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[F1 - R10 Tailor] The Crusty Bahrnacle

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Day 36

- 4 T1 Materials
- 5 T3 Materials
+ 1 T3 Material salvaged
+ 83 EXP

Bahr spent some time at his sewing station. Sewing, weaving, pulling, stretching, mending, and assembling. After what seemed like forever, the fruits of his labor finally presented themselves. They were nothing special, just a few basic articles with the occasional breath of brilliance in between. Bahr could feel himself progressively becoming better and better at his craft. Every failure was a lesson. Every success a motivator. Every material snipped, every thread pulled, and every nip tucked. If he continued on his track at a pace like this, it would soon be him pulling the strings behind the Light Armor of Aincrad.


ID: 125659
CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 14

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125660
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 19

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125661
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 19

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Nightmare Overcoat
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 125661
Roll Result: CD13 / LD19
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +18 MIT | Regen 1
Description: "To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
Post Linkhttp://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=583288

ID: 125662
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 6

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Ravenfeather Treads
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 125662
Roll Result: CD12 / LD6
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 EVA
Description: "Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence."
Post Linkhttp://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=583288

ID: 125663
CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 20

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125664
CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 1

Material salvaging failed. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125665
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 11

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125666
CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 15

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 125667
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 1

Material salvaging failed. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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James entered the shop, having finally found it after an hour or so of searching. The shop had been quite hidden among all the turns and twists of the first town's lesser area. He looked around the store, taking in everything he saw until his eyes rested upon a set of armor. Upon seeing it, he quickly made his way to the counter and dropped a bag of 1000 col down. "Excuse me, sir," he said. "But I would like to buy that piece of armor right there." He pointed to the "Hakama of the Bloodgedge" that was hanging up on the wall. 

After purchasing the item, James equipped it and headed out the door, saying thank you as he left the entryway. 

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Koga was absolutely lost when he stumbled across a shop with the name "The Crusty Bahrnacle". Normally, the man would've passed this kind of shop without a second shop, but for some reason, this particular shop intrigued him. Curiosity won out, and when he pushed open the door and stepped inside, Koga was glad it had. The quaint and comfortable room housed an impressive display of armors and clothes. It was at that moment, Koga knew he was about to make quite the interesting impulse buy. The man looked around the room at the various light-armors, but sadly, found nothing that quite seemed to suit him. But as he walked up to the counter the man noticed a particular form. One for custom armor. Koga filled out the form before calling out for the shopowner, "Hello? Pardon, but I'd like to make a custom order!" Once the owner had appeared, Koga turned the form over to him. "Hi, do you mind making this for me?" he asked before turning the form over to him and payment soon after.


Name: The Shaded Coat
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA, EVA, Regen
Description: A black long coat. Although simple in appearance, it allows the user to move quickly, and assists in regenerating one's health. 'In the shade of trees, one may find repose.'
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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"Hi, do you mind making this for me?" the youth inquired, placing a form on the counter in front of Bahr. He picked up the scrap of paper and inspected its contents before giving the man a stiff nod. It didn't look like a particularly complex order, so Bahr retrieved some of the basic sewing materials strewn across his counter and got to work right away. 

After a nip here, a tuck there, and a pull of a thread that brought all of the pieces together, the coat flashed to signify a successful craft. He handed it over to the man who was still standing before him, taking care not to crease the material. 
"This should do the trick. If anything should go awry, you know where to find me."


+ 82 EXP
- 2 T1 Materials
+ 1 T1 Material salvaged
- 3 T2 Materials
+ 1 T2 Material salvaged
- 4 T3 Materials


ID: 128240
CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 16

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128241
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 4

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: The Shaded Coat
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 128241
Roll: CD13 / LD4
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | Regen
Description: A black long coat. Although simple in appearance, it allows the user to move quickly, and assists in regenerating one's health. 'In the shade of trees, one may find repose.'
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=585682

ID: 128243
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 10

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128244
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 17

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128245
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 19

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128246
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 18

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Curator of Truths
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 128246
Roll: CD12 / LD18
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Recovery
Description: "Truth sees all, but is blind all the same."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=585682

ID: 128248
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 10

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128249
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 8

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128250
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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Koga watched with interest as the owner set to work on Koga's armor. He didn't seem to have any issues, whatsoever, the skill of a master. The needle moved in and out of the cloth and worked its way to stitching together all the pieces. Soon enough, the myriad of cloth and thread glowed brightly, before becoming the armor that Koga had envisioned. The owner carefully handed the armor over to Koga. "This should do the trick. If anything should go awry, you know where to find me."

"Thanks, really impressive work," Koga said, handing the man some extra materials, "An advance payment. I'm sure I'll be back after this one." Koga turned around and left the shop, equipping the new armor as he left. It felt good on him. He felt like he could take on a floor boss now...not that he was eager to test that theory out.


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Bahr was feeling like a different flavor of tailoring today. He had spent a lot of time on his collection, and it had recently come to his attention that the vast majority of his wares were designed for men. Why wasn't he crafting more attire for women? It wasn't that he lacked the knowhow or experience, simply that he hadn't put that much thought into it. He had spent most of his time creating a wardrobe that suited his styles. But the women of Aincrad needed something to wear as well.

A nip here, a tuck there, and it was complete. A form-fitting coat that a woman would love, or so he hoped.

+ 78 EXP
- 9 T1 Materials
+1 T1 Material salvaged



ID: 128469
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 20

Uncommon Light Armor crafed. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128470
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 9

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128471
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 15

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Virtuous Ascendance
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 128471
Roll: CD13 / LD15
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Regen
Description: A form-fitting violet coat designed for wear by a woman. "Active Evil is better than Passive Good."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=585958

ID: 128472
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 12

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128473
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128475
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 14

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128476
CD: 1 | LD: 20

Crafting failed. +1 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128477
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 12

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 128478
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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Seemed Bahr's stock of Gloves of Caerus had dwindled down to nothing in recent times. Usually he kept an ample stock, as it was his best selling piece of equipment on display. But he had gotten a bit lazy as of late and had neglected to restock properly. When was the last time he had actually sat down to craft, anyways? Lately it seemed like an exercise in futility. Nobody came to a tailor.


The noobs needed him, at least. That's why the gloves were so popular. And so he made another pair - but that wasn't enough. A Crafter's Respite potion later, and he had another three pairs to flaunt around the shop. His stock had been successfully restored.

Crafter's Respite potion used.
+ 168 EXP
- 18 T1 Materials
+ 2 T1 Materials salvaged



ID: 129437
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 15

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129438
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 1

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129439
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 14

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129440
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 5

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129441
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 3

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129442
CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 10

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129443
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 12

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Gloves of Caerus
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 129443
Roll Result: CD13 / LD12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: "These gloves are rumored to have been worn by Caerus himself, Greek deity of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. They're tan and unremarkable in appearance, but never fail to bring luck to the wearer."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=587148

ID: 129444
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 1

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129445
CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 9

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129446
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 6

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129447
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 5

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Gloves of Caerus
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 129447
Roll Result: CD13 / LD5
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: "These gloves are rumored to have been worn by Caerus himself, Greek deity of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. They're tan and unremarkable in appearance, but never fail to bring luck to the wearer."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=587148

ID: 129448
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 7

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129449
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129450
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 11

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129451
CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 6

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129452
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 11

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129453
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 12

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Gloves of Caerus
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 129453
Roll Result: CD13 / LD12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: "These gloves are rumored to have been worn by Caerus himself, Greek deity of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. They're tan and unremarkable in appearance, but never fail to bring luck to the wearer."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=587148

ID: 129454
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 1

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Gloves of Caerus
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Roll ID: 129454
Roll Result: CD12 / LD1
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: "These gloves are rumored to have been worn by Caerus himself, Greek deity of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. They're tan and unremarkable in appearance, but never fail to bring luck to the wearer."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=587148



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+ 75 EXP
- 9 T3 Materials
+ 1 T3 Materials salvaged



ID: 129536
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129537
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 5

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129538
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 12

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129539
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 4

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129540
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 18

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129541
CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 7

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129542
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 13

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129543
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 6

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 129544
CD: 1 | LD: 11

Crafting failed. +1 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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Yukiro opened the door to Bahr's shop. He had received a message from Koga and had a feeling he knew what was going to happen. So he needed something in particular today. 
"Bahr, it's Yukiro. I've gotta buy some Hand Wraps," he called out, walking straight to the shelf with the best hand wraps he could see, "Mind if I buy these? The Gauntlets of Demios?" 
He was in a hurry but decided to wait for the tailor's opinion. He'd helped him out in a big way before, so it would feel wrong to not get his opinion this time around. Though he still decided to pay in advance, just in case. 

Sent 700 col to Bahr
Bought Gauntlets of Demios!


Name: Gauntlets of Deimos
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 5
ID: 119687
Roll: CD7 / LD8
Item Type: Hand Wraps
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 DMG
Description: "A step up from Rocky and Bullwinkle, these hand wraps will leave your opponent's speechless. Usually because they'll be dead."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r5-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=577104


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Randal had no idea how he had arrived at this part of town, at this moment he was pretty sure that he was looking for the exit to the Town of Beginners when he stumbled through the dark and dirty alleyways, the only odd respite in the area would be the shop with bright as heck red letters spelling “The Crusty Barnacle”.

Randal thought to himself that it’s not a particularly good name but certainly would not let anyone else know that that was what he thought.

Entering the shop as a form of respite from the uncertainty of the outside and the safety of the inside. 

The interior of the shop was extremely homely, in fact an incredibly far cry from the run down outside.

Admiring the the wares, he called for owner and waited, if he could, he would definitely want to buy some hand-wraps for himself, glancing at the equipment he resolve to purchase some. After his last battle with the Red Bee, Randal vowed to get better gear. Glancing at his meagre amount of Materials to trade for...he sighed in his heart and waited

He noticed the request form and knew exactly what he wanted.

- 9 T1 Materials

- 1,500 Col


Name: Comforting Hand Wraps
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Hand Wraps
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG, DMG, DMG
Description: An extremely practical basic hand wrap, the power lays in the user. “Shhhh, just go to sleep, everything will be okay” Legend says monsters still hear the whispers of the fist.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

Name: Never Miss Pants
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Light Armour Trousers
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA, EVA, EVA
Description: Now nobody said that you had a problem with your aim, especially not with whatever these trousers contain. Sturdy against groin attacks especially.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


Out of Character notes:

If you’ve decided to take up my request do let me know, so that I can cancel any other duplicate orders I have with other tailors. thanks!


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Ahh, so there was another order. Splended. Bahr would certainly be able to fulfill this in a jiffy, surely. It didn't seem that complex. But boy, was he wrong. 

For some reason, he just couldn't seem to get the mixture of thread right. And by the time he finally had, he had run out of steam for the day. At least he had managed to complete one of the crafts. He would need to wait until the next day to pry further into this seemingly difficult endeavor. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It had been awhile since he had had steady work.

+ 79 EXP
- 9 T1 Materials



ID: 130123
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 3

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Never Miss Pants
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 130123
Roll: CD12 | LD3
Item Type: Light Armour Trousers
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | EVA
Description: "Now nobody said that you had a problem with your aim, especially not with whatever these trousers contain. Sturdy against groin attacks especially."
Post Link: 

ID: 130124
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 10

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130125
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 11

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130126
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 16

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130127
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 17

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130128
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 14

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130129
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 11

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130130
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 9

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130131
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 17

Uncommon Martial Arts Weapon crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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Despite the trouble that Bahr had had the day before, a new day meant a new outlook. And he was chock full of that.

He weaved the craft together so effortlessly he hardly even noticed an hour had passed by its completion. He had enough steam to continue along until he had completed yet another perfect craft soon afterward. He had no idea what it was supposed to be, or who it was supposed to go to, but someone would find it useful. Eventually. Hopefully.

If not, then, well, it had been a massive waste of time. He wasn't really sure what else to think about the matter. Perhaps the words would come to him someday.

+ 85 EXP
- 9 T1 Materials
+ 1 T1 Material Salvaged



ID: 130300
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 6

Uncommon Martial Arts Weapon crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130301
CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 14

Rare Martial Arts Weapon crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130302
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 17

Perfect Martial Arts Weapon crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Comforting Hand Wraps
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 130302
Roll: CD12 | LD17
Item Type: Hand Wraps
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG | DMG | DMG
Description: An extremely practical basic hand wrap, the power lays in the user. “Shhhh, just go to sleep, everything will be okay” Legend says monsters still hear the whispers of the fist.
Post Link: 

ID: 130303
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 2

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130304
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 9

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130305
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 2

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130306
CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 16

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130307
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 13

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130308
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 3

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Treads of Holy Mitigation
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 130308
Roll: CD12 | LD3
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | EVA
Description: These boots somehow make your skin tougher. Doctor supervision recommended.
Post Link: 



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Randal didn’t really know how much time had passed, his last few quests could have taken days and years while at the same time could have been like 2 days ago. When he finally got back to “The Crusty Bahrnacle”, he noticed his hand wraps and trousers were done. Pleased at the outcome and quality of his equipment, he transferred the money and went on his way.

Received T1 Perfect Comforting Hand Wraps and T1 Perfect Never Miss Trousers.

Edited by Randal
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Today was the day. Bahr could feel it. He had been gearing up for a change in his life. A different way of running his stats. And today was the day it would happen. He only needed one more piece of equipment to make the switch a possibility, and he intended to make it. Right now.

So he sat down and got to work on a new coat. He had been wearing the same one since the beginning of this dreaded game, and it had aided him well. But it was time for something a little different. He wasn't ready to give up the appeal of his trademark red coat, so he vowed to make a new one. Virtually identical to the first, but with a few cosmetic upgrades.

Finally, it was complete. Bahr could step into his new stat block with pride.

+ 83 EXP
- 7 T1 Materials
+ 1 T1 Material salvaged
- 2 T2 Materials



ID: 130752
CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 5

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130753
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 16

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130754
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 7

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Mirror Shroud
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 130754
Roll: CD13 | LD7
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | EVA
Description: "Created from a reflective material designed to disorient opponents. Somehow sharp? Handle with care."
Post Link: 

ID: 130755
CD: 1 | LD: 11

Crafting failed. +1 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130756
CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 7

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Crimson Coat
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
ID: 130756
Roll: CD12 | LD7
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | EVA
Description: "Legend has it this coat was stained red by the blood of the wearer's enemies."
Post Link: 

ID: 130757
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 19

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130758
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 7

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130759
CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 13

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130760
CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 1

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


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Bahr? Like the guy who fell in the forest the other day? NIGHT wore a look of permanent confusion, while Nyanko looked onwards, curious and even a little excited. She'd known the shop was her neighbour, but never really looked into it too much. Shrugging, she entered the store, and was immediately welcomed by the homely atmosphere of the interior. If she wasn't so accustomed to her own workshop, she might've asked to rent a space somewhere in here.

Instead, she had written down a set of instructions -- a request of sorts -- and had the sheet of paper set down by the counter.




> Sending 1,500 col to Bahr.

Name: Threads of Dexterity
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 8
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | EVA
Description: Black primarily, with accents of white, modeled like a set of running shoes. Feels like them too. Cleats are found at the sole, giving the user extra traction on smooth surfaces.
Post Link: 



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Bahr eyeballed the strange newbie as she entered, silently placing a scrap of paper on the table in front of him. He took the parchment and opened it, eyes still locked with hers until they flickered to the page to see what she had written. A pretty standard order, nothing too outlandish. 

But where did he know her from?

It dawned on him as he assembled the materials into the craft that it was none other than the shopkeep from next door. Humorous that such a dainty woman had selected a venue like this one - but Bahr liked it. With enough shops in the area, they could revitalize this ghetto into a bustling market. Wouldn't that be nice?

"Here you go," Bahr said plainly as he placed the craft on the counter. He then opened his menu and initiated a col transfer, sending the col that NIGHT had given him back. "No need for payment. I've got a soft spot for noobs, especially the ones in this neighborhood. This one is on me."


ID: 130863
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 10

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Threads of Dexterity
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 9
ID: 130863
Roll: CD13 | LD10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | EVA
Description: Black primarily, with accents of white, modeled like a set of running shoes. Feels like them too. Cleats are found at the sole, giving the user extra traction on smooth surfaces.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r9-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=589274

ID: 130864
CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 4

Uncommon Light Armor crafted. +3 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130865
CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 2

Rare Light Armor crafted. +5 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130866
CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 20

Material salvaging successful. +2 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)

ID: 130867
CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 9

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Nightmare Nebula
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 9
ID: 130863
Roll: CD13 | LD10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Regen
Description: "Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r9-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=589274



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The man's stare was intimidating, to say the least, as though NIGHT herself was being judged to be worthy of the shop's wares. When the shopkeep finally began crafting did she sigh internally, having tried to keep a straight face in front of him.

False exteriors gave way to a kindness, though, when he'd opened up a trade window to pass her back the payment she'd sent over. The woman was taken aback by this, but acknowledged it either way. "I-I mean, if you're sure," she stammered out, with a swift and deep bow in return. "Thank you very much!"


+ Threads of Dexterity

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Having already visited Bahr’s shop once, Randal was well aware of the fine craftsmanship that he would be getting from patronising his store again, this time Randal wasn’t looking to outfit himself as a fighter this time, the last time he came he already received almost all the pieces for his fighting moments.

However since then, Randal had experienced many more things and understood that fighting wasn’t the only thing he had to do, the whole world was his for the looting and materials were abundant if he just looked for it.

With that Randal wanted commission something that was familiar to him. Spotting something just gleaming in the shops general stock, Randal immediately knew that it was perfect. Sending the Col, he received the gloves.

Name: Midas Touch
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 9
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Light Armour
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD3
Description: Magical Gloves, Avoid Loved Ones while wearing, Blessed be Wearer
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

Edited by Randal
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It seemed that the same man from before was back again for more. What a charming thought, that Bahr might be seeing the beginnings of his first regulars. He gave the fellow a wave as he retrieved what he needed and deposited the col into Bahr's account. 

With that out of the way, it was time to get down to business on an article of clothing he had been meaning to work on. It wasn't necessarily for him, but that was sort of the point. If he wanted to help the lower leveled players make headway on their way to the Frontlines, he would need to start carrying things on his person to hand off to the people that needed them the most. There was no telling who you might run into out there.


ID: 131475
CD: 10+1=11 | LD: 10

Perfect Light Armor crafted. +8 EXP (+5 Bonus EXP)


Name: Nightmare Bomber
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 9
ID: 131475
Roll: CD11 | LD10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT | MIT | EVA
Description: "Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r9-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=589999



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