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[F13-Appraiser] Freyd Edges [Open]

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Reroll Request


Name: Ivory Gold Leaf Ring
ID: 152467
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Demonic (upgraded here: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17984-oscar-meyer-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=612723)
Enhancements: ACC | ACC | EVA | EVA
Desired Enhancements: ACC | ACC | EVA | TAUNT/REC
40,000 Col transferred


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Nari wanders into what appears to be a shop - at least, it's labelled as one on the sign outside. Glancing around the store, she notices nothing that immediately stands out as impressive. In fact, if she hadn’t seen the open door and the sign on the exterior, she wouldn’t even have been aware that this was little more than a well maintained shack.

Annoyed that she was being so pessimistic, she shook her head. ‘It could use a bit of fixing up, but it’s not a junk shop, that’s for sure.’

"Uhm...hello? I...need help identifying some things..." She waits, wondering if anyone will respond to her, or if this store is actually even open for business. Placing the collection of items on the counter, she'll look around before calling out again. "Hello...?"




Item Name: TBD
Item Acquisition ID: ID203123 
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 1
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: TBD
Item Acquisition ID: ID203123 
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: TBD
Item Acquisition ID: ID203149
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 1
Rarity: Rare
Description: TBD

Item Name: TBD
Item Acquisition ID: ID203149
Item Type: Shield
Tier: 1
Rarity: Rare
Description: TBD



Word Count: 133


Edited by Nari-Lanreth
Fixing to meet criteria.
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A squat, bulky-looking woman with broad, muscled shoulders and what looked like blonde-coloured straw pulled into long braids collected the proffered items with a modest, bemused smile nodding to the rare customer to grace Freyd's ramshackle excuse for a shop.  Sweeping everything up with a single brawny arm, Quip turned and bellowed towards the back.


Something jerked upright amidst the overhead clutter, followed by a loud thunk that smacked of head hitting lumber, then a groan and a creak.  A lanky body fell from the rafters, landing with an uncomfortable crush on the floor, an a secondary groan.  The bawdy woman prodded him harshly in his ailing sides, berating her brother for his laziness.

"Ye lazy rapscalion!  Git yer bahookie doon 'ere 'n' dae some wirk fur a chaynge!"

Slinking back to a crawling position, the boy gazed bleary-eyed at Nari and offered a toothy, apologetic smile before trailing his sister to the back, still on all fours.  A few minutes later, the woman returned with a pair of packages.

"Here yer, lassie. Sorry fur th' hauld yer horses. Please come again!" 



"You lazy rapscalion!  Get your ass down here and do some work for a change!"

"Here you are, lass.  Sorry for the wait.  Please come again!"


Pure Unadulterated Rage (Meals) | Mitigation 3
If you're angry enough, nothing can get through to affect you.

Acquisition ID: 203123a | Roll ID: 203184

Super-Duper Anti Snake Sauce (Salve) | Antidote 2
A small container of sickly green goo that actually does as it advertises, despite the excessively overbearing name and label.

Acquisition ID: 203149a | Roll ID: 203188

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After his recent bout with @Astreyaat Baldur's Valentine's duel extravaganza, it occurred to his that the burgeoning tank might benefit from a bit of old stock that Dingo had recently dusted off while searching for Crafting Respites in the back of the shop.  They weren't much, but perhaps the chipper woman could put them to better use than their current purpose as paperweights for Quip's latest mandatory inventory.  He really needed to purge some of the clutter, and anything that was gone was something he wouldn't need to count.

To: Astreya
From: Freyd

Clearing out some old stock that you might be able to use.  Drop by the shop in Angel's Point.  Mind the Quip.

For Astreya:

Divinity's Wait (Meal)| T3 Mitigation 3
"You see right through me." A bottle of white translucent liquid. It tastes like milk, though it flows like water. Its effects are unnoticeable until pain kicks in, numbing the sensation even further than the system had originally intended.

[177670-1]     [177673-1]    [178263]     [178263-1]    [178263-2]

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Astreya wasn't too often on the 13th floor, but she wasn't one to miss a message from one of her earliest friends.  Having caught it, she had finished what she had been doing and retreated from the dungeon she'd been in to come and see what Freyd had to offer her.  

She'd had some stuff identified awhile ago and so she did remember the Quip, the young woman who sounded like one of those Tolkien dwarves with the Rudeness meter dialed way up.  But Astreya didn't mind, giving the woman a wave as she approached.  "Hey hey!  Freyd sent me a message, saying he had some old stuff that I could use?  Oh, I'm Astreya, by the way," she reminded the woman, in case she'd forgotten.

She didn't know offhand if Freyd wanted her to pay for the hold stock.  It hadn't seemed like it, but she had Col (and materials) ready if needed.


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"OH!  Aye!"  Quip's gruff mannerism seemed to have been set aside.  "My ye'r a taller yin, aren't ye? Aye, Freyd mentioned that you'd be stopping by fur something.  Git it under th'uh... counter, 'ere somewhere..."     The 'counter' was little more than an old moldy door straddled between a rickety sawhorse and stack of shredded bits of leather that might once have belonged to armor.  The whole shop looked like little more than a junk pile with random items strewn about, nearly all in various states of decay or disrepair.  Maybe it was just a side effect of the state of floor thirteen as a whole, or maybe the man was just a hoarder.  Who knew?

"Look, tis oan th' hoose, na maiter whit Freyd says.  Anythin' tae hulp git rid o' some o' this junk is a godsend, yeah?"   She winked a bushy, burly and blonde eyebrow, and shoved the package in @Astreya's direction with such a mischievous gleam in her eye that it made her wonder if Freyd had actually penned the original message after all.




"My you're a taller one, aren't you?  Yes, Freyd mentioned that you'd be stopping by for something.  Got it under the... uh... counter, somewhere..."

"Look, it's on the house, no matter what Freyd says.  Anything to help get rid of some of this junk is a godsend, yeah?"


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As the woman reached under the "table" for the items, the young woman couldn't help but to nod along.  She was keeping up with what the other was saying, but just barely.  It was like her mind had to take the time to pick apart what was being said and she was working with a several second delay on her words.

All the same, as it was handed over to her, she got the distinct impression that the woman might have either pressured @Freyd into it to begin with?  It was hard to say, given the fact that they were on the house.  "Awwwww, thank you!  I really appreciate this," the girl cheered, giving a small wave to Quip.  "Have a nice day!" she cheerily called to the woman, before heading out.

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  • 1 year later...

Rank 5 Merchant (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)

Re-rolling #1:

Ebonweave Breastplate (T3 Perfect Light Armor - L.Mo 1, MIT 1, VD 1
Acquisition ID [177803a] | Roll ID: 186015, 186016, 186017
An ornate black breastplate comprised of leather straps interwoven with tightly knit ebonweave cloth.

Light Momentum 1 slot

Re-Roll #1 | ID #213587 | BD:7 | CD:11+1=12 | LD:16 | Results: LM
Re-Roll #2 | ID #213588 | BD:6 | CD:12+1=13 | LD:10 | Results: Evasion

Mitigation 1 slot

Re-Roll #3 | ID #213589 | BD:5 | CD:6+1=7 | LD: 5 | Results: REC
Re-Roll #4 | ID #213590 | BD:1 | CD:1+1=2 | LD: 13 | Results: Evasion


Ebonweave Breastplate +4 (T3 Perfect Light Armor - EVA2, VD 1
Acquisition ID [177803a] | Roll ID: 186015, 186016, 186017 | Re-roll ID: 213587, 213588, 213589, 213590
An ornate black breastplate comprised of leather straps interwoven with tightly knit ebonweave cloth.

Cost: 15,000 col

Edited by Freyd
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It has certainly been a while since the blonde descended to the 13th floor. She had a soft spot for Angel's Point ever since she first scouted the floor once it was available for them. Ariel however wasn't familiar with her destination, an appraiser's shop that had been recommended to her by an acquaintance. She certainly didn't expect it to be next to the remains of what appeared a place or worship.

She greeted young woman who didn't seem to be pleased when she walked in: "Good day, I'm here to have some items identified." Then with a few hand gestures, she accesses her inventory and materialized a varied array of items on the counter, before the attendant.


- Sent 31,520 Col, identification fee + following items:



  • Identification:
    • 9x T4 Perfects = 27,360
    • 2x T4 Rares =4,160

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#199208≫
Item Acquisition ID: 199208
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#199208-1≫
Item Acquisition ID: 199208-1
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#199208-2≫
Item Acquisition ID: 199208-2
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Rare Trinket#201127≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201127
Item Type: Trinket
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Rare
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Rare Trinket#201127-1≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201127-1
Item Type: Trinket
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Rare
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Trinket#201573≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201573
Item Type: Trinket
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Rare
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#201573-1≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201573-1
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#201671a≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201671a
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Weapon#201671b≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201671b
Item Type: weapon
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Armor#201671a≫
Item Acquisition ID: 201671a
Item Type: Armor
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD

Item Name: ≪Unid. T4 Perfect Armor#201671b≫
Item Acquisition ID:201671b
Item Type: Armor
Tier:  T4
Rarity: Perfect
Description: TBD



Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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"Ah, Ariel.  It's been a while."  Freyd sidled up to the counter, having only just restored the ordered chaos of his piling system, adding a few new items along the way.  "It was good to see you at the raid meeting.  I wasn't sure whether you'd be able to join us this time around.  Lots of new blood it seems.  Your experience is most welcome."  Continuing to banter, his hands were already skimming through the various items deposited on the counter by his white-haired customer.

"This one may be of interest.  I've heard of its like before.  Particularly useful for aggressive healers, or else as fodder for future fusion.  I'll give you the friends and family discount," he added with a wink.


Item given to @Ariel - The Crowned Lion.  Balance junked as per request and used to offset appraising costs:


Pins and Needles | T4 Rare Trinket | Keen | Life Mending
Acquisition ID: 201127-1 | Roll ID: 613641, 613642
Description: A compact field medic kit with disconcerting offensive potential.


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Vanessa opened the door slowly, this being an important first step to her journey. She had planned to browse available merchandise and shop around other stores. Knowing that 2,000 Col would barely be enough to get the cheapest weapons without any imbuement, she still needed something to help her begin leveling up and being able to produce coin for investing in better gear. She felt a bit stiff as she peeked in to have two attendants eyeing her peacefully, not expecting more than one soul to be monitoring the shop. She politely raised her hand near her shoulder to wave, then scurried over to look at some of the available wares. Mentally clutching her pearls, she started panicking a bit, ‘I can’t afford any of this! There were some items in the tens of thousands of Col.


Luckily it didn’t take long for her eyes to fall upon the bargain bin, ‘Please be some good deals… Peering at the product, she was pleasantly surprised to find ridiculously cheap gear that actually had imbuements… and good ones! This was more than she could have ever hoped for and she couldn’t dare leave this shop to check others in fear these would sell out before she returned. She had her eye on two, a large sword and a shield, both only costing her half off everything she owned. Looking towards the shop keeps with eyes on fire, she pipped up and ask “Excuse me, are these the only equipment in this price range?” She liked both, but the sword was too big for her to handle with the shield and she was hoping there was a slim chance they might have some sort of armor.



Hi there. ^^ Items that Vanessa is looking at are Grand Respite and Flashy Distraction. She’s a 1HSS user that wants to be a heavy paladin tank.


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"You'd have a hard time holding both at the same time," the shopkeeper replied, his back to the counter as he tilled through a field of miscellaneous items strewn about the strange shack.  The entire shop looked like a rummage sale with the broadest assortment of items imaginable, some so bizarre as to defy description.  Spinning his stool about, the darkly clad figure pulled down a soft woolen cowl revealing an unruly mop of black hair dangling over fierce blue eyes that relaxed as they came to rest on his new patron.

"But, they've both been there forever, so they're yours if you want them."  Standing and wandering over the improvised counter where Van stood, Freyd tapped each item in turn and transferred them to her ownership.  "Just starting out, eh?"  He looked her over, recalling that those days were not so far behind him.  "Let me give you a tip, along with the freebies: head over to Ren's place.  It's a blacksmith shop called The Knight Shift in Tomoika, on Floor 21.  He offers helpful gear to players who are just getting started.  Tell him I sent you and to put your first setup on my tab."


Freyd provides @Van with the following at no charge:


Grand Respite (T1 Rare 2HSS: ACC 1, PARA 1)  
Acquisition ID: #152222 | Identification ID: #152734 & #152735
A single-edged iron blade, nearly five feet long, that gives a slight tingle to the touch, but charges with motion. The hilt is heavily insulated to protect the wielder

Flashy Distraction (T1 Rare Shield; TAUNT, THORNS 1) 
Acquisition ID: #152424 | Identification ID: #152428 & 152429
An ornate silvered buckler conveniently sized to also amuse its owner as a throwing disc during moments of relaxation.


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She was a bit disappointed in the truth he presented, but nobody could reasonably carry a five foot blade and wield a shield without being a hazard to their own team. She would have to find something more suitable to match the shield, but she could certainly use the sword on its own in the meantime if it was necessary. When the shop owner offered her the equipment for free, she slammed both hands on the counter in uncontained excitement, "Really!? I mean, thank you and I'm sorry I hit your counter." She quickly removed her hands, clasping them in front of her to keep them to herself.

"Yeah... It's the start of my journey, you could say." She was still incredibly nervous about taking a step outside of the safe zones. She had heard of the many permanent deaths of players, though she had hopes that she nor her sister would ever wind up being one of them. His tip was even more generous than the gifts he gave her, not only offering her the opportunity of meeting someone new, but to cover the expenses of her first order. "I very much appreciate that, er... Thank you." She wasn't sure of his name and she realized she forgot to introduce herself, "Um, I'm Vanessa, by the way. I'll be sure to head over to Ren's and let him know such a kind soul sent me." She smiled, gave a polite bow, then left with the fresh gear in her inventory and a skip in her step.


Items Obtained:


Grand Respite (T1 Rare 2HSS: ACC 1, PARA 1)  
Acquisition ID: #152222 | Identification ID: #152734 & #152735
A single-edged iron blade, nearly five feet long, that gives a slight tingle to the touch, but charges with motion. The hilt is heavily insulated to protect the wielder

Flashy Distraction (T1 Rare Shield; TAUNT, THORNS 1) 
Acquisition ID: #152424 | Identification ID: #152428 & 152429
An ornate silvered buckler conveniently sized to also amuse its owner as a throwing disc during moments of relaxation.


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Oji walked into the tent within a pretty disheveled monastery-looking area. He had asked around and he heard the items he may need would be found here or in another shop. He walked up to the two people owning the shop with a small piece of paper in hand.

"Excuse me, I'm looking to see if you have anything with-" He squinted and read he paper "-Life Mending? I will gladly pay for what is needed, albeit I don't have much." he folded up the paper and put it in his pocket, as to make sure he didn't lose it.

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Freyd looked up from his workbench, the magnifying spectacles on his face making his eyes look absolutely gigantic.  They widened in turn, having unexpectedly been given a close-up view of Oji's nose hairs from an unfortunate vantage. 


A swipe of his hand flipped the goggle-like lenses from his face forcing him to squint and blink a few times to refocused.  "Oji?  Never heard of you."  His free hand waved dismissively at his patron, as if shooing away doubts and misgivings.  "No worries.  In fact, that's probably a good thing.  Sorry, but I'm in a dreadful rush. Ummm..." Glancing over and under piles of miscellaneous wares strewn all over the rummage sale he laughingly called his shop, the appraiser's practiced gaze fell upon a pair of potentially useful bits.  "Here.  Try these, and good luck."

Returning to his own furious efforts as he scrambled to finish preparations for the pending raid, Freyd had completely forgotten the topic of payment.  Maybe.


Freyd gives @Oji:

Kerykeion Kit (T2 Rare Trinket – LD 1, Life Mending 1)
Acquisition ID [158724b] Roll ID: 164659, 164660
A small portable first aid kit in a polished steel box, embossed with the profile of the Kerykeion.  It brings blessings of health and good fortune to anyone who carries it, and to those under their care.

Field Medic Camouflage (T3 Perfect Light Armor – REC 2, Life Mending)
Acquisition ID [177814a] | Roll ID: 186030, 186031, 186032
A set of plain, neutral-coloured clothes that make it easier to blend in with almost any surroundings, yet seem to garner attention during states of emergency.

Edited by Freyd
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Oji jumped a bit at the scream, but of course he seemed to be wearing some sort of magnifying glass over his eye, so he probably saw a bit of the lettuce in his teeth with hyper detail. He shoved him a few items and wished him luck. He smiled and put on the items immediately, the first aid kit attatched to his hip and the neutral outfit feeling snug.

"These are perfect, thank you so much!" He spoke, then bowed politely and left the establishment.

 Oji receives:

Kerykeion Kit (T2 Rare Trinket – LD 1, Life Mending 1)
Acquisition ID [158724b] Roll ID: 164659, 164660
A small portable first aid kit in a polished steel box, embossed with the profile of the Kerykeion.  It brings blessings of health and good fortune to anyone who carries it, and to those under their care.

Field Medic Camouflage (T3 Perfect Light Armor – REC 2, Life Mending)
Acquisition ID [177814a] | Roll ID: 186030, 186031, 186032
A set of plain, neutral-coloured clothes that make it easier to blend in with almost any surroundings, yet seem to garner attention during states of emergency.

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Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)


Crafting Respite: [174609]
Witch's Brew:  none

Items #1-13


Item #1 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214728, 214727, 214726
Roll Result: 1, 8, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen, Para, ACC
Acquisition ID: 201056c

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214727| LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [para] ID #214728 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #214729 | LD: 2 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214730 | LD: 12 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #2 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214733, 214734, 214735
Roll Result: 1, 6, 15 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 201671-2a

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214736 | LD: 9 - becomes [para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [para] ID #214737 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214738 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214739 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #3 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214740, 214741, 214742
Roll Result: 19, 14, 13 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2, Bld
Acquisition ID: 201671-2b

Re-roll +1: [bld] ID #214743| LD: 5 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214744 | LD: 10 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214745 | LD: 1 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214746 | LD: 14 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #4 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214747, 214748, 214749
Roll Result: 10, 19, 6 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bld, ACC, keen
Acquisition ID: 202269a

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214750| LD: 11 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [bld] ID #214751 | LD: 1 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214752 | LD: 9 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214753 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #5 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214754, 214755, 214756
Roll Result: 20, 9, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bld, ACC
Acquisition ID: 202269b

Re-roll +1: [bld] ID #214757| LD: 5 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214758 | LD: 13 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214759 | LD: 13 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214760 | LD: 10 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)

Item #6 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 2214761, 214762, 214763
Roll Result: 9, 13, 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bld 3
Acquisition ID: 202278a

Re-roll +1: [bld] ID #214764| LD: 1 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214765 | LD: 6 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214766 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214767 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #7 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214768, 214769, 214770
Roll Result: 3, 7, 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, para
Acquisition ID: 202278b

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214771| LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Keen] ID #214772 | LD: 16 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [para] ID #214773 | LD: 7 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214774 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #8 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214775, 214776, 214777
Roll Result: 2, 6, 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, Bld
Acquisition ID: 202278c

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214778| LD: 3 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214779 | LD: 11 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214780 | LD: 5 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214781 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #9 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214782, 214783, 214784
Roll Result: 13, 5, 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bld 2, keen
Acquisition ID: 202284a

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214785| LD: 4 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214786 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #214787 | LD: 1 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214788 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #10 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214789, 214790, 214791
Roll Result: 5, 18, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen, ACC 2
Acquisition ID: 202284b

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214792| LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #214793 | LD: 4 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214794 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #214795 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #11 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214797, 214798, 214799
Roll Result: 4, 15, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen, ACC, Bld
Acquisition ID: 202284c

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214800| LD: 7 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [bld] ID #214801 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214802 | LD: 10 - becomes [Bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214803 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #12 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214804, 214805, 214806
Roll Result: 19, 9, 10 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC, Bld 2
Acquisition ID: 201774b

Re-roll +1: [bld] ID #214807 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [bld] ID #214808 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #214809 | LD: 12 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique) - incorrectly labeled item as 201774c
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214810 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #13 - KEEP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214811, 214812, 214813
Roll Result: 14, 15, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC, BLD, PVO or Blight
Acquisition ID: 202572a

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #214814| LD: 2 - becomes [PVO or Blight] - (BD 10 | CD 10+1 Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #214815 | LD: 10 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #214816 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #214817 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bld] - (No Unique)

Items #14-18


Item #14 - KEEP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214818, 214819, 214820
Roll Result: 5, 20, 1 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, Frostbite or Static
Acquisition ID: 202572b

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214821| LD: 5 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214822 | LD: 14 - becomes [VO or Envenom (Off)] - (BD 10 | CD 9+1 = Unique!)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #214823 | LD: 13 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214824 | LD: 11 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)

Item #15 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214825, 214826, 214827
Roll Result: 11, 19, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bld 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 202572c

Re-roll +1: [Bld] ID #214828| LD: 9 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Bld] ID #214829 | LD: 9 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214830 | LD: 10 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #214831 | LD: X - becomes [] - (No Unique)

Item #16 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214832, 214833, 214834
Roll Result: 1, 6, 18 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 202573a

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214835| LD: 6 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214836 | LD: 12 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214837 | LD: 4 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [] ID #214838 | LD: X - becomes [] - (No Unique)

Item #17 - KEEP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214839, 214840, 214841
Roll Result: 4, 7, 13 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen, ACC, Bld, VO or Envenom (Off)
Acquisition ID: 202573c

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214842| LD: 1 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214844 | LD: 10 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [bld] ID #214845 | LD: 4 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [keen] ID #214846 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)

Item #18 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 214847, 214848, 214849
Roll Result: 6, 19, 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 202575a

Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #214850| LD: 6 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique) incorrectly labeled 214860 in roller (tired)
Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #214851 | LD: 14 - becomes [para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #214852 | LD: 10 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [para] ID #214853 | LD: 14 - becomes [] - (No Unique)


Edited by Freyd
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Freyd was exhausted.  Running around like a madman was already standard for him, but recent days had drained every once of stamina as he raced to every corner of the floating castle making preparations for the coming raid.  Even by comparison to past efforts, this one was by far more complicated.  The pressures of leadership were weighing on him - not in the sense that he feared the responsibility.  Moreso, it was the opposite.  People's lives would be in his hands in a manner he wasn't accustomed to dealing with.  Tanking was a whole other business, and he was trying it for the first time in the more nightmarish environment imaginable.

Dingo smirked a tiny smirk as draped a rough but warm woolen blanket over his mentor's shoulders.  The Whisper had fallen asleep sitting at his bench.  Taking note of the status of the orders, he packaged them carefully and sent out notices to each player that they were ready for pickup.  Even Quip would have been proud at his diligence.

Freyd gives the following item to @Katoka


Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I
Crafting ID: 214317-1
A small turquoise gemstone symbolizing courage and serenity.

Freyd gives the following Items to @Elora:


Defense Mechanism | T4 Demonic Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Crafting ID: 213911
An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.

Emerald | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I 
Crafting ID: 214317-3
A small green gemstone symbolizing unity, compassion and unconditional love.

Freyd gives the following item to @Morningstar


Sapphire |  T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I
Crafting ID: 214317-2
A small deep blue gemstone symbolizing wisdom, creativity and focus.


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As the weight of the battle to come loomed above their heads, Freyd still managed to not only prepare himself, but everyone else as well. Katoka had entered his shop with the expectation of exchanging a witty remark or two, but instead she was met with an empty storefront. Peaking around the various tables and such until she saw the sleeping figure of her friend and guildmate. Catching the eye of Dingo, he held one finger to his lips to shush her. With a soft smile Kat nodded as the man handed her the item Freyd had requested for her. She quietly thanked Dingo and waved to him as she softly tip toed away.

Katoka received:

Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I
Crafting ID: 214317-1
A small turquoise gemstone symbolizing courage and serenity.

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One last item.

Morningstar entered Freyd Edges, greeting Katoka in passing as she exited the store. His new friend, Freyd, did not appear to be around. He was met with the face of a person that he had never met and so he introduced himself and explained his reasons for coming to the store.

In exchange, a trinket was given to him. It was called Sapphire and shone beautifully in the shop's lighting. "Thank you," Morningstar smiled, "and give my thanks to Freyd as well."

Then, he left. His next stop was Floor Twenty-Seven. More specifically, he was headed to the labyrinth.

+1 Sapphire |  T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I

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