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Status Updates posted by Mari

  1. Looks like no RPing for Mari tonight

  2. Home from a long day! Now what Rps are there to reply to? Barely any? Boooo

    1. Hikoru


      Sorry! but theres nothing I can really do to like, help on the thread xD im so weak....

  3. Kiru x Mari is new otp

    1. Daeron


      The tables have turned it seems...

    2. Rusty


      Luckily for you, Daeri isn't a thing anymore. Its either Maru or Kiri.

    3. Xanatos


      I ship it haha XD

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  4. gooodnught! may there be awesome stuff to reply to when I wake

  5. Need to sleep soon!

    1. Hikoru



    2. Calrex


      Oops O_o...

      *looks around*

      Here Hikoru you take it then XD

    3. Hikoru


      *Takes it and swigs it down* There can be no ev- *Falls down onto the ground, snoring loudly*

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  6. Let's play a game; what potion should Daeron drink next!

    1. Xanatos


      Please make him get addicted to Happy Honey XD

    2. Calrex


      Obsessive Allure XD

  7. suddenly running out of stuff to reply to. Owp.

    1. Zero


      Not my fault I can only rp from my phone and use most of my time to tend to staff things >3<

    2. Mari


      I know those feels to an extent *pat pat pat* Im just teasin

    3. Zero


      You always tease me Mari-nee >~< Ugh classes, will reply to you later~

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  8. Not sure if I should attempt to make my Golden Honey post more heartbreaking or leave it as is

    1. Locke


      Is it raining?

    2. Mari


      Ahaha it can't rain on the 10th floor; its all under ground

    3. Locke


      If you still had your violin, this is around the point where I would've asked you to play it.

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  9. Fell asleep oops gonna make a small tea then finish replying to the few RPs I have, Oh Golden Honey; and err one other I think. The rest have all been done and done

  10. Raaaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rusty


      Yep. She said it. Also it would be hard to clean bloodstains off the rugs.

    3. Zero


      Ha that's not a problem for Zero since his shop is... THE WHOLE OF AINCRAD! So it's been bloodied by everyone already xD

    4. Mari


      bleep bloop

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  11. who wants to play?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Calrex


      Uh...I joined after that probably happened so...

    3. Daeron


      Lessa was much later.

    4. Oske


      *wink wink* I think he's talking about me~ Yes, Daeske was a thing

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  12. Mari needs to take a chill pill. too bad she is under the influence of her potion; otherwise she'd have calmed down by now.

    1. Teayre


      I could see Mari, picking Kimba up and beating people with him in that thread....

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion
    3. Mari


      good that he did Mari may have aimed for kimba next

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  13. wanna start a new RP soon

    1. Daeron


      Daeron has gotten a pretty good understanding of her. Afterall, he's kind of doing everything he can to be with her lately.

    2. Calrex


      He's got Mari on the brain?

    3. Skylar


      Mari and Daeron sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  14. There are only 2 RPs awaiting my reply; the other 20 I am waiting for everyone else to reply. herp herp.

  15. Mari is feeling a little better today...still weak

  16. in 24-48 hours I am starting the boss raid thread. You all better be prepared

  17. IN immense pain BUT have another photoshoot planned for my modelling yay! Let's hope I manage to sell more prints

    1. Xanatos


      Woot! Hooray for silver linings!

    2. Mari


      horay for photoshoots

  18. in so much pain ugh being female ughhhh also gonna be slow on the RPs today, also I need to figure out wtf to do with Mari. haha

    1. Noctis


      Feel better.

    2. Kosan


      Hope You will fell better about being a female !

    3. Kiru


      It's not ABOUT being female..:<

  19. in a craaapload of pain today hooly dooly

    1. Quick Silver

      Quick Silver

      Well thats what happens when you go and hammer yourself. Have a Bloody Mari, that may help.

    2. Mari


      ACtually; I don't have a hangover; because I drink a lot of water between drinks - It's to do with my Uterus.

  20. I just want to RP till I pass ot but got nothing to reply too boo urns

    1. Quick Silver

      Quick Silver

      No just the spider is the only thing keeping me from going. Look it up, scary carp.

    2. Quick Silver

      Quick Silver

      Typo fairy I will unleash the K raken.

    3. Calrex


      Geezes! I pop on for a bit and already things are escalating in Mari's thread O_o.

      And 24 here so I'm good anywhere as well... although apparently I don't look my age Q_Q

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  21. no food all day = alcohol = what the hell am I eeven doing, I don't even drink, why am I even omfg lets just RP ok? Ok. Rp helps yesssssssssssssss

  22. So I have been up since 7am, worked 7 hours and haven't relaly eaten all day. I am now drinking cause I am a sad sack and I never normally drink I uno. Have fun with RPing with Mari like this wooo *sarcasm

    1. Kosan


      See Xanatos and I are not on the same page .. I want all the drink , but he wants to drink with me .. not fun :(

    2. Xanatos


      I just want the drink XD

    3. Mari


      pfft go buy it

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  23. Deciding waht to do in the RP is hard; Do I go and PK someone? Or do I attempt to fight another? Hmm hmm...

  24. Naps are seriously the best thing in the world

    1. Kosan


      ... Poor You..

    2. Mari


      It happens XD

      now to reply to things

    3. Kosan


      Yay - replying is the best !

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