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Posts posted by Nephthys

  1. In Combat:


    Nephthys: HP: 18(19-1)/20 || EN: 0(0+1-1)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    Boar 1: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 2: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131598
    BD: 4(3+1) >>FAIL<<
    Sword Art: None
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    MD: 3 >>FAIL<<
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    Boar 3: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 4: HP 0(10-18)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131599
    MD: 7 >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3-9=1

    Thorns activated, Boar takes 18 Damage

    ID: 131600
    LD: 20
    CD: 2

    126 Col
    Perfect Consumable (1)
    Rare Trinket (1)

    Right after she pushed back the last boar, she looked at the other one. She was getting slightly tired of this little game, so with her goal in sight, she went to stab the boar. But she was interrupted when the other boar ran right into her leg. It burst into fragments because of the enchantments on her armor, but it still didn't help the fact that she had missed her mark, again. She looked at the final boar to see that it was clumsily running at her and she sighed. Pushing back a few feet she watched it soon face plant and she shook her head.

    It was a sad day when even the boars couldn't hit her from exhaustion. This just meant that she was going to have to put the boar out of it's misery soon right? She really hoped so, because she just wanted to continue on this hunt.

  2. In Combat:


    Nephthys: HP: 19(20-1)/20 || EN: 0(2-2)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    Boar 1: HP 0(10-12)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131592
    BD: 7 >>HIT<<
    Sword Art: Heft
    DMG: 6*2=12

    ID: 131593
    LD: 9
    CD: 6

    120 Col
    Tier 1 Material (2)
    Rare Trinket (1)

    Boar 2: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131594
    MD: 2 >>FAIL<<
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    Boar 3: HP 0(10-18)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131595
    MD: 6 >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3-9=1

    Thorns activated, Boar takes 18 Damage

    ID: 131596
    LD: 18
    CD: 2

    133 Col
    Rare Consumable (1)
    Rare Weapon (1)

    Boar 4: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131597
    MD: 4 >>FAIL<<
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    She might have to look into that, after she deals with this quest and the four new markers in front of her face. She saw the boars before they saw her. Which was nice, because the first thing that she did was charge the first boar and used Heft on it. She watched as it burst into fragments the moment the tip of her spear crossed through it's body. She nodded as she looked at the second boar, only to be able to narrowly dodge it's attack at the precise moment. Well, wasn't that lucky.

    Of course, this caused her to miss the attack that came from the third boar, but the moment that it hit her, both of them lost health. Her a sliver, the boar, it's entire health bar. Another cloud of fragments. The fourth boar though, it was staring at her and when it tried to attack, she just pushed it away with the butt of her spear's pole.

  3. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20/20 || EN: 2/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    You know, I should just not worry on that. It's not like she will find me again right? I mean, she's probably up on the higher floors by now. No need to worry... Now if only her thoughts were as convincing as she wanted them to be. Her right hand gripped the pole of her spear as she walked. It swayed back and forth with her as she moved. Nephthys was still concerned about things, but you know what, she did need to let that go. So, instead of focusing on what could happen, she was going to focus on things that should happen. As she walked, she started to think of the things that she missed, cooking. Perhaps she should become a cook in game. It might help her. Only, she wasn't a cook so to say, but more of a baker. Was there a shop here that dealt with cakes and treats like that?

  4. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20/20 || EN: 1(0+1)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    She was starting to wonder if this was a lost cause of sorts. How hard could it really be to actually go and find herself a familiar who wanted to be tamed? She pulled the guidebook from her pocket and looked up the quest. Reading through the book, she cringed lightly. Well, good thing she didn't have anything else that she wanted to do today. She put the book back into her pocket and sighed. "It's going to be a long day isn't it. Hopefully, I can just keep killing things along the way, that should make life a little easier." Of course, killing things would help her level which would be nice. She would be able to defend herself just that much more against people trying to kill her. But it was still the fact that she had to even kill enough things to level up in the first place.

  5. End Combat:


    Nephthys: HP: 16(17-1)/20 || EN: 0(0+1-1)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    Boar 1: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 2: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 3: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 4: HP 0(10-18)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131534
    BD: 4 >>FAIL<<
    Sword Art: None
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    MD: 7 >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3-9=1

    Thorns Activated, Boar Takes 18 Damage

    ID: 131535
    LD: 7
    CD: 1

    48 Col
    Tier 1 Material (4)
    Uncommon Consumable (1)

    She watched the final boar, and charged forward to thrust her spear into it, only for it to move out of the way. So it seems like her basic attacks never connected, well, that was a nice thing to know. For now though, she watched the boar, only to miss it's attack against her. It ran right into her leg, to which she kicked it and noticed that her thorns hit it once more. The boar was a cloud of fragments the moment her foot had touched it. Well, that was mighty anti-climatic wasn't it.

    She sighed as she brought her spear over to lean on it a little as she checked all of the loot that she got. Some good hauls here and even some materials. Maybe with that she might think about a profession to join. That was still a hard maybe. She wasn't entirely certain if there was one that caught her eye really.

  6. In Combat:


    Nephthys: HP: 17(18-1)/20 || EN: 0(0+1-1)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    Boar 1: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 2: HP 0(10-18)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131531
    BD: 3 >>FAIL<<
    Sword Art: None
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    MD: 8 >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3-9=1

    Thorns Activate, Boar Takes 18 Damage

    ID: 131532
    LD: 8
    CD: 5

    102 Col
    Tier 1 Material (2)
    Rare Trinket (1)

    Boar 3: HP 0/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    Boar 4: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131533
    MD: 3 >>FAIL<<
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    There was a minor stare down between herself and the two remaining boars, but that didn't last long at all. She ran to the first boar that was still alive and as she went to stab the boar, it managed to jump out of the way before running at her and tackling her to the ground. But before she could push the boar off, the thorns on her armor hit the boar and it instantly died from the damage taken. So she rose to her feet right as the one boar turned to fragments and she looked at the final remaining boar.

    This wasn't as hard as she thought it was going to be, so there was that going for her. She watched the final boar, wondering what it was that it was thinking. Apparently, it was thinking about attacking her, because it soon charged her. But it was coming at her so clear that she was easily able to step to the side as she watched it run right past her and into a hill. Ow.

  7. In Combat:


    Nephthys: HP: 18(20-2)/20 || EN: 0(2-2)/2 || DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    Boar 1: HP 0(10-16)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131523
    BD: 10 >>CRITICAL +2<<
    Sword Art: Heft
    DMG: 6+2*2=16

    ID: 131525
    LD: 6
    CD: 10

    160 Col
    Rare Trinket (1)

    Boar 2: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131526
    MD: 9 >>CRITICAL +1<<
    DMG: 3+1-9=1

    Boar 3: HP 0(10-18)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<
    ID: 131527
    MD: 6 >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3

    Thorns Activated, Boar 3 Takes 18 Damage

    ID: 131528
    LD: 14
    CD: 9

    133 Col
    Rare Armor (1)

    Boar 4: HP 10/10 || DMG: 3
    ID: 131529
    MD: 5 >>FAIL<<
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    She stared at the food that she was handed before she continued to walk out of the town. What could go wrong with getting something that would be able to help her? Zeph fixed her grip on her spear as she looked around the wild. She knew that something was going to attack her, so she was just going to prepare for it. What she didn't think was going to happen though, was to run into a small pack of boars. She stared at the four markers that she could see and debated on going to opposite direction of them, just to avoid them, but she instead decided to attack.

    Charging forward, she swung her spear diagonally into the first boar, cutting it right down the center. Poof, it was gone in a cloud of fragments. One down, three to go. She looked at the three boars as they went to surround her. The first one to attack went right for her and was able to hit her right in the left leg. She watched as her health only dropped by a sliver and she smiled lightly at the thought. When the third boar attacked, it hit her, but the enchantment of Thorns on her armor activated, instantly killing the boar in retaliation.

    Two down, two to go. The fourth boar, she was able to easily dodge when she saw it running for her. Well, this wasn't as much of a challenge as she thought that it was going to be.

  8. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20/20 || EN: 0/2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    Wasp: HP 0/10 || DMG 3 || Hate vs Virgil: 0 // vs Nephthys: 0 >>DEAD<<

    ID: 131516
    BD: 6 >>HIT<<
    Sword Art: Heft
    DMG: 5*2=10

    ID: 131517
    LD: 19
    CD: 5

    60 Col
    Tier 1 Material (4)
    Perfect Armor (1)
    Perfect Trinket (1)

    "I've changed? I didn't really notice. But, you know, so have you." She looked at him and nodded, "I know I have. But then again having someone literally try to ki-..." She abruptly stopped her words as she shook her head. "Never mind." He didn't ask, she won't tell. Not that it seemed like he was going to anyways, but hey, he was still her brother. Just not the exact same one that she used to know. "I can't say I know why I changed the way I did. I hope it's not for the worse." She just glanced at him, before she turned to keep walking.

    The forest was soon upon them and she noticed that there was a giant wasp sitting there, as if waiting for them. "Shall we?" And he was off, no thought to try and make the best approach. She sighed as she walked to her right a few paces and watched his attack miss. But now, the wasp wasn't looking at her, and she took that advantage. Holding the spear in both hands, she went for the wasp and brought the tip of the spear across the wasps center.

    She cut it in half and it was gone. Moving ever so slightly, she looked around, waiting to see if it was alone or not before she looked at him. "Strategies brother." She looked at him ad motioned for him to try and find something new to kill.


  9. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20/20 || EN: 2(1+1)/2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    He had no response to her reasoning for not feeling safe still. Honestly, that didn't surprise her at this point. He didn't seem like the person who she used to know. But then, was she? Either way, she watched her brother out of the corner of her eye as she looked around them. There was no way that she would be here, right? She should be higher leveled now, right?

    "Well, only thing we can do then is go out there and hunt. It'll be good to explore the area while we're at it." She watched him walk past her toward the forest and she nodded as she pulled her spear back to her side and followed him. Neph soon caught up to him so she was walking side by side with her brother, but something was nagging at her, and she was going to ask it.

    "Issac...you've changed. Why?" She probably wasn't asking the best question to ask, but she was going to ask it anyways.


  10. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20/20 || EN: 1(0+1)/2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    She probably should have warned him before she attacked the second boar, whoops. At least he wasn't harmed. It was the smirk he gave though that made her think that he wasn't exactly listening to what she was saying fully. But then, she wasn't explaining it much at all was she. "If you say so. But I think the solid metal plates you're wearing beg to differ." Neph shook her head, "The solid metal plates can only protect against things closer to my level. Not things that have gotten experience from killing other players..." She might have hinted a bit more about what she was worried about, but that was that.

    She noticed that he was making sure that there was nothing else around, and she just stood in her spot, waiting. Watching for the orange marker she knew had to be following her. Or so she thought at least. "So, how should we proceed now." She turned her head to her brother lightly before she pointed her spear in the direction further from town. "Well, if we want to hunt, things are going to be that way. Bigger packs tend to hunt further out though." Or at least, so she thought.


  11. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20 || EN: 0(2-2)/2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    Boar: HP: 0(10-10)/10 || DMG: 3 >>DEAD<<

    ID: 131478
    BD: 7 >>HIT<<
    Sword Art: Heft
    DMG: 5*2=10

    ID: 131479
    LD: 9
    CD: 6

    120 Col
    Tier 1 Materials (2)
    Rare Trinket (1)

    She noticed him glance at her, but there was still something pestering her in the back of her mind. Of course, that was probably just the paranoia that she was feeling at this point. She probably shouldn't be out and about, it was probably a very bad idea really. Her grip tighten on her spear though as she looked at Issac. "I take it you decided it was safe enough? Well, you are safe. As safe as you can be." She just looked at him, he really didn't know what was making her feel unsafe, she might actually have to clue him in on that.

    But that was the least of her worries right now. Nope, the eyes that she could have sworn that she felt before, finally showed themselves. It was just a boar. Okay, that was a little better. She loosened her grip on the spear a little bit, but Issac reacted before he did. He swung his scythe around before bringing it down on the boar's center. She sighed lightly at the thought of it being gone, that was good. "See? Perfectly safe." But they weren't, she looked behind him and quickly rushed the boar that was trying go for her brother. She wasn't allowing it, no she was going to protect him.

    She moved her hands to the heavy part of the spear as she came to a stop, moving the tip of the spear diagonally and across it's torso. It's health instantly draining to zero and it turning into fragments. She turned and looked at her brother then, "Safe from monsters like this, yes. Safe from...," she couldn't even say the person's name before she shook her head. "There are things that I'm not safe from. So, I have to better myself to be safe." She ignored the loot window that showed up as she walked back over to her brother.


  12. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20 || EN: 2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    "I spent a lot of time exploring this place. This town is like a maze, so I'd rather know my way around it." Now, if she would have been around her brother the past tow years, she probably could have called him out on his lie, but that wasn't what was going to happen. Instead, she just nodded her head silently. "Exploring is better than sitting." Her voice seemed to hold some kind of tone that made it seem like she knew from experience, which she did.

    "What about you? Have you been doing anything lately?" She should have known that the question was going to bounce back around to her. Another small head shake, only this one was accompanied by her glancing around once more. "No. Just sitting in an inn, debating on if it was safe to leave." She wasn't going to say much more on it, not unless he wanted to know. But with how he seemed to be acting, she might not have to worry about that. There was something ear them though, she just couldn't find it yet, but she could feel eyes on the pair.


  13. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20 || EN: 2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    "Sure. I was just going out myself." Well that was good, but why was she expecting him to say no? That was the golden question there wasn't it. Either way, she opened her menu and sent her brother a party invite. It was quiet for a few minutes before she finally opted to say something, it wasn't going to be fun to sit in awkward and unwarranted sibling silence. She looked over her shoulder, "So, what have you been up to brother?" It's funny, they used to be closer than this, and now, well this definitely wasn't close.

    This felt like the opposite of close. There was a new found distance between herself and her older brother, and she didn't know from where it came. Well, she did, but was she ready to admit everything that had happened to make her run off? Just thinking of that made her quickly glance around them. She wasn't sure if she was being hunted, but there were times that it felt like it.


  14. Spoiler

    Nephthys: HP: 20 || EN: 2 || DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    "You should be more careful, Madeline." She sighed. She knew that he was in the game, hell, she ran off from him after everything had happened so long ago. But to literally run into him, well, what kind of luck was that. She was only gone for two years, and here he was, acting as if he didn't care. Well, that might have hurt a bit if she didn't expect it really. "Really Issac, two years and that's it?" Okay, so she was still going to say something, but she shrugged it off soon enough as she moved to step around him.

    She was about to take a step further from the town, but stopped herself and looked at her older brother. What happened to him, she didn't fully know, but something had to mess him up. As for her, she never got to tell him, she just, vanished. "Want to come with?" She didn't think she would have to say much more, but she did anyway. "I'm going to put the past behind me and start leveling. You're the only one here I trust, so you're the only one I will offer this to before I leave," there was an unspoken 'again' at the end there.


  15. Spoiler

    Level: 1
    HP: 20
    EN: 2
    DMG: 6 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 1 || Thorns: 18

    » Two Handed Assault Spear - Rank 1

    » <<Spartan>> [Perfect 2H Assault Spear[Accuracy // Damage // Damage]]
    » <<Masochist's Plate>> [Perfect Heavy Armor [Mitigation // Thorns // Thorns]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    Okay, the meeting with her brother was, unexpected. That much was safe to say, but, she still needed someone to talk to. She had heard about some gypsy wandering around town handing out food and a quest to get a familiar. She didn't know what she was going to train it to be yet, mainly because she needed to tame the thing first. So that was something that she could worry about on another day. Currently though, Neph was wandering around the Town of Beginnings waiting for this NPC to show herself. Why did some of them have to be so difficult to find? What was the point of that? She sighed as she thought on this before she felt someone tug at her sleeve. She looked to see that it was the very gypsy that she was looking for. "I've got some food here to help one tame a Familiar. You look a little lonely and like you could use the company. Here, take this and go find yourself a friend along the worn path out of town." Right as if it was really going to be that easy anyways. But, Neph took the food and dipped her head in thanks before she started to head out of town, on a new mission. Hunting down some kind of friend, ha that was a funny thought, a friend.

  16. She'd been walking the streets, she needed a better weapon and armor, mainly because she actually planned on leveling and moving out of this town. But to do that, well, she had to go shopping. She didn't have much to her name, but what she did have right now, she was ready to spend on something. There was a shop that caught her eye and she went in. The first thing that she read was that the blacksmith was open, awesome, just not for requests. Well, that didn't bug her, she would just look to see what he had. As she scanned his wares, she caught the sight of a perfect two handed assault spear, awesome, and even a perfect heavy armor, even better. Looking at the blacksmith she pointed to both of the items before handing over some materials that she had laying around and col. "For those." She took the items when they were handed over and she turned to leave, but paused. "I'll be back." Well, that was her way of saying that this was about her be her permanent blacksmith, good for him.



    >> Tier One Perfect 2H Assault Spear <<Spartan>> [Accuracy // Damage // Damage] for 6 T1 Materials
    Tier One Perfect Heavy Armor <<Masochist's Plate>> [Mitigation // Thorns // Thorns] for 550 Col


  17. Spoiler

    Level: 1
    HP: 20
    EN: 2
    DMG: 5 || MIT: 9

    » Two Handed Assault Spear - Rank 1

    » <<Nightfall>> [Uncommon 2H Assault Spear [Damage]]
    »  <<Obsidian Breastplate>> [Uncommon Heavy Armor [Mitigation]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    Nephthys, the Egyptian Goddess of Death, Decay, and the Unseen, and now, just a loner in a virtual world that she can't get out of. She stared at the spear that she had in her hands before she nodded to herself. It has been long enough. She has been hiding in town long enough without leaving in fear of being found by her ex-best friend. She hadn't even spoken to her brother in the years that had passed that she was stuck in this game. She used to have fun, life used to be good. Now, she doesn't know who to trust and which direction to watch. She felt like she needed to watch everything, but she just couldn't, not alone at least. She took in a deep breath as she walked to the gates of the town, yeah, it was time to leave and go out and fight once more. Only this time, alone.

    With Nightfall in hand and her Obsidian Breastplate on, she was prepared to go. She was ready to try this game once more. As she left the gates of town, she smiled a little bit as she looked around the wilds outside. Yeah, she could do this. "Okay, you can do this." Ha, a small pep talk before she walked and ran right into someone. Wait, when did that person get there?


  18.  800x150

      T H R E A D S .





    » none



    » [Private] Unexpected Family Reunions [Virgil]
    » [Private] Still Attempting To Catch Up [Virgil]
    » [Private] My Big Fat Greek Wedding [Koga, Noctua, Yukiro, Lonzo, Tala, NIGHT, Bahr, Lessa]
    » [Solo] Hunting And Gathering



    » [Solo] Talons For Hire [4 SP]
    » [Solo] Let's Try This Again [3 SP]
    » [Solo] Learning To Defend [3 SP]
    » [Solo] Creating Potions [3 SP]
    » [Solo] Time To Officially Start [4 SP]
    » [Private] Already Bored, Bringing Company This Time [Koga] [4 SP]
    » [Solo] Back To Lonely Boredom [4 SP]
    » [Solo] Is Fishing Really Peaceful? [4 SP]
    » [Solo] How To Save A Village [4 SP]
    » [Event] New Life Years Festival [0 SP]
    » [Solo] Thorn Within [3 SP]
    » [Private] Trust and Dragons [ChaseR] [3 SP]
    » [Private] Playing With Fire [ChaseR] [5 SP]
    » [Private] A Chance Meeting [Entropy] [2 SP]
    » [Private] Two Headed Snakes, Great [ChaseR] [5 SP]



    »<<Feeding the Enemy>>
    »<<Training Your Friend>>
    »<<Saying Vows>>
    » «Scents of the Wild»
    »[F01/11/21] <<Nature's Treasure>>
    »[F01] <<Earning a Living>>
    »[F01] <<Redemption>>
    »[F01] <<First Few Lessons are Free>>
    »[F01] <<The Second Lesson>>
    »[F01] <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>>
    »[F01] <<The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free>>
    »[F01] <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>

    »[F01] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 1: the Emerald Hatching>>
    »[F02] <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>
    »[F02] <<The Venemous Warg>>
    »[F02] <<Let There Be Light>>
    »[F02] <<Long Live the Queen>>
    »[F02] <<Return of the Queen>>
    »[F02] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 2: the Quartz Hatching>>
    »[F03] <<Worn Out Welcome>>
    »[F03] <<Search for the Hoya>>
    »[F03] <<Elvish Rivalries>>
    »[F03] <<Treant Rivalries>>
    »[F03] <<Escape>>
    »[F03] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 3: the Opal Hatching>>
    »[F04] <<Essence of Steel>>
    »[F04] <<The Night's King>>
    »[F04] <<Avalanche>>
    »[F04] <<Absolute Zero>>
    »[F04] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 4: the Diamond Hatching>>
    »[F05] <<Butcher of the Sands>>
    »[F05] <<The Traveler>>
    »[F05] <<Blood in the Sand>>
    »[F05] <<Bloodstained Land>>
    »[F05] <<Arabian Nights>> First Night
    »[F05] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 5: the Topaz Hatching>>
    »[F06] <<The Gemini>>
    »[F06] <<Calming the Soul>>
    »[F06] <<Deforestation>>
    »[F06] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 6: the Jade Hatchling>>
    »[F07] <<Arabian Nights>> Second Night
    »[F07] <<Case of Wurms>>
    »[F07] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 7: the Jasper Hatchling>>
    »[F08] <<Monkey King>>
    »[F08] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 8: the Sapphire Hatchling>>
    »[F09] <<The Iron Guardian>>
    »[F09] << Guardian of Fire >>
    »[F09] <<Bandit Camp>>
    »[F09] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Dragon Hunt 9: the Ruby Hatchling>>
    »[F09] <<Burning Phoenix Feathers>>
    »[F09] «The Gatekeeper of Fire»
    »[F10] <<Wail of the Banshee>>
    »[F10] <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - Judgment Day>>
    »[F12] <<Lord of the Seas>>
    »[F14] <<The Lich's Calling>>
    »[F15] <<Bane of Blood>>
    »[F15] <<The Swashbuckling Buccaneer>>
    »[F16] <<Snake Out of Water>>
    »[F17] <<Herculean Labor: The Nemean Lion>>
    »[F17] <<Challenge of Olympus>>
    »[F18] <<Just for the Halibut>>
    »[F17] <<Keep calm and Ki'Raion>>
    »[F21] <<The Hidden Village>>
    »[F21] <<Betrayal of the King>>
    »[F21] <<Trouble in the Mines>>
    »[F22] <<What We Fight For>>
    »[F22] <<King of Lakes>>
    »[F22] <<Witch of the West>>
    »[F23] <<Escaping the Underdark>>
    »[F23] <<Search and Rescue>>
    »[F23] <<Ugzeke The Mighty>>
    »[F24] <<Incognito Analysis>>
    »[F24] <<Incognito Assassination>>
    »[F24] <<Raging Rhino>>


  19. 800x150

      S T A T S .


    LEVEL 20
    HIT POINTS 400
    ENERGY 58
    EXP 14000
    SKILL POINTS 3 out of 100

    PROFESSION Alchemist
    SHOP Here




    Utility Skills:
    » None

    Combat Skills:
    » Battle Healing - Rank 1 [4 SP]

    Weapon Skills:
    » 2HAS - Rank 5 [30 SP]

    • Ferocity [6 SP]
    • Stamina [4 SP]

    Armor Skills:
    » Heavy Armor - Rank 5 [30 SP]

    Combat Masteries:
    » Combat Mastery: Evasion - Rank 3 [13 SP]

    Familiar Skills:
    » Grappling Familiar [10 SP]

    Extra Skills:
    » None

    Unique Skills:
    » None



    » Nightfall [Uncommon T1 2H Assault Spear [Damage]]
    » Spartan [Perfect T1 2H Assault Spear[Accuracy // Damage // Damage]]
    » Mahklab [Perfect T1 2H Assault Spear[Damage // Damage // Damage]]
    » Snowfall [Demonic T2 2H Assault Spear[Cursed // Damage // Damage // Damage]] >>Equipped<<

    » Obsidian Breastplate [Uncommon T1 Heavy Armor [Mitigation]]
    » Masochist's Plate [Perfect T2 Heavy Armor [MIT | THORNS II]
    » Lucky Dice [Perfect T1 Trinket [Loot Die // Loot Die // Loot Die]]
    » Hawk Bracelet [Perfect T1 Bracelet [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]] >>Equipped<<
    » Qadhaf [Perfect T2 Heavy Armor [Thorns // Thorns // Heavy Momentum]] >>Equipped<<
    » Breastplate [Uncommon T1 Heavy Armor [Mitigation]]
    » Quick Amulet [Uncommon T1 Necklace [Evasion]]

    » None

    » (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    » Healing Salve (1)
    » (5) Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    » 1 Fish with +1 Vitality snack (+2 Energy Regenerated in Combat for one Thread)
    » Unidentified Rare Trinket (12)
    » Unidentified Rare Armor (4)
    » Unidentified Uncommon Consumable (3)
    » Unidentified Rare Consumable (5)
    » Unidentified Rare Weapon (3)
    » Unidentified Perfect Consumable (3)
    » Unidentified Perfect Weapon (1)
    » Unidentified Perfect Trinket (1)
    » <<Venom Vial>>
    » <Rhaegal’s Emerald>
    » Tiger Rage (+2 DMG for one thread, takes post action to apply.)
    » <Snake Venom>



    Name: Bast
    Description: A jet black female panther with ruby red eyes.
    Familiar Mastery: Protector - Rank 1 [0 SP]




      N E P H T H Y S .


    NAME Madeline Ryder
    AGE 16 -> 18
    RACE American

    HEIGHT 5’7”/170cm
    WEIGHT 122lbs/55kg
    BIRTHDAY 23/4
    ORIENTATION Bisexual




    Growing up seemed to be easy. She had her older brother who she adored and loved with everything that she could. Of course, he was a few years older, so she did get used to him being a little protective of her while she was growing up. But what she didn't expect was to develop a love for games while growing up. It started off small, Pokemon, then it grew, Dungeons and Dragons. She started to get enveloped into the gaming world, so much so, that when the release of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear was announced, she was one of the first in line for launch day.

    Now, at first, being in the game was nice and fun. She went in with a friend of her's and well, they started to hit it off better than they thought they might have. More just getting the hang of the game than anything else. But, once the Game Master made his announcement and it was shown that they couldn't leave, that was when things changed for her and her friend. The other woman had changed, drastically with that news, so much so, that while they were out attempting to hunt some boars, her friend turned on her.

    She managed to get away from the person that she had called a friend, and from there, no one saw her since. Not even her brother who she knew was in the game. She couldn't face him, nor anyone else. So she made her life invisible basically and just, vanished.







    Compassionate: Nephthys is the type of woman who will put others before herself if she trusts them. She doesn't like to see them hurt or having a hard time, so she will do her best to help. Her compassion will only be shown to her friends and family, and she will make sure that they don't forget that they are loved.

    Strategic: She likes to think things out first. Why run head first into something when a detailed and perfect plan can be made? Now, she does know that plans can't be everywhere, but that doesn't mean that she still won't try to think of one to save the situation.

    Protective: There is only one real person who she is protective of right now, and that is herself. But she is normally protective of those who she knows that she can trust. She doesn't like to see them taking damage, for she feels that it is her job to take that damage, no matter what it might be from.


    Distrusting: Ever since her friend tried to kill her in game, she hasn't trusted anyone who is new to her. She doesn't want to trust anyone either. The only person who has her trust is her older brother, and she feels that it is safer for herself that way.

    Loner: She likes to stay alone now. Why be in a crowd when someone is just going to stab you in the back, sometimes literally. Large crowds she won't be seen in, and she tends to just back away from social gatherings. The only way to get her to be at a social gathering is to actually tie her down and force her to be there.

    Quiet: She doesn't talk to others all that often. If she trusts you, she will hold conversations for days. But if she doesn't trust you, then you will get a one to two word response or you have to be good at reading body language to understand what she is saying.



    Virgil [Brother]
    Koga [Acquaintance]




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