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Status Updates posted by Takneil

  1. @Xion, please for the love of all things don't get stunned again X'D Takneil can only survive 9 hits from Asterios. 

    1. Xion


      We'll see what happens with the roller

  2. And completed first sketch :3

  3. Wanna post some cool art? or see some cool art? TASTE SOME COOL ART!!!!!!!!!!?. Then come here? ^3^ 


  4. Need a little pickmeup in the morning? or a great drink to help you break noobs? try this mixture!. Mountain High Gear. Mountain Dew High Voltage+Full Throttle. Simple yet delicious depending on the right amount you dedicate to each side. I personally enjoy equal but to each their own :3

    1. Xion


      what the actual hell tak

    2. Takneil


      what? don't fancy it? that's okay. TRY THE ALL NEW 'Hawaiian Monster!'. 1/2 Haiwaiian Punch 'Orange Ocean' and 1/2 Monster. 

    3. Rain


      try 1/2 capt morgan and 1/2 full throttle.... well I think that was proportions. ._.

  5. Confirmed!, I can message myself using this PMing system. 

  6. So many 'will edit laters' in the asterios fight @,@ 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rain


      phase goes through 50% right? yeah that's sound pretty worth. 3 ACC is enough already, since I rarely miss. and I have mind built as raw damage. Only thing that stops me is Mit. -3-

    3. Seul


      1 slot of phase passes through 50% on natural  9+ rolls

      2 slot of phase passes through 100% on natural 9+ rolls :,D

      (Except mitigation from Block can't be phased)

    4. Rain


      :o sounds hella worth and with damage for 3rd. dayum.

  7. For those who remember Takneil's Calming the Soul quest the first inner demon has been defeated!, Lovlass is down with hardly inflicting any serious harm upon him, though her Perilous Shadow ability kept her alive...for a small time. Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter into Takneil's descent into the madness that is his own mind!.

    1. Takneil


      The thread if anyone new wants to pick up the read :)

  8. Two Words. Familiar. System. 


    this has been locked away in my google documents for a long time now so I figured before I head to work I might as well wipe the dust off of it and put it here XD

  9. @Argentia: Come on luv? don't you want some fun?~ 

    ((Keep in mind Crimsa cannot make status updates, don't know why but she never has been able to.))

  10. Well turns out I managed to push past my insane lack of motivation as of late and made some recommended edits. SO!, GUESS WHAT'S BACK?


  11. Does anyone have a crafter's respite potion or whatever you call it? Dice roller just made my day about 10 times worse =-=

    1. Zandra


      If you checked out the in the shop section, youd see I have 14 :)

    2. Rain


      ^ starting to run low. buy from her.

  12. Does anyone have one of those magical equipment altering eggs from the Easter boss way back when I could purchase?.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rain


      defunct? how so?

    3. Aster


      It just doesn't exist anymore. It was replaced with the Appraisal system, so any vouchers still in existence can be used, but Merchants can't make them anymore.

    4. Rain


      Sounds like a big nerf. -3-


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Life


      @Baldur Glad to see someone else gets it. But no, this wasn't about player vs staff, it was turned into player vs staff because players weren't happy with what we decided. Never mind that 3 of the votes for UR rewards was from the same person. And yes we volunteer, and no that doesn't make us morally superior, but you guys seem to think that we're A.I on demand 24/7. Done on this topic now. If you have any further complaints regarding this issue, feel free to PM me.

    3. Life


      Also, Hakai. Baldur isn't staff, he is your community rep, chosen by the players.

    4. Hakai


      It was a simple mistake to make. I saw his name under "staff online"

      Also, I have nothing against the ruling, just the opinions presented along with it. I just felt like I needed to clarify. I understand that you guys have limited manpower and resources, and I appreciate the work you guys do to keep the forum running.

  14. Finally, I'm going to sit back. and do this Calming the Soul quest not for the numbers or SP, I'm going to do this for me...or rather Tak. The posts will be short but they all connect and I plan on doing my hardest with providing quality, what I have so far is def a good read is some of you guys have nothing to do. :)

    1. Hakai


      Good luck Takniel. Those SP quests are a hassle. XD

    2. Helios


      I'm really enjoying reading this.

    3. Takneil
  15. #What's Inda-pant-ence Day2016!

    Thank you everyone for your support, it honestly surprises me that many of you are just as passionate as me about the subject and I hope we succeed. Raises Glass.

  16. I apologize for the inconsistencies within this months newsletter, I was given confirmation from staff that Teayre was DEAD. Here 

    in the future future I will do my best to provide accurate information THAT CANNOT BE ALTERED. and I hope you can forgive my failure to provide honest and truthful information.

  17. well, seeing as last time I blew up site with word of my cat having kittens this time will be no different. 


    1. Yamato


      Kittens have mind control powers.

    2. Takneil


      I'm immune :p

    3. Avilon
  18. @Zandra , Happy Birthday! \^w^/
    Stop by my shop and order your free item. Rarity is not an issue and I will get it to you as soons as possible. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Takneil


      There is a PK rule, the 'PK rules' in the guide literally only tell you what to do if you kill a player. Not the dos and don'ts. which is the main reason why I'm miffed.

    3. Lawfer


      I just re-read the rules and this popped up.


      Important: PvP in SAO-RPG a consensual activity to an extent. If you are in the same thread as them, having been accepted into the thread, you can impromptu attack or similarly use items on a person

      By this sentence alone, it allows what happened to transpire. I agree its frustrating but until the rules are adjusted you just need to be weary of who you RP with. Like I said its a super bummer, but until the rules are adjusted to properly address the underlying issue it can only be considered an unfortunate event.

    4. Baldur


      Yea, the rules are really the issue, and it's -way- too easy to one shot people. Even if they're uninjured. When Dom died, he was at full health. All of these encounters probably would have gone very differently had the system been designed to create combat, rather than just one shots. Even the boss fights can't go much longer than 2 rounds cause people start running out of energy.

  20. It's not much but I am offering 100 Materials and 30,000 Col to the person who kills Teayre. You must message me in PM if you are going to accept this. 

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Takneil


      @Shirien It's fine. Someone already accepted my Bounty.

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Woah. Someone accepted the hit?!

    4. Takneil


      Sorry I seemed not to get this notification. But yeah, as of right now someone has taken the hit. of course they are on hold due to the new PK Ban, though I had them stopped the moment they accepted it because I wanted to wait on the ruling. So if they will be able to take the bounty or not is ultimately up to whatever PKing rules are put in place.

  21. YAY! Three more people die for no reason. Congrats Tea. Leaves site because of BS.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shirien


      A room full of people on low hitpoints and possibly energy, exhausted mentally at the least from the fear of death and finally lowering their guard to create openings that were not present before...

      Nope, can't imagine why someone would pick that venue for some axe murder. I mean, it's tragic and stuff, but if you are evenly matched with the people up there or even just have a teleport crystal, it's a damn easy way to assassinate someone.

      Then on the other hand doing it in public is also a surefire way to have your name and face known and plastered everywhere for a lynching. Pros and cons.

    3. Takao


      If you're a mental case whose only interest is killing and you can't think of the repercussions then yeah, I can understand why it might be a tempting venue for it. Otherwise though, like you said, I think the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Getting caught was dangerous, especially when you're in a room full of the strongest players in the game.

      also i like how PKing in SAO-RPG is cruise control for character development. its top lols

    4. Shirien


      I can agree with that, I personally wouldn't start a career in murder where the most influential people are.

      I'd personally put on a mask and full-body covering equipment with maybe some padding to hide my body shape. Unless you are tracking them by name then you wouldn't be able to see who they are unless they willingly joined your party.

      And yeah, it's pretty cool to watch~!


  22. @Akumasaru rest in pieces you dirty ape :p

    1. Akumasaru


      I will hunt you in your dreams! despite never meeting you or even being aware of your existence:D *monkey laughs*

    2. Takneil


      Jokes on you! I'm a master of donkey kong, I can easily dodge your silly barrels.

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