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Status Updates posted by Mari

  1. Just spent the past hour and a half reading through one users threads; every single thread to help them out. Hoo Boy

    1. Baldur


      And this is why you're lead PST :)

    2. Mari


      and the pinkest GM!

    3. Calrex
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  2. I think 90% of SAORPG is currently sick

    1. Kiru


      I'm sick too, kinda. MY stomach hurts haha

    2. Rebekah


      I better find some honey water, before I get sick.

    3. Calrex
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. Mari is awake;still sick but awake

    1. Daeron


      Run! Hide your kids and your lovers!

    2. Kiru


      *wives. XD

      YEah she's sick of the drama burnnnnn. Jk that was a bad pun.

  4. Let it be known that staff do not tolerate harassment via PMs, status updates, information on profiles or via skype. If you feel you are being harassed by any member on the site please contact a GM or Administrator.

  5. I wanna RP buubuu

    1. Xanatos


      @ Mari under recent events I have no idea if Mari and Xana would have a good time in an RP XD

    2. Mari


      I doubt they would

    3. Daeron


      Daeron and Mari is a different story ;)

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  6. Mari is sick bring her noodles

    1. Saber


      @Vesuvius; Don't make threats unless you keep to them. As you and I will never meet for that to happen.

    2. Calrex


      *finally finishes ramen* Here ya go Mari!

    3. Mari


      Considering that is a Sword owned by a user who is currently banned there is no way for them to use it against you.

      Considering Vesuvius is a user with no journal and no avatar its safe to assume it is a throwaway account.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. pain meds making mari dizzy mari sleep

  8. have a throat infection, boo

    1. Takneil


      Can you please Ceseium your puns?

    2. Baldur


      Those really suck :( Get well soon

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      the puns? I agree:)) Anyway I share your pain Mari! *fighting a throat infection as well*

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  9. Finished editing the 'Players Mari Killed' section in my Journal. Would love to commission a few action shots of mari attacking people alas I am poor

    1. Mari


      unf <3 Oki :P

    2. Kiru


      I could make one :3

      Just give me potions and frandship.

    3. Mari


      aww Sure thing Kiru

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. Bububububbubu....Should rest

  11. Disappointed.

    1. Mari


      It has nothing to do with you Crozeph you be a cool cat.

    2. Azide


      When two sides have different enough goals, you just won't be able to satisfy them with a compromise. Sometimes a neat and tidy "perfect solution" doesn't exist.

    3. Mari


      I need RPs to distract myself; there are none to reply to.


      A perfect solution need not always exist; running nationwide events taught me that.

      However; I always like to hope that both parties do not feel scorn; alas; tonight has reiterated that people; just are butts.

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  12. It really hurts me when people take personal stabs at my integrity as a person; and my position as a staff member; assuming I am incompetent or cannot handle something simply because you do not agree with a decision made by me; then getting upset even though I am doing my best to find a reasonable solution for all parties. It kinda hurts; and I know that probably makes said person happy to hear that; so congratulations I guess. I am sadly disappointed.

    1. Azide


      In any sort of community where a fewer amount of members are to represent a greater amount of others, it's never possible to fully satisfy everyone involved. Sometimes you just have to make compromises and stand by your decisions.

  13. Sleepy; but out of all the RP's I have I only have 2 to reply to :( WHAT IS THIS

    1. Mari



    2. Takneil


      hmm, I feel like being mean to Tak. Hey Mari want to play a role in Tak's Character Development?

    3. Mari


      depends what it is; PM me the deets

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. Photoshoot done! will post a small picture to the pictures of you thread

  15. Mild headache , super hungry but off to my Photoshoot! Be back later lovelies

  16. Super busy with work today; and tomorrow I will be doing a Easter Photoshoot so won't be on for too much ahaha.

    1. Rusty
    2. Mari


      Thanks, hopefully will have it out for print orders by Easter :P

  17. At this exact moment last year; at this exact time last year - I was sitting in an Arcade in Japan. At this moment - 2 years ago I was asleep next to my (now ex) boyfriend in America. Suffice to say, right now I am a little sad

    1. Locke


      Things will get better.

    2. Mari


      It's actually going into Autumn here

    3. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      Those who have endured hardships and adversaries but learned from them, are saints. For they have gone out of practicality and are therefore above others since Saints were chosen because they were also different.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  18. Completed a few RPs on the lookout for more

  19. I don't know what to do right now RP wise; and that makes me sad

  20. might doodle some pictures of Mari herp herp

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      My drawing only got limited to some swords from the 'Bleach' series. Can't draw people or something that lives, for nothing...no matter how much I try. + I have no time to draw.

    2. Zeke


      Yeah, it is kind of a passion you have to commit to.

    3. Mari


      I'll post stuff soon to like; the restricted section

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  21. Home from work yew

  22. Need to adult first then RP later

    1. Rui


      Being an adult is overrated.

    2. Quick Silver

      Quick Silver

      But it has it's perks.

    3. Rui
  23. If anyone sees Daeron tell him the Mari is sad that no RPing happened today! WHAT IS THIS! omorrow is my last day off before work for 4 days

    1. Calrex


      Uh...you don't wanna be on that list XD

    2. Rusty


      Depends on the list though..

    3. Kiru


      Yes yes he needs to post.

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