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Posts posted by Cosi

  1. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108565- CD: 12, LD: 1+5=6- Result: 4 materials 

    Just as Hei suggested moving on to gathering Cosi felt a sharp tug on his fishing rod. The blonde haired tank quickly began reeling in the line but he was actually struggling. "Just give me a second. I think I caught a big one." Cosi struggled with the fish for a minute or two more before he was able to land his catch. The fish was about three feet in length, which was massive, and netted the tank four more materials which doubled the amount he had already. "A very big one." Cosi put his materials away and went to follow Hei. "You're free to gather but I will probably still to fishing. I've never been too good at gathering. Anyways, there are plenty of ponds and lakes around so as you root around trees and bushes for mats I'll just fish in a nearby lake. Sound good?" Cosi rested his fishing pole over his shoulder and waited for Hei to pick a direction and head off. 


    Total: 8 Mats


  2. Cosi nodded, mostly to himself since he was high up in the tree now, at Shield's comments. It seemed that the blonde had hit a touchy subject because the front lines sounded hectic and selfish in a way. Cosi put that out of his head for a moment as he reached the target branch where the snake was. The tank player squirmed his way on to the top of the branch and got into a crouched position. A foot away was a fairly large yellow-green serpent coiled and draped over the branch. Cosi took a shuffle step forward but stopped right away as the snake opened its lidded eyes and stared down the blonde. Cosi gave a weak smile at the serpent and tentatively held out a hand. "Hi there snake.. Ummm I'm just going to held out my hand and.. uuuh pet you cause I want to make you my familiar..." Cosi slowly reached out his unarmored  hand towards the snake, pausing slightly whenever the snake hissed or shifted. Cosi got within inches when the snake struck out, its fangs sinking into his hand. Cosi grimaced as he felt a his health bar ticked down but alas Cosi's thorns damage killed his possible pet and the serpent shattered into pixels. Darn, I guess I have to find another one. Cosi looked down. And I need to climb back down.


  3. Cosi nods his heads as he approaches the cabin, "Yeah its a nice place. Hopefully I'll be able to upgrade but I hear that actual houses are terribly expensive and I have hardly any money." Cosi turned to Mace and smiled, "Hopefully once I open my shop I'll get more money." As the dark haired girl walked around his cabin, inspecting it, Cosi moved towards his front door and opened it, taking a heavy black padlock in this hands and opening it with a black key from his inventory. The lock opened with a heavy klink and then dissolved into to blue particles, The chain and lock appeared in The blonde's inventory. Cosi opened the spruce wood door, and motioned inside, letting Mace go first, "Welcome to my humble abode. Its nothing much to look at but it is home while I'm in this death." Cosi thought of his home in the real world. His family home was vastly different from this. Bigger for one. Also it had multiple levels but It was made of spruce and stone. 


  4. Quote

    Post Action: Equipping Raiserklinge

    Burn Damage Taken

    Once Cosi realized that the priest's new and improved demonic form was much stronger and immune to paralysis and stuns as well, Cosi realized that the curved sword that Black had given him would be practically useless. The blonde haired tank quickly backed up and took a second to look through his inventory. He located his preferred sword Raiserklinge and equipped it. It wouldn't be much better but on the off chance he critted and did slightly more damage Cosi would be happy. AS Cosi felt the familiar grip of his arming sword he looked back towards the event boss just as the demonic priest lay into Hazado and Dom's group with a wave of hellfire. This boss sure does like his fire attacks. Cosi was scorched in multiple places from previous attacks and could still feel the burning embers of the last one. The damage wasn't too much or debilitating but the blonde player might have to drink a potion soon. 


    Party One
    [H:6] Domarus :  567/840 HP // 40/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4]  Hazado   : 236/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Sunova 102/240 HP //  22/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12[12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4] Tricolor_mina : 130/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:4] Aereth: 700/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:2] Dazia: 165/240 HP // 14/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]

    Party Two
    [H:1] Cosi 327/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/3]
    [H:4] @Black389/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Krysta: 269/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] @Kyot0232/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [12 DMG 3/3] [Event Item]
    [H:2] @Vigilon360/540 HP //56/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] @Dustin : 201/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 [12 DMG 3/3]

    Party Three
    [H:5] Kairi: 532/640 HP // 40/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT [24 DMG 3/3]
    [H:0] Hidden : 672/720 HP // 70/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:2] Stryder :  652/700 HP // 42/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:3] Mars: 807/855 HP // 43/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:1] Neopolitan: 480/560 HP // 45/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  [12 DMG 3/3]
    [H:1] Kimi : 514/660 HP // 49/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA | 


  5. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108543- CD: 10- result: 3 materials

    CD 1-4: | CD 5-6: 1 Material | CD 7-8: 2 Materials | CD 9-10: 3 Materials | CD 11: 4 Materials | CD 12: 4 materials (LD: 15+ Treasure Chest fished up!)

    Cosi snapped out of his focus and turned to his companions, especially Dustin, "Sorry Man, I guess I was too focused on fishing-" Right then the blonde haired tank felt a strong tug on his line. Cosi quickly pulled back on the rod and began to reel in his catch. It took a good time but he managed to get the fish out of the water. And it fish a big fish. Cosi removed the fish from the line and watched as it dissolved into three more materials. Cosi set them aside and cast out his line again. The bobber splashed in the water and sent out ripples. Cosi turned back to his fellow material hunters and tried to start up some conversation "So Enna and Dustin, You two seem to know each other? Have you done many quests together?" Cosi hoped that question wasn't too personal, it just seemed that the two of them were very familiar with each other.


    Total: 19 mats


  6. "Oh its not in the main settlement. My shop, the Wayward Market, is just outside the city of Snowfrost on the eastern road into it but still inside the safe zone." Cosi grinned and moved through the pine and spruce forests. He pushed past tree limbs and branches, and shuffled through the pristine white snow pack. They weren't too far from Cosi's shop but it would be a good walk to get there. "Yeah, that is true but the one person who is a merchant is Shield and he kinda has a monopoly on the whole thing. So I would have to work pretty hard to catch up to him but yeah it would do me some good." The blonde haired player grinned at Mace and kept moving through the forest while a light snow fall picked up and began depositing snowflakes on the two of them. They moved on in silence for a time when Cosi stopped and pointed. Just visible between the trees was a small structure. It looked like a log cabin had run into a stone tower, smoke trailed up from the chimney, the interior was lit, and while it was fairly small it was home. 


  7. Quote

    Action: Attack- ID# 108330- BD: 3- miss

    12 dmg from burn- Regen Proc.

    The remaining teams of players rushed forward: slashing, stabbing, and punching their way through the corrupted priest. Cosi watched, a smirk on his face as Mars's fists slammed into the event boss throwing him back, and as Neo struck out with her rapier both dealing massive damage. If fact their whole team did. Feeling exhilarated by the surge of strength and the tier two players dealing so much damage, the blonde player rushed towards Miraak. The last vestiges of the embers and flame scorched his skin but Cosi pressed onward. But right before he could strike the event boss the priest began to change. The room shook and the lights dimmed as Miraak drank from a small vial. Then with a surge of power that knocked the aspiring tank off his feet, the priests flesh and cloak burned away leaving the boss more demonic than before. Cosi scrambled backwards and then quickly got to his feet as the monster that was the priest's staff turned scythe cut into Dom. "I'm not happy that I called it but... I called it." Cosi mostly mumbled to himself. 


    Party One
    [H:3] Domarus  :  690/840 HP // 52/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:3] Hazado   : 281/360 HP // 29/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 44 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova   :  180/240 HP //  22/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:2] tricolor_mina : 205/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item] 
    [H:2] Aereth: 873/980 HP // 73/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:1] Dazia: 198/240 HP // 18/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item] 

    Party Two
    [H:1] Cosi : 341/360 HP //  34/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] [12 DMG 0/2]
    [H:4] Black: 410/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 [12 DMG 0/2]
    [H:0] @Krysta316/360 HP // 34/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 1/2]
    [H:0] Kyot0: 281/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [12 DMG 2/2] [Event Item]
    [H:2] @Vigilon482/540 HP //56/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:0] Dustin: 201/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 [12 DMG 0/2]

    Party Three
    [H:3] Kairi: 616/640 HP // 64/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:0] Hidden : 696/720 HP // 70/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item] [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:1] Stryder:  676/700 HP // 70/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6  [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:1] Mars:  831/855 HP // 55/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG |  [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:1] Neopolitan: 560/560 HP // 45/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:0] Kimi : 514/660 HP // 66/66 EN // 13 DMG | 0 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [24 DMG 1/2]


  8. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108249- CD: 6- result: 1 mat

    Cosi nodded at Ennakai's statement. There had been many times when the blonde haired player had thought he had fished up a treasure chest but it had only turned out to be a large fish. Alas in Enna's case he... she- Cosi realized he had no idea which gender the player was or preferred- They seemed to only had gotten a fish that had given them one material. Cosi grinned in sympathy, and cast out his own line, "Better luck next time." Cosi only had to wait a couple more seconds before he felt a sharp tug on his line. The tank quickly reeled in his catch. The small fish only netted him one material but still it was something. Cosi added it to the pile and cast out his line again with the flick of his wrist. He cast a glance over his shoulder to the brown haired player searching among the trees and gardens, "How's it going Dustin?" 



    Total: 16 Mats


  9. Quote

    fishing: ID# 108248- CD: 4- result: nothing

    As Cosi listened to his companion he completely forgot about the fishing rod in his hand, letting it go limp. He simply turned and listened to Hei talk about the system the game had put in place for creating and crafting. It was fairly interesting which made Cosi think about if he had chosen a crafting occupation like tailor or blacksmith. That would have been interesting since then he could make his own arms and armor. Cosi nodded to himself, "Interesting. That's actually really cool." The blonde player was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn't even noticed when his line began to tug until it was too late and the fish had swum away, "Darn. I guess I really should pay attention to fishing more. It looks like I'll have to catch up if I want to pay for my items, won't I?" Cosi gave Hei a lopsided grin and recast his line. 


  10. As Mace sent the friend request and implored the blonde player to accept it, Cosi grinned and opened his own menu. "I'm glad I met you as well Mace. I would love to spend more time with you." Cosi clicked accept on the request and with a ding Mace's name joined the list of his other friends. Cosi's own list was quite small. There was Ryoko and Kimihito, two low level players he hadn't seen in a while, Mars, Katagawa, and then Shield. Some of those names Cosi didn't know if they were really friends, just very good acquaintances. Cosi grinned at Mace, "There, we are officially friends now according to the game." The platinum blonde player chuckled lightly and then started heading back to the main settlement on floor four, Snowfrost. "I think I'm going to go open my shop. You're free to come along but if you don't I'll make sure to call you when its open and when we can go questing." Cosi paused as he waited for the girl's response.


  11. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108182- CD: 11- result: 3 mats

    Cosi was just about to be at the end of his rope. He hadn't caught any fish or at least any fish that rewarded him with a good amount of materials. Thankfully just about when the blonde player was about to turn to Neo and tell her that they might as well stop or move on to a new fishing spot he felt a sharp tug on his fishing line. Cosi scrambled to hold onto his line and then began to reel in his catch. The fish was quite big actually and when Cosi removed the still struggling fish from the hook it dissolved into three more materials. Cosi turned to Neo as he added them to the pile and grinned, "I guess there are still big fish in this pond so it wouldn't hurt to stick around for a little while longer." Cosi turned back to the lake and cast in his line once more, hoping for another big catch.


  12. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108180- CD: 1- result: nothing

    Cosi flung his line across the pond then watched the ripples from the impact. He waited a couple seconds, just watching it, seeing if a fish would bite right away and when one didn't he turned to his companion. Hei asked if he had a store or any other reason for fishing. At that the white blonde haired player gave a chuckle and a weak grin, "Yeah, I'm a merchant so I sell stuff, but I haven't opened my shop right now. I haven't done much of anything with it in a while really so it might do me some good to open it to the public." Cosi gave a shrug and grinned at Hei. "So, how is being a tailor? I know it must be different than real life but it still seems like an interesting profession." Cosi asked a question of his own and then looked back to his fishing line. It still hadn't moved. The blonde tank gave a small sigh and continued waiting. 


  13. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108120- CD: 10- result: 3 mats

    Total: 4 mats

    CD [1-4]: Nothing CD 5-6: 1 [7-8]: 2 CD [9-10]: 3 CD [11]: 4 CD [12] (LD 15+; otherwise 4 mats): Treasure Chest

    Cosi shrugged at Hei's statement, "I believe you can get a new familiar- I'm not too sure- so you would be able to switch if you wanted to." Cosi looked back to his pole as it finally had jumped from a tug on the line. Cosi had finally gotten a bite, "Looks like I finally caught a fish." The blonde player grinned at the tailor and began to reel in his line. The fish on the hook was quite a big fish, at least two feet in length, and when Cosi removed it from the hook the game automatically dissolved it into three materials. Cosi set them down beside the the material Hei had gotten from the chest. Only eighteen more materials to go and then I won't be in debt to Hei. Cosi grinned to himself. I've got all lot more fishing to do, like a lot more fishing. 


  14. Cosi poked Mace back and grinned sheepishly, "Yep that would be my shop. The Wayward Market. Its a nice little place that I use as my workshop and house till I can afford an actual house." Then when Mace brought out her shield and hammer, Cosi nodded. "Those both look like great tools for a tank and a good plan as well. I agree that having mitigation and protection is reassuring. I've got a shield of my own" Cosi equipped Rose Gold and slung it off his back. The silver kite shield was trimmed in reinforced iron and was emblazoned with a large gold rose device complete with large thorn spikes. Cosi grinned and slung it back over his shoulder. "I identified it myself. Its served me well throughout my time here and I think it will for a long while." Cosi smiled again, "I really should open my merchant shop shouldn't I?" 


  15. The tall blonde was leaning against the door frame to the inn simply taking in the place when his viewing was interrupted by a short, pink and brown haired girl walking through the inn's double door. It was Neo, the silent cook from floor seven. The rapier user walked in and sat down not too far away from Cosi. Cosi, happy to see a familiar face, walked over and sat down across from her. "Hey Neo. Fancy seeing you here. What brings you to this god awful and blazing hot floor?" Cosi asked the silent girl, his signature lopsided grin covering his face. As the blonde tank waited for her answer he quickly scanned the room, so as to not miss Neo's nonverbal response. The inn was fairly empty except for the NPC innkeeper, a couple NPCs playing some card game, and a solitary player with longish dark hair, and black light armor and a dark trench coat. Cosi gave the player a friendly half wave half salute, grinned and then turned back to Neo. 


  16. Cosi came to the base of the large jungle tree and looked up among the branches. He could just make out the light green sinuous body of a serpent nestled among some of the higher branches. Cosi grinned, grabbed a low hanging branch, and then hoisted himself upwards onto it. And so the blonde haired tank began scaling the tree, heading towards the green snake. "Yo Shield I'm counting on you to catch me if I fall. Not that I'm planning on falling." Cosi shouted down to his companion, "Also, besides the front lines being an almost rabble what's it like? How are raids organized? Who would you say is the strongest player?" Cosi had no idea why he was trying to talk to Shield while he was climbing. Its like he wanted to distract himself so that he would fall except Cosi sincerely did not want that to happen. 


  17. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108064- CD: 1- result: nothing

    CD [1-4]: Nothing CD 5-6: 1 [7-8]: 2 CD [9-10]: 3 CD [11]: 4 CD [12] (LD 15+; otherwise 4 mats): Treasure Chest

    "I'm planning on getting a familiar to give me mitigation so that it frees up my equipment for other options like accuracy and damage" Cosi said to Hei as he cast out his line again. Then the tailor opened the chest Cosi had fished up and Cosi looked over his shoulder to watch. Sadly they didn't get any much loot from it. "No worries mate. I'll just try and fish up a second one." Cosi gave a chuckle and looked back to his fishing line. It hadn't moved. Cosi gave a sigh and then a weak smile, "Alas it looks like the fish aren't biting. Looks like luck isn't with me today." Cosi then turned back to the pond and waited till a fish decided to bite. Hopefully that would be soon, since he did need to pay Hei for the two items he owned him. And so far Cosi only had one material to pay him. Only 23 more to go.


  18. Again Cosi's thoughts were interrupted by Mace repeatedly poking him in the side. And thank goodness for her. Cosi's thoughts had been getting subsequently darker. The blonde player shook his head and looked down at Mace. "Hey, stop poking me." Cosi grinned as he pushed her hand away, "And I wasn't thinking of anything really. Mostly just that I should be doing more to increase my Merchant rank." That wasn't true but its wasn't an outright lie. Cosi hadn't been thinking of that but he still did need to to that. He should probably set up his prices and open up his shop. That would could possibly help. Although Shield was around so not many people would come to him since he didn't have hardly any chance to get unique enhancements. Cosi shrugged his shoulders and began slowly walking back to Snowfrost. "So Mace. What kind of build are you going for?" Cosi called back to his dark haired companion. 


  19. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108061- CD: 12 LD: 18+5= 23- result: Fished up a Tresure Chest! 

    Cosi nodded at Hei's answers, "I can't say I have heard of you guys but then again I haven't really been looking into guilds. I've mostly been doing things by myself or with close friends. But I'll have to look into you guys. See if you're worth joining." Cosi grinned then continued, "That seems like a cool build. And I did have something similar to your build. I used sword and shield but since then I have changed what I'm doing. That's actually why I ordered new armor from your shop. My new build will be more focused on evaded strikes but I'll still have plenty of armor to tank hits. And then I'll be using a two handed weapon. Probably an ax." Cosi returned his attention to fishing line when he felt it tug. The line grew tight as Cosi tried to reel it in. Cosi struggled for a couple seconds before realizing that it was caught on something and realizing that that something could only be one thing. The blonde tugged harder on his pole till he felt a give. Then it wasn't too difficult to pull up the submerged treasure chest and set it with a heavy thunk on the dock. Cosi gave Hei a big grin, "looks like our lucky day huh?"


  20. Cosi is broken out of his reverie as he his hit by something. The tall blonde player starts before looking down and realizing that Mace has given him a hug. Cosi returns the hug- its a little awkward given that he only met her maybe half an hour ago- and smiles. "You're welcome. Though I can't say I know what for. All I did was stay quiet and then get into a snowball fight." Cosi chuckles slightly. The embrace lasts a little while longer before Mace releases him and steps back, exclaiming that Cosi is the greatest. The platinum blonde gives another chuckle. "You're pretty great yourself Mace. I'm glad I got to meet you here as well." Cosi smiled but it faltered and he began to look off into the cloudy sky. Does it really even matter that I met her? Once this game is beaten and we're all free I won't see her again. Everything I do in this game except survive doesn't matter at all in the end. The thoughts came unbidden to his mind but they struck a chord. This game would end. This nightmare would come to a close and then whatever happened here would mean nothing. That's pretty depressing but truly nothing in he matters except what we do to get out.


  21. Quote

    Searching for familiar: ID# 108059- LD: 1+10= 11- result: Familiar Found!

    Cosi nodded at Shield's statement just as the sea of trees cleared and the duo found themselves at the bank of a river. Compared to the relatively shade inside the jungle stepping back into the light was almost blinding. Cosi could hear the sound of the cascading waterfall not too far away and decided to pull out the spy glass. Maybe I'll be lucky and spot one right away. Cosi peered at the nearby trees for anything resembling a snake that wasn't a vine. He had looked for a good ten seconds when he did a double take. Did that vine just move? Cosi collapsed the spy glass, put it back in his inventory, and began to make his way over to the tree in question. Cosi looked over his shoulder to the dark haired tank, "I think we're in luck, Shield. Just give me a second to climb a tree." Cosi gave a wide grin and began his ascent.

  22. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 108058- CD: 2- result: nothing

    CD [1-4]: Nothing CD 5-6: 1 [7-8]: 2 CD [9-10]: 3 CD [11]: 4 CD [12] (LD 15+; otherwise 4 mats): Treasure Chest 

    The tank stood up straight from his lax position and gave the tailor a cheerful greeting and a lopsided grin, "I didn't wait long at all so no worries. Let's get fishing." Cosi followed Hei to a nearby pond, sat down, pulled out his fishing pole, and then began to fish. The tailor had already netted himself four materials so Cosi had some catching up to do. He cast out his line and as he began to wait for something to bite he turned to Hei, "So I was just planning on giving you whatever I catch to pay for my items and then If I don't get all twenty four materials I'll make up the difference with some gathering of my own. Sound good?" As Cosi waited for Hei's response He turned his attention back to his fishing line. Sadly nothing seemed to be biting yet so the white blonde player looked back to the tailor, "So I guess besides being a tailor what do you do? like build wise, specialty, etc." Cosi really didn't know what to ask the other player since he didn't know Hei at all. He had only just met the man since he needed different armor for his new build. 


  23. After the wave of fire washed over Cosi, the blonde haired tank watched as Domarus, Hazado, and their group rushed forward to smash into the event boss. Domarus and the orange player- wait when had there been a orange player here?- both did massive amounts of damage to the corrupted priest. Cosi was still hung up on the orange player when he realized that just as the first group had finished their assault, the priest would float off the ground, eyes ablaze, and then attack Haz with a barrage of staff blows culminated with a massive two handed blow. Cosi winced slightly. That blow had been powerful but while it looked painful, Cosi knew that Haz could handle it. Cosi was pretty sure that the spear user could handle a lot more then he could. Cosi shook himself out of his thoughts and then charged forward. Fire still singed licked at his flesh but he ignored it and ran forward. I doubt I'll do any significant damage to this boss but there's always that off chance that I paralyze it.  And of course I need to distract him so that he focuses on me. As the white blonde tank rushed forward he took about a second to drag his sabaton and his curved blade through the blood seal on the ground, breaking it. Just as a precaution. Then he kept moving, swinging the ungainly sword up into an offensive position, and then thrusting it into the priest's unprotected side. The blade pierced the priest's cloak and its health bar ticked down by a tick. After that Cosi, took a step back- Shield I swear if I die from this-and flung both arms wide open. I may not have the howl skill but if this boss has a good NPC AI I can interact with him and maybe honest to goodness just taunt him. It was a long shot but hey, why not. "Hey! Mirrak! If you're so strong and all powerful come hit me! Turn me to ash or whatever power your demons have given you! I might be the least powerful person here but I doubt you can kill me!" Cosi shouted at the boss, arms wide open, practically inviting death and destruction, all while in his head he pleaded, I swear if I die here. That would just be... dumb. 

    ID# 108057- 

    BD: 6+2-1= 7- hit

    3+2 dmg- 25 mit= 1 dmg!

    12 damage taken from burn: Regen Proc- 5 health next turn


    Party One
    [H:2] Domarus   816/840 HP // 68/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:2] Hazado   293/360 HP // 32/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 44 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Sunova   :  
    192/240 HP //  24/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12[12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:2] Mina  : 214/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:1] Aereth: 873/980 HP // 84/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 [24 DMG 1/2]
    [H:1] Dazia: 191/240 HP // 18/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 1/2]

    Party Two
    [H:1] Cosi : 348/360 HP //  35/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] [12 DMG 1/2]
    [H:0]  Black444/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0]  Krysta: 328/360 HP // 36/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Kyot0: 281/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 8 DMG | 21 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [12 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Vigilon : 463/540 HP //64/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Dustin: 221/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 [12 DMG 2/2]

    Party Three
    [H:0] Kairi : 640/640 HP // 64/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Hidden : 720/720 HP // 70/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item] [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Stryder :  700/700 HP // 70/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6  [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Mars :  855/855 HP // 72/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG |  [24 DMG 2/2]
    [H:0] Neopolitan : 560/560 HP // 56/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:0] Kimi : 
    535/660 HP // 66/66 EN // 13 DMG | 0 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [24 DMG 2/2]


  24. Cosi held his arms in front of his face to avoid getting pelted by snow balls from Mace's fast assault. He then quickly picked up another snow ball and was about to return fire before he saw that the dark haired girl had collapsed on the snow. She was in fact in the process of making a snow angel. "Had enough Mace?" Cosi said as he smiled. The blonde smashed the snow ball he was holding between his hands, walked over to Mace, and then let the powder fall on her face. He grinned as he skipped backwards just in case she retaliated and then looked up at the snow covered pine trees and the cloudy blue sky. It was beautiful. So beautiful it was almost hard to remember that this whole place, all of Aincrad, was just a bunch of code. And that it was made to kill them all. Maybe not purposefully but still it was a game of death. Players died every day whether to mobs, mistakes, or their own decision and all because some sicko had thought that it would be fun to make it so if you died in a game you would die in real life. And the front liners were only helping him through their slow pace. Cosi looked down to see that he had been clenching his fists so hard his knuckles had gone white. 


    Searching for treasure:

    ID# 107946- LD: 3+5= 8- result: nothing


  25. Quote

    Fishing: ID# 107839- CD: 6- result: 1 mat

    An then for the fourth time in a row that fishing trip Cosi felt a diminutive tug on his fishing rod and with a drawn out sigh he began to reel in his catch. And just like the last three fish the blonde tank had caught this one was tiny- no bigger than a goldfish- but at least it netted him one more material. Cosi sighed once more. And then cast out his line once more. He was still holding out hope that he would fish up a chest but at this point the blonde tank would settle for a bigger fish, possibly three materials. Was that too much to ask for? Cosi sighed once again and looked over to Neo. His pink and brown haired companion didn't seem to be fairing much better than him but she seemed to be resolved to continue. I guess I'll stick around then as well. There's no harm in staying. I'm in no hurry. 


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