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  1. Hi, Manta here. I have a whole thing written up, but somehow i cant really bring myself to post it. Ive been rping as this character since Manta and Ebony were pked, knowing that a rebirth system would be coming. I put a lot of ,y heart into this character and a lot of muse into writing her. Ive been told i cant use the new system with her, when it comes out, and i feel crushed. Ive been hoping since i got pked. 

    I havent made a decision yet. I dont know what to do know. Do I start all over for the seventh time? Or give up. Ill make a decision soon. Regardless of my decision, the patch notes look great and i like everything thats been done, except, obviously, my not being able to use the rebirth system on my character

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    2. Ratatosk


      Manta wasn't even supposed to be PK'ed in the first place. What Teayre did was Maji Bullshit 1000%. It's like what Dom did one time, he killed 2 noobs with an AoE cause he felt like it, Teayre did the same. If this site had some actual logic introduced in the combat system then there would be fewer cases like these.

    3. Zandra


      A little out of topic:

      Hakai, I do miss both Manta and Eb. And Zandra will never forgive Teayre for what she did.

    4. Oikawa


      I'll reiterate what @Takao has stated, rules never have been and never will be retroactively enforced. I also told you @Hakai that when the Rebirth system came into effect it wouldn't affect your character Hakai. You guys are missing the fact that SAO is a death game and by no means are we even obligated to allow a Rebirth system as it wasn't intended until the game was cleared. That tidbit aside, It wouldn't make sense for a character that already exists to benefit from a Rebirth system that. Rebirth means exactly that. Sorry you can't abuse the system and that you all seem to think everything is an easy fix. Time and effort was given in all the decisions we make and we 100% make sure all staff is on board before pushing anything out in the updates.

      As for you @ErinVyce, your comments offer little more than fuel to a dead flame.

      @Ratatosk Its forum based roleplay on game where PKing is a major factor. If you didn't want death, you picked the wrong rp medium. I'm not encouraging player kills by any means, nor am I dismissing the craziness of all the PK's that took place earlier this year, but those situations were handled and have long past. If you guys want to continue to bring up old arguments and handled situations, please do so through private messages or skype. These things will be labeled as spamming/flaming otherwise and I have no qualms about removing the content.

      All in all, keep it civil folks and there's no reason to make a big deal out of every little thing that doesn't go your way. You have an issue, take it to the appropriate staff member (my inbox is always open) and we will deal with it privately. These public dramatizations are getting out of hand, so I will lock this and if you guys have issues, praises, or complaints feel free to shoot me a message

      -GM Oink

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