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Everything posted by Jomei

  1. As the blonde woman greeted him, she took his request, confirming his suspicions that all of the people present before him were there for the same reason. As she went to work, Jomei found a nice seat on the other side of the shop waiting for her to finish. He appreciated her taking his order on such short notice.. especially the party being very soon. What felt like only a few moments later, Ariel returned with Jomei's new set of formal threads. The man stood up from his seat and walked up to the counter with a smile on his face. "Thank you lass! Its exactly what I had in mind." Taking the ite
  2. The red haired player walked into the familiar tailor's shop where he had purchased his amor from. Walking into the shop, it seemed pretty busy. Everyone was most likely out looking for last minute clothes to wear to his party Zelrius was throwing. After waiting for a couple of other customers to finish their orders, he walked up to the counter. "Hey Ariel.. Probably can already guess why I'm here. Hopefully there is enough time for this." he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Filling out a simple request form, he sent it over to the girl for her to inspect and, hopefully, make for
  3. Was gonna do it solo.. but whats the fun with that. Anyone want to do Let There Be Light? 

    1. silvermistshadow


      Which is why if he does go up to higher floors at this point, it'll be as team mascot- other people fight, he looks cute.

    2. Opal


      ^That was my job for awhile. Boobs and eye candy. 

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Hahahaha so whose doing what RP wise? Let's go ahead and get this started

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  4. Decided to organize my current and completed role-plays and actually found out I'm supposed to be one level higher xD

    1. Takao


      just like finding a twenty in an old coat's pocket.

    2. Azide


      one time i found a coat pocket in an old twenty

    3. Jomei


      @Azide The best of surprises. Im sure that was a warm winter.


      *just realized you said pocket* Now you have something to hold the Twenty in

  5. Ok Ok I know I just posted, but through conversation wit Piera and Lowenthal.. I realized that me 2-3 years ago basically looked like how Jomei does IC. Shameless bathroom selfie is shameless
  6. Im gone for 12 hours and I come back to 20+ notifications xD

    I guess I feel loved?

    1. Beoreson


      Nope. Beoreson chooses not to feel mushy feeling.

    2. Kalesh


      Does Beoreson feel mushy at the sight of puppies and/or kittens?

    3. Beoreson


      Beoreson answer would be no... But, yes he does. Only for his familiar though as he doesn't have a connection with any other ones.

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  7. Anyone want to set something up? :)

    1. Koumori


      Okay so do you have any preferences on theme/floor

    2. Jomei


      @Koumori Nah, all up to you.

      @Mack Hm.. Definitely an idea. I do have to familiarize myself with how it works there, plus make my introduction into the world of fairies 

    3. Koumori


      Dude I'm gonna make a kick butt introduction for ALO. It's gonna involve this really cool adventure where Koumori goes to his local game shop, but he realizes she doesn't have enough money for the game so he ends up working at a store in the mall for a day. Once he's done working though his mom calls him up to tell him he has to get groceries. So he goes to the store to buy what she asked for and when he leaves realizes that he spent almost all his money. That night he goes home and tells his mother his situation and she agrees to loan him the money. The next day he goes back to the store and buys the game and starts playing in his NerveGear. 

      Now wouldn't that be epic and nail biting. Oh god what am I even doing?

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  8. Anyone care to do The Traveler with me? 

    1. Zandra


      Or maybe not, since we had just been thru that anyway. You can do it with someone else if you want :)

    2. Kiru
    3. Jomei


      @Opal since you replied first, you get it. If should be wrapped up by the 20th, no worries

      @Kiru im totally down to do a another thread if you want

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  9. 4:45.. what a magical time to be awake. *laughs at everything*

  10. Anyone want to Rp.. and make the thread..? xD 

    Im too tired to now, but would reply in the morning. 

  11. Wish I could be out trooping for a Force Friday event.. sigh.

  12. Could use a new friend to role play with. Anyone interested? Ill come up with the threads

    1. Beoreson


      I'll RP with you. I'm a bit low though.

    2. Mack


      I'm always game for a thread or two as well.

    3. Paglikha


      I'll game after I find out how to link my character's past to Axios'.

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  13. sums up my tiredness after a week of counseling also, facial hair.
  14. The Boredom Strikes Back. Anyone want to rp? PM me and ill set up the thread.

    1. Calrex


      Sure lol. We still need to redo our martial arts duel :P

    2. Alex


      Can we do a PP on floor one? And I'm on vaca and am grounded from my comupter charger(not my computer lol) So will probably respond in a day or two. PLZ can you start it though? My computers at 56%

  15. kiruiloveyoupleasedonthateme

    1. Jomei


      Its not so much that it was a 10.. more as in.. thats the third paralyze in a row xD

    2. Hasai
    3. Kiru


      Fight me fair and square you potato. xD

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  16. Did someone say ginger? xD Heres some shots out of costume of me from this weekend.
  17. Back from bounty hunting, gonna get to the replies momentarily!

  18. Jomei hastily made his way back to the tailor shop on the Fourth Floor. Upon opening the door and entering the building, he noticed a blue box set up on the side of the counter, just as Ariel had told him. He made his way over to the box, noticing the girl behind the counter hard at work on other projects. When he walked up to the box that was his, he placed the item into his inventory and briefly observed the stats. Just as he had expected, it was just what he asked for. "Thank you." he said over to her, transferring 1200 col to Ariel. He then gave a slight wave as he exited the shop. -12
  19. Jomei was a little hesitant to enter the newly reopened tailor shop. The past few times he had walked past it, the sign had a big Absolute Pin symbol plastered over it.. letting players know it was mostly for guild use only. However, the sign was new and without the symbol, so Jomei figured it must be open to the public once again. As he walked towards the shop, he took note of the various pieces of clothing on display in the window. They were quite the works of art, definitely something Jomei needed to get his hands on. Upon opening the door, he heard a slight ringing of bells. He looked aro
  20. I find this lack of activity disturbing.

    1. Zelrius
    2. Seraph


      We do have jobs. We have to make a living. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to be here.

    3. Jomei


      I know people have jobs.Trust me, I was working two jobs and balancing this site at the same time. Honestly, as Beatbox pointed out, I was just quoting Star Wars

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  21. Need replies @_@

    1. Calrex


      I know the feeling man XD

    2. Yami


      Need.. to reply @/_\@

  22. Jomei decided to give another shot at making some music. He pulled out his lute and sat cross-legged on one of the couches in his shop. He scratched his chin thinking of how this song should play out. After strumming a few chord progressions, he decided it was time to give it a shot. He pulled up a recording crystal and placed it on the table in front of him. He then began to play his music. After playing, he was happy with his results. They may not have been able to help a person out in their quests, but it certainly could serve as a good form of entertainment. ID: 24454 CD: 8 -> Goo
  23. Just can't seem to get happy. Gonna be a tough week.

    1. Calrex


      *gives a bro hug* Hang in there buddy!

    2. Piera


      Take it at your own pace, we'll be here if you wana talk.

    3. Jomei


      Thank you Cal and Piera

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