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Status Replies posted by Jomei

  1. Hm.... I really need to start doing more threads... Who to forc- I mean, ask to do a thread with me... Also, they will be *very* story driven, as I have a few arcs i'm working on

  2. Anyone interested in doing some quest thread? Taken a longish break from the site, wanna get back into it. 

    1. Jomei


      I think its a long time coming that Jomei and Embers meet lol

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just to clear any confusion. The Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball Thread will be locking this Wednesday, February 28th. 
    Make sure to get your last posts in, and hope you all had a wonderful time!

    1. Jomei


      @Vigilon Waiting on a GM to post the thread rewards.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. For those of you who are wondering.

    No. You cannot show up to the FORMAL event wearing armor.

    Please respect the ideal of the event, and the other patrons of the event by dressing approitely.

    Thank you~

  5. Hey guys! The Valentines Day event is now live! 

    And be sure to check out the Event Quest as well!



  6. You know, since there have been plenty of holiday-related events, do you think there is going to be one for Valentine's day? Just curious. After all, it does bring groups of players into threads most of the time...

    1. Jomei


      There will be a Valentines Day Event. It should be released this week.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I apologize for any late replies I have. I’m pretty sick right now, not as much as I was this morning thankfully, and I have a couple of Xmas parties I’m going to.

  8. I don't know whether its just bad luck or lack of people being able to stay on, but all my threads recently just hit a point where no ones responding.


    Prolly just bad luck, lol.

    1. Jomei


      I know that feeling. I've got a looong list of abandoned threads

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anyone else in the mood to roleplay?

    1. Jomei


      If you start the thread, I'm down for meeting a new friend. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. It pains me to say this but... I think I may finally declare permanent (at least for the foreseeable future)  from the site. I haven't been around for the past few months, and this isn't the first time either. I feel I lose my mojo far too quick and burn out too fast here, and until I can get my crap together and find some inspiration to continue Grave's chronicle or even begin anew, I believe I must, for the time being, bid the site adieu. I've made lots of memories and friends here, and I've enjoyed my time.

    However, I am not permanently leaving the World Seed as a whole. I am trying to work on ALO, and am part of the GGO dev team. If anyone would like to chat, or even add me on Discord or something along those lines, shoot me a message on my dev account, Kirae. Thanks for the memories, SAORP, and I hope some day I may return to make plenty more.

    1. Jomei


      Thanks for everything Grave. Going to miss having you around! Hope to see you pop in every once in awhile, maybe even enough to start here again!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Since Christmas is coming soon and there is probably gonna be a party thread, can we all agree to not have what happened in the Halloween thread? I don't want Santa or whoever is running the party to get us killed for fighting with each other.

  12. I don't want to solo, but my character isn't very sociable... Any ideas?

    1. Jomei


      I wouldn't mind doing a thread as well whenever :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Alright, so I need something to kill time. If you'd like to do a thread with me, let me know. I'll gladly start them tomorrow morning after I wake up!

  14. Is it bad to feel bad about wonderin if I should feel bad about showing up after who knows how long for no reason that would seem justifiable?

    1. Jomei


      He listened @Calrex! Lee came back to us! Glorious day!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm mostly empty on my threads right now, so does anyone want to go to the hot springs on Floor 21 with me?

    1. Jomei


      Ooh. Definitely need to make the trip to those springs soon.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Anyone up for a thread?

    1. Jomei


      I'm down if you want to start one. Im okay with anything, just cant do the beginner quests.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. remember when I said ill post for everyone, yeah. i should really do that.

  18. Is anyone able or willing to do the second, third, and fourth beginner quests with me? Really not wanting to solo them if I can avoid it. :<

    1. Jomei


      I can help with any/all if i can.

      Actually, I dont think i can help with the beginner quests since im a higher level. though i dont mind helping out with any of the other quests after beginner :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. So I know I owe people post. I promise, I'll get to them soon. Been doing stuff the past couple of days.

    1. Jomei


      *patiently waits*

  20. Happy Birthday to Oink!
    Happy Birthday to Oink!
    Happy Birthday dead @Oikawa!
    Happy Birthday to you!

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