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About Zandra

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    Berserk Healer
  • Birthday 05/27/1992

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    Aincrad Trading Post

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  1. Can I use a Sword art that wouldnt work in rp? Like''The whip is wrapped around the target’s neck, then swung to slam them into the ground twice. '' against a giant :/

    Im not gonna do it, just wondered if its allowed?

    1. Calrex


      I would guess not. At least going from the descriptions of the Sword Arts you currently can use. The closest one would be Grapple Kick, which requires Martial Arts Rank 2, at least if you're going by the flavor text XD

    2. Brax


      Actually, I think you could, seeing as how the physics of the game are malleable.  For example, if you were to, say, wrap your whip around an object of sufficient density, and then slam that into the giant's head twice before it broke, you would achieve the same velocity damage as picking up the target creature and slamming it into the ground instead.  Newton's laws dictate that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, thus the Sword Art itself deals with one movable thing striking another immovable one, whether it be the mob or the ground.  And, if the giant is immovable, then conversely the 'ground' must be movable in order to satisfy the attack parameters.  My two cents, anyway.  Take it how you will. 

    3. Jomei


      I would personally say yes you can, but roleplaying that out would be difficult, and role playing is what the site is about. So from a 'game' sense, you probably could. But from a 'role playing sense' it wouldn't make sense. 

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