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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. I think I'm caught up everywhere except my thread with Teayre and in the shop. More to come.

    1. Zelrius


      Your fight with Lowe

  2. First three shop responses up, more to come.

  3. Sorry for the delays in posting. Working on applying for a job in Zurich and it's a time consuming thing.

  4. Sorry for the delays in posting in my shop. Poke me in the future if you've been waiting there for a long time.

    1. Hirru


      Mack, how many rares do you have stocked?  I may need a new sword until I can upgrade Patience and Time.

    2. Mack


      I need to check through everything and get back to you and, at the moment, I need to read my shop posts to see how many people are in line.

    3. Kalesh


      Well, if the line is long I can give you the scimitar as a down payment I suppose xD The katana and any other stuff coming once the order is ready! I really have no use for the scimitar, it's just wasting inventory space.

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  5. What are all of the EXACT rules of the combat tournament?

    If this is an 80 HP thing, rather than a half HP thing then that's fine. But then I should have the chance to change my opening attack to a 12x attack that hits for 92 and accomplishes the same stated goal of ending the fight with a single blow. If I'm not supposed to use the BD roll from the same roll as I took my LD from and if I'm not supposed to attack in the opening post because I won the LD roll then that should be made clear.

    I don't mind losing, if indeed I do, but I and the other players that are new since the summer tournament deserve to have all the rules of the tournament made clear.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Mack


      You already won one bet, Piera. Even if you did hedge by betting on both Lowenthal and me...

    3. Hirru


      @Azide, it's very easy when i can REGENERATE!!


      Also changing some things a bit.

    4. Mack
    5. Show next comments  15 more

  7. Also, is anyone else having difficulty accessing their notifications on the board? Mine won't appear for anything, but everything else on the board is working fine for me.

    1. Takao


      Mine are fine, but a lot of other people are having the same problem. Seems like it might be Invision borking up.

    2. Kalesh


      Look down, like, three status posts :P

    3. Mack


      I would just like to take this moment to say...

      I blame Koumori. :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. Is there a posting order for the Boss Fight Thread?

    I just crunched the numbers, and I can do something really amusing (and beneficial) if I go now.

    1. Mack


      Nevermind, I thought I had a 12x AOE... I only have a 9x AOE.

      I thought I could dash in and, on just a basic hit, wipe 4 of the knights. I was wrong.

    2. Zelrius


      Nine is fine. In fact, We were just talking about a new Start in Skype chat. Create a Group message with myself and Takao and I will go over my plan with you two.

    3. Mack


      I can't Skype at work :(

      Just let me know what I need to do and I'll get right on it.

  9. Desperately working to get to 15 Damage in time for the Boss Fight... one or two more rounds in the Grandmastering thread should do it. :) Base 9 + 3 Booze + 3 Crystal will do it.

  10. Everyone getting stuff from my shop for the Boss Raid... if I don't get the actual answers in my shop thread in time go ahead and TAKE the items. We can work out price in the shop thread while Boss Raid is ongoing if we need to.

  11. I have 1 Perfect Blacksmith item, who wants it? Preference given to Assault Team people that need a weapon, shield, or armor. 

    1. Zelrius


      I will take it, 2 Paralyze 1 Bleed, This will be going to our support Unit.

    2. Mack


      You mean Persephone? She already has her weapon and armor.

  12. Who wants to fight Sheeptar? I will create a special story for fighting Sheeptar. Must. Fight. Sheeptar. You'll only get the general thread rewards. But, you'll also get to fight Sheeptar.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Zero


      You're all going to die horrible, horrible deaths....


    3. Teayre


      For that one person to stand against the brunt of stupidity.

    4. Mack


      I fear no Sheeptar...

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  13. Level 22... I think I can make it to 23 or 24 before the Boss Raid.

    1. Ssendom


      8 SP, I did it in 4 days. So not hard thing to accomplish. 27 is going to be a tad more difficult. 25 thanks to you in the Iron Guardian.

    2. Takao


      I'm aiming for 13 SP. gotta get dat martial arts skill

  14. Well, just got 40 mats from Lawfer... thanks pal, back in business, crafting now.

  15. Anyone interested in an OP Character development thread... probably combat free, let me know on here and I'll start something up that will, I think, be quite popular.

    1. Mack


      Alright, it looks like there's some interest. I'll set it up as an Open Party event.

    2. Mack


      Alright, it's posted. It's the OP on the 4th Floor.

    3. Jomei


      Finally! Cold weather and a good use for my cloak xD

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. Calrex, your PM box is full. I need to buy mats. Let's talk numbers.

    1. Teayre


      600 col per mat!

    2. Calrex


      Lol I'm away from the computer atm, but when i get back I'll clear up my inbox and message you

  17. Blitz #1 - 10 Posts Completed and out. More to come to everyone, be patient. You know how Sunday's are. :)

  18. Alright, sermon is prepared. I have to drive home from the 'rents now and then tonight and tomorrow the blitz hits.

  19. Finishing up the sermon for tomorrow and then posting blitz.

  20. For all any of you know, Mack is smithing a Gundam suit with bazooka's for hands to use clearing the 11th Floor.

    1. Endilix


      I dunno man. If we're going down this road, I'd have to throw my hat in for Mack making Gurren Lagann.

    2. Mack


      Obviously, we'll make this instead... nothing says Crimson Blades like this...


    3. Endilix


      Mack. The only thing people will be saying is Crimson Blades after that thing takes the field. In fact, they'll probably be shouting it. In a chant.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  21. Making dinner right now, then posting. If anyone wants to learn how to make restaurant quality Mac & Cheese... message me on Skype and I'll show you right now while I make it for me.

    1. Endilix


      Oh my god Eulalia. Thank you for that. xD

      Mack, can I just add you because you're a cool dude? I'm about to sleep, so I dunno if I'd have time to watch you make amazing Mac and Cheese. Haha.

    2. Mack


      Endilix, go for it, my feelings won't be hurt.

    3. Endilix


      Well that's good! I just sent it. Man, if you had said no, that would've been so awkward.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  22. I have an idea for a bragging rights thread for Level 20+ characters. If you're interested, drop me a PM and we can start a discussion thread. Should be a lot of fun if there's enough interest.

    1. Clarence
    2. Zelrius


      I keed naturally. I would offer to join, But I rarely post. However, I will be keeping up just to see how it goes along.

    3. Mack


      Naturally, Zelrius, none of us could hope to even be worthy to hold so much as a candle to you in the snappy dressing department :)

      I also see you're very handy with a weapon. :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  23. Guys, I am sorry. I'm cranking out crafts and getting no love for Perfect Items. I'll keep crafting. 

    1. Mack


      That is exactly what crafting is like as a Blacksmith. Nailed it.

    2. Mack


      Lately though, It's been more like this with the crafting...


    3. Piera


      *starts making elaborate shrine and offerings to the Random Number Gods*
      Gotta shake off the bad juju Mack!

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  24. Having all pending crafts cleared sure is nice. All in submission now.

  25. Everyone that was in the COMBAT TUTORIAL THREAD where Mack and Xion dueled... thread's done, collect your rewards. :)

    1. Mack


      33 Col Azide... don't spend it all in one place.

    2. Kalesh


      Honorable mention to Takao for reminding me this existed.

    3. Xion


      I have lost faith in humanity...again...even though that was in the past

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