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Posts posted by Raidou

  1. With that plastered smile, heart thrumming to the tune of its own drum. Clutching Violet's waist and moving for his collar, before extending it out for him to accept hers. An almost forceful tug, and yet it was soft in its own way. Something primal, carnal in its delivery. Desire. A heavy pull on violin, as a man perks up, finding a new potential in this strange affair. Gazes begin to focus on the odd couple choosing to dance to music that unfolds around them. The tempo begins to carry heavier, changing rapidly from something somber to a beat.

    Other musicians in the crowd began to play along, smirks and smiles played upon their faces. Fixated on the strangers, a crowd staring and weighing their reactions. But to a pair of amber eyes, linked soul to soul with a pair of rubies. A shared pair of grins, a gentle sway proving Raidou's experience. An elegant waltz, clattering footprints that burned their blazing path. A tunnel as the whole world faded to the sound of the chorus, fading into the background and falling to pieces. Thought had fallen away, and in its absence was bliss.

  2. Enjoying the feeling of her playful prodding and accepting her gift. "Yeah, I suppose I did." A smile, gingerly taking it from her hands. Linking eyes with her for a moment, and doing his damned to keep his cool. She really had the way of bringing out the best in him, and for all that he was trying to do, Violet made it so easy. Working his way through the taiyaki, almost ravenously. The man had been stressing so much over this he'd completely skipped lunch, and it was chum in the water.

    As dancers began to fill the streets, jugglers, the same building on the night. For coin and small pleasures, seeking out the glowing streets that started to bloom like a sun within proximity close enough to touch. Raidou has an epiphany. "Would you like to dance?" something breaks in his noggin, and an immediate backpedal starts to play out. "It's fine if you don't want to. It must be tough in heels. I hadn't really thought about that. Uh, forget I asked."

  3. On 2/6/2022 at 3:52 PM, Oji said:
    Name: Tōshi
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    Roll ID: 203243
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Jewelry
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enchantments: KEEN 2 REC 1
    Post Link: Here
    Description: A simple necklace with a woven string, silver clasp and a piece of Amber with a dragon's eye within. It helps to give the wearer the spirit of a dragon to continue fighting onwards in combat til the very end


    Name: Surā
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    Roll ID: 203246
    Roll Result: 9
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enchantments: TAUNT 1
    Post Link: Here
    Description: A Dark Red Pocket watch, it's ticking is very quiet when not opened, but when opened the ticks are curse words, and whenever the hand strikes the hour, the pocket watch insults the owner


    Name: Hīringu
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 4
    Roll ID: 203257
    Roll Result: 11
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enchantments: REC 2
    Post Link: Here
    Description: A Silver ring with a dark green sapphire embedded in it. Whenever the ability procs the ring shines with a green hue, and it recovers any wear and tear done to the owner's body 

    Approved (Please use type/tier in roller)

  4. On 2/6/2022 at 1:16 PM, Alkor said:

    Alkor has achieved Paragon Level 28 (169,974 EXPAlkor's Journal Link

    Therefore, I would like to claim the following: 

    Paragon Level Reward
    5 -
    10 Gleaming Scale (1)
    Can be used to preserve an item's unique enhancement when merging it with another piece of equipment during Item Fusion. Three Gleaming Scales allows an enhancement slot on an item to be rerolled from the Unique Table.
    Demonic Shards (1)
    Can be used to upgrade an item from Perfect rarity to Demonic during Item Fusion. Must be used to preserve an item's Demonic status when fusing it with another piece of equipment. Three Demonic Shards allows a Perfect item to be upgraded to a Demonic item directly; its extra enhancement slot may be rolled for using unique Appraiser identification rules or be selected from one of the standard enhancements available to its item type.
    25 Gleaming Scale (1)
    Demonic Shards (1)

    5/10 already awarded during conversion process. Paragon (25) distributed

  5. This evening was going rather sideways, maybe. But Violet seemed to be enjoying herself and frankly that was all that really mattered. "I was...you're probably right." He taps the cancel, and lowers the price considerably. Palming the porcelain white queen in his hand, plucking the price tag from the base. Rolling it around in his fingertips for a moment, admiring the smoothness. It was truly well-made. "I'm sorry." he admits with a slink of his shoulders, offering the thing to his pocket. "I haven't a clue what I am supposed to be doing, I had this whole evening planned out. Food and a show, the whole nine yards." Truth from him, the guy was always honest. "It all made sense until I saw you, and then I forgot everything." Blanked white, as if someone had taken an eraser to the sheet and wiped all the words clean.

    Leaning into her a bit, glad to have gotten it off of his chest. "I want this to be a night you'll never forget."

  6. Violet seemed to be enjoying herself already, and slowly the bundle of nerves was beginning to worm its way apart. "I wonder what they have in stock?" Rubbing his cheek with a fingernail, a single stare causing him to recoil. He was painfully aware that she was a woman, whereas for most it didn't even register. The soft tapping of their footsteps, as the swordsman swooned on the heat gracing his palm. Those entwined tethers linking one heart to another, Raidou finds his grip tighten a bit. To the first stall, some strange unexplained 'thing' skewered on a stick.

    The hell is this?

    It looked like a squid or something, just shanked and held over a fire. The guy holds one out to him and abruptly the guy quickly shifts his head out of the way. Nah, that isn't food, it smells terrible. To the old coot trying to plus sell him this thing, Raidou smiles and raises a hand "Uh, just browsing." before another jab makes him sift quickly, glasses fall and shatter. A sigh, as he twists down. Raising his head with a sink in his chest, that was another pair down the drain. Opening his eyes shows those big plot hooks digging in deep. Small gemstones gleaming back at the sudden exchange. "o..h, we should get the hell out of here. I don't want to eat that." he could feel Violets breath on his face.

    A quaint little stand, an elderly woman who couldn't be more than 3 and half feet tall slowly rocking back and forth. "Wow, these are pretty fine craftsmanship. You make these yourself?" She smiles without a word and nods, before her eyes narrow. Deer in headlights, nope, wasn't the sort to have any idea what he was doing. But his eyes scan, naked faced, and in another time he'd be blind. Something stood out to him, a single small figurine on a base. A little wiggling snake that reminded him quite a bit of Akame. It triggered from some button or device on the bottom. Slowly twisting, a tiny ticking like a music box. "How much for this one?" he asks and gets nothing more than a cane smacking a sign.

    ~ 40,000 Col

    Eyes go huge, holy crap upcharge much? A sharp inhale, as he taps out the number.

    Crazy old bat.

  7. Taking a gander down at his sleeve before basically melting into softened butter from a soft touch. "I uh... I am so nervous." He admitted abruptly. Watching her face light up in response, finds a held breath released. His date was so far beyond his class, watching the joy on her face as she cupped it with both hands. "It suits you." the dropped phrase, as this felt so damn jarring, like looking at an angel. Interlocking his fingers with hers, the warmth did well to stabilize the brain fried egg. "I was thinking we'd hit a couple of the stalls, see what we can pick up. I managed to steal a couple of tickets to tonight's show." Of course alluding to the masquerade style opera, thing. It bled culture, but was completely outside Raidou's wheelhouse. He caught himself as they walked as he struggled with his composure, stealing glances at Violet latched to his right arm. What did he do to deserve this? To deserve a woman like her?

    Keep your cool, it's her night too, you idiot. You got this!

  8. The girl works to clean up her hands before bowing, and even still the prospect made Raidou uncomfortable. They were equals in how he viewed it. "That path will bend and wind in all manner of strange ways, and I suspect you will find roads that I would have never dreamed of." His hand takes to his brow and begins to clean a smudge off of the lenses. "There is no doubt in my mind that one day soon you will be there fighting with me. Keep fast your goals, your ambitions." as I have. "and you will succeed."

    Watching the girl head out the gate and gingerly latch it closed, he'd start to rake the shuffled bits and return them to a nice even layer. Into the mists and out of sight. "One of the good ones, they still do exist, don't they Juiblex. It is for players like her, that we cannot falter in what must be done." An aura of red begin to billow out of his pores, the masked hatred for murders and monsters. Renewed in its fervor just that much more. So that a player, just like her, could succeed...

    Thread Closure:

    1035*12=12420 EXP
    Forager EXP: [239/299]

    1035*1=1035 EXP
    Materials: 2
    400*Col (Thread Closure)

    Simmone (Guild Treasurer):
    Materials: 7
    12420*.15=1863 Col

  9. Drinking in the serenity and enjoying the quiet reflection, stirring thoughts into mental folders. Nari had proven to be a better focal than simple reflection. "I do not pretend to know, I can only see things through my own point of view. Showing the way down a road is amicable, teaching and understanding the finer points. But it will inevitably backfire." Referring to Nikki & Miaki, who'd quit the frontlines entirely when Miaki almost died for Nikki. Thankfully, they made it out alive, but only by a hair.

    "I would be lying if I said this hasn't been pleasant. Most don't quite stop to hear what a quiet stranger has to say. It speaks leagues to your character, Nari-Laneth." He'd still stuck to her full moniker, out of respect from one to another. For others, she may have shortened it, because it was too complex or long for their taste. Forced to settle because they refused. The man was a bit different. Milling about without care, somewhere along the conversation the tension had fallen. Perhaps it was that those that couldn't trust others could only trust each other. More and more sacks of worth, piled up in what seemed like minutes, but had been working for an hour.

    ID:203361 | Battle:9, Craft:1+2=3, Loot:8+1=9
    Forager EXP: [239/299]
    Materials: 7

  10. Another pull of the drawstring and a shift onto the shelf, it was if he was out here alone with his thoughts made audible. "It is lonely, and it is a very long road. Especially for a tank." Recounting the numerous quests he'd had to 'live' in given his damage output. "Relying on others is fine, as perspectives will always vary. Each person sees things in a slightly different light, a spectrum. Every person has something to offer. Sparing them may be self condemning, but isn't it best if we can choose this. Take on this hardship so that others do not have to. There is strength in numbers, in unity. But not in heartache." Adjusting a pair of glasses into a silver white shield, knowing full well to who he was referring to.

    His tone ever shutters, never waivers. It was a practiced facade that he'd worn for eons. That of a guild master, of a tank, of an ally. But not of a lover, of family. He'd built them a family, that he was not a part of. He was the one to die to make it possible.

    ID:203357 | Battle:9, Craft:1+2=3, Loot:11+1=12
    Forager EXP: [233/299]
    Materials: 7

  11. The same rhythmic breaking of golden leaves, akin to that of tea leaves in his palm. "Correct" allowing the girl to speak her piece. To the pile, as it seemed, no matter how much they removed, the garden continued to flourish. A trick of a skill the game had forgotten, that was slowly regaining its strength little by little. "But you do, Nari-Lanreth you have made the choice to protect everyone. That takes more than any loved one ever will. It's easy to protect friends or family. The difficulty is choosing to protect those you hate, that hate you." Staring out past the fence post, a ripple in time ringing behind his eyes like a droplet disturbing a puddle.

    "On the contrary, you save others the pain of mourning you by refusing to get attached. Save them from it, even if they hate you for it. Giving your all, not because you want to. But because you have to." A lineage, something taught from a very young age. Experience, wisdom. It was as if he was an old man reflecting back on an entire lifetime. Was it foolish? Some would see it as such, but there was power in playing the fool. Learning from each and every voice, every face and every circumstance. 

    ID:203351 | Battle:9, Craft:2+2=4, Loot:11+1=12
    Forager EXP: [225/299]
    Materials: 6

  12. A raise of his hand, feeling drastically uncomfortable by the sudden gesture. After all, he was just a man, not some hero and not something she wasn't. "I traveled carefully, I tread carefully." He comments moving bits and pieces onto a platform off the side of the fence, piling up sacks that lay flat. It was as if she coined his entire method of fighting, he was riposte tank. Some semblance of difference as she locked her attentions into the soil and kept to her original motives. "The most important thing is remembering why, I focus on that. Knowing that lives hang on the actions I take, one way or another." He found himself stuck, finding this girl so close to a past self. Withdrawn, and yet with intention. Trying to move for something that mattered.

    "I am not afraid of dying, I accepted that I will eventually. It keeps my objectives simple, my weapon drawn. It is our job, to maintain the one thing the players still own. Their lives, and give them hope." Adjusting a pair of glasses on his nose, reminding him of his humanity. Raidou didn't need them here, but they reminded him of a home he would never see again.

    ID:203347 | Battle:3, Craft:12, Loot:5+1=6
    Forager EXP: [217/299]

  13. "We do, but they are easy to lose sight of. Our circumstances have a way of erasing them." Raidou taps his hands together and a small cloud of dust echoes out from them. Milling about in his own space, and raising to his feet before beginning to bag a few materials away in linen sacks. Akin to that of a farmer and potatoes. "This world is beautiful, yes, but it is one designed to lull one into a false sense of security. Behind every doorway is an enemy one has never faced before. It's an unpredictable and ever-changing thing. Keeping one step ahead is how we survive. Remembering your roots, and pushing forward through tenacity and caution, is the only way we can succeed." The girl seemed content with trying to repair the damage she'd done to the garden. Protecting the resource instead of leaving it weakened. For it was in these small objects they could build an edge against the odds stacked against them. She knew better than most.

    "My ambitions are, for lack of a better response, the same as yours. I am just a few steps further down that road. I am a frontline tank, you are catching me a few days after the last clear." He admitted given the man never told a lie.

    ID:203344 | Battle:8, Craft:3+2=5, Loot:11+1
    Forager EXP: [211/299]
    Materials: 5

  14. About as graceful as a shovel on a bunch of china, the ground gets roughed up something fierce. An interesting approach, but to each their own. The thought raced behind his eyes, at least she was giving it an honest effort and seemed eager. Hands continued to carry from plant to plant, unaware of any attempted stab at him through damaging the garden. He'd offered her to help herself, and this place would restore itself once they were through. It was an excellent mode of practice, one that she could enjoy to her heart's content without the need of travel. "Ambition? Goals?" an attempt to continue their small talk, his intensity faced forward as he allowed the silence to sort thoughts that skimmed through his skull. Everyone had something they wanted, something they wanted to be. Things they would want to do.

    A couple more to the pile, atop that tarp of crimson. Various hues of blues and reds, greens and purples. A diverse lot, plucked and replanted here. He'd listen for as much as they wanted to speak, it was in these reflections and conversation that introspection existed.

    ID:203341 | Battle:8, Craft:5+2=7, Loot:3+1=4
    Forager EXP: [203/299]

  15. Making motions to some stones within the garden, finding the line that connects them to the dirt. He flips it over, revealing a glimmer and traces of metal lines through the gray. "Try this." he murmurs, tapping it twice with a knock. Most of the stones that 'grew' in this place were laced with some sort of metal, the trick was dividing it from the stone. "Keep a look-out in your quest log, once you get past your first rank you'll receive an entry regarding Challenge of Olympus. The boon it offers is far too useful to ignore."

    Leaving the girl to inspect the stone, he was rather well versed in components of all shapes and sizes. It was why this plot he owned was as cultivated as it was. He'd spent the better part of a few years tending to it, and his abilities as a nomad as a result were unmatched. It was in that solitude as a hermit that his craft was honed. A man of many lifetimes, bred in isolation from his peers, that he'd never forget. Ages past and faces changed, but to the wanderer they would never cease to exist.

    ID:203330 | Battle:9, Craft:7+2=9, Loot:10+1=11
    Forager EXP: [197/299]

  16. The wanderer lifts a latch on a hinged gate standing at about his waist. It croaks as it slides open, squealing a bit from an ungreased hinge. "It does. Help yourself." Sliding a menu open and removing the lock on owned status. Rustling past, he'd turn a spigot and start a trough of water latched to the side. Beginning to wash his hands in the basin. Removing his robe and laying it flat like a tarp, he kneels down and begins to work a patch of what looked like crab grass. The breaking of roots, one after another, sends a small scatter of dirt. Occasionally he passes over one and moves to the next, leaving some alone intentionally. "So Nari-Lanreth, Finished earning a living recently?" Novice tended to wander, adepts typically knew where specific spots were to harvest and repeatedly moved in those circles. Small talk, if only for the sake of it.

    Herbs began to pile upon that tapestry, adding to it yet another scent that would never wash out. More fuel for the alembic, and fuels for the fires. 

    ID:203329 | Battle:9, Craft:10+2=12, Loot:11+1=12
    Forager EXP: [191/299]
    Materials: 3

  17. Lifting a branch as the mists grew denser, the light that was so visible before had become strained and lost. The glow from the stone in his hand, the pillar fragment, providing sight where it shouldn't be. Operating in a vacuum, every step too loud to hide, a sense of isolation and abandonment lingered in the air. Minutes quickly spin to the better part of an hour, and it would have been easy to get turned around in this thicket. On the periphial the occasional silhouette peers out from the darkness, but the moment eyes fall upon them, they didn't seem to exist. The guide was silent, holding fast and keeping within 5 to 10 ft. ahead of the girl. That bright red flag on his back offering her the ability to navigate as it stood out like a sore thumb.

    Without warning, the guy stops as he rounds a large pillar of black and wet wood. "We're here." Rounding the corner and disappearing out of sight. A blooming and jarring glare, as within the nexus of where his shop was originally located. His garden was still intact. A small building that looked abandoned, and yet was still locked tight. The sun had found a way to pierce that veil and was reflecting almost painfully off stones and gemstones, a little nook held within makeshift fencing.

  18. OOC: Imaginary, not legitimate death owo

    As the beast rose and latched to the ceiling, inverting with ease as it used its claws to hold fast like a spider. It vanishes into the darkness, only a pair of red eyes visible as it scatters quickly. Hissing and growling as it moves. "Leave." Raidou mutters out in the silence before the storm. Shiina jumps to attention and offers a salute, reaching into her pocket and smashing it into her head. A cacophony of laughter as she disappears, unknowing to what was about to transpire.

    Ayame begins to stand, her health dwindling into the red, and the healer had since retreated. "I can still fight." The girl remarks, eager to keep up her appearance, as if she could handle this. "No, get out of here. This isn't..." The wanderer barks, but instead, before he can finish, she rushes past him with a dagger raised. The very same that Hidden had given her. Sliding to halt as the boss drops and takes another clip at her, dodging the first as her eyes go wide. A misappropriated expectation, that she could evade one but misunderstanding the other two. Teeth slide toward her digital skin, but instead find purchase in another. A sword clatters to the floor with an arm, a violent spray of red data. A pair of glasses drop.

    The girl screams as her eyes dilate. The horror of an appendage mere feet from her, she struggles to focus. His left hand reaches to his neck, as the other head clamps down over his right eye. His legs fold under the weight. Ripping a small amulet from his neck, and pushing it into the girl's palm, who was dumbstruck. "F-floor 1, Tow-n of Beginnin-gs" The nomad struggles out the words as his HP continues to drain out. A flash of blue light, sends her out in shock. "L-leave." The wanderer fights out the murmur, as a sudden ejection of spikes leaps from his back, punching holes in his robe and through the creature's face. It recoils and takes a step back, whining in agony.

    Ripping his robe off his shoulders with his one remaining arm, the other struggling to reform. The right half of his face is nothing more than a pastel chunk of red, missing completely. "This is it, just you and me. Declaring the end from the beginning, although there are things which have not been done, my purpose was established, and I have accomplished what I was meant to." A blackened soup pours out of his neck and hands, bleeding out from him like blood removing his features. To the top of the chamber, a sudden lurching column of black pierces the ceiling and latches to the stone. It digs and burrows, seeking out and ripping down everything around them both.

    The arm pops, turning into data.

    The prompt pops up two seconds later, 'Floor ## Cleared!' with a showing of rewards, but the number seemed distorted and unclear.

    A familiar slime slides out of the cracks between the cave in, seeking out the sword and congealing beneath it. Hanging loosely and flapping on a breeze, a robe trapped in the stone.

  19. Shiroe.(Log.Horizon).full.1935544.jpgHe swallows hard, that burning in his chest strengthens itself right back up. "You...look amazing." Raidou remarks, finding a tinge of red dancing across his nose. Drinking in her appearance, he finds himself staring, coughing sharply and twists his head. "Sorry, I wasn't waiting for that long." He was dressed to the hilt, unsure really how to present himself. Now he couldn't help but feel over dressed, out of place. Leaning into his shoulder, sees him list back. Could feel her breath through subtle vibrations under her chin. Warm.

    "I brought you something." shaking his head, dismissing the swimming that was making his heart skip a beat. Offering the velvet rose to her, courtesy of floor 2 and the vial, a clear albeit almost white mix in it. Crafted by the alchemist, a perfume of vanilla and lily. It took the better part of 3 days to get right, he'd hoped she'd like it. "Shall we?" nervously raising to his feet and offering her his arm. They had an entire night to themselves, life had allowed this respite. Smiling wide and unable to remove that goofy grin from his face. There was an entire sea of lights to explore, and the night was young.

  20. Hands stay for a moment, finding the honesty clean to the palette. It was refreshing when people were so clear, so true in what they felt. The aura of tension on the air, as he unfurls a burlap sack and begins to cast the plants into it. Pulling tight, a cord sees it snap shut, returning it to his hip and reaching for the crimson red robe. One of the red wanderer, the ill omen said to lead players to their demise. It finds itself after of quick jerk around his shoulders. "Truth is stranger than fiction." he remarks as it bends and folds at the space just above his feet, coming to a halt. Beginning to move for the brush, toward the forest of wavering mists. His feet stop and, he turns, the mirrored reflection on his lenses shielding his eyes from view.

    It had been quite some time since he'd last been back here. His stance seemed expectant, but of what. It appeared as though he was leading, and would play the part of guide. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small stone that glows in a soft blue.

  21. Releasing the slip, on it drawn a map with directions back to Aruyt. He turns, having provided what was asked. The intention to return to his chore, his serenity. Another question comes from the girl, causing him to pause. "A fair stance to take." The nomad remarked as he speaks with his back to her, another ring out from him. Checking for the trap that it could have been. The only find was the single solitary female, no players that she was playing lure to. "I can. But are you comfortable with this?" The introspection could tell that she was unsure, a waiver in her tone bled it. Her gaze cut like a knife, as he stared up at the canopy above them. "I could be dangerous, as well as any person you ever meet. The choice is, if you should choose to trust anyone?" A somber retelling, before he looks down and continues to move. Folding his legs as he leans down, working that patch of herbs again.

    "The choice is yours to make, one that we all must make." spoken from experience, because it was made long ago.

    ID:203290 | Battle:5, Craft:2+2=4, Loot:10+1=11
    Forager EXP: [180/299]

  22. FPqpTUBR.jpg


    A feeling of weightlessness, a rushing that turns immediately to heft. Feet feel heavy before they become lighter. White noise, a chatter of a crowd, and as the guy turns to take in his surroundings. Chipper faces, vibrant stalls. Smiles to be had, as pairings of players and NPC's alike dance quickened feet from place to place. Uncomfortable at first as he feels his hand seek out his hair, without a reason as to why. His head was swimming, and his stomach was turning. A look down into his offhand finds a vial and a rose, and his feet start to carry him.

    Finding himself stop, and check the time. "Looks like I'm a bit early." The guy felt like he could leap out of his skin, his bones almost ached. A soft sigh, taking to the center fountain and taking a seat. The large tower rings the top of a new hour, and the night air was just a bit bitter. Water moves gracefully, casting waterfall like audio to the ear, finding himself swimming mentally into it to settle nerves. Jugglers, dancers and the like building revelry in the streets, while Raidou was nothing more than a bundle of nerves.


    Raidou, The Lost
    Level: 32
    Paragon Level: 86
    HP: 980/980
    EN: 116/116

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 44
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 1
    Battle Healing: 53
    Loot Dice: 14
    BLGT: 32
    V.D.: 107
    V.O.: 161

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ebon Star - Vanguard Revenant [T4/Demonic/Straight Sword]: V.O 2, Taunt, Blight 1
    Armor: Red Wander's Resolve - Sympathy [T1/Demonic/Cloth] 2 Evasion, 2 Vampiric Defensive
    Misc: Onyx Spectacles [T1/Perfect/Trinket]: +3 Loot Dice

    Straight Sword R5
    Cloth Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Searching R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:
    Vengeful Riposte
    Justified Riposte

    Focused Howl

    Active Extra Skills:
    Forgotten King’s Authority

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +10% Exp to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor []: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:
    Yamata no Orochi Statue: +1 Loot Dice for a thread


  23. Allowing Eruda to speak her piece, she was talking herself in circles. He knew what she was hoping to accomplish, but he simply couldn't allow it. No matter how much he wished he could. Murmuring beneath his breath as he overlooked the piled glassware still boiling away, slowly drawing the flame to close. "Stay out of it, Eruda, live in the world I have built for you. Please." Talking to an unfinished vial, that he couldn't bring himself to finish. "I know what you've gotten yourself into. It is a rogue element, it's something we cannot just trust because it appears worthwhile or beneficial." Reaching for the small trinket around his neck, a memory of exactly what could happen which, although it worked out. It could have very well not.

    "I've told you what I am planning, and it's for the better." Raidou needed some air, some time to think. The girl was digging so aggressively and yet wasn't understanding the method, it was exhausting. Turning around and placing the bottle on the shelf. "In another life, You would be my world. But here, you just have to live in the one I leave behind." A flash of blue light, and he moves to floor 3.

    Thread Complete:


    1430*8=11440 EXP

    1430*12=17160 EXP

    Simmone (Guild Treasurer):
    11440*.15=1716 Col (Eruda)
    17160*.15=2574 Col (Raidou)
    400 Col (Thread)

  24. Another cascade of moving plants, tapping his hands together to dislodge gunked on muck. "A bit far out for materials but, usually, the untapped nodes are." Raidou remarks, still focused intently on the plants beneath him, speaking but not turning to face her. "Blacksmithing is an honest profession, gear is just as important as those that wield it. Most forget that it has to come from somewhere, credit where credit is due." Paying the girl a cursory glance, she seemed nervous. On edge. Raising to the flats of his feet, he'd recognized that expression, that posture.

    He's worn it.

    "Here." passing the girl a slip of paper after scrawling a bit upon its surface, using a small pen and book. Tearing it out. "Raidou. Nari-Lanreth was it?" Still that same soft composure, holding the slip aloft and keeping some space between them, making him stretch a bit, almost uncomfortably so. "I am, it's normally pretty quiet. Helps me think. Keep working on your goals, Nari-Lanreth." He noticed that rattle, that hesitation and caution. It was a good outlook to be cautious of new faces, all too often players were far too lax in where to place their trust. A status quo that needed to be altered, given that it was impossible to change, he could remove those that couldn't be trusted.

  25. Removing his robe and beginning to pace it out, creating a flat platform for him to rest his knees. Another pulse as detect continued to fire, finding a player. A sideways glance, catches a girl peeking through. Shuffling her bangs out of her eyes and squinting. Little far out to be questing. The thought races in his head. Freezing as he breaks the roots of a plant, shuffling it to the top of his robe after dusting it off on his thigh. His gaze shifts back to the sproutlings of bright orange plants staring back at him. "I am not."

    So she's lost. That makes much more sense. Her cursor is green, so she isn't of too much concern.

    He didn't recognize her yet, which either meant she was exceptionally good at hiding her actions or she had yet to have them. Hands stir across as he rakes outstretched fingers along each brushel, a tinge of gold light playing on his fingertips with that comb. He was as close as this game had to a druid, the land spoke to him in a way it did to so few. "Are you?" The words came off somber and gentle, almost a whisper that finds purchase easily in the silence of the backdrop. There must have been a reason for her presence, but stranger things had happened. The rat race caused oddities, after all, and this could be no different.

    ID:203280 | Battle:6, Craft:7+1=8, Loot:4+1=5
    Forager EXP: [174/299]

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