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Everything posted by Raidou

  1. Blast after blast as his feet slide and connect over and over. Sparks fly, ringing loosely, but he can hear no sound from the blows. Nothing but a vacuum of space, where without end he fights. He's been in this dream before, and every time he fights until the sun rises. Here, however, would be the first time he would remember it existence. A voice on his flank causes him and the shadow he was engaged with to stop and lower blades. As his head would turn, a pair of glasses hung upon his nose begin to slide down. "I can hear you, but why can I?" Raidou immediately twists into speculation, as the
  2. Just one more day Soft tapping of a glass rod into a bowl, as flakes fall from its end. A few flakes added into a large basin of glass, being mixed into a bubbling mixture and causing it to shift shade. "That should do, now I just need to let it sit overnight." Midnight air, a small clock reading back in a set of blue colored digits pertaining to night. 3 am, but that was pretty common practice, to burn the midnight oil. Lifting a small girl, and ushering upstairs with her, he manages to get her into bed. Into his own, as he removes a pair of glasses. Clattering upon a table to the side o
  3. +60 via Battle Healing, +6 Passive EN regen, ID:201918 | Battle:4, Craft:9, Loot:1 (+121 HP via VD) Palming a crystal at blinding speeds, robe screaming as he moved. Blue flames darting around the chamber, casting the whole place in a mix of varied light. They'd have to hold out, if they had any hope of this they had to hold strong. A crash of steel on steel, as parties cycled in and out, keeping too much damage falling on any one team. The Scather had done him harm, and even still one can see the traced pockmarks upon his skin. Tiny pin mark holes of data revealed, as the red wander
  4. ♫ Confirmation came rather quickly, watching Mina's moving cursor halt in an instant and a giant flash of white light at his back. Ameniti was intending to make a gambit, cause a disturbance to force a distraction to give her ample time to flee. She wished a diversion, using the house of cards as scapegoats for her escape. Unfortunately, a guild was militarized for this exact sort of event, trained and efficient. As Morgenstern darted around in a frenetic display of concern, Raidou seemed cold and calculating. Running data at the foot of a myriad of consoles like a conductor, watching and
  5. Armor released, emotion made laid to see. A lingering sadness that burned alongside his hatred, a visible wave that poured from the pores in his skin. That same skin burned under the embrace upon his face, and those same tears traced themselves to the bottom of his chin. Lit up by feral strength, glowing red as they came from a rage filled eye. At a complete loss for words, unable to comprehend the series of events. Elda had carved her way right through his past and touched upon a place that he'd imagined dead. "I have betrayed people as a whole, I have gotten people killed. I used to be an in
  6. A small blip on his peripheral as he turns to look at Jon, offering but a simple turn of phrase. "Your name was a bit unexpected as well, Jonathan...Morgenstern of APD, Disciple of Are. Life is full of unexpected events, that we are made to deal with." His menu explodes, he zooms in to find a new icon in a group of three. A message sent from Violet, and his face twists into a scowl. Screens one after another erupt from all sides, creating a ring around him. Both hands began to type away feverishly as he monitors an icon making a leap to floor 13: Raidou activates Tracking on Mina
  7. The black liquid instinctually fires for the girl's wrist, a defense mechanism from the thing. It attempts the same latching on someone's worst traits: Eruda's Flaws: Afraid [Unbridled Fury] Highly Protective Determined It releases, and with it the thing just starts to unfurl like a snake shedding its skin. There was nothing it could do to argue, the girl was infallible, and it weighed the options. Its host would be stronger with her, and it wouldn't comply with the swelling emotion that had beckoned its intervention. Raidou stumbles back, his eyes still burning like flames as
  8. The floor boards begin to shift, as Raidou raises his hand. A command to an awaiting beast, an order followed, shattering everything from the countertop in an instant. "You cannot begin to fathom what I am!" The twisting maelstrom of black ichor latching onto his frame like syrup, coiling around his body as he jerks free. It constricts and starts to seek out his eyes and mouth, congealing in them like mud as it dives into every orifice in agony. "I'm a damn monster." The pungent red film pulses out of him as one would expect blood from a corpse, but it floats and raises like steam. His fury ta
  9. Raidou


    Hi there, welcome to the site. If you wanna catch the more lively discussion and junk, find our discord https://discord.com/invite/p2zsGGJ
  10. Narratives (Anything read & Used from here outside IC without permission and an active IC reason for it will be considered God Modding) Raidou: Setsuna: Kasumi: Shiina: Gaius: Griswold: Simmoné: Celeste: Mokka: Anton: Nisahime: Ruri:
  11. Mind ablaze, with multiple little renditions of the exact same turn of phrase. A leap of faith that so many have taken time and time again. Every instance they were wrong. "I cannot, no matter how much I trust you, Elda. There are some things better left unspoken. When it comes to the unknown, there is no way to be certain how one will react to them. Trust in my methods, in what is to come and the plan I have built. But I would do you a disservice and an injustice, dragging you into the bed I have made." He looks to the burner, as the girl holds taut on his right hand. "No matter what I a
  12. ID:201815 | Battle:5, Craft:10, Loot:9+6=15: Stealth Detection As fun as this strange exchange had been, Raidou's suspicions had been met and his promise fulfilled. It seemed as though Violet had other matters to attend, as did Rosa. Glenn seemed to be in no part pleasant company and clearly did not wish his presence at all. The nomad could read a room, even if he could not mesh well with it. It seemed as though the evening had come to a close, and there was always more at which the wanderer needed to attend. His breathers from activity could only last so long. "Give Violet my regard
  13. Glancing down to a pair of lenses, the very same that played the part of anchor. "Well, Elda I used to be a frontliner before this..." He gestures out to Firm Anima's guild hall, a safe haven for upstarting players who wished to make a difference. The very same place he would have needed back then. "My past is jaded with mistakes and loss, it is not an easy thing to put to words. You'll find my name in places it shouldn't be." The conversation was disturbed ever so slightly by the white noise of a bunsen burner, as a concoction bubbles away in a glass sphere. "I do not believe you will so read
  14. Crystal after crystal into the pile, forming more and more resources that would solve the issue that was the floor boss. "That is because it's different." Raidou remarked, watching the girl inch closer and closer. Juiblex begins to form teeth, waiting for that pinnacle moment. The order it so desperately craved. Raidou pulls a vial out of his pocket, black as the night sky, and tosses it over the counter. It breaks, allowing what was trapped inside to spread out. The glass and the liquid are quickly sapped up by his familiar. Content, it coos and slithers through the cracks in the wood beneath
  15. Activity, so close to home. Didn't bode well for their chances of concealment, what's worse if any escaped then locations would soon be revealed. It seemed as though all had their problems, not just him and his own charge. A slide of a menu beneath the table, as it turned out, the existence of rivals were more than enough fire under prospective wolves. Only a brief second and a flash, and a message was sent. Adept at keeping it quick enough that it was impossible to follow. Like a girl texting on a phone, it was so damn fast you can't even see his fingers move on the keyboard. Conversatio
  16. The insistent boiling of that greenish blue colored liquid, as Raidou begins to grind up flakes in a pestal. A slight grind as she moved a stool on the opposed side of the countertop. "I am, and yes I grew extremely quickly." he remarked past the cooking mixture, as it began to solidify, and you can see the small pieces of crystal beginning to form at the top. "Juiblex." He remarked, placing his hand on the counter and allowing the creature beneath his clothes to slide out of his sleeve. Black like ink, it drips onto the floor and begins to coagulate into a small creature. "I have a multi
  17. A glance toward Baldur, a mirrored reflection of the low burning light on the walls. Removing the lenses and wiping his sleeve on the bridge of his nose, before using one of Freyd's procured swiffer crystals. "I do believe you are correct." His eyes advert to the man in the center, small almost to the point of weakness. " @Baldur @Shield @Oscar @Morgenstern we should draw hatred and hold. Just in case this thing has anything up its sleeve. The rest should work to figure out what these..." Looking to Freyd, knowing, the topic devolved into a lengthy discussion about them "cannons are." His
  18. With a flash of energy, Raidou was completely shifted to a different floor. A satchel of materials at his side, a pair of lenses reflecting moonlight in a covering of white. "What do you mean?" Raidou quipped with a single response, looking toward the building the girl was anchored in front of. He'd been traveling for a very long time, something she should know by now. Clearly she had something specific. A strange place for her to pluck out of the ether, especially given they'd have their respective plates full come morning. A hand to his brow, he pulls off the glasses and moves them to h
  19. A stilled hand, broken roots in a small pile to his side. Potions waiting to be formed, these with the earnest intention of helping the raid. That day was approaching rather quickly, and he had quite a few to brew before the time came. The winds took a strange twist this night, a gentle tension as the very thought of conflict lingered on its bends. Tapping his hands together, a cloud of dust finding itself free in a dry puff. A ding finds his attention, as he begins to move the materials away one after another. From Eruda? Placing another into the bag, he stops and begins to type int
  20. Shuffle of feet, a soft breeze between trees as a day never seemed to end. Rustling leaves that sway ever so gently in that touch. They cry out in a low musical rumble. With it, a robe joining in hands with the hair on his head and ushering like a flag in ripples. Cold held no meaning, as hands moved with his legs folded beneath him. Ruri was long retired, and rewards were already eagerly shuffled off where they would be ready for the battle to come. Now was the simple moments between, the calm before the storm. Where most relax, Raidou simply was not capable. The red wanderer was not cap
  21. Quest Complete: 9312/30=310*5=1550 9312/300=31 Seeds Rewards: Raidou (1550*11=17050+6000 Quest)*1.4 [Event/Tags] = 32270 EXP 4*King's Core [201722a, 201722b, 201722c, 201722d] Freyd (1550*12=18600+6000 Quest)*1.4 [Event/Tags] = 34440 EXP 10*1.5 [Event]=15 Materials (5166 Laurel + 22500 Quest)*1.3 [Event]=35965 Col Eruda (1550*7=10850+6000 Quest)*1.4 [Event/Tags] = 23590 EXP 1*King's Core [201722e] Shiina (1550*6=9300+6000 Quest)*1.4 [Event/Tags] = 21420 EXP 1*King's Core [201722f] Sam (1550*7=10850+6000 Quest)*1.4 [Event/Tags] = 23590 EXP
  22. ID:201700 | Battle:4, Craft:12, Loot:7 (+8 EN, +113 HP) Ripping his sword up and dragging it against Eruda's shield, he swipes the blue flames from its surface. "I'm borrowing this." Raidou remarks, after some careful analysis of the creature, it was extremely susceptible to fire. A blinding tear and a wave of that blade sees the Monarch recoil in agony, as the flames sear away its flesh into a white mist. His blade twists, as he spins it and casts the fire out. "That should do the trick." With a glance toward the now slowly reforming mob. It had been divided, and there were only a handfu
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