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Everything posted by Lessa

  1. Craft Attempts: ID CD LD T1 Mats Lost EXP Gained 136687 2 4 1 1 136688 7 12 1 3 136689 4 9 1 2 136690 4 16 0 2 136691 1 1 1 1 136692 3 3 1
  2. Craft Attempts: ID CD LD T1 Mats Lost EXP Gained 136601 4 13 0 2 136602 2 10 1 1 136603 9 16 1 3 136604 11 18 1 5 136605 8 19 1 3 136606 12 18 1
  3. Good luck, stay alive!
  4. Thread Summary Hik, Alkor, and Lessa receive the following: 1 SP 133 col Nothing for Beat - sorry!
  5. She knew that voice. "Alkor?" she called. Relief was the first reaction, as he could have been anyone: a PKer, a mob, or something even worse. Instead, the new presence was one of her best friends. Lessa blew out a relieved breath, swirling the dust that hung heavy in the air. "It's me, Lessa." With a final glance toward her other companions, Lessa moved closer to the source of the voice. She reached out a hand, her fingertips kissing the wall. She would use it as a guide as she navigated her way toward him. As she walked, relief subsided, and confusion settled in. Did he just
  6. Though Lessa thought she had heard a voice, it was the sudden, explosive sneeze that put her over the edge. For the second time, her body jolted so tremendously that she feared her heart might explode. “What was that?” she hissed to Beatbox, taking an involuntary step closer to him. If there was really a predator stalking them, the smart thing to do would be to draw her blade and shift into a ready stance. But in the moment, caught up in the moment, she simply wasn’t thinking straight. Finally, her nerves got the best of her. “Okay,” she began, her voice shaking like a dying leaf clinging
  7. I haven't crafted since 2016, so I wanted to confirm that my item is still valid. Hammer of Dawn, +1 CD. Here's where it was crafted. And here's where Klein/Kirito (accounts merged) gave it to Lessa. I've been using the item for years, but because of the long break, I just wanted to double check. Thanks! <3
  8. The laughter poured from her lips with the same ease and sweetness at the lemonade from her pitcher. The sound was enough to prod Riker into opening one eye, just to check on his friend, before it closed once more. "I can't get enough of that visual," she managed, absolutely beaming. "Little preschool Apollo, sitting at one of those tiny toddler tables, doing arts and crafts." If it were possible, her smile grew even wider as she added, "Probably covered in glue and glitter." Lessa moved from him to the tree, and after hanging a silver bulb on a low branch, she studied their progress. The
  9. Lessa looked down at the ornament in her hand, and her fingers tightened just a bit more around it's fragile form. Though she had no intention of breaking the decoration, she found it oddly comforting, and clutching it somehow settled her. Red had always been Ben's color: his bike, his cereal bowl, even his toothbrush. In a home with four rambunctious kids, that tiny shred of organization helped keep the family on track. If in doubt, everything had a place, and everyone had a color. Red was for Ben, but... Lessa glanced down at the long red coat that still hung over her wide shoulders. Then, s
  10. Though she wanted desperately to argue with him, her body betrayed her. Lessa was overtaken by a massive yawn, and blinked rapidly to bring him back into focus. "You're probably right," she conceded. "But we're not done yet." What was he talking about? Done with what? Dinner? No, she'd left quite a bit of her pasta on her plate. Sort of a shame, considering how kind Bahr was to cook it. Did he mean they weren't done cooking? Lord, she hoped not. The realization was clear on her face when he finally mentioned the decorations; her sleepy expression hid absolutely nothing. "Oh, uh
  11. Thread Summary Genji earns 2 SP. Lessa earns 2 SP and 400 col. Includes Christmas bonus. Thread closed due to inactivity.
  12. “I was at the Monument for Alkor,” she heard herself saying. “Well, not for him, exactly. It was for me. A kind of punishment.” Lessa closed her eyes long enough to heave a sigh, then opened them again. “I don’t know why I did that. I don’t know why I constantly had to remind myself he was dead. As if somehow it kept me in my rut. It reminded me I was alive and he wasn’t. That we’d both messed up so badly, and I’d never have the opportunity to make it right.” Lessa slowly drew away from Bahr. She hated to leave his warmth, and the comfort his hold offered her, but this had to be said face
  13. The giggle that bubbled up from Lessa was entirely unexpected, and totally embarrassing. Mortified by the high-pitched, girly sound, Lessa clamped down on it mid-laugh. Then, as if to somehow counteract the sound, she gave a manly clearing of her throat. "Well," she began, letting her gaze skip away from his. "I, uh, yeah. Thanks." Thanks. Why don't you let this man shower you with praise, compliment your good looks, and even describe how attractive you are when you're thinking. All of that after you just gushed over another man, who is dead. Do that, then just follow it up with a bi
  14. Had her words hurt him? Lessa frowned against the darkness, but turned her head to keep the expression from Bahr. Instead, she gazed along the lake's nearest bank, where the trees gave way to a thin strip of sand. Of course it hadn't been her intention to upset him. Besides, had he not been the one who asked for it? He would have known the risk he was taking, requesting that she open up about Alkor. The chance that both of them would walk away wounded. But he'd asked, and she'd answered. She'd been completely honest with him, and with herself, which was a first where Alkor was concerned. That
  15. The knee-jerk reaction had the words spilling from her mouth before they could be stopped. “But we weren’t dating, so-“ Realization dawned, and with a huff of expelled air, Lessa let her head drop into her hands. She stayed that way for a moment, then muttered, “What the hell?” She’d had the same reaction that day at the White Rabbit, and every time someone had asked about Alkor. Of course she didn’t love him, she couldn’t have. They weren’t dating. Mari loved him, because she was allowed to. But not Lessa. It was likely the stupidest line of thinking she had ever heard of, and the woman
  16. By the time the coat settled over her shoulders, Lessa's face was the same color as the material. There was embarrassment, as the gesture was so old-fashioned. It was so like him, the perfect gentleman - a far cry from the man she'd met at the Monument. He'd been dismissive, and somewhat short with her. But had she not been the same with him? They'd come a long way. They had so much more ahead of them. Mostly, she was impossibly pleased by the whole thing. It was probably the Aincrad equivalent of being given a boy's varsity jacket. Were they going steady now? Foolishly delighted, she pul
  17. Frankly, Lessa wasn't entirely sure what she'd been expecting. Anger, maybe, because she'd brought up another man on the heels of their first kisses? Jealousy? Disappointment? Sympathy? But at first, there were none of those things. There were no words. Drawn as tight as a bowstring after her declaration, she blinked owlishly as Bahr tugged her chair closer. When his arm snaked around her, and drew her quivering body against him, she couldn't stop the strangled sound from escaping her lips. Part of her wanted to cry. It was the same piece that always teetered on the brink of breakdown, tr
  18. Everything was a bit hazy on the edges, as if she'd woken up from a long nap without knowing quite where she was. Where the first kiss had held warmth, this held fire. It also held promise of more, as did the third kiss, and the fourth. When he drew back just enough to speak, her slow sigh mingled with his words, and filled the space between them. "I'd like that," was all she could manage, before she let her forehead press against his. Lessa held there, just letting herself sink into him. And when a single hand rose to cup his cheek, it trembled. Then there was a sudden, familiar weight p
  19. At some point, her gaze had moved from the night sky to Bahr’s profile. Perhaps it was a little rude, considering he was trying to show her things. And it wasn’t even because she already knew much of what he shared; their common interest in space was one more thing to add to the list. Lessa stopped watching the stars because there was something else she’d rather look at. Something far more beautiful, and full of magic. Passion seemed to roll off of Bahr in waves. He spoke with an eagerness she had never heard before, and the animated way in which he shared his knowledge just captiva
  20. “A fixer,” she echoed, a bit of wonder in her tone. It was something Lessa had never even considered. But wasn’t that what she’d really wanted all along? To fix people? She‘d wanted to fix Alkor, and the apathy he wore like armor. She’d tried to fix Baldur, holding him as he wept in the light of mountain crystals. And though she’d sworn it off, had she not also attempted to fix the man who crumpled beside the Monument of Life? “And now you're with me in the dark wherever I go.” Her breath hitched, caught against a sudden lump in her throat. When she finally exhaled, slow and even,
  21. So, that god of cooking? Apparently, it was Bahr. He drifted so effortlessly into her kitchen, and began to make it right again. To say he "picked up where she left off" was wildly inaccurate, in the same way you couldn't just drive a car again after it hit the rail, rolled seventy-nine times, and then promptly burst into flames. So Lessa simply wrapped her arms tightly around herself, and drifted into the background. From a spot on the fringes, she was free to simply watch the wonder that was Chef Bahr. The man commanded the kitchen with a professional's skill, and it was nearly impossible to
  22. Oh. Oh. The first thing she noticed was the warmth. It was in his lips on hers, and the breath that lingered between them. It was in his palm on her cheek, his arm around her waist, and the sheer nearness of him. Then, suddenly, it was in her face, her stomach, her heart. Her senses were filled with him, and he occupied her every thought. Not entirely unlike the past weeks, when she'd found herself wondering about him far more than she cared to admit. She had been caught up in him for a long time, but now, it was far more literal. Later, she would reflect on how their first kiss was
  23. Lessa laughed at the man's suggested nicknames. The pair definitely had the same sense of humor, and she could appreciate that. "What about Bahr the Bahrtender? I could really go for some hard apple cider right about now." She paused for a moment, shrugged, and stated, "I figure it'd be legal now. Though I guess I'm not entirely certain how old I am anymore. Isn't that a weird thought?" The woman trailed off as the reality of that fact dawned on her. When had she had her last birthday? And what day was it, in Aincrad? Blinking owlishly at the racing thoughts, Lessa decided to shove it all asid
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