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Status Updates posted by Ssendom

  1. I still think the Kirito Theme is amazeballs.

  2. I will have to call it here, Fatigue has arrived and shot me in the Arse... I will catch up in my posts tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience. Yall have a great night!

  3. I'll be back in a little while. Hopefully a post happens or someone wants to RP with me. Talk to yall soon!

  4. I'm awake, I'm awake -Druid of the Claw (WC3)

  5. I'm off for the night. Due to personal reasons... This isn't a cry for help, please don't worry/ask about it. Please, and Thank you. See yall tomorrow.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      *worries and asks about it* you can't tell me how to live my life.

    2. Shuyin


      Have a goodnight bro!

  6. I'm sloshed (Gonna get moar drunk) I am not gonna post for awhile.

  7. I'ma take a nap... My eyes are giving up on me. 3 hrs of sleep is janky.

    1. Jomei


      Sleep well my friend!

  8. If you have bet yet, now's the chance. Take a shot at the big money at: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8148-information-and-betting-board-week-4/ And don't forget you help the fighters earn more coin as well!

  9. In Lou of requiring 6 more SP after my Lord of the Sea's thread is complete. I am offering to help those who need help with quest or would like to just do a story building thread. Comment if you want to do a thread. Farewell otherwise!

  10. Let's go Cowboys, LET'S GO!

    1. Koumori


      Fly Eagles, Fly!

    2. Ssendom


      No... Off my page with you.

    3. Koumori


      Now all cards are on the table haha XD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Lets get Ssundy Sskype Call going! When my Sskype decides to Sstop being rude.

    1. Erroneous


      I think you were part of house Slytherin.

    2. Calrex


      Nah he's learning Parseltongue XD

  12. Living proof of loot jesus.

    29 replies in solo thread.

    63 materials/43400 col

  13. Long day/night. I'ma post tomorrow.

  14. Man, I really need to get better at art or have some help making a fix to my faceclaim.

    1. Macradon


      I can barely draw :v

    2. Ssendom


      I need to redraw and redo the computer art so I get the exact same character in a differnt pose. But with my RP character features... And a big ass Greatsword. XD

    3. Calrex
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. MMm, nothing like an Ice Cold IBC Root-beer still in the glass bottle makes a day better.

  16. Must Comment on EVERY SINGLE ONE! >=}

  17. Need another for the Iron Guardian, also willing to do RP's with anyone as needed.

    1. Ssendom


      And you're just a little too low in level Dracul, It is meant for people who are around 25+ to do. Might be out of your range atm.

    2. Dracul


      but I tank them all!!! *flashes his +6 dmg mit shirt*...(I'm joking:D I understand. Good luck!)

    3. Ssendom
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. Officially a 100k Col in the bank. 1 Single Thread. 130 Materials to boot.

    Proof of Thread?

    1. Ssendom


      *Is the DOM and Dominates those who Stalk him*

    2. Kalesh
    3. Calrex


      Someone borrowing my Reveal skill? XD

      Congrats, enjoy the spoils!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. Pausing on posting till I get something resolved. I like to be a good boy.

    1. Azrael


      You should be resting Dom, damnit!

    2. Calrex


      Why not both?!

  20. Playing the demo for the next big Pokemon expansion game. >=] It's only 20% done though.

    1. Sutiru


      Hey Ssendom, did you hear about the AR version of Pokemon that is being worked on by the same people that Ingress? You would be hunting them in RL via the game interface.

    2. Ssendom


      Yes, Pokemon go.

      And I was joshing about the next big pokemon expansion game. It's a Fan Made version 100% free to play.

      Pokemon Ethereal Gates

    3. Sutiru


      If they do it right, it could really take off! I know that Ingress has, there are players world wide in it. My ex-roomy is a big Ingress player. And I played for short time, myself.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Skype Call Hype Train Season 1: The first Friday Chat about Karaoke and talking about the First Week of season one. Throughout the night we will Karaoke and talk about various stuff throughout the night. When Ssendom and Zelrius are on starting tomorrow we will go over each fight and you'll hear the hosters opinions. Hope to see you there!

    1. Mari



      Hosters is not a word :P


    2. Ssendom


      *Is enjoying his made up word of hosters. He went there AHAHAHAHAHA*

  22. Skype call up. Add NovaMusicProductions to join.

    1. Jomei


      Not sure whether I'm regretting it or... xD

    2. Mari



    3. Ssendom
  23. Sorry for being slow to respond my fellow SAO Survivors. I am busy doing work elsewhere atm, most people know where I am working atm. If you need me to respond don't hesitate to message me via Skype. <3

  24. Sorry for not being online for a bit. Things are busy atm and I have to take care of real life. If yall need me, find some way to reach me via Skype or what not.

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