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Everything posted by Raidou

  1. Like a meteorite, Raidou rips forward with that signature electricity rocketing down the blade. One half manages to peel its arms up in a shield, but the other was not nearly as lucky. Catching the full brunt of the swing, it spatters into a puddle of liquid. Slowly crawling back into a congealed form, Raidou still struggled to remain stationary. It was as if the entire world was just slowly moving about on its own, but in actuality it came down to the fact that the very fluid the beast was made up of somehow eliminated friction entirely. A glance on his robe shows that quite a bit of the crea
  2. Last into the chamber from an insistent raid right before the floor boss, there was a slight gloss to his robe. Some remnant of the slime king still clung to him. The same somber walk, soft, and absent of any concern. He looked over the frontlines, having been absent during the meeting and a replacement sent. He had his own affairs to handle. But with the looming death hanging right behind a damaged pair of doors, gentle flickering flames bleeding out in an orange glow. He is made aware his glasses were missing. Into his pocket, he pulls out a fresh pair and slides them up his nose. "Firm
  3. A single dot rushing away, finding itself placed on floor 19 right out in the middle of a hidden nook in The forbidden lands. Hanma had escaped, it seemed, and that meant that Yuyang had failed his only task. Shifting tracking for a moment to notice that the player was still on the move. "A pity." The red wanderer remarked. Flipping the page over in his book, a pair of innocent bystanders just drifting past without paying him that much attention. "As it would turn out, you cannot send garbage to play the part of warrior." Removing a black book and transcribing the location he'd stolen from Han
  4. 11/9/21 (Potion Craft/Fusion) Moved to Guild Vault
  5. 11/9/21 (Crafting Respite: 186443) Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod 1 201624 CD: 4 +1 LD: 11 Uncommon (2) 8 (+5 Ambition) 2 201625 CD: 9 +1 LD: 2 Rare (1) 10
  6. 11/9/21 (Fusion Only) Moved to Guild Vault
  7. 11/9/21 (Fusion Only) 200861-2, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Salvage 201485, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201583, T1/Perfect Crystal 201488, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201495, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201584, T1/Perfect Crystal 201497, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201497-1, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201585, T1/Perfect Crystal 201499, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201499-1, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201586, T1/Perfect Crystal 201499-2, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to Fuse 201502, T1/Rare/Crystal Intended to
  8. Latching onto the blade being flung into the air, an outstretched right hand that spins it and returns it to a scabbard. "Switch." Raidou quips toward Eruda with a nod, before his hand jumps to another blade docked behind his right shoulder. A violent tear of yellow light, static racing down the length of an edge. The sword in question was virtually weightless, the entire opposite of the other he was just wielding. The king itself rushes for Eruda, finding purchase, but being consumed by the flames of retribution that bleed off the girl. This was where she flourished, as the beast recoils and
  9. ID:201557 | Battle:4, Craft:7, Loot:5 (+8 EN) A sudden aggressive tear toward the paired tanks, sees Raidou pivot with Eruda in tow. What was supposed to be combat ended up looking more like a graceful waltz than anything, spinning and weaving like on a sheet of ice. Staring intensely at the missed blow from the monarch of smells, as they produced a dance that wove easily outside the attack aimed at them both. Clutching the normally stalwart tank around the midsection, his gaze finally finds her. There were no glasses, all that was, was the exchange of a glance between him and the blonde
  10. ID:201544 | Battle:6, Craft:5, Loot:10 (No Proc) Still slowly drifting along the floor, A new fighter appears. This was the monarch, the big cheese of all the walking and hungering gelatin that they'd been fighting and smearing all over the walls. Raising a heavy pair of hands in a massive hammer, Raidou reaches to his side and clutches his sword, which was ice skating. Without hesitation, he lifts the blade up in defense. The boss winds back and drops said hammer toward the slime covered floor. *Slam* The cavern rocks, and as he lifts those arms to see its prey. Ground, and a h
  11. 11/8/21 Materials Sent: 11/8/21 Moved to Guild Vault (Eruda) Moved to Guild Vault (Freya) Added to Battle Ready Inventory Claimed for Raid
  12. 11/8/21 (Crafting Respite: 186438-1) Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod 1 201485 CD: 7 +1 LD: 9 Rare (1) 10 (+5 Ambition) 2 201486 CD: 11 +1 LD: 8 Perfect (1) 1
  13. Focused Howl CD [3/4], Concentration CD [2/5], ID:201447 | Battle:6, Craft:7, Loot:6 (+8 EN), +56 via Battle Healing Another tear of his steel, a ripe mess of damage being bled out to the rest of the party. Raidou grits his teeth, grinding in a harsh blind and a scattering of sparks. The dragon, one hit after another before it stops. A multitude of attacks from its flank sees its health plummet. The others were still grinding away, and it showed. Its eye's flair, a hint of desperation as it quickly rotates and dumps a tail into the red wanderer's blade. He rebukes and his health starts to
  14. A wave of heat, most of the party sliding through muck as if they were ice skating. Eruda had pulled, allowing him to focus down the targets as he so chose. It would only be a moment before the whisper righted himself and dealt those signature blows he was known for. A gleam of blue as his arm jerks, lightning ripping down the length of the blade as he channeled what remained in his frame from FTK. A rapid lunge sees the attack detonate and the entire sewer yelps from the sound, an m-80 in a toilet. That speed ends, and Raidou moves back to his signature pose. But there was something off, his
  15. "Perhaps." a simple response, to the rhythmic pounding of a door. There was to be a reckoning, but the motivation was directed toward whom? Either way, Rosa and he would share conversation either through words or inspection, and Riker's Edge would have found slumber. The nomads intentions were as absolute, as they were fair. Unfortunately the pair were at an impasse, but not for reasons that Raidou had suspected. Rosa like so many before her assumed his stance as foolish, and yet couldn't fathom the end or the big picture. So many believed that justice was strong enough alone to support its ow
  16. Focused Howl CD [2/4], Concentration CD [1/5] The weight of her leg increases and blasts past Raidou's defenses, colliding with the floor and causing spires of stone to vault up. Each member of the party would feel some instance of impact as it rung out like an earthquake. A quick eye to respective HP pools, and with it, ire. Eyes flush red, and like a maelstrom, Raidou rends through the beast. A parade of red tethering, peeling from the carcass of the massive black dragon, like connected twine. Armor shatters just that much further, and blindness fully sets in. It would be clear that Rai
  17. A wave of heat, while Shiina was screaming an unintelligible babble and wiggling a damn weasel. Freyd was spitting and working some of it out of his mouth, and Raidou couldn't help but perk up an eyebrow. This was quite an odd display, one that caught him at an obtuse angle. Battle hardened warriors, who on one hand slaughter enemies with absolutely minimal effort. But on the other, complain about the splash or the smell. Such was humanity. A subtle twist of a blade, rushing the remaining down. Where others were driven by feeling, Raidou was absent for all but senses. A splash of steel as it m
  18. Complete silence, taking in Violets understanding far beyond the veil. She was more than on point, and it was quite refreshing. So few were able to understand others on a deeper level, so very few. There were some holes in her logic, but they were by choice that it was omitted. "I find that, typically, people are only honest with me when they want to stab me." Raidou remarks, lifting the glass, a still half finished meal littering the table before them both. He reaches to the glasses on his nose, removing them and folding them away. His anchor gone, a sea of memory sucking him down into the de
  19. Focused Howl CD [1/4] Slam after slam into Raidou's blade, the thing was very clear on what it wanted to kill. Sparks fly after every successive blow, and Shiina is caught in the crossfire. A single glare over the red wanderer's shoulder sees her drop like a sack of loosely collected grains. Raidou recoils and pushes it back, as the others swing away and begin to actually start leaving a dent. This was much more the speed they needed, a silent stare past his shoulder toward Eruda who could offer the voice of reason. His glasses gleam in the somber lighting, the blade the same. Ripping it
  20. With the simple action of a door opening, Raidou catches a familiar face. Although never introduced personally, Jon had expedited the girl from the room. In this the wanderer was grateful, as it appeared as though this was going sideways quickly. But it was what he was more than accustomed to, after all most met him with the same resistance. The tension was so thick it was almost solid, hung in the air like a stink. What was supposed to be a simple meal and a gentle shove toward a dream ended up nothing short of a nightmare. But it was with these little exchanges, that progress could be made.
  21. In the sudden burst of red, the eyes of the massive matriarch begin to gloss over in white as the pupil vanishes. What is left is blindness, for all but the swordsman in red. The intensity shared between the two, as Raidou stood off against the beast. It lunges and lifts a heavy talon filled appendage. It slams against him with surprising ferocity, causing his robe to flail about aggressively under the wind pressure. But he stands strong, the light show and the slight shaking of an outstretched hand. He was matching its strength with his own. "Lay it to waste, now is not the time for hesitatio
  22. Water shakes with a sudden splash, a bit of moisture clung to a black boot. That same flowing drape of red, mixed with the slight hint of the same parading through the air. A contained fury met with a goal. To fully prepare for the coming tide, Raidou would accept no substitution. There had been talk of something to increase his and other tank's capabilities, and he was always about an edge. Before it was the black blood of a skeletal lord that he'd driven to nigh extinction on the regular, but a tide of black that mirrored it made anew. "What do you suppose, can't be much further now." The se
  23. ID:200928 | Battle:4, Craft:10, Loot:17 (Endless Maze, No Spawn) Low-Light Penalty in effect [-1 ACC] A sudden overcast shadow looms overhead, the way to the prospective tower easily spotted by a man who had traveled floor after floor in isolation. He was well versed in discovering and navigating, new or not. "There." Raidou shifts his attention upward, a single set of giant wings. Correcting his lenses, and holding them in place, he rips his right hand out in front of him. "Bring him to me, Juiblex!" A writhing mass of black ooze forms a coiling and winding tether in black. Grappling lik
  24. The soft clatter of his heel, the rhythmic clicking upon stone. A crimson red robe swaying with every step, at his back a parade of guild members that had proven their worth and capability. With a raid on the horizon and the promise of strength held within, Raidou's intentions were clear. There would be a slaughter before the day was through, a necessary requirement to bolster their ranks just that much further and provide just one more edge to reduce risk. "It's through here." Raidou quips back to the party, a routine gathering of faces he'd more than become accustomed. Evidently this wa
  25. A slight tussle of his glasses, ignoring the man's fervor near feet from him. As it turned out, Raidou did not scare, and to some that was unsettling. "For a moment, if you will, see this from my perspective. I had not a single idea there was a familial bond between any of you, and this girl." A single gesture toward Mina who was still conked out completely. "Finds me in a field, and despite her earnest intentions showed some serious hardship. Naturally I would assume the source close by. I could feel it as if the blade was being dragged across my own skin." Back to that cup he held as another
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