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Posts posted by Fae

  1. Fae had pulled her hood over head as the team walked through the forest, just in case it rained as Lessa said it would. The last thing Fae wanted to was to get wet in a storm, it would mess up her hair and everything else. But even if she would have to get wet, it would all be worth to meet Wyson. Outlander and Sharr had went with Aereth, so they had their own assignment to take care of. All Fae had to do was meet the guy. If he seemed cool enough, maybe they could be friends. Fae liked having as many friends as she could at this time. Because right now Fae wasn't exactly the most popular person with a good amount of the players. So making allies was kind of necessary. As they walked, Vigilon, Krysta, and a girl that Fae didn't recognize all seemed to be sharing the same feelings of dread. Fae ran and caught up with them, before skipping beside them. "C'mon guys! There's no need to be worried! With all of us together, we can take down Wyson! Fae believes in all of us as a team!" Fae exclaimed, trying to cheer everyone up before the storm.

    @Vigilon @Krysta

  2. Fae had been watching most of this unfold for a while now from outside of McFroppy's. Somehow, Ragdoll managed to screw things up worse than Fae thought she would. It was stupid, and now she was going to die for it hopefully. How fitting. You fail your task, so you die. But Embers seemed to be taking her sweet time with killing Ragdoll, so now was the point that Fae decided to take this into her own hands.

    Stepping out from behind the restaurant, Fae walked up to where Embers and Ragdoll were. "Hi miss Embers! You really disappointed Fae. You have a failed assassination, so you can't even fill her last request or kill her swiftly! Fae will take care of her for you!" Fae said as she turned towards Ragdoll. "Fae will tell miss froggy all about your little favor miss Ragdoll! Just let Fae get your uniform off you and then you can perish!" Fae said in a singsong voice as she stripped Ragdoll down to her underwear and put her uniform in Fae's inventory. After that, Fae kicked her into the pond, before turning to Embers and hugging her. "There you go miss Embers! Took out the trash for you! Fae was assigned to take you out, so while miss froggy had left, Fae went in and made miss Ragdoll invite you here! If she didn't, both she and miss froggy would be cut to pieces! But she messed up so badly, she paralyzed herself instead of you! Fae was going to take you out while you were paralyzed, but maybe next time Fae will get you! It's good to see you again!" Fae explained, going over the entire situation all the while Ragdoll would begin to drown.

  3. Fae smiled and nodded her head when Lessa thanked her for her eagerness to help. More people were coming to sign up though, so Fae took a few steps back to see who else was on her team. Although just a little bit later she received a message from @Vigilon, saying that he knew everything and then threatened to take action if she crossed out a name through murder. Fae wanted to send something witty back, like 'Too Late', but Fae found it easier to just walk right up to the group of players and say hi. Even though pretty much all three of them seemed to hate her, Fae walked up to them with a smile on her face. "Hi guys! Fae is so glad to see you again!" Fae greeted as she first hugged @Krysta and then hugged @Hestia. Looking up at the three with excitement, she tried to catch up on what they were talking about. "Oh wow! You're starting a guild mister Vigilon? That's great! Fae would love to join you, but Fae is already kinda stuck in a guild." Fae said, clappong her hands a few times. Noticing the cold stare from Hestia that had also went to Outlander, Fae tilted her head in confusion. "What's the matter miss Hestia? Why the mean stare? Fae just wanted to say hi." Fae said before going back to smiling.

  4. Fae had been on the run for a bit of time now, after a few bad choices in a row, she found herself in between a rock and a hard place. Fae was mostly scared of being caught, but perhaps hiding with the good guys would make things easier for Fae to get by. Plus, it could make for some good intel if things go well. Fae wasn't exactly invited to the crowd at the monument, but seeing a few familiar faces just caught her interest in what was going on. Pulling her hood over her head to conceal most of her face, Fae went into the crowd and listened to the speech from the two players. Getting a small smile on her face as she listened. This Wyson guy sounded pretty cool, not getting caught for 27 murders. Fae planned to top that someday, but for now she had to help out here. Who knows, maybe she could even pick up on some of his tricks. Fae noticed and tried to keep her distance, not wanting a repeat of what happened last time they met. Although seeing as how if Fae wanted to have the best chance of meeting Wyson, she would have to go with Lessa. Hestia had headed for Lessa's group as well, so Fae sighed as just followed behind her and weaved her way through the crowd. Before Fae could get a word in, another guy showed up (Baldur) and also signed up for Lessa's group. After listening to how Hestia and the other guy greeted Lessa, Fae stepped up and tried to go for that same tone. Tugging at her arm to get her attention, since Fae was half her height, Fae then began her greeting. "Fae is Fae, the main DPS of... Fae's friends, not really in a guild yet. Fae wants to join you so we can lock this meanie up!" Fae greeted as she raised one fost up. This could either go great or horribly wrong depending on who else showed up.

    -Signs up for team @Lessa, but really team Wyson-

    Current Stats:


    Level 10 Fae:  200/200 HP  20/20 Energy.  4 DMG   1 MIT  1 EVA  1 Light Momentum

    Divine Dragon's Cloak: 1 EVA, 1 MIT, 1 LM


    Rank 3 1H Dagger


  5. Fae sighed in disappointment when Outlander said that he didn't want anyone taken out, and that they had other matters to discuss. "Awww! Fae wanted to cut someone open! Are you sure you don't need anyone taken out? Not even that meanie red headed girl?" Fae asked, tugging at Outlander's pant leg to get his attention. When Sharr said that their best member who a cute kid who betrayed her past guild, Fae pulled her dagger out of her cloak and pointed at him in a split second. "Hey! What'cha trying to say about Fae!? Fae ain't no traitor! Keep it up and Fae will cut you open!" Fae protested back, just a little bit offended. Fae still had on her cutesy smile as she threatened Sharr, before putting away her dagger after a few seconds. Outlander asked if anyone had any suggestions, and Fae raised her hand immediately. "Ooh! What if we choose our first victims!? That'd be super duper fun!" Fae suggested as she climbed up onto Outlander's back, sitting on his shoulders.

  6. Fae had been skipping through floor 4 on her usual stroll when she received a notification for a message from Outlander. They were finally meeting up to discuss the guild. At least this time it was at least somewhat private, hopefully Outlander didn't message the wrong people. Fae warped down to the first floor and pulled her hood over her head to avoid getting recognized. Being half the size of everyone else, it was easy to get spotted. After making her way through the streets of the first floor for a good few minutes, she eventually found Outlander underneath a tree. "Hey mister Outlander! Fae is here! Do you need someone taken out? Fae has been so excited for this!" Fae greeted, hugging and looking up at Outlander. It was good to see someone she could actually trust again. Fae brought down her hood and revealed her hair and face once she was done hugging him, before saluting.

  7. Fae nodded her head when Hei said that they would go once he had tea. Fae watched Hei quickly make the tea, just as quickly as everything else in this game. Then he asked if Fae wanted some, and she shook her head. "No thank you mister Hei, Fae had tea yesterday." Fae answered as she started to walk towards the exit of the Hanger. "Fae doesn't really like tea that much, it just seems like a cool thing grown ups do." Fae said as she fixed up her hair a little bit. Fae took off her cloak and then held it out to show Hei. "It's funny how quick time flies mister Hei. You made this cloak for Fae two years ago, and Fae still has it. I love how we have things going here, it's so much fun living with you mister Hei!" Fae said before hugging Hei. Two years had gone by, and yet neither of them looked a day older.

  8. Fae laughed as Hei brought out the blanket monster and curled her up in the blanket before he got out of bed. After a little bit of struggling, Fae uncurled herself and climbed out of the bed after Hei. Now they would usually have breakfast, but it seemed as though they were out of rolls. Fae changed as well and ran after Hei in order to keep up with him. "We have to get rolls today? Can Fae come this time? Pretty please?" Fae asked as she followed him out of the room. Hei usually went on his own, but Fae wanted to tag along with him to see how what he did. "Fae just wants to see how you do it, it sounds fun going out shopping!" Fae exclaimed, practically bouncing up and down as she looked up at Hei, hoping for a yes. Everything about Hei, Fae just adored. It's just like he was an actual big brother, which Fae never had, so it was a good experience for both of them.

  9. Fae nuzzled up even more against Hei when he turned around, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the drowsy feeling she had. He then asked why she was awake so early, despite it being their day off. Now Fae wanted to sleep in more than ever, but she was already awake. "Fae got too much sleep last night... so Fae is already up." Fae answered before yawning. Sleepy Fae didn't have too much patience, but she was too tired to get on top of Hei and get him out of bed like she usually did. The sunlight started to come through the window and brighten up the room. Fae was in her underwear, but she couldn't see what Hei was in due to the blanket. "If it's your day off, does this mean that you and Fae can play today!? C'mon mister Hei! Wake up!" Fae begged, getting on top of Hei with her new excitement energy.

  10. It had been about two years ever since Fae moved in with Hei in the Hanger now, and a lot had happened during those two years. Even though two years had passed, they hadn't aged due to the game's mechanics. So Fae still was still as small as a nine year old. Fae had joined and left the Guardians, and may have gotten herself in a bit of trouble. But she still stayed with Hei, trusting him the most. Fae had her own bed now, and she shared a room with Hei. This morning however, Fae had gotten up a bit earlier than usual, so she crawled out of bed and climbed into Hei's bed, snuggling up against him and trying to go back to sleep. Fae couldn't sleep, so she started tugging at Hei's arm. "Mister Heiiiiii, wake up... Fae is up now." Fae said tiredly, still somewhat half asleep.


  11. Fae started to chop up the carrot on the cutting board as told by Pin, and slid the pieces into the pot each time she chopped one. Once she was done, Fae had chopped up the carrot into 15 almost even pieces. While she did so, Pin's cat Zomekko had decided to come close to Fae and she tried to pet the ghostly cat, but her hand just sort of just phased through it. Fae still didn't say anything about it, and just scooted away from Zomekko as she she watched the soup cook. The sandy winds seemed to have died down for the night, so that was nice. "Anything else you help with mister Pin? Fae can help if you want." Fae asked, scooting over closer to him. Fae then yawned again and just looked at Pin and Hestia back and forth. Fae started to nod off into sleep a little bit, but she kept herself awake, at least until they would actually eat she would stay awake.

    ID: 101271 CD: 9 (No Damage)


  12. Fae nodded her head with a big grin on her face when Pin asked if she wanted to help cook. "Yes Fae does! What can Fae do to help mister Pin? Fae isn't really good at cooking, but Fae can at least try!" Fae asked as she followed Pin in and out of the tent. It was starting to get a little chilly, so Fae wrapped her cloak around herself to stay warm. Fae looked towards Zomekko with a bit of a curious look. She didn't quite get how a familiar like that worked, but asking would only confuse herself. "You know what would be fun to do since we're camping? What if we tell campfire stories? Like we talk about scary things we've been through? Wouldn't that be fun? You go first Pin!" Fae suggested, getting a little bit excited.

    ID: 101124 CD: 3 (No Damage)


  13. Fae had remained quiet for a bit and just walked alongside Pin and Hestia. They had moved on to a conversation about builds and Fae sighed with relief internally. The attention was off of her, so now Fae could go back to smiling. Fae just listened to the two of them talk, and it didn't take very long for the sun to set and camp to start being set up. Fae couldn't exactly help very much, so she sat down a bit away from Pin and Hestia and yawned, already tired. Fae watched Pin get the cooking supplies out and Fae scooted closer to him curiously. "Need help with anything mister Pin? Fae is here to help if you need Fae!" Fae asked, doing a quick salute to him. She had no idea how to cook, but she would try her best to help as much as she could.

    ID: 101122 CD: 3 (No Damage)


  14. Fae watched as more people started to come, including @Pinball. He went into the water immediately, so Fae couldn't really say hi to him. But now it seemed like a good time to start. Fae climbed up her referee chair and waved her hands out. "Thank you all for coming! At this time we will be starting the first of our beach activities, volleyball! That's right, there's more than just volleyball! We'll also have a swimsuit contest and a sandcastle contest! But anyway, the first team for volleyball is Arabelle and Spangie! They will be playing against Froppy and Embers! Come on over to the net girls!" Fae announced as she got out a volleyball and tossed it to Arabelle. Fae then stepped down from her chair and pulled off the tarp on a bar right next to the net. "For the guys, feel free to grab a drink at the bar! Fae will be bartender during the game. So first to 11 points wins! Have fun!"

  15. Fae watched as people showed up one by one. As she expected, there was way more girls than guys so far. The one guy, @Hazado, that had shown up so far asked if he was early and Fae nodded her head as she hopped down from her chair. "Yes sir, you were just a bit early." Fae answered. @Embers and @Froppy had shown up, which got Fae a bit excited. "Oi Embers! You weren't the only one, but thanks for coming! Nice tube top, shows off the right amount of skin. But Frops and @Spangie have the chest for the guys' vote. But the col isn't the important part, just have fun! The volleyball game will be starting soon, once we get enough players for a 4v4." Fae said, speaking to everyone toward the end of her little speech. It was good to see people enjoying themselves like this.

  16. In almost every anime that Fae had ever seen growing up, there was a beach or hot springs episode at some point. Whether that be Rurouni Kenshin or My Hero Academia, pretty much all of them had that episode. But knowing that people wouldn't just show up to show up, Fae decided to throw in an incentive anyone would want, col. Fae had gotten a large space for a party on floor 16 with a volleyball net set up, as well as a snack table. On the sides of the volleyball net were plenty of chairs for people to watch if they wanted to not participate. Fae put up some flyers around Aincrad to advertise the event, and once Fae had gotten everything ready, she sat down in her high referee chair near the volleyball net. 



    Hey players of Aincrad! Summer is starting soon, so why not kick it off with a beach episode? There will be a girls volleyball game on floor 16, right on the beach! The MVP decided by a poll wins 2,000 col! Hope to see you there, and bring some beach attire! Boys can come and watch too! Special hopes to see @Kairi, @Embers, @Froppy, and @Hestia!


  17. Fae was a bit startled by the rumbling in the cave, the big rock blocking the entrance just getting Fae even more nervous. Pin leapt out of the hot springs, and Fae did the same, water dripping from her towel as well, with it sinking down to her waist. Fae ran up to the rock and pounded on it as well. "Let us out you meanies!" Fae shouted, but only laughter came back from the other side. Pin said they needed to hurry and try to find another way out of the hot springs, but Fae was entirely clueless. "Umm, Fae thought that was the only way out. Fae doesn't know what we can do Pin." Fae said as she paced back and forth with her hands on her hips. Fae kinda wanted to blame Pin for wearing clothes, but now was not a good time to say that.

  18. Fae felt a little bit bad for Hestia when she said that she hadn't really been relaxing since she was putting her life in danger and risk constantly. "Well, if you want to relax, maybe the three of us could take some time off and go somewhere fun. Fae likes hanging out with you guys." Fae suggested before going through the different places and floors they could go to in her head. Her thoughts were cut off by Pin asking how the "lovely ladies" were doing. Fae knew what kind of act he was doing, so Fae decided to mess around and play along with him. "Fae is doing just fine sweetie, Fae can tell you're ready to be naughty..." Fae said in a flirtatious voice as she rubbed up against Pin a little bit. She then burst out laughing, unable to keep up the act. "Fae is sorry, it's just too funny!"

    ID: 99935 CD: 11 (No Damage)

    Fae: 130/140


  19. Fae still didn't get what was so funny about asking when she would get her balloons. Hestia answered by saying that she got them in her teenage years. "Fae is getting kinda close to getting her balloons then. Fae is 11 right now, so then Fae should be getting them in another two years." Fae said, guessing that 13 counted as a teenager. Pin then added that he also got his when he was a teenager, but it just left Fae confused. She didn't really want to ask, knowing how Pin could get weird like that sometimes. Fae looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was starting to go down. They had to be nearing the cargo at this point. "So, anything you guys wanna talk about? Fae loves to listen, talking is one of Fae's favorite things to do." Fae asked, unable to think of any other subject to really talk about.

    ID: 99926 CD: 2 (No Damage)

    Fae: 130/140


  20. Fae noticed Hestia blush and it confused her a little bit why she was blushing. Fae saw Pin's smile and could tell he thought it was funny. "What's so funny? Fae was just wondering when she was gonna get them." Fae asked as she continued to skip. Some more sand blew by, none of it hitting Fae. Hestia said she was get them as she got older and Fae nodded. "Alright! Fae can't wait to get hers! Hopefully they're big." Fae exclaimed as she got a big smile on her face. Hestia said that even if she was happy now, Fae could change into something horrendous, which Fae decided to not say anything about it for the sake of the mood. "So, when did you get your balloons miss Hestia?" Fae asked curiously.

    ID: 99896 CD: 2 (No Damage)

    Fae: 130/140

  21. Hei had answered Fae by saying that his favorite color used to be turquoise, but changed it to red because he didn't want to be reminded of the ocean. "That is something we can fix! We can go to the beach on floor 16 together sometime! It would be super duper fun." Fae said, slightly excited. She was too tired to be fully excited. Fae wrapped her arms around Hei as she yawned again, before slowly dozing off and closing her eyes. It had been a great day, and Fae couldn't wait to spend so much more time with Hei from now on. It would be kinda like one of those 2 person family shows, where everyone is happy together. Just thinking about it made Fae all warm inside, a really good feeling. But that would be the next episode, for next time.


    @Hei: 400 col + 2 SP

    Fae: 400 col + 2 SP

  22. Fae still tried her best to look happy, but it was no use. Fae had gotten herself upset, and now she couldn't pretend to be happy. Eatos offered Fae a place to go if she got in trouble, but Fae just shook her head and sighed. "Thank you, but Fae couldn't stay with you if she got in trouble. You and everyone else would want Fae dead, especially mister Stryder." Fae said, declining Eatos's offer. Fae took a deep breath in and then let it back out. They were heading deep in the woods now, and Fae could hardly tell where they had come from. "Fae is still glad to spend time with you miss Eatos, you're really nice. But maybe we could change the subject. Like uh... when did your chest start growing? Fae can't wait to get hers." Fae asked, squeezing one of them while trying to change the subject.

  23. Fae was a bit confused that Hestia said that she needed help, but then she asked if Fae had killed a player on floor 4. Fae looked at the ground and nodded her head, a little bit ashamed by it. Hestia then went on to say that the voices were of guilt and that it was slowly declining sanity. "It can't be the sanity thing, Fae is perfectly fine! Fae is still smiling and happy as usual." Fae said quickly, a bit shaken by the thought of it. "The voices don't guilt Fae too much either. Sometimes they ask why Fae did it, but that's about it." Fae explained, before going back to skipping happily. Fae knew Hestia would keep going with the questions about sanity stuff, so Fae tried to change the subject. "So miss Hestia, every girl Fae has seen has two big balloons in front of their chest, when does Fae get them?" Fae asked, looking up at Hestia, hoping it worked.

    ID: 99830 CD: 9


  24. Fae continued to skip through the sand between Hestia and Pin happily before Hestia questioned what Fae meant by voices. "You haven't heard the voices? Fae hears them all the time when walking through Snowfrost. Fae can't really ever tell where they come from though. But the voices are nice sometimes when Fae is happy, and they're mean when Fae isn't happy. They've been kind of mean regardless lately." Fae explained the voices, keeping a smile on her face. Hestia told Pin that if he hadn't done much, then he could message her for help, since she was such a great tank. "Yeah, you're really strong miss Hestia! Pin is super powerful too, except when he did 1 damage to the first dragon in DHA." Fae said, laughing a little bit before patting Pin on the shoulder. "Don't worry Pin, Fae is only kidding." Fae assured, hoping he didn't feel too offended or bothered.

    ID: 99778 CD: 11 (No Damage)

    Fae: 130/140


  25. Fae had thought it was all over between her and Pin, but that was apparently not the case, as she received a message from Pin that her cookie was finally done. It was surprising that he even did it, but Fae wouldn't not take it. She headed to the eighth floor and walked to Pin's shop, slightly cautious. Fae arrived at the shop and grabbed the box with the cookie, and then she opened the note. Reading it through, Fae felt just a little bit warm inside. Fae scribbled down her own note and then left it on the bench. Now she was officially on her own, but maybe she would just catch Pin on the flip side. Maybe.




    You didn't do anything Pin, it wasn't your fault. You were the best honestly. Go ahead and tell Stryder. It's better than him worrying. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be in some cave on the 4th floor. Remember Pin, don't get into trouble either. I worry about you too still.

    -Your favorite loli, Fae-

    -received Double Fudge Cookie-


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