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Everything posted by Crozeph

  1. I'm seeing things again...-kicks a large easter bunny out of the room-

    1. Calrex


      Wait! Get some eggs from it before you go!

  2. Crozeph locked his shop for the day and headed out to make a few deals for his shop. Crozeph entered an NPC shop and talked to the store owner "hello? I'd like to do a little deal here" he said knocking at the counter. The NPC appeared and smiled at him "this way please" the owner said as she guides him to the storeroom to meet the real owner "so what would it be?" a man in mid-thirties greeted him "I'm Crozeph and I'd like to make something out of this..." Crozeph pulled out two materials to his inventory while the man signaled for his assistant to close the door. After a few seconds Crozeph
  3. Crozeph quickly attended to the next person to enter the shop but scratched his head after hearing what the next customer wants "well as for now I can't sell recording crystals" he said. Crozeph then thought hard for a second "you can try going to catfish sundries for the recording crystals" he told him "I'm sorry for the inconvenience" he added bowing down to the customer.
  4. Crozeph thought hard for a second and nodded in approval "sure let's try on taking something dangerous, it's been a while I agree" he told him. Crozeph arranged a few potions according to their use and some items that are still needed some repair "I can't do it for now but send me a message later" he told Draterion who laughed at what he said.
  5. Crozeph walked to the counter and saw his former guild leader "hey Drat! glad you came in to check things out" he said as Draterion chose a few items and paid the col before asking Crozeph what he's been up to lately "well the usual walking around and attending to this shop, nothing much lately to be called adventurous" he said . transaction
  6. Persona 5 is almost here...and here I am still saving money for the Vita and Persona 4

  7. The Rook Book Rank 3 - Entrepreneur (266/639 EXP) Mark of a Rook [sculpture] ambition buff Identifications per day 6/6 Crow's Wares Here are items which I have identified and if you fancy some of these then I'm more than willing to sell stuff to you. At times I'd give a discount to those who I fancy but most of the time I'm just messing around and sell things at cheap and unreasonable price. Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
  8. ~Welcome~ The Night's Watch MERCHANT AND GENERAL STORE RANK 3 Just a few miles inside Yomi of Floor 10 past the dragon NPCs, a shop stood, looks old but still sturdy, its looks with a little influence of Japanese architecture, its sliding doors are wood and windows covered in what seemed to be paper and a dim light of a lamp visible enough for anyone who dares to set their eyes on it. A sign hung on the door with words that are scrawled hastily "footwear are not allowed inside, please leave them at the door" As you enter the shop, two lanterns aligne
  9. this iron guardian quest...Imma take when I have enough damage hahaha

  10. man I feel lazy today...maybe seven spoons of sugar will help

  11. wanted to join OPs...trying not to go crazy with SPs

    1. Skylar


      Want to help in a PP?

    2. Crozeph


      sure...pm me the link and I'll fly in

    3. Skylar


      I am not at my house right now. But I'll add you to my buddy list and we can do a quest of your choice together.

  12. Cupid's heart is about to break

  13. Reality is an illusion...what is normal to a spider, is chaos to a fly

    1. Aeternum


      Nuh uh uh. I see through the minds and eyes of everything you know, and I can say that reality is real. You just don't understand it.

    2. Crozeph



    3. Aeternum


      Go ahead and try. It won't work.

  14. today/tonight at SAO's daily report: potatoes are falling down like an avalanche from a mountain is this post is just one of those status updates that wastes the space provided for a much more worthy post, stay tuned for more

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      here more news..watching pewds play The Walking Dead: S1 Episode 2 part 3 :D

  15. looks like I'll be seeing history again...the Floor 10 boss battle!!!!

    1. Crozeph


      lol I hope Azide is reading this one...maybe you can give him mats for your crystals

    2. Baldur


      Yea, I wanted to buy some for the Guardians of Fire quest, but the meanie knows as soon as he opens his doors he's going to be out of stock in a mad rush :P

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I could..if he would be kind enough to respond to the PM..

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  16. finally finished a quest..phew felt like I made a reaction paper

    1. Azide


      Congrats Crozeph! Looks like you had quite a bit of bad luck towards the end!

  17. that queen is giving me a hard time...I should also say my prayers too

  18. Crozeph once again entered the Molten Blades but this time not for armor but for a sword. He has been holding on to his Crimson Flare long enough which was forge by a player who was killed by the Hydra "a little fragment of her memory in my sword" he said. Crozeph walked to the counter and began making his order "I'd like a custom made weapon Kosan" he said. He has been here a few times and so far the blacksmith meets his expectation. Crozeph settle down a piece of paper on the counter where his order is written
  19. Caretaker's death still makes me sad after all this years

  20. finally replied to some...will do the rest tomorrow, gotta finish the laundry

  21. It's Red's birthday! everyone throw cakes at her!! -does an epic war cry-

    1. Alyss


      Throws Chocolate cakes at red and Haine "Happy Birthday Red"

    2. Natsu


      At first I thought you meant in POkemon

    3. Natsu


      Happy Birthday, ____!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  22. will you look at that... the dice gods are fresh out of mercy to me today

  23. ok let's get this show on the road! -tries to dance like a belly dancer-

  24. gahh gotta sleep...as for the the replies and thread, be making it later -grabs a pillow and sleeps under the bed

  25. wanna go on a field trip with me?

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