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[R5 Appraiser - Closed For Renovations] - Everyday Miracles - SELLING UNIQUES

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So, Zandra have now been out on her long grinding, or mbe not long but she did it in combination with a quest so it was ok. Now though it was time to see if she got any good loot. She entered Shields merchant shop since she knew he offered the best chance to actually find the good stuff on these things. She walked into the shop and opened her inventory. ‘’Hi Shield. I would like these items identified.’’ She said as she also added the required col after looking at the list how much it would cost to get her items identified.

Items to identify:


ID:          88169
Tier:       3
Type:     Heavy armor
Quality: Rare

ID:          88170
Tier:       3
Type:     warhammer
Quality: Rare

ID:          109547
Tier:       3
Type:     Warhammer
Quality: Perfect

ID:          109548
Tier:       3
Type:     Warhammer
Quality: Rare

ID:          109554
Tier:       3
Type:     Heavy armor
Quality: Rare

Tier 3:
-Banker: 4x1,440=5,760
-Shield: 4x450=1,800

-Banker: 2,000
-Shield: 625

-Banker: 5,760+2,000=7,760
-Shield: 1,800+625=2,425


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Shield looked over the items that Zandra had given him, placing them one at a time on Hermes' Scales, and frowning each time that they failed to tip the balance. Each time, they remained stationary, unmoving. "Well, we can rule out anything unusual, so let's see if anything it properly combat balanced." He took them down one at a time and selected the option to identify, checking the readout of each. "Looks like you have a double Regen item, but Regen has been nerfed so hard that it's likely not worth your time." He passed the items back across the counter to Zandra. "Sorry. Nothing special this time."

Item Name:  
ID: 109959 | 109960 | 109965
Roll: LD:15 | LD:4 | LD:7
Tier: 3
Type: Perfect War Hammer
Quality: T
Enhancements: Damage I, Accuracy I, Paralyze I
Item Name:  
ID: 109961 | 109962
Roll: LD:18 | LD:2
Tier: 3
Type: Rare War Hammer
Quality: T
Enhancements: Damage I, Taunt I
Item Name:  
ID: 109963 | 109964
Roll: LD:15 | LD:7
Tier: 3
Type: Rare Heavy Armor
Quality: T
Enhancements: Damage Mitigation I, Heavy Momentum I
Item Name:  
ID: 109954 | 109955
Roll: LD:3 | LD:1
Tier: 3
Type: Rare Heavy Armor
Quality: T
Enhancements: Regen II
Item Name:  
ID: 109957 | 109958
Roll: LD:11 | LD:10
Tier: 3
Type: Rare War Hammer
Quality: T
Enhancements: Bleed I, Paralyze I

Buying from Emerath > 100 Col

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Wood creaked a black cloaked figure inched through frame of the stony building. His eyes wandering from case to case in search of what he hoped was truth rather than fiction. "Truth it is," he whispered. Inching to the counter he approached the merchant know as Shield. The noirette has seen him on a few occasions, but this is the first time it had been in regards to his wares.

"I'm surprised these weren't pilfered already," he admitted. Swiping across the menu, he double checked to insure he was sending the correct amount before placing his order. "If you ever need armor, I've relocated. Floor 22 near the waterfalls."

Nodding his thanks, Oikawa stepped back outside. "Unique Enhancements are hard to come by, yet here they sat." With that, he vanished from sight. 



[Lightning Strike] T3 2HAS for 10,000

[The Mob-Stopper] T3 2HAS for 10,000

Col Sent: 20,000


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Rogue 3.jpg



Itzal walked into the merchant's shop yet again.  This time he wasn't going in as Itzal.  This time he had no name as of yet.  His face was covered in a black mist that shrouded his face entirely.  Every other part of his body was covered in his cloth and armor.  Itzal needed some items and, despite the outrageous prices the man had set up, Itzal could pay those prices.  Especially once he started to go grinding once again.  Velnia wasn't with him since.  Well he hadn't fully taught her how to focus and keep calm just yet.  Because of that, despite her different appearance and element, she may be recognized by Shield, and by extension Itzal.  He walked up to the counter and placed the list of things he needed from the merchant, as well as a large bag of col.  The system allowed players to remove col from one's inventory, and because of that he could pay without using the menu.  That helped keep his name from being recognized as well.  He said nothing as it would be obvious what he needed, and also because he was still working on his American accent.  He needed to ensure it was flawless before he used it.



x1 Field Ration - 990 col
x1 Immolation Potion - 990 col
x1 Teleport Crystal - 880 col
x2 Golden Keys - 2,200 col
x2 Water Canisters - 880 col

Total:  5,940 col


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Buying from stock:


Golden Keys x 12 - 12,000 Col
Field Rations x 11 - 9,900 Col
Immolation Potion x 11 - 9,900 Col
Teleport Crystal x 1 - 800 Col
Water Canister x 2 - 800 Col
Blank Dungeon Map [Floors 21-30] x 1 - 300 Col

Total [-33,000 Col]

A newcomer entered Shield's shop, or at least a player he did not recognize. He checked the order over that had been presented to him, and he gave a nod, placing the requested items on the counter. He did not take his hand off of them immediately though. "I will allow the sale out of fairness since I had no notice posted to the contrary," he began, giving the mystery player a stern look through the fog that hid his features. "However, it is a disservice to present yourself in such a manner. This shop is outside of all floor safe zones as a service to players who may have needed to make regrettable decisions. That is a show of good faith on my part. It is also a risk on my part. I do not take it as a kindness that a patron would trespass on that kindness. Should you decide to come to my shop in such a manner again, know that I reserve the right to refuse you service."

Having said his piece, he released the goods, and once the player had departed, he selected a large quantity of items from his stock for his own personal use.

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Hikoru walked into the familiar shop of Shield, the Merchant. He had sent him a few messages about the boss drop, but he wasn't able to trade until he had learned everything he could about Holy Blessing and write it down onto a file. Once that was done, he had made his way post-haste to the establishment that he worked at. Hikoru took in a breath of the air in the home, and he walked up to the counter. He opened up a trade menu with a small smile on his lips. Even though it was his first boss drop, there was no point into holding onto something that could be used to get them out of the game. It was a bitter-sweet moment for him, but he knew that it was for the best of the frontlines.

"I hope you have what I came for." He said with a small chuckle. He sent the request and waited for Shield to respond.

Trading Blessed Greaves:


<<Blessed Greaves>> (T3 Heavy Armor): 2 Holy Blessing / 2 MIT


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Shield nodded as Hikoru entered his shop, already eager to complete the trade they had arranged. "Of course," he said, opening a trade window of his own and queuing up his end of the deal. "It's one of the last Heart Stickers," he said, hitting the final 'Accept' button to send it over. "Each time they create these kinds of items, they get used like crazy, and then suddenly there are only a handful left." He closed the trade window and pulled up the specs of the greaves. "Thank you, Hik," he said with another slight nod of his head. "I'm aware that you're being generous on this trade. Granted, it may be raid etiquette, but it's not always easy to let go of rare items."


Sending to @Hikoru: 1 x Heart Sticker


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Hikoru just nodded as he received the Heart Sticker from the trade. One step closer towards his final build, until the next tier. He just chuckled as he said it was nice of him. "I'll admit, I am one for holding onto things like that. It would look nice on an armor stand of sorts, I won't lie. But, once I got the info I needed, I knew that these were something I shouldn't hold onto forever. While it may be code, these things are the only thing that will get us out of here..." He just chuckled again. "And I want to get out of this hell-hole as soon as I can. I'm ready to leave." He gave a final nod and left the shop quietly, his presence leaving as if it was never there.

Hikoru leaves the shop

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After having messaged the merchant, Oikawa had returned for the second time in a month to retrieve some wares. This time however, he needed materials. With his shop requiring a strange influx of orders, the raven-haired smith realized just how out of stock and practice he was. Pushing through the front doors, he nodded to Shield before depositing the Col and awaiting the materials.

"Sorry for the short notice, it seems I'm popular this week."



x10 Tier 2 Materials (660 ea.)

x10 Tier 3 Materials (990 ea.)

Col Sent: 16, 500


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Yet again, the mysterious player stepped into his doors and made a hasty purchase. This time at least, he could not leave until Shield had made his transfer of materials. "We have such brief encounters. We interacted indirectly at a boss meeting. Other than that, we're practically strangers. That seems odd considering how well known you are to some of my friends." He sent off the items and closed the transfer window. "Maybe another time. You seem in a rush." He waved goodbye to the other player.

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It hadn't been an arduous journey to the store known as "Everyday Miracles", but it had certainly been a long one. The store was nestled around a series of plateau's giving a beautiful, serene, and very green, set of surroundings. The overgrown moss in places made it look as if the shop had always been there, or the stone building had at-least. Making his way into the shop, Frank spent time looking through the options carefully, and eyed several Unique Items locked up behind display-cases. Financially out of his reach, Frank decided instead to settle on some different equipment for now. A shield, though he wasn't a shield user per-se, and a particularly damaging-looking one-handed battle-axe, finally he grabbed a few supplies he assumed would be useful later on.

"I'd like to make a purchase."

(OOC: Silver Lining has too many Regen enhancements, the cap is now 2).




Name: Silver Lining
Crafters's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7 - High Mentor Blacksmith
ID: 75257
Roll: 10+2=12
Item Type: Shield
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +3 Regen
Descriptions:  A convex, teardrop-shaped shield with a smooth, mirror-bright, silver surface
Cost: 300 Col

Name: Bleeder
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 8
ID: 76407
Roll: 13 (12+1)
Item Type: 1H Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Bleed, +1 DMG
Description: A simple ax with a barbed, harpoon-like spike protruding from the center of the striking edge, designed to rend flesh when pulled free after a solid strike
Cost: 300 Col

1 - Teleportation Crystal - 880 Col

1 - Field Rations - 330 Col

300 Bleeder + 300 Silver Lining + 880 Teleportation Crystal + 330 Field Rations = 1810 Col




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Shield was just making a few transfers out of his backup stores to make some purchases when a new player stepped foot in his shop. He bought a handful of Shield's old items and Shield gave a partial smile. "Take good care of all of that," he said, gesturing to the axe and shield. "Those were items I took out into the field myself. Made good use of them too, before Regen was patched." He accepted the Col transfer and waved to the newcomer. "Be safe. It's a rough game out there," he said, watching Frank exit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It had been a while since he was at the merchant shop, and he was mostly appearing to get stocked up on materials when needed, but not today, today was different, he was trying to see if he could get anything useful out of his unidentified haul from earlier adventures. Walking into the shop, Macradon would greet the tank “Hey Shield. No I’m not here for mats today, today it’s all about identification of a bunch of items” he said with a smile as he would hand over all the items while writing down quotations to pay for all the identification.


Perfect Heavy Armor - 2000/625 | Wanted enhancements: Frost Aura | Mitigation
Uncommon Meal       -  240/75  | Wanted enhancements: Protein or EVA
Rare Potion         -  400/125 | Wanted enhancements: Damage or Mitigation
Rare THSS           -  800/250 | Wanted enhancements: Fallen or Holy Damage or just damage
Uncommon Potion     -  240/75  | Wanted enhancements: Damage
Uncommon Potion     -  240/75  | Wanted enhancements: Damage
Uncommon Potion     -  240/75  | Wanted enhancements: Damage
Uncommon Potion     -  240/75  | Wanted enhancements: Damage

Total:                4400/1375


ID:          #90459
Tier:       2
Type:     Heavy Armor
Quality: Perfect

ID:          #93193
Tier:       2
Type:     Meal
Quality: Uncommon

ID:          #96730 #96731
Tier:       2
Type:     Potion
Quality: Rare

ID:          #110367 #110368
Tier:       2
Type:     Two Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Rare

ID:          #110362a
Tier:       2
Type:     Potion
Quality: Uncommon

ID:          #110362b
Tier:       2
Type:     Potion
Quality: Uncommon

ID:          #110362c
Tier:       2
Type:     Potion
Quality: Uncommon

ID:          #110362d
Tier:       2
Type:     Potion
Quality: Uncommon


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As Macradon entered, Shield gave him a smile and a nod. "Good to see you, friend. Here for your usual mountain of crafting materials?" Upon hearing the request, Shield gave an incline of his head and turned to the nearby shelf, taking down his scales. One at a time, he placed the items on the arms of the balance. Unfortunately, the scale heads did not move for any, which told him there was nothing out of the ordinary about them, but as they were weighed, he checked them one at a time.

"A decent amount of offensive capability in those consumables, but nothing outstanding in the equipment," he said, handing each of the items back to their owner. "Sorry, friend. Hopefully the next batch you bring in will be more successful."

Item Name: Good Luck Chuck
ID: 111368
Roll: LD:4
Tier: 2
Type: Meal
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Loot Die
Description: A slab of tough beef with a silver lining.
Item Name: Protein Powder
ID: 111370
Roll: LD:19
Tier: 2
Type: Snack
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Protein
Description: A plastic jar with a muscular man screaming on the front label.
Item Name: Protein Powder
ID: 111371
Roll: LD:20
Tier: 2
Type: Snack
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Protein
Description: A plastic jar with a muscular man screaming on the front label.
Item Name: Damage Potion
ID: 111372
Roll: LD:9
Tier: 2
Type: Potion
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Damage
Description: A red tincture in a red, square phial.
Item Name: Damage Potion
ID: 111364 | 111365
Roll: LD:19 | LD:17
Tier: 2
Type: THSS
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Damage II
Description: A red tincture in a red, square phial.
Item Name: Siren's Blade
ID: 111366 | 111367
Roll: LD:5 | LD:10
Tier: 2
Type: THSS
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Taunt, Paralyze
Description: A long sword with etchings of lovely, musical seafolk on one flat of the blade, and hideous monsters on the other.
Item Name: Second Chances
ID: 111358 | 111359 | 111360
Roll: LD:12 | LD:15 | LD:12
Tier: 2
Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Heavy Momentum II, Damage Mitigation I
Description: A pair of gauntlets made of thick iron plating with extra weight for increased force.
Item Name: Jammie Dodgers
ID: 111361
Roll: LD:11
Tier: 2
Type: Snack
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Evasion
Description: A package of jam filled "biscuits" that are violently British in nature.
Item Name: Jammie Dodgers
ID: 111362
Roll: LD:14
Tier: 2
Type: Snack
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Evasion II
Description: A package of jam filled "biscuits" that are violently British in nature.
Item Name: Antidote Salve
ID: 111363
Roll: LD:1
Tier: 2
Type: Potion
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Antidote
Description: A round phial with a dome top filled with a thick, amber liquid.
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I walked into the shop kind of nervously looking around. I hadn't been to a merchant yet and didn't really know what to expect. "Um, hello, I'm Mortambo. I'm a new player and well...I've got some stuff to identify. I just fill out these forms and give you the col right?" I said as I looked over the forms and started filling them out. As I did I continued, “And I have some spare items for junk as well. You can just just get rid of them for me right? They are taking up a lot of space in my inventory.”

Items to identify: 

  • ID:          111266-A
    • Tier:      1
    • Type:     Armor
    • Quality: Perfect
  • ID:          111266-B
    • Tier:      1
    • Type:     Trinket
    • Quality: Perfect
  • ID:          111381-A
    • Tier:      1
    • Type:     Shield
    • Quality: Perfect
  • ID:          111381-B
    • Tier:      1
    • Type:     Trinket
    • Quality: Perfect

Your Fee: -800 Col

Banker Fee: -2560 Col


  • T1 Uncommon Heavy Armor (+1 Mitigation)
  • Heavy Armor (+1 Mitigation) - This sturdy breast plate is great for a beginning adventurer because it protects them from harm even more than heavy armor should. 

Junk Sales: +100 Col

Total Sale: 700 Col + 2560 to @Banker

(Let me know if my math is wrong and I'll fix it.

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Sorry for the delays. I am without computer access at home right now and can only post in down time at work.

Item Name:  
ID: 111609 | 111610 | 111611
Roll: LD:7 | LD:11 | LD:14
Tier: 1
Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt / Heavy Momentum II, Thorns / Damage Mitigation I
Item Name:  
ID: 111612 | 111613 | 111614
Roll: LD:20 | LD:6 | LD:17
Tier: 1
Type: Trinket
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy / Evasion II, Taunt / Recovery I
Item Name:  
ID: 111615 | 111616 | 111617
Roll: LD:5 | LD:3 | LD:14
Tier: 1
Type: Shield
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Regen / Recovery II, Thorns / Damage Mitigation I
Item Name:  
ID: 111618 | 111619 | 111620
Roll: LD:15 | LD:9 | LD:13
Tier: 1
Type: Trinket
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die / Prosperity II, Taunt / Recovery I
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Neo walked into the shop, having become familiar with being here for the things she often needed. THough the hope was that she could get one of the weapons she had wanted, there was little chance for that. SShe had however managed to find some items she thought Shield himself may be interested in. Deciding to perhaps strike up a deal with him, she decided to do her best to bargain with him. She placed the unidentified gear onto the table and sent a message towards him after he was done dealing with his current customer.


TO: Shield

    Have a couple unidentified armors here I'd like to possibly trade for some unidentified weapons if you have them. They're both T3, one is a rare the other is a perfect. Don't mind the quality of stuff you trade back as It's honestly just going to be a needle in a haystack for the perfect weapon. I'll also buy some T2 mats off of you to help a bit with raid preparations if that's ok.

(Offering 1x Perfect T3 Unidentified Amor/Shield and 1x Rare T3 Unidentified Armor/Shield [IDs to come soon]; Paying 6600 Col (6000 col to bank, 600 col to Shield) for 10 T2 Mats; Will ID weapons as rapiers immediately if trade is accepted for 4535 Col (3440 to bank, 1075 to Shield))

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I walked back into Shield’s appraisal shop, and went right up to the counter. “Hello again, sir. I have something else to be identified, and also would like to sell you a few more things.” Suddenly my eye was caught by a beautiful hammer for crafting armor and weapons hanging on the wall. “And…I’ll take that hammer as well. It seems like it will be useful. I also wanted to say thank you for getting to my last order so quickly. The trinkets and armor have come in very handy.” Smiling at Shield, I transferred over the Col and items for my order and said “Thanks again!” before heading out of the shop to let him get back to his business.

Identifying T1 Perfect Weapon (-840 Col (200/640)):


ID:          111053C
Tier:       1
Type:     Hand-wraps or gauntlets (Martials Arts weapon)
Quality: Perfect

Buying Custom Ambition Tool (-880 Col)

Selling 8 Uncommon T1 items as Junk (+400 Col): 


Name: Protective Chain Shirt
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 4
ID: 111754
Roll: 9
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 MIT
Description: A heavy chain shirt that gives a modicum of protection
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f09-blacksmith-shoprank-4-blacksmith-the-skyforge/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567801

Name: Battle Axe of Precise Strikes
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 2
ID: 111643
Roll: 9
Item Type: 1H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 ACC
Description: A battle axe that always seems to hit its mark.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567645

Name: Battle Axe of Paralysis
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 2
ID: 111642
Roll: 9
Item Type: 1H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 Paralyze
Description: A huge axe that always seems to hit its mark.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567645

Name: Battle Axe of Hatred
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 2
ID: 111641
Roll: 8
Item Type: 1H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 Taunt
Description: A battle axe that makes enemies hate you more.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567645

Name: Razor Axe
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: 111066
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: 1H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon 
Enhancements: Keen
Description: The blade on this battle axe is honed to a razor sharp edge and it seems almost hungry
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=566836

Name: Serrated Blade
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: 111131
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: 1H Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon 
Enhancements: +1 Bleed
Description: This blade made of black steel has a harsh serrated edge that creates large wounds in anything it strikes.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=566940

Name: Battle Axe of Precision
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 2
ID: 111590
Roll: 10
Item Type: 2H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 ACC
Description: A huge axe that always seems to hit its mark.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567595

Name: Axe of Rending
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 2
ID: 111592
Roll: 9
Item Type: 2H Battle Axe
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 DMG
Description: This large axe is unnaturally sharp so it cuts through things like a hot knife through butter.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17427-f1-blacksmith-shop-the-unbreakable-anvil/?do=findComment&amp;comment=56759

Totals Owed:

Shield: 680 Banker: 640

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Macradon would come back into Shield’s shop, as he had been told that the items he had gathered from his recent farming session with his first encounter with the dragon quest line of dragon hunting. “Hey Shield, thanks for the hard work, I’m here to pick up all the items.” Macradon said with a smile as he entered the merchant’s shop. Grabbing all his items, he would skim over the most of the items and smile “Wow, that’s a lot of different things, but works! Thanks a lot!” Macradon would say as he would take haul back home and sort them out.

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Shield took both sets of items, sorting out that which was to be identified and which were to simply be resold at another time. He set the first of Neo's weapons on his scales, then the second, frowning at each when they failed to tip the balances. "Well, nothing of particular note," he sighed, tapping each in turn to summon the item menu to identify. He showed Neo the results before turning to Mortambo.

"And yours now," he said, also setting it on the scales. Again, they did not move. He checked the enhancements and handed it back to the owner. "I'll go ahead and send you the tool you requested. What type of tool are you looking for?" He checked his records. "Looks like a smithing tool. Here..." he fished out an item from the back of his shop. "This aught to do you nicely." He handed the item over with a nod.



Item Name: Pressure Point
ID: 112166 | 112167 | 112175
Roll: LD:8 | LD:11 | LD:14
Tier: 3
Type: Rapier
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Paralyze II, Accuracy I
Description: A rapier with a very narrow point and a stiff spine, designed to deliver devastating blows to vital points to stop an opponent in its tracks. Pommel is heavy to counterbalance the blade and is shaped like a small, ornate shield.
Item Name: Junk
ID: 112169 | 112170 | 112171
Roll: LD:20 | LD:11 | LD:4
Tier: 3
Type: Rapier
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage I, Bleed I, Taunt I
Description: Is it a rapier or a pile of scrap? You decide.
Item Name: Speed Gloves
ID: 112172 | 112173 | 112174
Roll: LD:14 | LD:17 | LD:14
Tier: 1
Type: Hand Wraps
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed I, Paralyze I, Accuracy I
Description: A pair of light wraps with stiff, reinforced cloth bands to increase the wearer's speed and inflict internal bleeding. The back of each hand bears a shield shaped plate made of bone.



Edited by Shield
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