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Everything posted by Raidou

  1. Reticent a bit, unsure if he could make this dive. He wasn't sure how to act, but know of the act. It was a strange mismatch of knowledge and ignorance. As Eruda removes the robe she'd made him and moves in for the kill, he was still stuck trying to dismiss his thoughts and concerns. His worry about attachment, mixed as one side of him wanted one thing and the other the opposite. Leaning into it as his heart and mind fought against one another. That hesitation was still getting the better of him, and springing from his back like a blackened guide. A single strand of black moves around Eruda's
  2. Intensity shared between them as his hand is moved, to bare skin and would surely smear some dirt on his hands on her belly. Catching deep and drinking deep the gaze between them. "I can't as much as I wish I could. It's what I have to do, it will help everyone get out of this." Cradling her with the pieces attached, his mind wrapped up in them. Unable to completely understand Eruda's 'drift' his first instinct is to take it literal. "I am not going anywhere any time soon. That much, I can promise you. You've always been the thing I can count on, and it virtually destroyed me when I lost you."
  3. His hand slides to the back of her head and down her spine, as the other finds its way to hers pressed against the side of his face. A stir in the girl's eyes catches him off guard, as his fingers wrap around hers. "I don't know if I am ready to drag you into what I have to do. But that doesn't mean I don't want to, I really don't enjoy keeping secrets from you. It's difficult." His head leans forward and presses his forehead against hers, looking up and matching her gaze with his own. Glimmering on the floor, a pair of glasses casting a small circular reflection. "I just want to change everyt
  4. A pair of glasses clatter to the floor, finding their way there after the robe they were resting on was disturbed. Once it clicks what Eruda was wearing, Raidou turns his view to the side and scratches a cheek with a single index. As a way of affirming, he didn't notice and was doing his best not to look until she slapped that crimson red robe around her shoulders. Warmth catches his attention, and when he looks down, he finds a blonde haired scalp pressed into his sternum. Hands fire almost immediately out to his sides, contemplating the next course of action to take, like an array of options
  5. Sporadic and seemingly random, Raidou was disjointed from any semblance of rhythm. Something so wild, untamed and outside a method alluded him greatly. The girl was so bustling and flushed, an earlier version of him may not understand as to why. But a small message dangling on a branch made it much more clear. "It certainly seems much different." Shutting his eyes catches a twist of a woman, smiling back at him for only a brief flash. That causes a surge to race down his hands and soft sparks between him and the blonde. Like static, gentle and yet electric. No pain or damage, but there was a l
  6. An eyebrow raises, watching something forcing her hips to pop in an almost unnatural fashion. Raidou never had the groove, he simply couldn't feel it. This was all new to him. He understood it only on a base level, but not truly. "I uh, am fine." he remarks with a soft inhale. Eruda turning as red as she had had a way of reciprocating the same problem back to him. Reaching a hand to his brow, and swallowing hard. There was something that still needed to be said. Slowly peeling the lenses off the bridge of his nose, folding them up and carefully setting them atop the folded robe. A sudden and u
  7. The soft click of a door shut, and immediately Raidou picks up the sounds of music. At this hour? His senses twist straight to caution, placing his back to the wall and moving slowly. Approaching the source of the music, hearing cupboards and other doors open and shut. It was Eruda, up in something she normally slept in. Bouncing around like a goof as if no one was watching. A catch in his head takes him by surprise, and removing his robe as quietly as he can, he folds it and places it off to the side, his hands still a little grimy from a late night. He adjusts his lenses in the morning
  8. Sliding into the ajar door, adjusting a pair of lenses on his nose. That same rather plain looking male, notably without one very distinguishing feature. "Still as busy as always." Raidou quips beneath his breath as he shuffles into the place, removing his shoes and taking a glance toward Sey still ringing a spoon through a pot. "Hope I'm not imposing on anything?" There was a slight mischievous grin claiming the corner of his mouth, knowing full that the other male would pick up what he was putting down. The tone sounded so true and earnest, something was off. Carefully sliding his boots toge
  9. PH Scratching themselves into the monument as life ceases to exist: Dukha Falmot Dihinral Naz Haom
  10. PH Scratching themselves into the monument as life ceases to exist: Bitok Terrah Jhori Hadgar Dienriez
  11. PH Scratching themselves into the monument as life ceases to exist: Jeshar Butsk Zuhke Ethera Ohrel
  12. PH Scratching themselves into the monument as life ceases to exist: Tervas Bhasson Murth Gronnun Finda
  13. PH Scratching themselves into the monument as life ceases to exist: Nei Zummo Seslarlad Tenne Gecrar
  14. Parry begins to fade (Still active for next swing), ID:202811 | Battle:2, Craft:11, Loot:3 (+8 EN) A blow from @Gabrandr rockets for Raidou, as he shuffles his feet. A blade rings out, redirecting the flying blade in a light show like a crash of lightning. It finds purchase somewhere, and the culprit? The man's own fallacy made stationary. A glance to Freyd and the others. It was clear that he was far gone, this NPC charades a player and yet wasn't one. It feigned humanity but failed to capture its essence. The scather begins to sputter and spark, The resolute's own blad
  15. Howl CD [2/4], Parry CD [1/4], Parry Duration [2/3], Raidou recovers 60 via BH Watching the whole of parties 3 and 4, which included so many he knew. A lingering filament of memory for each of them. The blonde and her pet, the guilds merchant. The agent just recently swapped into a different division. Fighter from the dark. An ode to trust. So many he knew. The shadow from the snow. A massive spear erupts and makes them all disappear, and once the dust clears. The ringing in his ears, like a bomb had gone off nigh leagues from him. "Damn right, I do." Raidou recoils from the words rattlin
  16. Wandering into the thoroughfare, a small fortune of these strange little seeds in his pocket. A few minced words and a small haul added in exchange. It appeared as though Kuni & Oni had some attachment to these small objects far greater than just a simple treat. Else they would not part with items of such magnitude. Either that or he was reading too much into like he always did. A complete and utter lack of fixation, simply because the man could not pardon the time between. To some such an affair would be an excellent break, but the wanderer could not afford such pleasantries. There were p
  17. Raidou twists his gaze to set it upon Juiblex, which was winding and trying so desperately to cling on. To protect the raw emotion oozing out of his shoulders. But the familiar couldn't. It needed allowance, whereas before it would just happen. The book spinning back to him, to neutral and to its bearer. Stopping it with a hand, they'd gotten off topic. But this had been peeling away at his thoughts for some time, Eruda had gained some insight and despite it chose to remain at his side. It offered confidence, that before he simply could not muster. "Sooner than most might expect." His vision s
  18. An arm full of Shiina, staring deep into the girl after offering Sprinkles something to keep him quiet. Still wasn't quite sure why the girl picked something so volatile, but yet it suits her. Through the doors and walks of arbiters edge, he begins to collect papers and scraps of info. Juiblex had claimed the front entry, the blackened liquid forming a space between the frame and sticking it shut despite damage sustained to the threshold. Through the perimeter as that small support is laid across a sofa. Rustling through as fire continued to burn. Up to the chamber, leaving Shiina in the
  19. A pause from his tone, he'd known for far too long that given Freyd's intelligence he'd never slip that gaze for long. But he'd allow him to look further, deeper so that he would discover more evidence than speculation. Intentions were hearsay, but results were not so malleable. "Not in the slightest, I always suspected that you would piece it together. I hoped you would, it saves me quite a bit of trouble when it comes to explanations." His attention immediately pivots, he was used to an audience and could address multiples without issue. "Not long Freya, it wasn't until Eruda brought it to m
  20. His eyes switch immediately to Freya, and in front of him, as her most recent diagnostic showed. "The guild is finally reaching the heights that I had hoped." The glasses missing, and beneath their absence was honesty. "It's not just Eruda, but the guild as a whole that have experienced explosive growth. All according to plan." He murmurs as he places a hand flat on the table, fishing a black book out of his pocket with his other. "Pardon her, she was just doing what I asked. After all, the account should come directly from me, eventually all of Firm Anima would have heard this. It's only fitt
  21. The first flash of light, just outside the field of view. Around the corner of the guild hall, near that glassware that had just been replaced. Something had beckoned his early return, and as he ushers out of the threshold, he adds a bag to the surface of that table. It stunk of plants, ripe and in season. Something herbal, and very pungent. As the nomad removes his robe and finds it to the back of one of the many chairs, he leans forward and removes a pair of lenses from his face. Within this small gesture, he began to walk the path of the past. Silence broke, as he took on a quiet and y
  22. Yes (Don't forget to put a tier, even if the craft is tierless)
  23. Soft boots upon hardwood floors, his hearing was far better than most. Not that it was difficult to hear anything that was spoken. The trailing bit of crimson sliding along with him with momentum carried. Pale white reflections held to the eyes as he breached the threshold into the guild hall. An accurate pairing, but not one expected, the words sinking past a defensive layer. Without a word, he ushers past and places his things upon a countertop. Silently into the back, a rustle of Ruri's hair right before he gets punched for being late. It didn't bother him in the slightest. She st
  24. Snapping awake to the sound of birds, his hand rushing to his face. "A dream?" Raidou remarks to an empty room, and strangely he had slept in. Moving his legs to the end of the bed he fell in, they find the wood floor. His eyes shut harshly before he blinks. "This is a first." he comments, sliding off the bed, adjusting the fabrics to be straight. "My mom..?" His hands slow as they move across the bedding, correcting it and pulling it tight. His head shakes in refusal. "There is no way." as arms move to clutch a pair of lenses. Unfolding the sides and finding them around his ears, sliding
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