sure this was something of nature and knowing that they are there is always a fine benefit for sure. Walking over to the other side of the cave... or was this the side I came from. Opening my map I notice that I have been walking around and got back to the entrance of this opening, to be honest, it is kind of hard to find you way around this place if its dark like this. Looking at my map and holding a light source, on the other hand, I walked to the other side of the opening and as the map updated I walked right to the other side passed some more stalagmites. 

    Looking around a bit to see if I maybe have missed something, maybe I was a bit lacklustre but I still knew that if I did my best I would maybe find some extra materials around here making my job quite a bit easier.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138821 | LD: 5+2=7 | Failed
    2/5 Materials

  11. Getting up from my knees again I looked around the stalagmites and slowly walked around them to see if my luck could help me a bit more here, but it seemed the stalagmites revealed all their hidden treasure to me, being one stone with metals inside them. But it was now not the time to give up and I got out my menu and smiled knowing all too well what I was going to do. With one quick more I smashed a stone against my light item and a flash came off as it went full-on bright and letting out a light.

    There was the moment, A small *click* sound came from my menu and once that was done I opened my menu to a tap called images. there it was the photo made from the Stalagmites and stalactites. I smiled at the picture and put away my menu again before looking around at the rock formation again. It was quite a different look from just normal, they looked so real and yet they weren't real at all. Still, this is something you don't find many times out on a walk so it was best to remember the times of things found around on the floors.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138820 | LD: 10+2=12 | Failed
    2/5 Materials

  12. Walking more into the middle the stalactites and stalagmites were better to see with the lights shining on them. Looking around at them I was clearly impressed by them as I never saw them myself and only heard or read up about them. It was quite something for sure and I slowly touched one of the stalagmites that went from the ground up to the ceiling of the cave. Of course, it was wet as I touched it because by dripping water a stalagmite is created slowly over time. Yet knowing that this world didn't live as long as ours in the real world it was a bit less impressive but it was still an experience.

    Looking around them a bit I notice thanks to the light a flash of something shining. Getting closer to shine I kneeled down to inspect it. Once close I noticed that is was an item as well. Slowly picking it up I shacked it a bit to get the water of the rock and notice that it was an ore with some metals inside it. Soon as I placed it into my inventory my quest updated and I just needed three more items to gain a foothold on the quest.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138819 | L: 19+2=21 | 1 Tier 1 Materials
    2/5 Materials

  13. Walking for a bit more I came into a clear open area of the cave as my footsteps began to echo more and more as I walked into this hallway of the cave. Step ... By Step ... By step ... by Step ... by Step, Started to echo into the surroundings. It was clearly big and open, and every time I took a step further into the cave my footsteps echoed more and more. It was, apart from my own breathing and footsteps, quiet around here. It had its own ambience around here, completely different from floor 10 or outside in floor 1, Even though this was floor 1, it felt more like a different floor altogether. 

    As for any luck with the materials gathering mission, I had, well, to say the least, I was not getting any better. Maybe a other group was ahead of me and took all that there was to gather around here. But on the other side, I also had to deal with the darkness and nearly seeing nothing at all. Both Stalagmites and stalactites were in this open place and earing a few water drops fall was not the worst in a replacement of this quest.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138818 | LD: 9+2=11 | Failed
    1/5 Materials

  14. With that last thought, I made my way deeper into the cave turning a corner as the light from outside was not gone. Now only the light from the item I was holding was shining and beyond that it was black. Lucky for me I was not scared of the dark or night, Knowing that everything inside this cave was either weak or just plain on stupid and didn't attack me. So I was safe for sure. But still walking in the dark and the only light source around was the item I had in my hand meaning I would go blind if I had to fight.

    but I was really not worried at all and made my way around this place quite easily and without any trouble at all. Still, it was dark and I could not help to notice that it got harder and harder to gather materials at all. Slowly and carefully I made my way around the cave step by step walking to someplace I could get some better luck with materials.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138817 | LD: 1+2=3 | Failed
    1/5 Materials

  15. That was the first of the bunch, now four more to go and then some crafting as well. Seeing as it was a good start in this cave I made my way deeper into the cave looking around left and right keeping my eyes out for maybe any sort of enemy that wanted to make my day worse. But with the light from outside still behind me and this not being an official dungeon, it was clear there was no black screen for loading in the cave.

    Time went on as I looked around and I felt like I missed something but I was not having any luck as I walked around in the cave for a bit with the outside light still behind me. It was hard to see as well as the basis of the light behind me and the light coming from the item I was holding it was kind of pitch-black around me. But slowly I was gathering my baring and nodded knowing deeper was the only way of going.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138816 | LD: 2+2=4 | Failed
    1/5 materials

  16. Knowing what kind of materials I needed to find was easy, Alright Shion, you know where to go, I thought as I made my way over to the cave from one of those first lessons quests. I don't even remember if I Have done one of those quests at all but knowing I knew about the whole idea of being less effective in a cave made it clear to me that I do remember some sort of quest-based around the item you needed to gather here. It took a bit of time to get to the cave, but all the time worth it and for sure it was good way to go and about this. 

    Seeing the cave in the distance was not that hard as I walked right at the mouth of the cave, hearing a few bats as I walked close I took out a Light item to make sure I got something to make it easier to see around in this cave. Slowly walking into the cave itself I notice straight away at the mouth of the cave a stone with dust on it. Walking over to it and blowing the dust of the item I notice that the stone was a blacksmith material and I picked it up and placed it into my inventory. As soon as I did so the quest updated to 1 out of 4 materials gathered

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138815 | LD: 17+2=19 | 1 Tier 1 Materials
    1/5 materials

  17. And as soon as the words left my mouth to go back to floor one, I was teleported back to the one and only floor one. It was good to know not much is going to change only that I have to find some materials as soon as I can. Setting off back into the wild I notice that my equipment was a bit on the weak side, Meaning I either need to make my own weapons and armour or I can try something else Maybe I can find someone who can show me the ropes after I have done this quest and maybe take me as an apprentice even. That was really thought for later but as for now, I need to clear this quest and get a start on what to do.

    Once leaving the city and standing outside of the walls of the safety from the save zone. It was not that hard in my mind but knowing all too well that Floor one was one of the most known and most gathered at Floor out here. Looking for a bit of any sort of ore or something else that could work for a blacksmith was really one of the harder things to do here. A few materials laid around here and they were good but not what I was looking for at all.

    Action: Gathering Materials
    ID: 138814 | LD: 2+2= 4 | Failed

  18. It was really hard to get some of these materials out here and knowing all too well that fighting isn't the best option now or any time at all. With that last thought on my head, I got up and looked down at the ground. it was way too dark in here and it didn't help that monsters spawned out here. Taking a deep breath I made my thought and plan and went back to the floor where I was supposed to take the quest. Walking over to the settlement I kind of knew how to get there, It was not hard or easy but it was really just straight ahead. 

    getting to the settlement I made a sharp turn to the teleporter and looked at the Quest one more time. Yep, it's better to get back to the first floor for this sort of stuff. It would not be as hard as well. It just some materials gathering and stuff. As I was thinking at this moment I kind of notice that I have been filler thinking and just random and useless things popped to my mind and made it all look weird in my head as I looked at things. But yeah floor one. 

  19. It was just one of those days again, nothing better to do and mostly needed to get started again. Its been a while to the last time I got here and now I think I probably need some items to make myself better in combat as well. I knew the perfect place to go to and knowing where and how to get there was easy. Walking into the store I greeted an all to well-known man, one of the best blacksmiths in the game. "Heyo Macradon, I hope I ain't bothering you too much by asking you if you could make an item for me, two to be honest," I said to him and showing him the design and of the armour.

    -Gives 16 T2 Mats

    Name: Omos Guard
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Mit 3
    Description: This Heavy armour piece is a silver-like metal markings of fire. The metal goes around the right arm and shoulder of the player, giving the player some protection on their weapon arm.
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]

    Name: Flaming Heart
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum 2, Recovery 1
    Description: The Armour is made of a silver-like metal with red markings of fire. The Armour is placed in front of the chest of the user guarding the player's chest.
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]

  20. And then Chaos, I gave out a sigh and lowered my head is a high disappointment not only in the people being involved but in the total idea of this party. If according to Jomei's story this day should be about love, even If I didn't really have love I could see this turned into a big mess far far away from Love. I looked at what happened and sighed taking a deep breath and letting my own thought fight against each other. On one side I wanted to take out my spear and just duel the chaos but on the other side, it was just wanted to leave this alone and let it die out. I turned a stern look at the younger girl to make clear I was not going to sit by if she made her move now. And then as I did so I turned to the location where the other woman took the girl off to and sighed before leaving.

    I walked up to Cordelia and Jomei who seemed to be stunned by the discovery of the punch and I smiled acting like a woman of proper standard and dusted off my dress. "Let's move on," I said taking both Cordelia and Jomei to some more privet place away from this chaos to have some normal talk. "So... Hello there Cordelia, Fine to meet you again. Sorry, I got a bit pushy just now just need a normal conversation," I sounded honest and careful placing my words carefully "So have you two met each other, Because, on the way how you warned him, it looked like you two do." I said to them with a smile. I turned to Jomei and gave a small sigh, "Coming back on what you asked, I think I know why I want to get to the front lines... I want to help people get out of here, together." Saying this a great power of determination was good to see in my eyes as well as the fiery passion. "But well what can we talk about now," I said asking them both as I was not really the best at making conversation with people. Still, I tried.

    @Jomei @Cordelia

  21. It got a bit clearer to me as Jomei explained to him about the few things of 'valentines day' it was still a bit useless to me as I only saw love as something given by family. "I see I understand but why is a bigger question for real," I said to him as we had a small conversation about the chaos behind us. True sure they could have fun but this seemed to effect a few more people than just being there. I wanted to help the girl but so far it seemed that this other woman was great. It shined some great light on her as the girl seemed in a real panic even if her marker was orange she still went out of her way. I gave her a smile of appreciation if she looked my way just making sure that I was happy someone came up for the girl.

    speaking of a few things as I ran out of the ideas I wanted to talk about. But Jomei came with a question I didn't suspect in a long time. Why am I so eager to join the front lines. "Ah... Well. To be honest, I think I want to get out of this game to go back to my job as an engineer, but I believe that has become a bit of a cover-up for something I really want," I told him falling a bit quest for sure. I was so keen on getting out before but now at this moment I truly didn't know why I wanted to get out of this game. It was clear I wanted to get out but why was at this moment really just my greatest guess. "I... I don't know why I want to join, Let me get back to that as soon as I know it, alright." I said to Jomei being a bit determinant as a fire sparked in my eyes. Seeing as Jomei excused himself for a second I guessed I would follow as my drink was also already gone. Follow him a bit behind I looked to my side and saw some heated argument jump out with two players, nothing too important yet. As I came behind Jomei he seemed to want to take the punch... WAIT the punch. I made my way to him a bit faster but it seemed a familiar voice was ahead of me and said to Jomei not to drink it. Turning to the voice I saw Cord and gave her a smile, "Yeah you should probably listen to Cordelia. Your friend we spoke about placed his hand in it." I said to him with a smile being a bit disgusted by it.
    @Jomei @Cordelia

    Then from the side, a sound came and I looked at what it was and of for crying out loud really. Getting the explanation from Jomei helped me understand this day a bit more but knowing at least what love it I was not really okay with this. "I'm sorry Cordelia, Jomei... Got to do something. Also, Cordelia, can you make sure Jomei doesn't take the punch." Saying this I walked over to the two girls who now seemed in a bit of a battle over nothing. with a Sigh. One was clearly smaller AND younger than me, while the other seemed just as tall and old like me. Then there as strong as her words where I made it clear to not get to into this but also no way to out of it as this seemed a bit too dumb of action for sure. I stood behind the smaller girl and placed my hand on her shoulder, A steady and strong grip for sure. "Listen, don't... I would give you advice to not drag this party further into chaos then it already has, Look around you. I am proud to say you got at least everyone's attention at the party. You don't slap people because there is a small hiccup. No, you just talk it out and don't start a fight. And on this day even come on... Its a day of love not only for your boyfriend there but for the people that made sure we are all still here," I said looking a bit to Jomei to see if he agreed on how I said it. Then with a look back to the girl I spoke again, "So let's not fight the once who we need the most. We are all here together in this world, and fighting each other will get us nowhere. I must be honest I don't like some action people take, but I grow up and move around it to make sure we all get out of this world even the once I hate." That was a lie, I had nobody to hate in this world but still. I turned to the other woman who was involved in this as well and spoke her direction a bit to make sure she heard me, "It is very simple, don't fight your allies. They and you need to get out of here together, I would say to either say sorry for acting so hastly before reading the situation. Or throw sand over it and move on as people who fight side by side to get everyone out of this world," I said making it clear to stand between the two even if they were not close to each other any more.
    @Krysta @Jevi

  22. Walking over to the food table and well seeing all the Chaos on my left I sight a bit and try to ignore this childish act of people being just straight-up weird and chaotic at this event. Once at the food I took a plate and places some snacks on them and Smiled as I started to eat them slowly. "Season of love, What is the meaning of that. I would just say skip it and go back to getting on with your job. I find it a bit weird why you want a season of love in the first place, I understand fathers and mothers day but this... not really," I said to Jomei taking another bite from the food. Looking around a bit it seemed this chaos all started after the blacksmith Mac showed up and well, to say the least, a big explosion of emotions went out and into the party.

    Back getting to Jomei I just turned my eyes a bit, "Sometimes I don't understand people at all. just look at that chaos over there and what is it even all about I don't even want to know in the first place," I said to him now zoning out from that Chaos as it slowly seemed to cool down as well. Getting back to the conversation before I gave a smile, "But you may see my point that you stand a bit out from the rest of the front liners here, be really weird to see you in any of their outfits now I have seen you like this," I said to him putting some more food into my mouth as my plate as empty by the time I was done. "But it seems that for the most part, you are more of the normal once, I must admit Calrex does have soft hands but don't tell anyone I said that," I said to Jomei. 

    I cleared my throat and placed the plate back down getting a drink, It is a bit dry if I must say myself but alright. "So anything in pacticialair you wish to talk about, I am kind of out of topic here and don't really know what to talk about at this point." Saying this I was looking into the glass trying to figure out what the bloody hell was in this drink it's so dry.


  23. With my friend gone I was well here speaking to a quite nice man, It was alright and I at least got some distraction now. It seemed as people joined more and more. The other ginger who seemed to have her crystal changed was now speaking to others. Lessa who I must say seemed to be a bit off her mind from last time I met her as well as her friend who she was speaking to. On the other hand, there was Cordelia as she walked up to the two, Been some time from last time I spoke to her maybe another time as we spoke. On the rest of a few people, I didn't know I just looked a bit around. One guy well seemed lonely as it could be, being by himself for sure.

    But what got my interest was Jomei's response to my question about his level, "Yeez, Like quite a bit of level away from me, it seems. Not only that you are a front liner as well. Call me impressed." I paused for a second, "What is rare to be honest, as you didn't look like your run of the mill front liner like Baldur or um... Calrex. Not to be offensive or anything you just look the way you are," I said as my expression didn't seem to change the slightest at all as only my eyes spoke of my emotions. "It's still quite interesting none the less, I don't mean to be mean or anything but yeah. I understand why you would want to talk to people, but I don't understand why it is in the season to do so," I said pointing at one of the heart decorations and why everyone seemed more loving to their friends, I find it rather useless if I think about it. 

    But before I could say something else My stomach spoke for itself, curse you weakness for food! As my stomach growled I held on hand to my stomach and one behind my head, "Well guess I spoke out of order there..." I paused and my fiery stature sacked in. "You don't mind getting some food do you now If you like we could get something while we speak. I'm more open to speaking more about somethings here and there." Saying this I looked at the food table and kind of forcefully signed at Jomei to come and join me to get some food.


  24. Uugh I hate him for doing this, but a promise is a promise, I'll shell and try to enjoy myself. But it seems the man was alright he seems to be right about the same age and quite polite as well. He seemed interesting enough to talk to for sure so at one side I'm Happy that Yuuma left me alone now, However, I WILL get back at him for leaving me alone like this! So yeah small talk. It seems my question from my small panic got out and seemed to relax a bit. So it seems I was not alone with getting out of the house or at least out of my normal routine, but I was dragged and ordered by a stupid promise. "Well I'm okay, apart from that I wanted to level up and get stronger so I can go back to the real world faster but it seems like my friend got other plans for me so he got me here. Guess I did walk right into it myself, even got dressed for this without knowing what was going to happen." Saying this I looked at my own clothing a bit and tugged at the collar. Yep... Let's just say I got tricked, Guess that is one of my flaws is a bit oblivious to everything. "But Jomei, what has brought you to this event, To be honest. Well, I don't know what I'm doing here, I'm at complete lost what this event is about." I say honestly with a smile.

    It was a bit weird, I never been to an event like this and was never meant to come here in the first place. "To think I got tricked by my friend to be here, I'll get back at him one day, but maybe I need to set up some rules for him about our promise," I said low to myself for a bit before turning back to Jomei. "So Jomei, You seemed like an interesting person, you also seem like you have some good experience for this game so far. If it is not out of the blue, May I ask what your level it?" I said a bit curious.


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