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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. Is it just me or have the amount of material farming threads increased alot?

    1. Zandra


      My 3rd completed EaL. GM LD rolls: 11, 18 and 19 :D

    2. Calrex


      Heh, very nice. *get reminded of your order*
      ...**** I'll get right on that O_O

    3. Ssendom


      Well after I got 130 materials in a thread. It has brought to light super farming.

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  2. It almost feels like the dices are loaded in favour of the mobs :/

    1. Takneil


      *nods* i'm in a thread with Hikoru and literally have not hit 1 wolf in ages!

    2. Calrex


      Gah sorry guys I've been slacking! *builds dice god worship pyres*

    3. Zandra


      And of course, just because I said so I got two 10's out of five rolls XD

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  3. Morning all, time for school(RP) :)

  4. Morning everyone, at school, 50% listen tot eacher 50% RP:ing :)

  5. Oh no. I feel terrible. I just now saw the boss battle already started. And I have potions and crystals that I should have sent/given to you guys. I guess its impossible to send it in now right?

    1. Zandra


      That is actually a realy great idea. High level players mostly only wants perfect quality items, so getting much uncommons and rares that could be great for, as you said, lower levels :)

    2. Dracul


      *gladly accepts any donation alongside the praise* anyway.. wanna rp?:D

    3. Zelrius


      If you distribute, I will pay. But I was really hoping to keep them for next time around

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. Omg, I should have started study for like two-three hours ago :/ Gotta go, see you all tomorrow

  7. Picked alchemist in EaL because we had not that many back then. Now they pop up everywhere :)

    1. Lowenthal
    2. Jomei
    3. Zandra


      I now saw I havent wright it but guild members gets a discount. Thou it dosent make that much since None would need to visit me, except two :)

      I now saw I havent wright it but guild members gets a discount. Thou it dosent make that much since None would need to visit me, except two :)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  8. Seriously! Me three misses (2,1,2) and the mob three crits (10,10,10) in a row. Dice gods, why do you hate me?

    1. Calrex
    2. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      *Speaks from the ghostly grave* You shall not die as I have. I wish none of that fate to come that was befallen onto me.

    3. Jomei


      *gasp* Mittens the cat?!

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  9. Sersously, dont hire me if you want a good alchemist, I snitt 1,6 EXP/Material :(

    1. Lowenthal


      We all start somewhere. Don't worry about it, and just keep trying ^-^

  10. So, if you doing a SP without dicerolls, would it be okay to write one post with 84 full lines? Just an idea.

    1. Zelrius


      I doubt it. Thought at the same time you could make the argument about the merging post thing. PM a GM about it


    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Just split it up for each post.

  11. So, when you have choosen proffession, you cant change? So many alchemists now, would rather have another proffession.

  12. Sorry to not have posted much lately. I will try to be more active from now on :)

  13. Sorry to those I havent replied, now is the time for that :)

    1. Kalesh


      I caught a fishie!

    2. Zandra


      YAY! Maybe the wind have changed :)

  14. The dice gods wants you guys to have your potions and crystals for the boss fight. 4 perfect and 3 rare in two days :D

    1. Mack


      I have not been so lucky. The dice gods do not want you to have your gear.

    2. Piera


      ;A; So lucky.....

    3. Zelrius


      Must be hell on the mat Front. If you need any Mats, feel free to contact me and we can work something out.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  15. Time for some Game of Thrones, then time for bed good night :)

  16. Time to leave, gnight folks :)

    1. Jomei


      But its only 2 in the afternoon xD Damn timezones. Niight

    2. Calrex
  17. Today is a good day. Enjoyed doing homework, want to do more :)

    1. Vasth


      If it's something u enjoy them I suppose it's fine

    2. Zandra


      How to explain in english hmm... Choosing air devices for a building. But they cant be louder the 30dB, and as almost always, take the cheepest alternative. There is tons of different devices to choose from :)

    3. Mythic


      Alright, that does sound pretty awesome. 

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  18. Was looking thru all my prevous thread, found out I had four more skill points that I havent noted in my journal :)

    1. Zandra


      Well thats true :)

    2. Jomei


      Same here haha. And don't forget the 5 you start off with too, thats always a nice little boost if you forget :P

    3. Zandra


      I had those five already, would have been nice otherwise, from 26 to 35 by only checking thru old threads :)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  19. What difference does it make if you follow someone or not?

    1. Kalesh


      I think basically if you post you get a notification that they posted. It's like a friends list except not consensual :D Unless you disable it entirely anyways.

      if you post they get*

    2. Koumori


      Yeah any post they make just shows up in your notifications

    3. Zandra


      Ok, thanks :)

  20. What have I done to anger the dice gods? Four 4's and two 1's (+7&10) from daily craft :(

    1. Zelrius


      Ahem, *RNGezus. Only Pagans believe in Dice Gods.

    2. Kalesh


      You came within the general vicinity of a fisherman, you are forever cursed! D:

  21. What kind of potions/crystals is needed?

    1. Teayre


      Don't worry about over health stuff, I'm doing that through my projects :3

    2. Ssendom


      I still require my t3 Damage potion/crystal, but only when you have time to craft it.

    3. Zandra


      I have all my potions/crystals documented in excel. I Think I have your t3 as well as 4 mass hp recovery. Will take a closer look when I gets home :)

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  22. Why does crystals cost 2 materials now?

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Because no one used crystallise and there was a lot of confusion on how it worked.

      Also the rank required to make em has increased.

    2. Zandra


      I actually like it. As you said, I never did potions when crystals was 'better' because there was same costs to craft but no one would buy a potion, not even when I had them to 75 Col each :)

    3. Zandra


      Is it possible to like increase EXP gained when making crystals?

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  23. YAY! Last test for the year is done :) Finally Im free when I get home and dont have to feel bad for not studying :D

  24.  Dont want to be like that but it have been almost two weeks now since It become sheeptars turn. Isnt it time that he posts his post?

    1. Kasier


      We have a saying in United States


    2. Sheeptar the Sheep King

      Sheeptar the Sheep King

      Can't a sheep go on a holiday?

      We sheep also have a saying:
      "Baaahhh bah baaaaa baaah baa!"

    3. Zandra


      Of course you can go on a holiday. Thou it have been nice if you told us so we as well could have done it. Maybe hang out with the villagers or play some volleyball. Now just had to wait for you to come back :p

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