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About Zandra

  • Title
    Berserk Healer
  • Birthday 05/27/1992

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    Aincrad Trading Post

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  1. Cant decide, shall I go tank/support or dps?

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    2. Calrex


      I think Nikki is also doing a Shield/Armor build, so she can absorb a whole ton of damage. But yeah as Tristan said support is more for assisting those getting wailed on, while the tanks are trying to take as much of the hits as possible. Not exactly good if you're trying to heal someone while a monster is hacking away at you.

      However if you want to do a defensive/support build Hirru's suggestion is pretty good, at least from what I can tell XD. Another thing you could do is focus on mitigation and evasion, that way majority of the time your opponent will miss, and when they hit it won't be much damage at all.

    3. Piera


      Hirru's original suggestion is pretty much what you want if you wana go tank/support. That's the route I chose, though it'd be better to have a one handed weapon and a shield rather than two handed like me ^^; Heavy armor with regen and mit is good and of course if you want to go 'support', heals (whether they be from First Aid or consumables) are always good. And since you're an alchemist, you could also get the increase weight limit skill so you can carry more potions and crystals on you to throw at people. So if you want First Aid, definitely get the Lucky Charm with Combat Craft enhancement. I'm also considering getting a new weapon with paralyze instead of bleed so I can help a bit better since I won't be doing a lot of damage.

      Supports ftw~<3

    4. Hirru


      That's the thing about all of this:  It depends on your true role.

      • Skills: Weapon, First Aid, Combat Healing, Armor (Which ever), Block (If using a shield), Athletics, Acrobatics
      • Armor / Shield enhancements: MIT / Regen (If heavy armor) or EVA (If light armor).
      • Accessory enhancements: Combat Crafting / MIT or EVA (Which ever you want)
      • Weapon Enhancements: DMG / PLZ or BLD (Personally have both)
      • Shield / Second accessory Enhancments: Regen / MIT (for shields) Skill Rank (Armor) / Combat Crafting (for accessory)

      Like I said, if you're needed to heal AND ONLY HEAL, ditch the weapon and get the secondary enhancements.  Though, if you do wish to attack, the status effect weapons are required.


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