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Everything posted by Raidou

  1. A somber wind, a desperate shake. The twist of a wind that carried with it a scent. Raidou's chest expands with a silent inhale. Eyes closed as a chorus of repeated words and phrases racked and riddled themselves within the space between the back of his skull. "I disagree." He spoke, exposing the amber iris that baked in the soft glow and reciprocated it. "There is wisdom in fear, in finding gravity in choices made." A coo from a beast that bends and coils around its given master, sensing the discomfort and aiding accordingly. "And it's a fair assertation to make, that an eye is always for an
  2. Approved, Keep in mind these are Tierless given the enhancements do not scale.
  3. "Mistakes, are hard to avoid." he catches just a slight glimpse of some damage riddling her skin as she reached for that king. He could pick up on the subtly, the slight crawl of her skin. The uncomfortable shutter, the way her voice broke. A soften in her demeanor, he removes and polishes a pair of lenses from his brow. "To be honest, I've forgotten how. How to enjoy a day." folding the lenses and placing them away, for safe keeping. "All I can see is that bloodshed, and none of it ever feels paid for, does it? Ever feel worth the sacrifice." A rather serene scan of the board, an al
  4. Concentration CD [3/5], Focused Howl CD [1/4] Appearing out of Setsuna's vapor, with his own force to be reckoned with. The blade tears against the coming assault as Raidou shifts the weight off to one side. It passes by harmlessly, as the swordsman exhales to release the pent-up pressure. A reach for the lenses on his brow and a slight adjust of them, back to sit correctly on his face. "But I've told you before, you'll need to try harder. I've faced attacks far greater than what you've shown so far." Heavy blows one after another, from sources on all sides, see entire pieces of scaled ar
  5. MINA | Approved Total EXP: 15800 Total SP: 100 Current Level: 20 Notes: One Extra SP for Breaking the Unbreakable Completion Included Thread: Bittersweet (1) Included Thread: Gala of Intertwined Fate (1)
  6. Concentration CD [2/5] A pungent fog of crimson red, lunging down the tower and landing firmly. The cloud buries him before pooling out from the point. A brandished blade in blackened and undistinguished steel, almost silver as it slams into a row of awaiting teeth, the first in and the last out. A shower of sparks and a scream of grinding metal, he twists his frame and struggles to redirect a blow from a titan. Teeth clenched so tight they threatened to fracture, before the weight loosens. A redirect... "Stand your ground, in the end she will fall." Raidou lifts a finger to an await
  7. 9/22/21 (Crafting Respite: 184167) Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod 1 198837 CD: 11 +1 LD: 6 Perfect (1) 13 (+5 Ambition) 2 198838 CD: 3 +1 LD: 4 Uncommon (1)
  8. The woman vanishes, leaving him with nothing but these shapes to fend off. Although confused beyond reason, he couldn't afford to hesitate and another magnitude of static riddles the lightning rod in his clutches. The yellow steel vibrates violently, forks of electricity jumping and finding objects to discharge into. A cup, a platter, the quickest targets to the floor to empty as Raidou shifts low. A wild and yet precise swing, as he becomes a blur. Slamming the edge against awaiting metal, the lightning jumping and scattering from one target to the next in bounds. It outcries in the connectio
  9. Into a rather large chamber, one large rectangular table front and center. Red velvet adorned the top, tattered and worn with age. Various regal looking dishes left tarnished to time, food upon it still and rotten. A ballroom. Above hung a single gilded and gaudy chandelier with candles no longer lit, and directly across from him a single throne without a body. Absent and empty, as was the rest of this insistent labyrinth. His eyes shift left and right, looking for some other exit, but there was none to be had. The red wanderer begins to breach the chamber, foot fall after footfall that echoes
  10. A few soft clatters of his heel and a single word bled from his lips as he entered the building. "I beg to differ." The meaning in two parts. Into a small building not unlike some that he had frequented in his own right, but on different terms. Here the tension was so thick you can see it from him, this was a warzone far beside those that had seen him before. No one would recognize him in the state he was in, for it was as if he was someone else entirely. "You've yet to answer a single of my questions, and you've already done me a disservice by digging my name out and attempting to use it agai
  11. Sparks fly in a spray, the sound was jarring and loud. Grinding of metal on metal, the fluttering of a red cloak as the swordsman turns. A harsh blow, the mace shattered in tiny fragments before an overhead swipe becomes a slam. The unsuspecting foe, caught in the backlash of a maelstrom of hatred, dumped into the floor in a brutal rendition of a pancake. It sounds like thunder, a boom, as a blade is peeled with clumps of rubble. A finger to an awaiting brow, reflective lenses concealing amber eyes filled with crimson from view. Raidou exhales and spins the blade to neutral, air to the palm, a
  12. Concentration CD [1/5] A detonation of red fog, that bleeds out into the field of hostiles. The color in their eyes fade, pupils dilate as blindness sets in. A sudden tear down the field sees the vanguard captain spin, into a signature pivot, slamming that hunk of black metal against an attempted attack. An earth-shattering ring, the ground cracks and breaks as the general's weapon explodes into metallic shrapnel. The body follows soon after, lingering lines of red light peeling from his frame as his opponent is sent flying. "Let loose the dogs of war, raise the field, and leave no soldie
  13. The energy continues to charge, making the blade burn hot in that gold light akin to a sun in a morning sky. His stance shifts forward just ever so slightly before he seems to just vanish. A sudden burning ark through the air slices fixtures and foes alike in its scorching ring. It carves like butter through the creatures that were foolish enough to attempt to sneak up on the red clad swordsman. Detonating one after another like chained explosives meant to level a building, pops in sequence and matched with a spray of data fractals that spread like ash. The flare on the edge of his blade begin
  14. BID Exploration: ID:198550 | Battle:7, Craft:10, Loot:9+6=15 (Nothing Happens) Since destroyed, he eyes the pile of disturbed books. That gaze passes back to the now empty shelving, and offers a very faint sigh. It would appear that his efforts in this chamber would come up empty, and it would be best to press on. Fiddling with the lenses on his brow, finding nothing to keep him here, inspecting through this illegible wreckage. Dropping the now dead and worn out glowstone, before reaching into his pocket and tapping softly another. The flickering green glow like a firefly begins to peel o
  15. Sliding through the binding are cables of black, that were once spears of ichor before becoming flimsy and twisting into barbs. They tear back like a line on a wench, ripping it close as Raidou draws a blade. A vicious shredding sees what little damage it had done refilled in an instant, rewarding itself to Raidou's HP pool in a glowing red trail. "You might regret the taste." he remarks, as the weapon sets ablaze in a decaying reddish orange. Fueled by ire and the sudden surprise, Raidou pivots and dumps that creature hooked to the web it had been caught in. It slams into the floor, causing t
  16. As he rummaged and disturbed more manuals, novels or literature. Tearing open pages and shuffling through transcribed words upon them, some of it legible and others in languages he couldn't understand. They begin to pile upon the floor, being tossed over a shoulder after being shown to be unintelligible. Various ages, colors and panels. Illustrations and ink, and yet as some of them appear to start to move on their own. A cover playing the part of wings, as pages begin to fall out of the flaps between. They scatter like snowflakes, dancing through the air as they hit the floor. Raidou con
  17. A reflex as he tore out the gilded edge produced by the guild smith, it flashes and casts a bit more visibility to the surrounding chamber. Revealing these pale looking creatures that were slightly translusent but mimicked what was littered across the floor. Black frames that were slightly transparent and eerie glowing eyes, reaching out for the warmth of life within this forgotten crypt. A violent tear is matched with a horrid scream in anguish, the bits that composed its body being burned up upon contact. It shrieks and recoils, attempting to escape the wave of force that was effectively era
  18. Ripping clean, a black blade, that vibrates with a deep red. "Eruda, take care of them." he remarks under his breath, looking at Freyd. "Now we end this." Freyd opens and soon after you catch remnants of the others pushing so drastically through the army with ease, a vision made real as data begins to fill the air. His feet slide, his heels arch and at blinding speeds Raidou rips through the field slamming his blade into another waiting to hold them back. The weapon shatters, and he pivots, revealing an awaiting shield ablaze in blue flames. It is concussed, before being slammed in its lower b
  19. A somber withdrawal of himself from the platform that he'd taken a seat, there was a bit of a difference compared to what others would see him as. To most, he was Raidou, soft and spoken the same. But At this moment, when approached in the dark by one that was so obviously his enemy. The guilds enemy, it was as if he was a completely different entity. The name given was an ode to trust, and this woman had not earned it nor deserved it. An honest difference between her and Mari or Hidden. It had crossed his mind it could have been either, or a player playing this woman. But he could not deciphe
  20. "My goals? If they are an enigma to you, then I have succeeded. How is Rosaria? Still leading men to become monsters, then, like lambs to the slaughter?" A dwelling still twisting with a red aura, and within that moment he began to fold up the lenses. Into his robe pocket they go, placed away, for he may not need them. "I would ask of you, if given the chance, would the guild that you believe you follow would cease what they were doing? See the mistakes they have made, and leave things to continue as they are?" An instant of ichor seeping into a crack in the floor, sliding out of sight be
  21. A pungent film of red, as if a moniker was not earned. A glance over the shoulder sees a reflective pair of lenses staring into the face of a lengthy woman, slender and bearing a mark. Shuffling a slip of paper procured into a black book, and a snap close before any prying eye could see what it was he had purchased. A dismissive hand sees the broker away without a word, and taking a seat upon a low crate finds him remove those lenses. Anger stirred in a slurry, a visible fog oozing out of his pores. She'd caught him in the middle, and reigning it back was a bit more difficult than one would be
  22. A message rings out through the ether, from a man surrounded by a myriad of creatures, adorning sprouted red crystals from necks like blemishes. Sundered Spire still going strong and yet, had been sniffed out. He was sure that beneath these insistent and thick waves that there lie the heart of the matter, but he could not do this alone. Through the guild chat, a call to arms that comes as an abrupt disturbance to many. An army he'd face so an army he'd bring. These hounds would face steel no different from before, grown with efforts all their own. As a screech and outcry bleeds out in a way th
  23. Emboldened crimson in the night, and with it the slow draw of a section of metal from his back. A weapon. If one listened closely enough, they'd hear the slight buzzer of an alarm set on his HUD ring before being dismissed abruptly. It was time. As sparkles of moon dust reflected stars, building wireframes out of thin air and composing structures still taking shape. Fresh spawns. A soft phrase spoken from the nomad's lips. "If you will remember this, I am sorry." He spoke to the masses, recalling Skalaugh and the Vanguard, as color started to replace silhouettes. Static tears down the length o
  24. Releasing the bars with a tinge of brown that clung to his fingers, rust coming off of them like powder. An adjust of his robe, another quick scan of the narrowed walk that he stood. Squeaking mice flee through the iron, having been startled by the traveler, releasing clumps of partially chewed fabric in their wake. Then begins the heartbeat of his footsteps along this vein, pulsing down passages like a cell in a body. Each sound carried past where one could see, threatening to alert any dormant hostile with its presence. To Raidou, he didn't seem to care. A glance to his minimap, and its ador
  25. BID Exploration: ID:198396 | Battle:9, Craft:7, Loot:16+6=22, Chest Found! Relaxed Triggered HP/EN Restored Those people would never know what happened, and Raidou would never know their name. Know their face. Who here knew what it was that had happened to them, and in the end did they even care? A sharp inhale as the wanderer worked to steel his nerves against such thoughts, such feeling of loss. It was odd to others how quickly he found value in life, which was a curiosity in its own right. How could they not, find value in something that you only have one of. Something that you co
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