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Everything posted by NIGHT

  1. [16/7/20] Sorry, who was this, again? For a moment she swore she could've spotted DAY walk in through her doors -- except, without the tell-tale cloak and messy tied hair... -- ?! Shit. "Done. One second." Her voice came in stern, curt, and cold. NIGHT settled her cup onto the low table before her and almost stormed like a bolt towards the backroom, all traces of calmness now seeped dry of her demeanor. The time she took in preparation was much longer than usual, though it was unlikely her new customer would've noticed. In the moment between her patron's deliver an
  2. When NIGHT had noticed him approach, she'd nearly spat out her drink. Batman? No, wait, he had a name -- Alkor. That was it, yeah. How he'd managed to find her shop was anyone's guess, but if he was here looking for trinkets, then she was here to provide. NIGHT set her porcelain down on the low table, the player hiding away in her little nook in the shop's corner, before rising and shuffling over to one of the shelves by the walls. She figured she'd still have to adhere to some degree of professionalism. Two key picks of the wares on display and a hop over to the other side of the sh
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