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Status Updates posted by Raeyliff

  1. SAO or Log Horizon?

    1. Kiru


      Is this even a question!? SAO of course but there are some things to keep in mind. As Ariel said, LH is more game based but it also has character feelings. I liked SAO better because well...Idk. I guess equal in a way.

    2. XWuZHeAR


      There's this new slice of life anime called Saekano and the voice actor for the main charecter is the voice actor of Kirito is actually the voice actor for the main charecter in this anime. Anyways the funny thing is in his room he has SAO figures of like all the charecters except for kirito isn't that wierd?

    3. XWuZHeAR


      I messed up typing that comment so bad

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  2. Quick question: If you buy a new weapon or new armor or whatever, you, of course, equip it. But can you go back and equip your starting armor/weapon if you want to?

    1. Mari


      battle ready inventory is 6 including equipped items.

    2. Oikawa


      Long time no see Rae!

    3. Raeyliff


      You too Oikawa! :D We need to meet sometime.

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    1. Crozeph


      by the power invested in me I shall wait for a rain to hit in Aincrad

    2. ___


      I feel as if I should be offended in some way with these fill in the blanks. d:

    3. Baldur
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  4. Guys what do I feed my enemy exactly? Especially if it's a Floor 9 phoenix? XD

    1. Baldur


      Your character should have some bread and water by default from character creation :P

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Step 1:Buy basic food

      Step 2:Burn basic food

      Step 3:Collect Ashes.

      it doesn't say that you have to feed it specifically the basic item, you just have to buy one. At least thats the way I would..interpret(bend) the rules :D

    3. Raeyliff


      Burned bread then. Until I can get some boar meat to feed it properly later on. Thanks guys. :)

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  5. Bad news: Love Potion might have to wait for a very long time if its a perfect item. Do you guys think it should be? Or can it be a good item instead?

    1. Kosan


      Yeah.. Oh well , I'll need one of those.. (X1000) ..

    2. Kiru


      Kiru needs to use them on herself lol

    3. Raeyliff


      I got one ready at the moment. My shop's closed cuz there's nothing but...heh. I can give it to you or so, but I'll leave the price up to you.

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  6. Guys: I want to join a guild :3

    1. Helios


      Square One has cool people c:

    2. Baldur


      For some reason I thought you were already a part of Square 1 <_<

    3. Raeyliff


      What's LoA? I can't find it...

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  7. Can't decide on new flaws for this character. I want to remake him a little before I rp, sorry Rusteh XD. Can anyone give me some advice?

    1. Kiru


      Just look at my flaws, there are plenty you can copy lol

    2. Rusty


      Is a flaw a flaw if its flaws while being a flaw?

    3. Kiru
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Changed profile pic once more. Didn't know my previous one came from a weird anime...sorry about that.

    1. Raeyliff


      Well I actually thought it was an action anime and then after you brought it up I looked up the anime and then I found out. Otherwise I wouldn't have realized it, to be honest. XD Well, Duke Devlin is still cool.

    2. Calrex
    3. Rolland


      Duke Devlin from Yugioh.. been awhile since I seen that cartoon.

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  9. Can I have casual clothes that I wear in the towns when I'm not fighting that doesn't take any inventory place?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yeah, you can wear as many vanity items as you want, they don't count as equipped items

    2. Lucifer


      Vanity items don't take up slots.

    3. Raeyliff


      Oh alright, good then XD

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  10. Guys, does anyone know other RPs I can also join?

  11. I might just be the worst alchemist in the world...I wonder if I picked the right profession...is there such thing as a right one?

    1. Mari


      I just hear that background music, oh yugioh abridged

    2. Baldur


      Haha, it's certainly not merchant :P

    3. Asen


      Don't feel bad Raeyliff, if it makes you feel any better I've only managed to make 1 Good Item tops out of several others. The rest were either just bad or complete failures

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  12. Raeyliff was derping around...

  13. Okay guys I finally fixed up my shop to look more presentable and to be able to sell some stuff and thangs. Since I'm just about beginning and I only have about 7 or 8 potions I'm going to give off the first 3 free. Go grab 'em! ....please?

    1. Raeyliff


      As long as it does not need an arm and a leg I'm okay.

    2. Raeyliff


      BUT...it does have to follow the LAW OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE. Anything you give me must have equal value to whatever you take.

    3. Skylar


      I can trade a perfect Item for a perfect one. I have like four perfect songs.

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  14. I'm wondering how cool it would be if someone said something like "I'm not in danger, [insert Name Here], I AM the danger."

    1. Raeyliff


      *HIGH FIVE* Now let's go cook. XD

    2. Azide


      *High fives* Better call Saul!

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      That series is enxt on my list after I finish The walking dead:D

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  15. Any alchemists out there that can help a beginning alchemist?

    1. Clarence


      Hey, what do you need help with?

    2. Kingpin
    3. Raeyliff


      I need to start my quest of <<Earning a Living>> and I wanted to have another alchemist or more with me to show me how alchemy works.

  16. I've done an SP, and I've done many PP...should I go for an OP now?

    1. Brayden



      BEWARE OF PKer's!

    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      I haven't really met too many though I'm sure some of them are actually nice people ze! ^_^

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion
  17. Random question here: What's the difference between heavy armor and light armor in terms of impacting the way you play and you character's fighting class.

    1. Life


      No difference. The way it impacts the way you play is up to you to decide :P

    2. Life


      That is apart from the light and heavy armour skill. You need to equip heavy armour to obtian the bonuses from heavy armour skill and vice versa.

    3. Lessa


      No difference yet, but that may change with time. For now, just pick the one you want to invest skill points in (and the one you'd rather roleplay).

  18. Have more luck fighting enemies with 11 HP than making a decent potion. Thank you very much Kayaba. You must really hate alchemists. A potion blew up today, all over my face... :"(

    1. Asen


      I think we shouldn't have jinxed you then XD don't feel bad though cuz I can't craft worth anything except salvaging them for Mats

    2. Alyss


      don't feel bad, i only made a Perfect and Rare on 2 days having store open :P

    3. Raeyliff


      I'll send my phoenix to eat up everything you have Alyss. XD

  19. Oi! We can make Love Potions, can't we? Make a person fall in love with the first thing he/she sees. Lasts for a full day. Next project at the Philosopher's!

    1. Kiru


      Non, that would make weird threads happen.

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      And that would be a bad thing:))?

    3. Raeyliff


      I think it should be a perfect item cuz. It would make it extremely rare not to mention hard to make, so that would be nice.

  20. Okay, new Combat Gear stuff makes sense. So let's say I get armor, weapon, and some trinket. What if I have something else enhanced?

    1. Mari


      you can still only have 3 equipped items

    2. Raeyliff


      And what happens to that other enhanced item, does it fall under the 6 inventory slots that are mainly for potions and stuff?

    3. Baldur


      Well, you only get bonuses from those 3 items. If you had another one you wanted to maybe swap out in a fight, then yes, it would go into your 6 item inventory

  21. Guys...you know...I have an alchemy shop too?

    1. Calrex


      Congrats! XD

    2. Skylar


      Yay for you!

    3. Skylar


      I have no clue as to what the quality of each of your items are. Or the prices?

  22. And so a Grand Prophecy has been written on the walls of SAO's caves that Raeyliff shall never reach level 8 no matter what he does. XD

    1. Azide


      You can do it, Raeyliff! Just keep chipping away at it!

    2. Helios


      Will pyres work for this too?

    3. Calrex


      Lets find out. *starts building another pyre*

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