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Everything posted by NIGHT

  1. Buying an identified unique? In all honesty, NIGHT was surprised such an offer hadn't come sooner. Wasn't that the idea of a merchant's trades? Perhaps this time the life-mending trinket had caught the girl's eyes enough for her to speak about it. That made sense to her in a way; while she hadn't pinned Andromeda down for the supportive type, perhaps the enhancement was something to vie for. Maybe it'd be a hot sale. A sale she wouldn't have time to manage on her own, anyway. Might as well let the masters of trades handle it. "I could do without the perfect," NIGHT mentioned, looking
  2. nooo you cant do that you cant bring maximum edge to a character!!!!!
    hehe bd10 dot sword go boom

  3. Their visit had rolled over to the next day, and the trip from the day before had reminded NIGHT of a stash of trinkets she'd misplaced somewhere in her home. She followed her friend in, a little braver this time, pacing towards the counter front and greeting Andromeda with a nod. Nothing, huh? Just as Yuki had proposed that idea of sharing col, NIGHT set the small parcel -- cardboard, this time -- onto the desk's surface before resting her elbow on its surface, listening in for a moment. "You can try and run these by your eyes, too," she added, lightly tapping her delivery. "Get in that
  4. Total Cost: 12,500col Initial Application: [original post] | [1] + 7,500col Room(s) Being Sold: Attic (Storage) - 20,000col Room(s) Being Added: Attic (Bedroom), Basement Rooms all assigned to NIGHT. Payment sent to Banker.
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