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About tricolor_mina

  • Title
    The guiding light
  • Birthday 09/06/2001

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  • Guild Name
    Aincrad Trading Post
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    Floor Development Team

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  1. The game needs to be balanced out a little, which Is understandable... BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO TALKING TO THE PLAYERS?! this site has given me some new friends, and the fact that no one, not even the PST's even put new things to a vote with the majority of the game population. This can make some people VERY angry about that, especially those(If there are any) that had their characters based around MPD caused by Traumatic stress. I want to hear from everyone that has had, or still has, a character with this Ideology. Please wait for the voices of the people, I understand If a GM is reading this and get's angry... and Erroneous if he ever sees this, I am sorry for saying this, I'm just voicing a few opinions.

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    2. Morgenstern


      @Itzal would have a good opinion, he was the first I had seen have a split personality. 

    3. Lycan


      The MPD issue is a sensitive one. It's not something I'm going into detail about because it will be picked apart and debated into absolute oblivion. Long story short, the topic was discussed in length from multiple viewpoints and a final judgement was made. If your character absolutely hinges on MPD, we are willing to listen to your reasoning but only if it's about your character. If MPD has nothing to do with you, then please respect the decisions that have been made.

      As far as AI counselors, please either create a suggestion ticket or PM your staff with the suggestion. Please be detailed. As far as I'm concerned, you're more than willing to share an NPC "Player Character" that functions as a member of your guild for whatever story functions you desire. Within reason of course.


    4. Oikawa


      I was gonna type a response, but Lye has summed up my response to both questions/concerns posed.

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