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Status Updates posted by Thorrissia

  1. Ok, so I've been thinking I'm just going to have Thorrissia kill off Solaris. Not only do I never use him, but it's also very much in character of him to try and rob somebody if he think's he's gunna win the fight. And seeing as he's like level three, Thorry could basically kill him really easily without intending to destroy him. Thoughts?

  2. I have something to admit to you: I am RNGesus

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Golden


      Yes. Very bloodthirsty. Hu3hu3hu3

    3. Vasth


      :p sound like Berry

      and Glory

    4. Thorrissia


      Gorry Glory. That could be our slogan. We could graffiti it outside restaurants. 

  3. I accidentally punched my dog in the head with a door and now I feel really bad. She was standing right behind it and I didn't know O.o 

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Thorrissia


      hey, you know its true. *stabs with intelligence* 

    3. Golden
    4. Thorrissia


      Muhahahhahaha I am the all powerful one. 

  4. Hey look another n00b has joined

  5. Ok, I am actually replying. WOOT! It's happening. 

  6. Wow um woah the entire system has COMPLETELY CHANGED O.o where's everything gone?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Koumori


      Ahh this brings back memories of my reaction to all of this. I can tell you, it was exactly the same. 

      Welcome back

    3. Thorrissia


      Thanks. I reckon I might just make a new character. Might be easier. 

    4. Koumori


      Part of me wants to say that might not be a good idea but the other part wants you to do it so that I won't be the lowest level anymore. Haha. Jk I'm sure you'll figure it all out. 

  7. Reply to our thread you scrub! 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Xion


      Next UR gonna be called red, then green, then silver, then diamond, then pearl.

    3. Blue


      Yus. I luv it.

    4. Xion


      It's the simplicity that makes it genius 

  8. Right, so I want to develop Thorry's character a bit, but I'm at a bit of a loss how to. Right now she's quite immature and whilst that is fun to RP sometimes, I want her to mentally age up a little bit and actually become a more rounded person. But I feel like something dramatic is going to have to happen to her in order to kick start this, so has anyone got any ideas of what I could do within RP limits? I'm at a loss. 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Carmine


      <3 <3 You go bby

    3. Lessa


      If you need any help with this, or want someone to write with, let me know. I love stuff like this.

    4. Thorrissia


      Lessa, I may take you up on that :) I don't want to do this straight away, as I think Thorrissia needs to be of a slightly higher level first, but relatively soon. After I deck her out with some decent armour and gain the two more skills I want for her. It shouldn't be too long though. I only need seven more SP and considering the quest threads I'm doing and everything... 

      Thorry's gunna grow up a bit. Probably not good for her though. Poor kid, her creator's evil. 


  9. Anyone up for some RPing? I feel like Thorry should get stuck somewhere rather awkward. She needs to do something stupid XD Anyone interested in saving her ass up on floor ten? 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Emblem


      Ill Rp Thorissa we still haven't started one


    3. Golden


      And me!!! Even though we have like 2 threads going already XD.

    4. Thorrissia


      Blah Emblem I forgot to start our thread I'm a poo. I'll do it now. 


      haha maybe after we finish Let there be Light. :p We're almost done with that now. 

  10. Haha no staff time to party. 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Thorrissia
    3. Golden


      Having fun hanging from a tree?

    4. Thorrissia



      It helps my stamina testing ok. 

  11. ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE: I'm bored come rp with me. 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Xion


      *giggles because thorry just told her BF to get his balls away from her* She went that way -->

    3. Golden



    4. Thorrissia


      Well, he's not my irl boif so I suppose that makes it somewhat ok :p Although still pretty damn funny. 

  12. Sooo, I'm interested in going and killing some boars of F1. However I'm still really unfamiliar with how the combat system works, so would anyone be willing to party up and go stab some low level monsters with me?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Zelrius


      It's my turn xD

    3. Zelrius


      I will post soon

    4. Thorrissia


      woooooaaaaah burning bacon. not good.

  13. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Hasai


      Awwww :P Golden and Thorrissa are sooo cute :3

    3. Thorrissia


      But Thorry is the cutest.

    4. Golden
  14. Okkkk, so I SERIOUSLY need to familiarise with the new site layout, so would anyone be up for a rp with me? I need to gain SP like fast. 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Thorrissia


      Well we could just have our characters meet up and hang around as well if you like macradon?

      Ok, I'll message you when I've completed the thread Koumori. 

    3. Macradon
    4. Koumori


      Cooleo sounds good

  15. What Hogwarts house would everyone here be in? I'm interested. *waves Gryffindor flag proudly*

  16. Oh nuuuu a scrub is following me. :p 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Thorrissia


      I shall name it Xion and it shall be mine. 

    3. Golden


      Fine with me just don't do anything bad to it... 

    4. Xion


      *more happy scrub noises as it eats the cookie*

  17. I'm curious as to how old you guys think I am XD I mean, shh it's a secret but I feel like I come across about age three :3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Carmine


      But your snacks are better than the ones I have at home D:

    3. Thorrissia


      That's no excuse! *smacks wrist* Here have a pickled prune. They're delicious.

    4. Golden


      I'm 16 so I'm guessing about 15-20? Maybe? That range? XD

  18. Wow ok so a lot of drama seems to have happened ever since I left and the rule system has entirely changed. Ummm but I'm back. So, hey everyone XD 


    ive been gone for a while due to work mostly, but my exams will be done by next month so I want to come back and be able to role play with ya'll again. Hi XP 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hikoru


      Ohai person *had a thread back with you way back when*

    3. Helios


      Yoyoyo, welcome back homie

    4. Thorrissia


      @Takao P much the same I been doing lit nothing as usual :p 


      Thanks guys :3 

  19. Anyone want to do Long Live The Queen with me? I could do it by myself but that would be boring, so if there's any low level players who wanna come along and earn some SP, feel free to join me. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      go with Zel, I can tell you that at least It won't be boring.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      I'll happily do any other quests as well :) including harder ones since i can draw and tank all the aggro lol

    4. Thorrissia


      Right, for some reason I can't message you Zel so here is le link



  20. Right, so seeing as my signature was gross (I cannot do digital art AT ALL), I drew a traditional version of Thorry in the same pose. The lighting in the photo makes the shading look a lot darker and harder than it is in real life but whatever. Whattya think?


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Thorrissia


      That would be nice :)

    3. Zeke


      It will be worth it when you can get paid for doing them. XD

    4. Thorrissia


      haha that would be the day :)

  21. Would anyone like to do the avalanche quest with me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Golden


      U said you needed 1 or 2 more and right now you have 3 so it wouldn't hurt to have one more person helping out c:

    3. Thorrissia


      Sorry Golden :( There's a max party size of three.

    4. Golden


      Oh lol next time then

  22. Ok so I know I promised to reply today, but I discover Life Is Strange and was playing that for like the whole past few hours after Thorne kicked me out. Tomorrow tomorrow I swear I will. 

  23. Ok so I am beyond confused about how credits translate to dollars in GGO. I see both being referred to like what is going on XD 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Beoreson


      It could be with a little flavor text.

    3. Lowenthal


      It also could just be a simple matter of having threads in the Real Life Offline section, in the Fan RP sections. If one wants to RP basic home life. (Can see the appeal of why they would).

    4. Thorrissia


      I would personally love a real life section for characters.

  24. Survey Corps, Military Police or Garrison? Which would you be in?


    I would honestly be vying for the military police but I'd get stuck in the garrison cleaning canons all day. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Vasth


      That's what would happen to me if u give me 3D gear

    3. Thorrissia


      HAHAHAHHAAHA *dies* 

    4. Glory


      garrison yo. i wanna help the people. screw military police i hate exercise and being eaten like a piece of jerky doesn't sound too fun.

      womp. *screw survey corps

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