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Status Replies posted by Baldur

  1. The December update is live!


  2. The lack of Frontliners in the raid meeting disturbs me.

  3. Happy Birthday @Calrex!

    No I didn't get you more SP for your birthday.

  4. Turkey Day Weekend is over. Thank god for leftovers and extended weekends. I feel refreshed.

  5. Please do not spam the status updates. If you wish to communicate with someone directly, we have a lovely PM system for that.

  6. *puts on battle music from FFX*

    Muuuch better.

  7. I think I've caught up with my threads. If I missed you, let me know!

  8. It's nice when your transmission decides to go in the middle of a two hour drive ;~; GG Life, well played

  9. Hi All, so after nearly two years on the site I'm going to be saying Ciao. Have way too much going on to have the time to RP. Have fun and cya.

  10. What lvl are you?

    Post here, in the thread or PM me and I will update your position.

  11. To all of those whom I owe replies to I apologize.  Work's been busy during the thanksgiving week but the moment I can I will reply to them all.  If you have a thread your waiting for my reply on please let me know and I'll get to it ASAP.  @Morgenstern yes I know about ours XD

  12. I finally have time to write. Someone feed me some hype.

  13. I finally have time to write. Someone feed me some hype.

  14. Okay, so I'm playing through Hollow Realization, and it details a process through which players could hack the firmware of the AmuSphere to distort or tamper with Alpha waves in order to create a similated high. In other words, VR drugs.

    Due to safety features after the SAO incident, those players are subjected to autologout in the same manner as though their heart rate spiked too high or they passed out during a dive. Thing is, that means that drugs and simulated statuses, like drunkenness, are conceivable in world. 

    Have fun with that info, kids.

  15. I finally have time to write. Someone feed me some hype.

  16. Hey guys, I know I owe some of you replies, but I had some ... meh ... internet this weekend due to some complications. But I will be rolling them out now!

  17. I finally have time to write. Someone feed me some hype.

  18. I'd just like to announce that i'm going to be doing my best to get my merchant shop to the highest rank so that I can sell you guys materials. If anyone wants to buy anything, stop by my shop.

  19. Hmm... who else wants to RP? :D

  20. Hmm... who else wants to RP? :D

  21. SAO Achievements! (long post)

    So I've been trying to think of an achievement system for SAO, and I've talked a little bit about it with other staff. I know several players have said it's something they'd like to see... but I'd love more ideas! What kind of achievements would you like to see? How would you like them handled? Badges in your journal? Titles? Some with non-combat rewards of some kind? 

  22. Hmm... who else wants to RP? :D

  23. SAO Achievements! (long post)

    So I've been trying to think of an achievement system for SAO, and I've talked a little bit about it with other staff. I know several players have said it's something they'd like to see... but I'd love more ideas! What kind of achievements would you like to see? How would you like them handled? Badges in your journal? Titles? Some with non-combat rewards of some kind? 

  24. Hey guys. I'm back! At least I hope I'm back for a while. Got busy for almost a year with school and other assortments of problems. Lol.

  25. Guess who had 20,000 Temp files he forgot to delete? This guy!

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