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Everything posted by KnightessCiela

  1. Ciela looked up at Wulfrin, still leaning on his shoulder. "Does Solaris eat fish? Cause that would definitely be something to keep in mind when you find fish armor." She giggled, then gave the bird a bit of a cake she had bought at a shop in between the pairs travels. She looked up at Wulfrin with those doe eyes once more, "Thank you for being my friend, and for putting up with my goofiness at the beginning. I know it's only been a few days, but I feel closer to you than I ever have to anyone in real life." She became flustered once more, "God, that's cheesy I'm so sorry." She waved her
  2. As Wulfrin wrapped his free arm around her, she realized what she that she had rested her head on him. She became flustered immediately, but she didn't pull away. There was a sense of comfort to Wulfrin's touch. His touch gave her the feeling of a friend you haven't seen in a while, but you linger in a hug with because you missed them so much. Ciela inched a bit closer, listening to him continue on about his adventure before dawn. "So that's why you didn't get sleep? So you could find Solaris. I can't wait to get a familiar. I've not really thought about it yet." She was speaking softly,
  3. Ciela watched Freyd battle the large land shark in awe. She wondered to herself why he was having a western standoff with the shark for a moment. She refrained from making any jokes, as this was not the moment to do so. As Freyd landed the final hit, the shark was sliced clean in half before fading out of existence and sinking into the sands. Ciela gave a thumbs up to Freyd as he checked on her and Wulfrin, "Yep! All good here. No shark bites for me." She smiled at him and gave him a once over. "Are you alright? That was so awesome." She looked at Freyd and Wulfrin with stars in her eyes.
  4. Ciela listened to her companion spin his tale as she continued to fight. The group of wolves slowly diminished. She looked at the two wolves that were left and prepared her next attack. She looked at her energy bar as she began to swing at the two wolves, she must have been distracted by something as she missed them both. "Drat. Well you win some you lose some." She waited for the wolves to attack. Their HP was low so she knew that the end of combat was near. Wolf 1 chomped at her and she watched as it dematerialized after it's attack landed. Wolf 4 followed, the wolf chomped at her even
  5. Ciela chuckled at Wulfrin, "What a troublemaker you are. Well I guess I can't blame you if he's a prick." She continued to fight the wolves. As she performed her attack on the three wolves, she noticed that her attack on wolf one seemed to linger exactly like it did on her previous attack on wolf three. "Two out of three really isn't bad this go around. I feel like a masochist, I want them to hit me so they do more damage to themselves since you added thorns onto my armor." She laughed and put her shield up, bracing herself for potential attacks. Wolf one jumped at her, missing her just
  6. Ciela gave Freyd a thumbs up, "I'll send a message over to you when I get it opened. Hopefully it'll be soon." She made sure to follow Wulfrin and Freyd very closely and not stray away from them, knowing that if she did she would have absolutely got lost. Especially in a desert such as this. Ciela watched in awe as Freyd and Persi delivered their attacks. Freyd motioned for her and Wulfrin to join the battle. She ran in to hit Terra Firma, but it seemed as if her attack fell just short of hitting the large beast. Realizing she wasn't able to get a hit off, she ran back to safety and hid
  7. She listened to Wulfrin tell his story as she continued to battle the wolves. This time she had no trouble hitting the angry little woofers. As she approached them once more, she performed a little bit of a spin. She gracefully hit three of the four wolves, with one just barely being out of her range. "Heh, three out of four ain't too shabby." She smirked and got a little dizzy from her little spin. "Is it just me or is the world spinning?" She wibbled and wobbled as the wolves attacked her, somehow her being dizzy assisted in not being hit. After a moment, the ground began to assist her stabi
  8. She smiled at Freyd, "Ciela is a reference to one of my favorite video game franchises, it's from one of the less popular games in the franchise. I don't usually like violence, I'm more like a human wall." She chuckled and became flustered as Freyd suggested that he would make orders from her shop. "I actually haven't made it yet, Wulfrin wanted to take me on this adventure before we worked on getting me the cook profession. I'm planning to name it something like Fondante's Inferno, or Whisk it for the Biscuit. I really like Fondante's Inferno but I'm welcome to any suggestions." Ciela w
  9. DATE: [3/24/24] RANK 6 BLACKSMITH | [EXP: 301/319] | Daily Crafting Attempts: 7 CRAFTING BUFFS: Ambition Tool +1 EXP per craft Crafting Tier 1 [Martial Arts Weapon]s: ID: 220773 | CD: 4 | Salvage | LD 5 | Material Lost ID: 220774 | CD: 7 | Success | Uncommon ID: 220775 | CD: 12 | Success | Perfect ID: 220776 | CD: 6 | Success | Uncommon ID: 220777 | CD: 7 | Success | Uncommon ID: 220778 | CD: 3 | Salvage | LD 12 | Material Saved ID: 220779 | CD: 12 | Success | Perfect RESULT: +36 XP (2+3+8+3+3+2+8+7) | [EXP: 366/639] -6 materials | sent to banker New
  10. "No Wulfrin," she said in a mocking tone, "I woke up and chose VIOLENCE." As the shadowy figure introduced himself she waved with a smile on her face. Wulfrin introduced her and she smiled at the figure now being introduced as Freyd. "Please feel free to call me Ciela, or if you wanna just come up with a nickname for me I'm happy with whatever you decide!" She finally relaxed and took a portion of the crème brulée offered by Freyd. "Persi is a very pretty name, I guess that's fitting for such a pretty mongoose." Ciela smiled at Persi, very much wanting to pet her, but holding back as to not an
  11. "I'll take the full story but if you needed more sleep we could've headed out a little later goober. A lady never declines a little extra beauty sleep." She watched as he set up his usual fishing routine. "But I'll take the story, I love stories." She debated in her head for a moment, thinking on what she wanted to do. She figured she may try her hand at combat for a moment and then she'll gather for a bit. Looking around she found a pack of 4 Wolves. She immediately went for it, taking her companions advice on combat first then search while her energy returns. She swiped at the first and seco
  12. Ciela sits at the table, listening to what Wulfrin said. "Yes sir! I will NOT move until Freyd says to move." She then became extremely still, only really looking around with her eyes. She wondered what this "Freyd" was like. The only other interaction she had with him was when he was a shadow in the corner of Zackariah's shop, and she didn't really interact with him. She's known Wulfrin as the strongest character she's known so far, but if this guy is stronger than Wulfrin than he MUST be powerful. Her mind started to wander, thinking about what is gonna happen during this quest. Wulfri
  13. Ciela got close Wulfrin's face, squinting and inspecting it. "Did you sleep AT ALL last night? You look like you went a few rounds with a big ol bear." The tone in her voice was almost like a mom scolding her child. She waved at the bird and offered Solaris a chunk of bread that she grabbed from the tavern on the way out. "Is that the familiar you were wanting to get, you definitely didn't have that yesterday. WAIT, is that what you did all night!? What am I gonna do with you Wulfrin?" She looked at him and put her hands on her hips. "Well I know this for sure, you are definitely gonna t
  14. The duo sat at the table and Ciela gleefully ate her meal. "Man this place is good, I'm glad you recommended it." She smiled at Wulfrin. "Isn't this also the place that I get the cooking quest?? Dinner and a quest all in one run! How efficient. I'll get the quest started and then we can head out in the morning." She continued to eat her food. "The kitchen seems awfully busy tonight, even if there's not many people. I wonder if that's just how this place is programmed." As they finished their meal she looked at Wulfrin and patted his head, "Stay here I'll be back." Ciela approached the blonde t
  15. She shook her head and politely declined, "Maybe another time. I definitely want to but also I'm more concerned about fighting something that is closer to your level. Plus like you said it's something we can do later, maybe in our down time. I think it's time I go turn in this quest to that old bastard Lyle, that way you and I can get started on Lesson 3 and other things." She smiled at him and took his hand, dragging him back toward Tolbana. It didn't take them long before they were at Lyle's shop once more. Ciela mentally prepared herself for the abrasive old man, then they entered. She
  16. Ciela giggled as Wulfrin admitted to being a little bit of a cheerleader. Her body immediately tensed as Wulfrin put his hand on her shoulder. She felt her face redden and become warm as he inspected her armor. She spoke slowly and clearly as to hide her flustered state, "Yeah it held up great! We can always head back up to your shop after I turn in this quest and we can take the dent out of my armor. It's truly no biggie." She paused for a moment as she followed Wulfrin's movements. "What do you mean more beef?" She was very concerned that Wulfrin was going to throw her into another fight, an
  17. As the pair got up from the hug that was bestowed upon Wulfrin, she felt the heat radiating off of her reddened cheeks and she covered her face so that he couldn't tell. "I-I didn't mean to tackle you to the ground, I just got really excited and all," She continued to mumble and apologize profusely to him. After a moment, she composed herself as she uncovered her face. "Thank you very much for the congratulations. And yes, your fish armor worked great, and it doesn't even smell fishy when out in the sun. I'd say that's a plus and most likely your new slogan." Ciela outstretched her arms as if
  18. She took the blow to the chest that Mama Boar released upon her and into her chest. She barely felt any of the pain but she winced, "Ow, you're definitely gonna pay for that." Seeing that Mama Boar's health was low, she took no time for theatrics. Ciela grabbed onto one of Mama Boars tusks and used it to get on her back. With a quick swipe and slash of her sword, she attacked her enemy. As she did, she watched Mama Boars health bar deplete to nothing and prepared herself for landing. Mama boar dematerialized into fractals as Ciela began her descent. She landed a little rough, but still attempt
  19. Even with her last attack missing, she kept focused. She was confident, she wasn't scared. Mama Boar charged at her with the might of well, an angry pissed off mother who just watched her children get obliterated. Hell hath no fury like a Mama Boar scorned. As Mama Boar charged her, she rolled out of the way almost barely getting hit. She turned around as she saw Mama Boar heading for Wulfrin and before she could even say anything he moved aside and put his foot out for her to trip on, and trip she did. "That move was straight out of a cartoon!" Ciela laughed for a moment as Mama Boar tumbled.
  20. Ciela gasped. "I didn't see an extra drop. Maybe it just fell due to how good I killed those boarlets." Ciela calmly and slowly walked back over to the spot where she killed the boarlets, looking carefully through the grass as she did. She caught the glimmer of something a little further away. She walked closer to it. She spotted a vial on the ground, rolling slowly away from her. She managed to grab it, just before it slipped out of her grasp once more. She examined the vial, she noticed how pretty and vibrant the red was. She didn't notice that there was a big boar slowly approaching. It was
  21. "It's better to overkill, than to underkill. Underkilling gets you dead in this game if you aren't careful. It seems as if these boarlets are too weak for the fancy sword I got from you." She laughed. She nodded, "I'll be right back." She was feeling confident in her ability to take out the group of two rather than the group of three. As the boarlets notice her walking up to them. She readied her stance just like last time. As the boarlets began to move slightly closer to her, she began her strike. She once again ran at the boarlets, as she ran she kept her shield propped in front of her,
  22. Ciela let out a sigh of relief as she felt Wulfrin's hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to see me lose my composure. I have a bit of a short temper. I used to be better at keeping my anger held back but I guess not talking to people for a very long time made me a little rusty in that department." The duo continued to conversate as they walked toward the staging ground where the Boarlets were. When they finally got to the spot Ciela listened as Wulfrin explained everything to her. As Wulfrin spoke, Ciela almost if by muscle memory took a stance she learned when she was sword trainin
  23. She sighed a breath of relief. "At least I'm not stagnant in my progress." Wulfrin guided them towards Lyle's shop. As the pair entered the shop, Wulfrin spoke almost at a whisper. Ciela whispered back, not fully thinking before she spoke, "I've dealt with a lot of those in real life." Realizing what she said she immediately blushed and backpedaled. "Wait, wait I didn't mean it like that. I meant like there's been a lot of people that were dicks in my life." She thought for a moment and realized even that statement could be taken wrong. She thought carefully about how to phrase what she was ab
  24. Ciela followed the directions that Wulfrin gave her to find the shop, she read the name aloud. "Honeydew & Hushwind. Yep this is the place." She thought this place was very pretty and enjoyed the scenery almost as much as the spot Wulfrin had set his shop up. She entered the shop, startled by the bell ringing as she entered. She watched as a man peeked out from a study. She waves at him and approaches the counter. She smiles at him sweetly before saying, "Hi, are you Morningstar? I was recommended your shop by Wulfrin when I mentioned I wanted to get rid of my starting armor. Would
  25. Ciela realized her first lesson had finally cleared in the system. She looked over at Wulfrin, who was still graciously assisting and guiding her through her first few quests. In between which he took her to floor 22 to his blacksmith shop where in his words he planned to, keep her kitted. He definitely kept his word, so far he'd supplied her with a sword, a shield, and armor. He had also guided her on what sword skills she should pick up as she levelled up. She followed his suggestions pretty closely as she would not have had a clue without them. She snapped back to reality and smi
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