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Status Updates posted by Creius

  1. I resigned myself to solo EaL a whole bunch of times for mats and am currently pounding out posts as fast as I can. I got curious how fast I typed so I went over to a typing test and did it. I was wondering what everyone else usually scores. I know speed is not everything, but it is definitely something to brag about maybe xD I was scoring between 70 to 80 WPM with 350 to 400 CPM. Here's the site I just used if you're curious and don't know


    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Creius


      Why don't you then? xD I'm sure you could as long as you buff yourself, which is what I plan on doing most definitely. With the right crystals/pots/food the quest should be easily doable

    3. Rain


      I could do it, but I want to wait for the rest of the quest to come out. There's only 2 of the 4 nights of the quest.

    4. Creius


      Fair enough, makes sense to wait to do them all. I'm interested to see where they go

  2. @Asterios

    I don't want to wait for the post D; Did I bite it? That's another hit and I'm just curious if my armour held up this time. You don't have to say anything, of course. Just worried about myself

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Aster


      @Hunie Good to know, although I have to agree with Rain's comment. Creius may be stunned and in this case another player may use a potion on him (will this rule change be announced somewhere?), but what happens when a player is near death and just not stunned? In a large group like Asterios, the monster's turn happens several times in between one player's turn. In that case, they're just as dead as a stunned person because it's a matter of them not getting to react for several monster attacks because that's just the turn order.

      I would really like to suggest limiting the number of players allowed in event bosses in the future, but that's just my two cents. 

    3. Seul


      Baldur actually came up with something the other day to remedy that and with his method I don't think we would need to limit the number of people in the fight to reduce boss actions-

      You can read his idea here.

    4. Oikawa


      @Rain Discussing with fellow staff, will have an answer soon enough.

  3. Well, good game I guess. It was fun. Five hundred posts is not a terribly large amount of writing. Hopefully, I'll be back >:D I just ask two things. One <.< Please pay some mind to that idea proposed by Baldur. Seems like a good fix to what ended up screwing me over. Second :D Kill the (insert creative censor). There are still a few people in danger and I would hate to come back and learn that the boss claimed more souls. I still have some threads I need to complete so I'll get those done first. Guess this is goodbye

    ヾ(^_^) bye-bye!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Opal


      What sense would that make? I am sure he'd rather lick his wounds and go elsewhere after finishing his death scene. If you decide to make an alt, come to the dark side, I'll powerlevel your character as well. You are a great player, there should be no reason for a player to leave a community for that without giving them a little extra help. I'll be here if ya need me, whenever. 

    3. Shirosu


      Daww ;n; sorry Creius, i was rooting for you to pull through. When you come back just let everyone know and we will probably all be there to help you along! :3

    4. Xion


      You're always welcome to rejoin the site good sir, I'm just sorry that I wasn't able to tank for you and save your character. Feel free to poke me or any other KOB member if you make a new character, I'll happily help you out. 

  4. Any Artisan able to make me a Healer's Amulet before the Nerius fight commences? If not that's alright. If so, please contact me. I'll pay a bit extra for the small window of time that the order has to be completed in.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Teayre


      Got a load of crafts, making all the uncommon items for nerius

    3. Teayre


      @Creius, Items are made pending approval atm

    4. Teayre


      @Creius All done and replied!

  5. Did anyone else know that apparently there is a National Espresso Day and that it is November 23rd? Guess I need to pull my old machine out and make a few cups.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Calrex


      Or it might be empty by the time it gets here XD "Confiscated due to questionable liquid content"

    3. Creius


      Well, at least then someone got to enjoy my hard work. I would have poured blood, sweat and tears into that cup! Or maybe not! That would be disgusting!

    4. Calrex


      ...on second thought maaaybe I'll pass on that cup of espresso XD

  6. Can someone pray to the dice gods with me? I just want a hit, either the boar or me I do not care. Just a hit at all will do. I want to pray before this gets too bad xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creius


      I put it as Solo but I can always change it. I wouldn't mind some company. Making a loner character was a bit of a hard choice xD If you do not mind RPing with someone who hates people in general then you're welcome to jump in. Just let me know :D

    3. Takneil


      ah sadly I asked staff and switching Sp to PP is no longer allowed :(

    4. Creius


      Oh, okay *shrugs* Mmk, maybe later then 

  7. I love being lucky and all but when you have to write four missed attacks for your opponent in a row it gets a bit boring.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amira


      Only four? O_o

    3. Macradon


      Something something ... accuracy

    4. Rain


      That was before I capped my accuracy. xD

  8. Hopped online, see a post about Asterios going South, check the boss roll, cried a bit. I don't want to roll crits anymore ;-; If there's an anymore after this xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Helios
    3. Baldur


      I'm pulling for ya man! Stay alive!

    4. Creius


      I'm hoping :) Waiting on Asterios to see what he rolls


  9. It's nice when your transmission decides to go in the middle of a two hour drive ;~; GG Life, well played

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HighNoonMich


      When I was in the Air Force, a boy I dated loved drag racing, hot rods, motorsports, etc. I learned quite a bit about vehicles because I let myself get all interested in it for him. It turns out I actually really like the stuff, but I hate being dirty. So at least I know when something's wrong, but I could never do anything about it myself. :( I hate grease.

    3. Creius


      My father, grand-father, and great-grandfather are all into cars so I was kinda sick of it by the time I grew up. I know about it, more so out of necessity, but I don't enjoy it as much. I decided that rockets and jets were more my speed. However, I can't deny how cool it was to walk through my great-grandfather's garage and see a whole bunch of restored Model A's and other such old-time cars.

    4. HighNoonMich


      yeah, model As are nice. depends on what you do with them though. lol I love watching drag races,so.

  10. Been on a bit of leave due to school picking up and scrambling about as I finish preparations for my internship at Lockheed. I'm back, though, and see quite a few things have changed. If anyone is interested in writing with me, hit me up. Gonna go thoroughly read all the new rules and change my stats to comply with them

    1. Baldur


      Wow! Gratzon on the internship!

      We've still got our thread we can finish up.

    2. Morgenstern
    3. Lessa


      Well hey, I just found my way back too. I'd love to write with you again, if you're up for it.

  11. @Corvo, thanks for your name popping up xD Made me want to play Dishonored again and I saw it was on sale on Steam for $3.29. You just landed me a pretty sweet deal

    1. Hydra


      That is a pretty sweet deal! *Rushes off to also buy it*

    2. Creius


      If you feel like spending $10 then you can get all the DLC too

    3. Hydra


      ooh nice! Thanks for the info. All I can remember from last time is blinking and making rats eat people. Ah those were the days ^^

      oh and that really creepy song

  12. I'm really itching to write something. Anyone up to interact with Creius

    1. Morgenstern


      Ooh.... *Extends hand upwards* PICK ME

    2. Creius


      How did I know you were going to be the first to respond? xD You still in that old PM we have?

    3. Morgenstern


      probably not.... I have ran out of Pm space  lot and delete a lot of messages

  13. For a few weeks now I thought I was going insane ;~; I usually wear my headset whenever at my computer so I can listen to music and stuff in peace. I recently picked up the habit of not bothering to plug my mic in and since then I've been hearing voices in my head xD I just realized that, somehow, my mic jack is picking up a local radio station. What the heck!?

    1. Calrex


      PFFT! That's awesome. Try to tune it and see if you can pick up government transmissions :P

    2. Baldur
  14. So... I thought it would be interesting, seeing as how the dice system has hit ratios being 50/50 without any bonuses, to see how often I could accurately guess whether I would hit when I flipped a coin. I've flipped the coin. Three times tails came up, the side I chose to indicate a miss. Those three rolls? 9, 9, and 10... I don't know if this is RNGesus loving me or hating me. It works both ways.

    1. Creius


      Also, all this stuff that's going on just makes me all the happier that I am not a frontliner xD Too much stress

  15. I thank the dice gods for their many blessing upon my soul. I thought this day was just going to be full of crap and they have made my day infinitely better. Praise to RNGesus

  16. Welp, for those in the Nerius thread, if you do not have a Healer's Amulet, I have four amulets to give in my inventory. Thank Teayre for the amulets, I'm just the middle man ;~; Just let me know and add it to your post

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