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Status Updates posted by Mack

  1. For all any of you know, Mack is smithing a Gundam suit with bazooka's for hands to use clearing the 11th Floor.

    1. Endilix


      I dunno man. If we're going down this road, I'd have to throw my hat in for Mack making Gurren Lagann.

    2. Mack


      Obviously, we'll make this instead... nothing says Crimson Blades like this...


    3. Endilix


      Mack. The only thing people will be saying is Crimson Blades after that thing takes the field. In fact, they'll probably be shouting it. In a chant.

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  2. Fresh Guacamole made... now, to work and post. Not necessarily in that order.

  3. Going to make a good effort to try and Grandmaster my Axe before the boss raid. Getting close.

    1. Calrex


      To grandmaster my sword will require 27 SP...whelp I've got a while to go XD

    2. Zeke


      I chose curved-sword...

    3. Lowenthal


      And once again, Calrex goes into the wilderness to find that elusive beast only know to us as......Crafting Materials

  4. Guys, I am sorry. I'm cranking out crafts and getting no love for Perfect Items. I'll keep crafting. 

    1. Mack


      That is exactly what crafting is like as a Blacksmith. Nailed it.

    2. Mack


      Lately though, It's been more like this with the crafting...


    3. Piera


      *starts making elaborate shrine and offerings to the Random Number Gods*
      Gotta shake off the bad juju Mack!

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  5. Happy Birfday, Jevi!

    1. Jevi


      Thanks Mack! :D

  6. Happy Birthday Erroneous... welcome to the wonderful world of the same age as me! :)

    1. Hirru


      Now here's the more serious question.. Is Erroneous the one saying "F**k you" or is he Sarge with his shotgun chasing the trolls away?

    2. Jevi
    3. Mack


      I'm going to go with... both.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. Happy Birthday Vasth!


    1. Kalesh


      Saaaaaaadly it's something I fished up xP So you can use it for a +1 LD buff for an entire thread. Once. Fun fact, it stacks with food, which also stacks with items. For example, a +2 LD Accessory, +2 fish, +2 food can land you with +6 LD. So like. Dang. You could also add a performer song over that if you REALLY want.

      Feel free to add Lil' Lucky to your items, if you need the stats, it's in my evaluations :P I'll add the trade to my transactions in a bit.

    2. Opal


      -releases her grip on him- :D 

    3. Vasth


      Vasth gaps for breath.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  8. Having all pending crafts cleared sure is nice. All in submission now.

  9. Hilarious amounts of success on the Crafting Attempts today... the RNGods favor me.

    1. Kalesh


      And now you are a bit more prepared for when they fail you! Huzzah! Gonna harass the local tailors for a plushie soon? ;D

    2. Mack


      Mayhaps I will, mayhaps.

    3. Takao


      rngesus giveth and rngesus taketh away. enjoy it while you can, for the dice be a fickle mistress.

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  10. I have 1 Perfect Blacksmith item, who wants it? Preference given to Assault Team people that need a weapon, shield, or armor. 

    1. Zelrius


      I will take it, 2 Paralyze 1 Bleed, This will be going to our support Unit.

    2. Mack


      You mean Persephone? She already has her weapon and armor.

  11. I have an idea for a bragging rights thread for Level 20+ characters. If you're interested, drop me a PM and we can start a discussion thread. Should be a lot of fun if there's enough interest.

    1. Clarence
    2. Zelrius


      I keed naturally. I would offer to join, But I rarely post. However, I will be keeping up just to see how it goes along.

    3. Mack


      Naturally, Zelrius, none of us could hope to even be worthy to hold so much as a candle to you in the snappy dressing department :)

      I also see you're very handy with a weapon. :)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. I present to you, the thought process of the mighty Cait Sith...

    And always remember, Mack desires exactly two rubs of his belly. Any more and he will bite the [censored] out of you, per protocol.

    1. Piera


      Pffff, oh god that would be a bit too appropriate. I actually think one of the Cait Sith did specialize in claw weapons! Shirosu?
      *waits for Mack to start posting before climbing on top of warm keyboard* x3

    2. Shirosu


      I totally did XD seeing as im a cat, may as well fight like one.

    3. Carambit


      My GOD I love Zefrank1's videos.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. I think I'm caught up everywhere except my thread with Teayre and in the shop. More to come.

    1. Zelrius


      Your fight with Lowe

  14. I'm also traveling this weekend and I have to get some work done by Sunday... work that's not optional. So, I will post when I can and, if I don't catch it Friday or Saturday, look for a major posting blitz on Sunday... by which I mean every thread where I owe.

    1. Piera


      Hope you manage to have a good weekend with work and travel. Save some energy for that posting blitz!

    2. Kalesh


      Enjoy :P If I'm lucky by the time you get back I'll have caught one fish!

      Gotta make the most of it when travelling xD

  15. I'm sitting on 5 rare item crafts. If you want one I'll put them on sale for 400 col, each. I want col, not mats. Let me know.

    1. Azide


      If you've been sitting on them, I'm going to want a pretty decent discount.

    2. Mack


      400 col is a decent discount... most merchants (regardless of type) sell rares for 700-900 col.

      Also, I was only sitting on them to see if they might hatch into Perfects or twice as many Uncommons. So far, no success.

    3. Azide


      "Hmmm, if I purchase these from Mack, perhaps I can hatch them and sell them for a neat profit," thought Azide.

  16. Is changing the appearances of avatars allowed? My first choice when I signed up was taken, but it doesn't look like that player is active anymore and so, I'm curious.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Beoreson


      I got a 23% ok my German final!

    3. Beoreson


      I should go to sleep. My English is not looking very good either.







    4. Mack


      Alright... I did it. Change made and now I can post things like this...


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  17. Is hypothermia a thing in SAO?

    1. Carambit


      I mean they did seem to emphasize the need for warm clothing in the cold environments, like when Kirito went with Liz that time. But I can't think of any actual effects it would have... Maybe a status effect? Similar to paralysis but with freezing?

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Unless stated you won't suffer negative effects. Stated would be cases like Cerberus where the heat can burn.

    3. Kalesh


      It should be noted that Lisbeth and Kirito did wear cloaks/jackets when going to see the dragon, so I suspect you would probably feel rather uncomfy at least :P

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  18. Is there a posting order for the Boss Fight Thread?

    I just crunched the numbers, and I can do something really amusing (and beneficial) if I go now.

    1. Mack


      Nevermind, I thought I had a 12x AOE... I only have a 9x AOE.

      I thought I could dash in and, on just a basic hit, wipe 4 of the knights. I was wrong.

    2. Zelrius


      Nine is fine. In fact, We were just talking about a new Start in Skype chat. Create a Group message with myself and Takao and I will go over my plan with you two.

    3. Mack


      I can't Skype at work :(

      Just let me know what I need to do and I'll get right on it.

  19. Just spilled half a liter of soda all over me. Then I had to clean it up. Lesson learned: Don't try to do a fancy fountain pour into your mouth. It doesn't end well.

    1. Beoreson


      Yes, I learned that lesson a long time ago. Sorry I didn't warn you.

      *thousand mile stare*

    2. Mack


      At least it was a clear soda, since I'm at work and all. A cola would have been bad, as the uniform has a white shirt.

    3. Beoreson


      That would have been very bad, and lucky you didn't pick up a cola.

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  20. Level 22... I think I can make it to 23 or 24 before the Boss Raid.

    1. Ssendom


      8 SP, I did it in 4 days. So not hard thing to accomplish. 27 is going to be a tad more difficult. 25 thanks to you in the Iron Guardian.

    2. Takao


      I'm aiming for 13 SP. gotta get dat martial arts skill

  21. Liking the new theme option for the board, very nice.

  22. Mack is loading up on goodies to share with the Assault Team when we go tackle the boss. Cheers. :)

    1. Mack


      If I get everything I'm after... for the raid thread I'll have a Base Damage of 11, hit for 12 on a 9, and 13 on a 10... and on crits. I'll deal a hilarious -12 over two turns (-2 Bleed, -2 Burn, -2 Poison each for 2 turns).

      Tanks, eat your hearts out. Glass Cannon for the win. :)

  23. Making dinner right now, then posting. If anyone wants to learn how to make restaurant quality Mac & Cheese... message me on Skype and I'll show you right now while I make it for me.

    1. Endilix


      Oh my god Eulalia. Thank you for that. xD

      Mack, can I just add you because you're a cool dude? I'm about to sleep, so I dunno if I'd have time to watch you make amazing Mac and Cheese. Haha.

    2. Mack


      Endilix, go for it, my feelings won't be hurt.

    3. Endilix


      Well that's good! I just sent it. Man, if you had said no, that would've been so awkward.

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  24. Newbie Player with an OP thread way down on 1... feel free to jump in. The char. may bite, figuratively speaking, but the player doesn't.

    1. Beoreson


      Hey I'm new as well, I'm just waiting for my Journal to be approved. I'll join you when I can.

    2. Mack


      Sounds like a plan to me. Let me know when you're approved and I'll get you the link to the thread. Narshe's in there as well.

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