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Posts posted by Cosi

  1. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108944- CD: 4- result: nothing

    His fishing pole still forgotten, Cosi turned his palms outwards in a gesture of defeat, "Alright. Fair enough Dustin. If you don't want mats then Ennakai and I will split them among ourselves. But Dustin, when you're actually heading out to get some materials for your black smithing shoot me a message and I'll come search with you. Then we can call this even since to me you're not stealing from me. Heck you probably need materials more than I do.  Also don't be so hard on yourself. Macradon got a head start on you. You can still be a great blacksmith. " After the small discussion- almost argument after Dustin pushed Ennakai into the pond- Cosi finally remembered his fishing pole and picked it up off the ground and then went over to another pond to begin fishing again. More mats was never a bad thing. 


  2. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108937- CD: 4- result: nothing

    CD 1-4: | CD 5-6: 1 Material | CD 7-8: 2 Materials | CD 9-10: 3 Materials | CD 11: 4 Materials | CD 12: 4 materials (LD: 15+ Treasure Chest fished up!)

    When Dustin said he didn't want anything except some Col, Cosi was slightly taken aback, "Really Dustin? You helped out with the material gathering and I know you're a blacksmith so I know you need mats as well so you can't just take nothing. Say what: you take the Col you need, we split the materials three ways and then Ennakai and I split the other loot we found. I just don't want to take materials you worked to get and that you need. You pulled your weight so you're going to get some of the mats. Alright Dustin?" Cosi fixed the brown haired player with a stare, his fishing pole and the pond forgotten, and waited for his response. He better not say he doesn't want or need any. Because I swear he did the work so he is going to reap the rewards. There's nothing else to it. The blonde haired tank kept looking at dustin with a stony gaze, "You take the mats mate." 


  3. After stepping out of the teleporter on floor nine in Yogan village, the platinum blonde player began to make his way to the proposed meeting place. He had one what felt like a mish mash of gear. He had his new weapon Inbrunst strapped across his back and his familiar Ladon wrapped around his neck like a scarf. Beneath the emerald serpent and his grey cloak Cosi had on his old armor richter since he still had yet to get his new armor from Hei. No matter I should still be fine. I may not have all the gear for my new build but I've got about half of what I need. As Cosi came nearer towards the meeting spot it was fairly easy to spot the front line tank. Cosi raised a hand in greeting to Shield, "Shield!" He gave a half salute to his fellow tank, "How have you been?" Once within arms reach Cosi extended a hand and said, "Thanks for coming at short notice. Your help is very much appreciated." 


  4. Cosi made it to the Glacial Cove relatively quickly- he had committed the path to memory- but before entering he took a left path and found himself in a small valley like chasm between two mountains that was covered in ice. Avalanche's lair. Before the Blonde haired player entered into the snow covered area he returned his war hammer to his Inventory and equipped a different kind of weapon entirely. The blonde haired tank's simple leather gloves were replaced by reinforced steel gauntlets with nasty metal studs on the knuckles. Cosi moved his digits, feeling the weight and mobility of the gauntlets. "This will take some getting used to." And with that the white cloaked player strode into the chasm ready for the fight that awaited him. This shouldn't be too hard but this will take some time. But that's what grinding is. "And I do need the Sp and Levels."

  5. Log Entry whatever the heck I say it is cause I ts my journal anyways. 

    I really need to catch up to some of my friends- namely Hazado, Neo, and Mars- so its time to do the thing that must be done in every single role playing game and mutliplayer game: grind for levels. So that's exactly what I do. I head out to a place on the fourth floor that I've found called the Glacial Cove which seems to be home to a large amount of high level mobs and as a bonus its close by to the spot that the field boss Avalanche spawns. 


    Cosi steps outside of his workshop into the chilly air with Ladon wrapped around his shoulders and a pure white cloak on over both of them, holding Inbrunst in his right hand. The blonde player's snake raises his head and gives Cosi an accusatory stare. "Hey buddy I'm sorry that I'm going out into the cold but you're just going to have to deal with it. I promise that I won't go questing anymore after this so you can curl up by the fire for the rest day." Cosi pleads with the serpent. Ladon's only response is to burrow his head beneath the white cloak. "Fair enough buddy." Cosi begins to make his way to Glacial Cove. 

  6. Log Entry XX (yeah I know I could just count the entries but life ain't that easy. In fact its quite hectic)

    I get together with my good friends Hestia and Hazado for another quest just for the tanks and while I'm still in between builds I decide on a difficult quest on the tenth floor. I chose such a difficult quest because i need to catch up to Mars and Hazado since I'm faliing behind in levels. Also I need to prepare for when I'm ready for the front lines and to do that I need to max out my familiar and sword skills as well as get the howl skill so I can actually be of some use as a tank.


    Cosi headed to the Teleport gate on floor four his hammer Inbrunst in hand and Ladon wrapped around his neck like a emerald green scarf made of thick scales, muscle and tendons. Before heading up to the tenth floor Cosi send out a message to two good acquaintances of his: Hestia, a front line tank, and Hazado a tank around his level. 


    Hey @Hestia and @Hazado

    I was planning on doing a tough quest up on floor ten. I would love to have your help in this fight. Besides I think its time we spent some quality time together and what better way to do that then to kill mobs cause hey: friends who slay together stay together.  

    Time to get the tank squad back together, The corn silk blonde haired player thought as he sent the message off and stepped through the teleporter. 

  7. Log Entry XX (I think I will just put this down until I decide to actually go and count my logbook entries)

    After getting my snake familiar with Shield I did some other quests but quite soon after I decided I needed to accelerate my leveling and to do that I would need a good carry. So I called up my friend and mentor Shield and we went up to the ninth floor to go take on some bandits. 


    Cosi decided it was time to take on a tougher quest. One that he would need a fair amount of help with. And while it pained him to have to rely on others so heavily he sent a message to his friend Shield to ask if he would accompany him on a quest and provide tank support. 



    This is Cosi. I've decided to undertake a quest on the ninth floor and I could use your help with it. Since I'm playing catch up with you front liners, I'm trying to expedite my leveling. I'm going to need a lot more skill points to max out my ranks in my familiar and sword skills. Plus I'd like to chat some more. If you choose to come I'll be waiting at an tavern near the north entrance of Yōgan Village. 


  8. Log Entry whatever the heck it is now, I've stopped caring

    I've finally got my hammer and my pet snake- I named him ladon- so even though I don't have my other gear I start doing some more quests. Besides I need to get more sp so I can rank up my familiar skill and my sword skills. So I do the one thing that always works. I shoot my buddy Mars a message and we head off to do another quest. This time we fight some more wurms except thank goodness that this field boss fight isn't on the fifth floor. Still the wurms aren't like the others I fought with Mars and Pinball. The field boss is more like a dragon. Anyways...


    Cosi got his gear together on the fourth floor in his shop. He grabbed his new hammer, Inbrunst, and picked up Ladon from where the large boa was snoozing in front of the fire and draped the serpent over his shoulders where he then slithered around till he was wrapped around the blonde like a scarf. That was so far the only position Ladon would be in. He was quite a lazy snake. Cosi then equipped a simple grey cloak and his now customary light blue scarf and then headed off to the seventh floor after shooting Mars a message.



    I finally got some of my new gear and I'm heading up to the seventh floor to go do a quest or two and then some Sp grinding. I would love to see a familiar face and I could use your fists.

    Your Friend, Cosi


  9. When Neo sent the blonde haired player a message about a field boss He just nodded his head and gave a lopsided grin. "Sounds great let's do this Neo." Cosi didn't have any of the gear for his new build but that shouldn't be too much of a problem, Neo was quite strong and he wasn't low level anymore. Besides I need to do some more grinding and get more Sp for when I get my familiar and when I need to rank up my sword skills. Cosi shrugged to himself and turned back to neo, "Do you know any specifics on this field boss, Neo?" As he waited for her to answer the other player in the bar- the dark haired player with the black trench cloak- walked up and started talking to them. He asked about a field boss. Cosi mentally shrugged and turned to the new comer. "Yeah there's another field boss on this floor. Neo and I were planning on going to go fight it. You're welcome to join, if that's alright with you neo?" Cosi turned back to the pink haired cook for her answer then would look back to the other player, "Anyways my name is Cosi. What''s your's?" Cosi held out his hand. 


  10. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108838- CD: 5- result: 1 mat

    CD 1-4: | CD 5-6: 1 Material | CD 7-8: 2 Materials | CD 9-10: 3 Materials | CD 11: 4 Materials | CD 12: 4 materials (LD: 15+ Treasure Chest fished up!)

    After both chests were opened Cosi smiled and rejoined hi friends, "Nice job Dustin and thanks. Also, since I'm a merchant I can identify all the items and consumables if you guys want? I won't even charge you since I really need the experience points. Plus you guys are my friends." Cosi grinned and pulled out his rod to start fishing again. Within a minute or two the blonde tank felt a tug on his rod and quickly reeled in his catch. It wasn't too big of a fish- he only got one material from it- but still he smiled and added it to the pile. He was too happy right now to be disappointing. Like Dustin said, being with friends and simply fishing and talking while the sun was high and the sky was beautiful made this death game worth it. Well, it makes getting stuck in here worth it for a little while. I still what to get out of her as soon as possible. 


  11. As the snake continued to slither up the blonde haired tank, Cosi struggled to stand up straight from the added weight. He tried to pry it off his legs and only ended up with the snake wrapped around his arms and neck practically tying his arms behind his back. "Yeah I'll take the consumables. I'll just ID them and save them for later. They'll probably come in handy later in some other quests." Cosi managed to free a hand from the coils of his new pet and extended it towards his fellow tank and companion, "Thanks for all the help Shield. This would have taken a lot longer without your assistance. And thanks for the Col and mats as well." Cosi grinned as he shook the dark haired front liner's hand, "Hopefully I'll see you again soon Shield." After that the two players made their way back through the jungle and back to the floor's city with Cosi still struggling with his familiar. By the time they got to the portals and went their separate ways the blonde had managed to get the boa in a slightly more comfortable position looped around his neck. the scales were rough and the snake was heavy but it was better than him around his arms. "I'm going to have to get used to this aren't I?" Cosi asked the serpent which looked back at him and then promptly closed its eyes and fell asleep. Cosi sighed and went back to home on the fourth floor, My snake's not going to like it there. 


    Quest Summary-


    - 1 sp and 400 Col for one whole page of rp

    - 1 Familiar!

    -  675 Col

    - 3 T1 Materials

    - 2 T1 materials


    - 1 Sp

    - 1 Familiar (Snake)

    - 875 Col

    - 2 T1 mats

    - 2 t1 Consumables


    - 1 Sp

    - 200 Col


  12. Cosi had finished dusting off and hanging the identified items on their racks and armor stands and had moved on to organizing his work tables and the instruments and tools strewn all over them. Mace continued moving the boxes and putting them up on a shelf though Cosi would have to look through  them all later. Thankfully there were not too many of the boxes. Cosi paused his work for a moment and turned to Mace, "Thanks for the help Mace but I think I can take it from here. I can promise you that the next time you come here that this shop will be up and running. But to do that I have some planning, price setting. and other stuff to do so I'll see you later mace." And on a slight whim Cosi would go over and give the shorter, dark haired girl a hug, "Make sure to stop by soon Izami." 


    Thread Summary-


    - 2 Sp and 800 Col for two pages of rp


    - 2 Sp

    - 400 Col


    - 2 Sp

    - 400 Col


  13. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108749- CD: 2- result: nothing.

    Cosi followed Hei to a larger field covered in patches of flowers and berry bushes, so more like a meadow, and started looking for a small pond to start fishing in as the tailor began searching for materials among the bushes and plants. Cosi spotted a small reflective pond not too fr from the spot Hei was searching and made his way over there. The blonde haired tank had just sat down and pulled out his fishing pole when he heard a muffled thump and a some exclamation. Cosi quickly jumped u and turned around. It seemed that Hie had fallen over and was lying face down in the grass. Cosi dropped his rod and ran over to help the tailor, "You okay Hei?" Cosi reached down to grab a hand and help Hei to his feet. Cosi wasn't too concerned, he knew monsters didn't spawn in this area too regularly, so the dark haired player probably only tripped on a root or rock. 


  14. Quote

    Searching for Treasure Chest: ID# 108747- LD: 7+5= 12- result: nothing

    Once Cosi got Neo's message he nodded his head. They had been at this for a while now and the last bit of time hadn't been too worthwhile. They hadn't caught anything really big if they had caught anything at all. So the blonde haired tank quickly reeled in his fishing pole, put it back in his inventory, and got to his feet. "Alright Neo, that was really fun- except for right at the end- and we got a fair amount of materials that way." Cosi stretched his arms and legs- he had been sitting down too long- and looked around. He kept an eye on his ring just in case it flashed but it didn't. Guess there's not any treasure chests in the vicinity, Cosi thought to him self as he began to head out of the hidden cavern. Cosi turned to his brightly haired comapnion, "Its been fun Neo. Let's definitely do something else together. I'll see you soon." Cosi gave a half wave half salute to the pink and brown haired cook. 


    Quest Summary:


    -2 sp and 800 Col for two pages of Rp.

    -49 T3 Materials

    - 525 Col


    - 2 Sp

    - 663 Col

    - 24 T3 mats


    - 2 Sp

    - 662 Col

    - 25 T3 mats


  15. As Mace said it was very dusty in his workshop mostly because he hadn't been in here for a very long time. Items that he had randomly identified and found lay strewn about the floor and in boxes. His tools for identifying items lay in a disorganized heap on his multiple work benches. Cosi sighed, rolled up his selves, and then began to move times onto the wall racks he had for specifically that purpose. "Looks like We have our work cut out for us." Cosi kept moving items. He dusted off swords, shields, and armor before hanging them on the wall hooks or putting them on armor stands. The work space already looked more organized. 

    Mace was moving some boxes so Cosi looked over her shoulder to see what she was moving. It looked like more tools and random stuff. "You can just put those boxes up on that shelf or beneath that work table over there." Cosi pointed to which one before returning to his own self given task. 


  16. Quote

    -Picked up Inbrunst

    When Cosi received a message that his hammer was done the blonde haired player quickly made his way over to Dustin’s blacksmith, Iron Blood, so he could pick it up. Once there he greeted the brown haired smith with a smile and a wave and then picked up his hammer, Inbrunst. The hammer was just as he had wanted. The weapon had a heft to it, perfect for breaking bone, and was beautifully reinforced. Cosi didn't have the Col to pay Dustin but they would be going on a gathering trip soon so Cosi would be able to pay the smith back. 

  17. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108667- CD: 5- result: 1 material 

    When Cosi finally felt a tug on his fishing line he was a little less than upbeat when he reeled in his catch. Since I have only been catching tiny fish- or nothing- for the last like fifteen minutes. Although its felt like hours. Cosi tentatively lifted his line out of the water and hoped his catch would be bigger than then the few he had gotten. It was not. In fact the fish was diminutive. Oh my gosh!!! How?!!? How do I keep getting such small ffffffffffffiiiiiisssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- The blonde haired player's internal scream went on for another good four minutes. Then once Cosi had recovered his calm, he removed his catch from the hook, took the one material he got, and added it to the pile with a sigh. The blonde cast out his line once more less in hopes of getting a good catch but simply because of repetition and routine. 


  18. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108613- CD: 2- result: nothing

    The fishing was going very slow. Cosi had caught a bigger fish and his pink and brown haired companion had caught a fish as well but now Cosi was back to not getting any bites. It was slow going especially with a quiet companion but Cosi didn't mind it too much. He simply sat on the edge of the pond looking at the interesting sights of the underground and waiting for any kind of tug on his fishing rod. Hopefully we get a chest. Hopefully we are lucky enough to get at least one more chest. That would would be nice. So Cosi just waited for a fish to bite which would hopefully be soon. But while he waited Cosi simply looked around at the strange fungi and flora and the stalagmites and stalactites and the extra reflective lake water. It was all very different from the other open air floors. 


  19. Quote

    Searching for Familiar: ID: 108607- 12+10= 22- result: Familiar Found!

    As Shield went to go open the chest he had found Cosi nodded and kept searching for another snake, "You better get something good." Cosi walked along the river until he found a good vantage point on a rock that jutted out into the river. The blonde haired tank pulled out the spyglass and began to look through the nearby trees for another snake. The clouds had dissipated revealing the .. well sky blue sky and the bright sun. The day was getting much hotter so hopefully more snakes would be out.

    But as much as he perused the treeline and branches Cosi couldn't see any serpents. Then the aspiring thank felt something on his legs. Something rough yet smooth and the same time. Cosi looked down and saw a snake, longer than four feet and covered in light emerald almost yellow green scales with patches of diamond shaped white scales with a wedge shaped angular head. The serpent was slithering its way around Cosi's legs. Cosi looked up and turned to where Shield was. "Shield! I think this one's a keeper!"


  20. Quote

    Searching for treasure chest. 

    ID# 108577- LD: 17+5= 22- result: treasure chest found!

    As Enna and Dustin debated over who would open the treasure chest- Dustin actually slamming his hand into his nose- Cosi stood up and began to wander about the lake side. It was quite muddy down there with plenty of cat tails and other waterborne plant life so Cosi simply investigated from a short distance. The couple times Cosi had gone gathering with Shield, the frontline tank had occasionally gotten up from fishing to search for other treasure chests not at the bottom of the lake. Cosi kept looking till he felt a tug on his left hand. The emerald in his draconian ring had began to shine and shimmer. A point of light took shape and began to point off to the right and down towards the lake. Cosi followed the light wading into the mud and plants. When he was about knee deep in water he noticed a strange shape below him. It was much too angular to be a rock so Cosi reached down and began to pry it free. It didn't take too long and Cosi was able to lift the mud cover box out of the water and onto the shore. After a good minute of scraping off mud Cosi revealed the box to be a second treasure chest. The blonde gave a big grin and turned to his companions, "Hey Guys! Look's like I found a second one!" 


  21. Quote

    Fishing:  ID# 108568- CD: 12, LD: 11+5= 16- result: Treasure Chest Fished up!

    Cosi nodded his head at Enna's explanation. It sounded a lot like him and Katagawa. She was the first player he had done any quest with. "That's nice-" Cosi was about to continue when he felt is hook catch on something. Something heavy. Cosi began to strain and heave on his pole until he felt whatever he had caught begin to move. Once the thing- hopefully its a treasure chest- began to move it was much easy to keep it moving and after that it didn't take too long to get his catch out of the water. 

    The treasure chest landed on the dock with a thump. It was covered in muck and algae as well as the boards were somewhat rotted. Still it Looked amazing. "Well Look at what I found. I guess its our lucky day" Cosi grinned at his two companions, "So which one of you wants to open it?" 


  22. Once Mace was inside, Cosi moved straight towards the hearth and worked on lighting a fire in the fireplace. Once he had gotten a warm fire going, Cosi stood up and turned to Mace, spreading his arms wide, "Yep this is my home away from home." The flooring was spruce wood planks like the outside of the house. There were two fairly comfy armchairs in front of the fire place, a couple bookshelves  behind those, with some side tables... well to the side of the chairs. There weren't too many decorations other than that; Cosi hadn't done much personalizing since he got the store. When Mace asked about books Cosi looked to the shelves, "You're free to check out any of those over there though I can't say I've looked at any of them. So I have no idea if they're any good." Cosi gave a sheepish grin. "You are free to check out the rest of the house or read. I'm going to head into the back and start cleaning up so that I can open this place to the public." Cosi headed back into his back room which served as his workshop. A goodness it was messy. Very messy. 


  23. After losing his possible familiar, Cosi had nothing to do but begin to shimmy down the large jungle tree. Thankfully, the climb down wasn't too hard, thank goodness, because there were plenty of branches to use as foot and hand holds. Cosi made it quickly down and dropped down the last couple feet, landing in a crouched position. He bounced up with a hop and turned towards his companion, "Well guess we'll just have to keep searching. But now we at least know that the type of snake I'm looking for is in this area. So hopefully finding another won't be too hard." Cosi gave Shield a lopsided grin and continued walking with Shield. "So about the front lines that seems.. hectic. If everyone is in it for themselves it seems like it would be nearly impossible to defeat the floor bosses, or at least harder then it would be if you all were united." Cosi's face darkened somewhat as he continued talking, "Do you think that is why progress has been so slow?" Cosi would wait for Shield to answer that question and then continue with another, "Could you tell me more about Clarex? What's he like? Also what skill does he have that makes him such a good tank because if he's on par with you while being built like a DPS that's an amazing skill?" Cosi didn't know too much about unique skills but he knew that all games had hidden easter eggs and unlockable secrets so it was expected that a game like SAO would have stuff like that. I wonder what other secrets this game has...


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