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Posts posted by Domarus

  1. Pinball seemed to have spaced out for a moment or two there before he finally snapped back into it, and shook his hand.  Pinball seemed to be nervous and turned to Keres to greet her.  The girl smiled and bowed to him.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you master Pinball~"  As Pinball looked at Rhozarth the dragon would look down on him, as if the human weren't worth looking at.  If Pinball mentioned this, Domarus would explain that his familiar had come with a side of pride, and it was hard working with him at times.  Pinball didn't seem interested in conversation much.  While Domarus didn't care for it much either and would rather focus on his plans to get stronger and further establish control in this world, his reputation was important.  Hestia asked Domarus if he knew anything about this quest, which with all of his spies out there he knew just about every quest now.  Progress was finally being made.
    "The boss in question has around eight hundred and thirty health or so, as well as eighty mitigation and one hundred thirty damage.  He deals sixty damage at minimum no matter your mitigation, applies a bleed effect with each hit that lasts longer than players can create.  Every now and then he increases the damage of he and his mate's damage by ten.  His mate is weaker in all regards, and also only has the bleed ability, also weaker.  All in all just leave the female to myself as I have AoE attacks.  Focus on the male above all else.  The only issue we'd have is if we run out of energy.  Have you got that energy mod yet Hestia?  Or were you not planning to get that one?"


  2. OOC Note:  Adrian convinced Pinball that Outlander did that to Fae, not Domarus

    Adrian laughed more at hearing Pinball's words before Domarus started pulling at his chain, forcing him to move away from the boy.  Adrian grinned wickedly at Pinball as if he had a new best friend.
    "Let me know how it turns out my friend!!  Just let dommy here know and he'll tell me aaaaall the juicy details!"  He began to laugh wildly again and waved his hand goodbye to the player hiding behind the door.  Domarus turned his attention to the door but didn't see anything.  Was Adrian being crazy again or was someone actually there?  He doubted that anyone could have sharp senses other than him, but the kid was a trained assassin with searching skills...  Then Hikoru appeared again and approached Domarus.  When he spoke he knew it was a bulls**t speech and lecture that he'd need to deceive his way through again.  When Hikoru had finished Domarus spoke as if he wasn't offended, even though he was planning to crush the man's spirit and emotional side into dust.
    "No need to apologize Hikoru, I never meant to go further than you had seen.  I know you were listening now, since you just appeared here, so you know the purpose of that action.  And the only 'agenda' we have is to get Adrian back to his cell and bind the ten player killers we caught, keep them from escaping.  See you in the next boss raid Hikoru."  With the player gone he looked back to where Adrian had looked, narrowing his eyes a bit through his helmet.  Rhozarth was about to dash but Domarus spoke, stopping him from doing so.
    "Not now.  We'll send someone else to investigate.  We have other matters to attend to.  Adrian, move."

    Domarus leaves the thread

  3. Domarus' eyes narrowed, seething with rage.  Evidently Raven didn't talk with her after he told her to.  He was going to have to fix this one way or another.  Her arrogance was something he couldn't wait to shatter.  He grinned under his helmet and said to Hestia, while Pinball was still out of earshot
    "When Itzal and his guild fall apart, he wouldn't be able to do jack s**t.  You should start taking my word as gospel when I say that his guild will be destroyed."  When she told him about the serpent he sneered under his helmet.
    "You basically told me you plan to end my goals one way or another so no.  At this point I'll never do so.  And he does that if you're doing something against me, so I'll be adding more eyes and ears.  Ones that can tell me exactly what you're doing."  When Hestia teased him on his acting for reputation he replied with:
    "I think Raven and I will be going on a little trip soon.  May take weeks.  I'll leave some of my spies to babysit you from the shadows as well."  Right after he said that Pinball was within earshot.  When Pinball approached he gave Domarus the simplest of greetings.  Domarus turned to him, being introduced to Hestia who wisely decided to remain neutral in introductions.  Domarus faced Pinball and nodded, holding out his armored hand to shake Pinball's own.
    "Greetings Pinball.  It's nice to meet you again.  This is my ally and friend Keres, and this is my familiar Rhozarth.  Hopefully today will go far differently than that incident with those players.  I've had a busy week because of that uproar."


  4. Domarus sat in his study looking at a few maps and reports.  Recently it was revealed that several players were planning on forming a crime guild so he needed to be ten steps ahead of them.  Right now...  He was seven.  He had connections virtually everywhere at this point, his information network virtually established.  Most information would reach his ears within moments, increasing his reaction timing for virtually everything.  He had a player he trained, Mercury, looking for more players to join his guild.  Adrian was locked up again as he should be.  Raven was still training under him of course and Embers was busy being Embers.  Domarus was slowly gaining allies in both the illegal and legal areas.  Even further so, his reputation was skyrocketing.  Not only were players learning about him preventing another illegal guild from starting, but they were also hearing for the first time that he took out two player killer guilds.  His fame was beginning to rise steadily, slowly but surely.  Fairly soon he'd be known by many players, and feared by a few player killers, excluding the professionals.  But that was to be expected.  He was in the middle of planning out the steps to take to counteract this new guild coming up soon, when he received another message, not from a spy but from Hestia.  Inviting him to a quest.  Good, he needed to kill something.
    "Keres, come on we're heading out."  Keres heard his call and bowed, moving to fetch the familiars while Domarus equipped his silver suit and his two handed ax.

    Domarus appeared on the floor and walked over to Hestia soon as he saw her.  Keres followed close behind in her maid outfit, and the two familiars beside her.
    "Ember remember.  So much as a hint of my personality, goals, or anything of the sort, and you'll never see daylight.  That's a promise I'll never break.  Act it if you must, but drop all appearance of frustration, anger, annoyance, and general disgust with me while around others.  I know how hard it must be for you, but I know even you can wear a mask when you need to."


  5. While Sharr was typing out his message, Rhozarth watched from the shadows.  Confirming that Sharr was a definite one to watch in the future he snuck back inside where Domarus was, giving him signals since he couldn't actually talk.  From them Domarus learned that he'd need to watch Sharr closely and for a long period of time.  He nodded.
    "Good work Rhozarth.  Come, let's pick up Adrian and head back now." 

    Adrian watched as @Pinball slipped to the ground.  When Pinball gave his response Adrian snickered and walked over to Pinball, squatting in front of the player, his face directly in front of his.
    "Awww, look at the poor little kid, his spirit broken upon finding out someone he thought was a friend is actually messed up in the head.  Well guess what dead eyes?  You're messed up as well.  Everyone's got it.  That sickness eating away at your brain.  Consider this death game the key that unlocks it.  Little Fae is a psycho now, she even speaks in third person.  That's an easy sign she's kookoo.  Best accept that she'll practice becoming a serial killer."  He grinned wickedly as he sat beside Pinball as if they were best pals, his eyes leering from underneath his hood.
    "Of course, you won't settle with this won't you?  The thought of losing a friend to madness was too much wasn't it?  Know what helps?  Revenge,"  he said with a grin, his voice smooth, silky.  If Pinball wasn't careful his words could easily sway him.
    "She was crazy, but it was Outlander who pushed her over the edge.  Why else would she suddenly jump on that train after all?  Not something that happens instantly after all.  It's all Outlander's fault.  So how about you get off your sorry a** and go-"  he heard Embers call out at Pinball.  He gave a sort of semi chuckle giggle noise and turned his head backwards, looking at Embers upside down with that wide grin on his face.
    "Hi Auntie @Embers!  How ya doin?  We aren't leaving already are we?  I'm finally enjoying myself after three months of being locked alone in that cave.  Wanna play a game before we go?"
         "Adrian shut up before I make you.  I should have put tape over your mouth before coming here."  Adrian laughed wildly, leaning on Pinball and whispered:
    "Let him go unpunished or get payback for what the b**tard did to her, you're choice~"

  6. Adrian watched in annoyance as Fae ran off before turning to @Pinball.
    "Well congrats ya f***ing jacka**.  The first bit of actual conversation since three months that ends up being available to me and you blow it off.  You people are no fun."  He turned to Pinball , his eyes hidden by the hood but his unnerving grin still visible.
    "Although, I suppose I could have some fun with you~  What will it be my fine sir?  Should we chat till my warden comes back, or how about a little duel?  Not using the system of course, no weapons.  I wanna see the look on your face when I beat you without any stats at all,"  he said, his grin growing into a wicked smile, one of nothing but sheer insane pleasure.  If Pinball attacked, took a defensive stance, turned and left, or just stood there silently, Adrian would take it as a sign of dueling.  If that was the case, Adrian would say
    "DUEL IT IS!!"  and rush Pinball, moving almost too fast to see, using at least twelve different forms of martial arts in his fighting style, using any of Pinball's strengths against him, and used the chain to his advantage when Pinball least expected it.  If he chose to chat with Adrian, the child would snicker and say
    "While I'm shocked that anyone would talk with me, I am indeed pleased and flattered.  So what's you're deal with that b****?"


    Domarus heard @Embers complaint and sent her a message while he was behind a counter, the message reading as such:


    Three things

    The first being that I'm thinking ahead:  If we let them go chances of them gathering others to help them are great, which means more for you to fight and possibly even kill.  Remember what I said about patience?  It affects the rewards in the end as well.

    The second is that we need to pay a group of players a visit.  A group who needs to spill some information, and these fools will never get the info we need.  You have my permission to do whatever you want to them as long as there's one who can talk remaining.

    The third, is that we need to work on a plan on bringing Hikoru to his knees.  So after we get the information we need.  I'm calling for a meeting.  Understood?

    He turned to @Hestia when she spoke, and replied as if she were making a joke that wasn't funny, or just failing at it in general.
    "Hey, that's not fair.  I rarely use this method.  I've only used it once before, all other times I've been able to talk my way out of anything, with combat only as a last resort.  The information on them was solid too, I wanted to make sure I caught them before things went too far...  That and I have a psychotic individual that I had to bring with me today, so I wanted to wrap this up quickly so I could lock him up again.  Long story, I'll tell you later."

  7. OOC-  @Hikoru pushing against his throat won't do anything to him due to this being a safe zone, and Domarus is wearing a full suit of armor, including neck armor and helmet that conceals his face

    When Domarus was kicked he wasn't affected much at all, other than pissed off.  He didn't feel any pain.  He wasn't mentally distracted or confused.  He calmly looked at Hikoru even as he was thrown though the air.  The glass didn't shatter but showed the typical <<Immortal object>> sign.  Before Hikoru spoke, Domarus spoke up first.
         "Óchi. Kratíste ton igéti apó ti diafygí."  He was speaking to his familiar Rhozarth, who was hiding in the shadows on the ceiling.  The dragon was about to attack Hikoru for harming his master but upon hearing his orders, the dragon would focus on @Outlander.  If the player tried to escape the red, flaming, black armored dragon would charge down and prevent him from leaving.  Domarus was annoyed and infuriated by the man.  When it came to intimidation he was decent enough, but his little speech was oh so poorly done.  He also made Domarus' enemy list which was a big mistake.  He'd need to investigate the man further and find a way to make him pay for this without leading it back to himself.  At any rate, when Hikoru was finished giving his little speech, Domarus pushed Hikoru off of him with sheer force, but did not put enough to shove him back.  Just enough to get up.
    "I won't waste our time explaining.  From what I know of you, I doubt you'd listen to me anyway."  There was no aggression, anger, or anything else of the sort in his voice or tone.  Just facts.  He turned to @Hestia.
    "That was the entire point Hestia.  I never planned to go any further than that.  They've learned by now not to mess with us.  They know now that we'll be keeping an eye on them.  I never came here with the intention of killing them.  I only came to give a little demonstration and to teach them something.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Hikoru may be one to react based on emotion alone, but I don't.  Everything I've done was planned from the beginning, thought out carefully."  @Embers spoke up next, angry at what Hestia was telling him.  He waited until she finished before speaking to her.
    "Even if you wanted to kill them you couldn't inside a safe zone.  And they haven't killed anyone...  Not yet at least.  I'll be keeping a very close eye on you and Fae,"  he said to Outlander.
    "The first sign of criminal activity of any sort.  Your put away permanently.  Understood?"  He turned to the other player who started talking again, and walked over to him.  He stood directly in front of the player, standing six foot six in his full suit of silver armor.
    "Greetings.  My name is Domarus.  I hope to bring peace, cooperation, and justice throughout Aincrad one day, one step at a time.  I've already destroyed two illegal guilds and am currently hunting down a third.  If you need an item just let me know.  I'll be watching you as well however, so behave, understood?"  He turned to Hestia and nodded.
    "I'll be leaving for now.  My friends will keep close eye on them so you don't have to worry too much.  Embers, I found a place recently with powerful mobs that may prove to be a challenge.  Mercury, inform Raven that we're done here.  I've got to get Adrian and bring him back to his den...  Oh, and I'll be sending a warning about Fae as well.  I heard enough to know that she has the strong potential to turn into a player killer so I may as well warn the public."

  8. Domarus grabbed @Outlander and pushed his arm against him, basically hanging him against the wall with sheer brute strength.  This guy wasn't too shabby really.  If he had been better with his words, with his planning, and with his actions, then maybe he would have been worth partnering up with.  Unfortunately for him, Domarus considered his skills at manipulation and deception to be rather low compared to his own.  And he didn't exactly think this through.
    "Barkeep, you can go home now.  Thank you very much for the message.  So you're Outlander then eh?  You talk big for the position you're in.  Green cursors mean nothing as well.  It's possible to manipulate others to kill for you, there's the redemption quest, and luring players into a trap with other pkers, monsters higher than their level, and tricking someone into a full loss duel are many ways one can use to kill.  In addition, if you haven't killed someone yet, doesn't mean that's your plan.  I have many friends and all of them got you're message.  The barkeep is an old friend of mine so he told me all the juicy little details.  That and seeing how Fae ran away first chance she got doesn't help your situation either.  Oh one more thing,"  He said before throwing Outlander across the room, knocking over three tables in the process.  He activated charge and with the incredible speed and momentum, grabbed Outlander's head and slammed it into the wall on the other side.  It didn't hurt him, but it could easily demoralize him with the sheer strength and force of Domarus, as well as make him dizzy, light headed, or just plain weakened.
    "Just because you're in a safe zone, doesn't mean your safe.  I'm stronger than you.  Faster than you.  Smarter than you.  Even if the four of you took me on you'd get nowhere."  He kept holding onto him as he called out to the others.
    " @Hestia could you help round up and bind these players?  I'd like to get them somewhere secure as soon as we can."

  9. As @Fae ran into the street, escaping Mercury, she'd be hit, stumbling, knocked over, or if none of the above just moved closer towards the building by an eight year old in a ragged, ripped up cloak.  While the figure would have a thick chain on him and wouldn't be able to move too far away, he was insanely fast and violent, as well as a cunning srategist.  The figure grinned wickedly as he walked over.
    "Ohoho, don't mind me darling!  Truth be told I don't give a s**t whether you stay or leave, I'm just looking for a source of entertainment.  Being locked in a cave for months does that to a boy...  Well, at least more than usual!  So stay a while~  Dommy in there won't be coming out any time soon so we have some time to chat darlin."  Domarus watched as Fae escaped and knew that she would most likely escape since Adrian had a particular soft spot for insanity and children.  He'd just send a message to all of Aincrad after all of this.  After all he had captured ten, eleven already.  This ought to grab the frontline's attention.  He heard one of the players talk and listened to what he said before saying: 
    "No offense, but how stupid do you think we are boy?"  With that Embers went all hell on him.  As she did so he heard Hikoru mention something about gathering intel, then Hestia mention getting information and scaring them, not beating them up with brute force.  He turned to her, his weapon still drawn, held to reduce the chances of either @Vigilon or @Outlander escaping.
    "I already know pretty much everything save for their names.  And even that won't be for very long now.  I have a face, so a name isn't too far away.  All that's left is for these people to be arrested and locked away.  If you don't have that prison established yet I have a place we can store them in the meantime."  When she spoke to the player beside Outlander he frowned in confusion before looking back at him.  He saw through the disguises and recognized him, chuckling.
    "Well if it isn't the noble @Vigilon!  My apologies sir, I mistook you for one of them.  Go join Hestia over there if you will, there's still some cleaning up to do," he said, swinging his weapon again at Outlander, faster than most people in heavy armor usually swung.  He was a true master of combat he liked to think.

  10. Sometimes even Domarus was surprised and shocked at the foolish mistakes and errors people made.  The normal lives of other people he didn't bother with mostly, other than ensuring they knew him as a great person, building up that reputation (all for the purpose of being untouchable when it came to legal matters of course).  When it came to criminal, political, military, investigating, murderous, and heroic matters, as well as others however, he tended to keep a keen eye and ear out.  Well to be more specific, eyes and ears everywhere.  Before he had established his guild, however small it may be, he had a few spies who worked for him.  Easily swayed by his powers of persuasion and manipulation.  After the founding of his guild, he acted more so to recruit new members, gaining one or two but also successfully establishing a massive information network.  Unlike other spy networks however, he made sure to meet every single one of them before they started working with him, and ensured that they were utterly loyal and faithful to him.  Which interestingly enough they were.  Of course, the little bit about a player wanting to recruit others for a criminal orange guild, as well as the little hint to getting to the player in question?  That was something that even a novice could discover. 

    Evidently the player sent people out to tell it to just about anyone who didn't look noble, honorable, just or heroic.  Before his informants even reported this to Domarus he received it himself.  And with that, he had the opportunity.  He acted quick since the player was doing just that himself, sending a message to Embers, Raven, and another player who'd joined:  Mercury.  Since they needed numbers on their side for this one, he also picked up Adrian.  An eight year old boy who had been turned into a master assassin, capable of just about anything.  Domarus had one of his spies 'alter' some of the information, leading some wannabe pkers to believe it was a specified time and that they had to wait before entering.  Therefore, when the five of them arrived, there were ten players waiting outside the building.  They were currently beating said players to a pulp, none of them escaping.

    Domarus was in his silver suit of armor as he fought.  This was a safe zone so these players thought they were invincible.  Domarus was proving them wrong first hand.  He was taking on two, since everyone was assigned to two players.  He grabbed one of them and threw him into the ground, the player bouncing back into the air from the sheer force of Domarus' blow, before he grabbed him and threw him at the other player, toppling them over.  He saw one of them recover quickly and start running, activated charge, grabbed the man and slammed him so hard into the wall of a nearby building he could have sworn he saw the <<immortal object>> sign glitch out a little.  He then took his weapon from it's sheath, and swung the two handed battle ax with his right hand alone, hooking the blade around his other opponent who was also attempting to flee, and swung him into the wall directly beside his partner.  He then swung his ax into the wall to keep them from running away.  Just standing there, a six foot six tall suit of silver armor that looked both awe inspiring to those who knew and liked him, and intimidating to those whom he was fighting.  He turned to @Embers, Raven, Mercury and Adrian with his targets unable to go anywhere.  Adrian was having a blast with his time.  He was literally attacking his opponents in such a way that he wondered when they were going to die of sheer terror.  Of course to ensure the overenthusiastic psychotic murderer didn't escape, he had chained him to the street in a way no one could get it out without sheer force.  Which of course while Adrian was skilled he lacked any form of strength as an eight year old, even with his skills and stats.
    "I've got these two.   Adrian, when you're done playing with your new toys I want you to stand in the front discretely and take down anyone who approaches, keeping them from escaping."  Adrian gave a wicked smile to him and took a deep breath.
    "Domy, you gave me a day to beat the s**t out of people and taste that free air.  Whyyyyy Noooot?  Heh heh heh!" 
         "Embers, there are four others inside so we'll take them on, understood?  The two players in cloaks and masks, as well as the bar tender are not to be touched as they are allies.  Everyone else is free game, understood?  Mercury!  You're tasked with ensuring no one exits through windows or other entrances besides the doors.  Raven!  You guard the back entrance/exit.  Embers, let's head in."

    Domarus walked towards the front door and kicked it down, the sound echoing through the room.  He walked in holding a massive sword in his hand rather than the ax.  Since it was a safe zone, he needn't concern himself with what weapon he was using.  He spotted Hestia and Pinball in disguise, and five others.  One he recognized as Fae (an eleven year old girl who gets out there is bound to be noticed by his spies who look for anything).  So she had turned dark?  Or was she always this way?  Either or, whether she was arrested now or escaped she'd be known as a criminal.  He didn't hesitate to speak, not giving anyone else the chance to act.
    "In hindsight, you may want to be a little more intelligent in how you invite other players to join an illegal guild.  At any rate it's time to surrender."  He activated the charge skill, as Adrian would be watching for any coming in or out of the building, and would grab two players ( @Vigilon & @Outlander) and threw them into the wall, reducing the chances of them drawing any weapon.  The wall had no windows and had many bookcases and shelves, preventing them easy escape anyhow.  Domarus swung his weapon at @Fae and the other stranger ( @Sharr), but ensured that there was enough room for Embers to charge in.  While he did this, a spy of his messaged @Hestia and @Pinball that all exits were blocked, and to aid Domarus in his efforts to bind them.

  11. To Domarus' great disappointment and annoyance, Raven was inside a building in the town, drinking something as she sat.  Domarus turned to look at Hestia who saw Raven and was determined to get her out of the picture.
    "Alright Hestia, this is where we part ways.  I've got some last minute training for your sister and you will not be a part of any of it.  I'll see you later for that quest but remember.  Porvós will still be watching you from the shadows.  If you leak information in any way whatsoever, he will report to me.  And you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life."  With that he moved towards the building Raven was staying in, still in his armor with Rhozarth resting on his shoulder piece.  He walked over to the door which Keres opened and entered the building.  He moved over to the counter and sat down by Raven, ordering a whiskey.  The bar tender gave him the bottle and he took the helmet off, taking a long drink, savoring the burning sensation that poured down his throat.  He then placed it down hard, enough to shake the counter a bit and get Raven's attention.
    "Raven..."  Domarus said, very serious and very, unnaturally calm for his actions.
    "You and I are going to have a chat..."


    Domarus:  3,400 col, 5 sp, Sandstone Potion Armor:  T2 Mitigation potion (30 MIT)

    @Hestia:  2,400 col, 5 sp, Sandstone Potion Armor:  T2 Mitigation potion (30 MIT), Terra Firma Scale [Unique Item - On Consumption, it will grant any Armor a temporary additional Mitigation slot for a thread, this temporary Mitigation slot bypasses the mitigation enhancement limit.]

  12. Hestia had fallen silent which was what Domarus was hoping for...  Somewhat.  On one hand he didn't care, but on another he had some things to think about.  Like what it is Hestia was actually up to.  He planned to figure it out eventually.  It was something that Hestia and Raven would soon realize:  Domarus wasn't capable of having any sort of normal conversation.  Not without trying to manipulate you at least.  Because he never had the opportunity to learn.  His mind was filled with his goals, his plans, his plots and schemes.  Mental lists of people and items of note.  And thus when he spoke outside of his facade his conversations were focused on that.  Soon enough they reached the town of the fifth floor.  When they reached it Domarus scanned the walls and gates to see if Raven was there.  If she was, when they arrived and as soon as Hestia and Raven were done talking he'd walk by whispering softly enough for only Raven to hear:
    "We need to talk, in private.  As soon as possible, understood?"


  13.      "Considering how the highest leveled player in Aincrad at this moment is Calrex, sitting at level eighty four I believe, you're only twenty or so levels below him, and much higher than half the front liners.  I would say you'd be considered one of the stronger ones by this point Ember.  Just don't let that power get to your head when I reach the front lines myself."  He didn't show much reaction in his voice because he didn't really care too much.  He knew there would be players of stronger level than he was, he couldn't change that.  What he could change was the players who worked with him, and those who didn't yet.  He would quite literally build an empire over time, and his importance would be so drastic that if he died or was arrested there could very easily be riots and uprisings in Aincrad.  The instant he had that position in his grasp, there would be no way for him to lose.  Of course he had Ember he needed to keep under surveillance.  That was causing an issue for him and slowing down his progress.  Then Hestia said something about him caring about Raven.  Having a soft spot?
    "You're an idiot if you think that.  Your sister is a quick learner, intelligent and strong.  It's a perfect combination I can weaponize and use at my beck and call.  Due to your intrusion she probably won't be fit as a general.  Of course if given time, and if I can separate you two for just a week or two, I probably could.  In fact, I think I could use a vacation.  Perhaps Raven and I can have some 'bonding' time.
         "And I don't care about other people.  Most everyone are nothing but idiots.  Or they are blind followers.  Arrogant fools, weak individuals who can't stand up on their own properly.  The list goes on.  There's nothing to like about mankind so I have no reason to care about them, let alone seek out friendship.  The relationship is pointless and meaningless in the end, especially when no one has the same mindset as myself."


  14. Domarus had caught his error but he really didn't care too much.  Let her have her fun he thought, cause she wouldn't have it often around him.  When she spoke again she was stating how she could do it herself, she just didn't have much damage at all.  Domarus rolled his eyes under the helmet but let her finish.  She continued, going on about how she was needing to take on a essence of steel a few times and she would be able to deal decent damage, though not as much as Domarus.  Domarus nodded.  
    "I knew you could eventually complete the quest yourself, but without at least decent damage you'd be taking forever.  With me we could clear it out quickly, and thus I use the word carried.  Not an insult to you."  Though I could think of a few in a heartbeat he thought to himself.  Just as he liked to be prepared for any scenario, he also liked to have information on others, whether positive or negative, ready to be used at a moment's notice.  The difference here was she frustrated him so he required self control.  He would definitely talk with Raven after this.
    "And of course you don't have as much damage.  My interest was to gain the most damage in Aincrad, no matter the odds.  If I can do that my reputation will rise.  Well, most damage other than unique skills that is, although I do hope to obtain one.  You on the other hand chose to play tank and supporter, so you getting damage of any sorts would mean that you're an extremely high level.  I intend to catch up at one point myself, and it's my intention to join the next boss raid."


  15. Seeing her roll her eyes established, at least to him, how childish she really was.  If she thought that the guild couldn't be taken out then she was either naive, stubborn, or just...  Well childish which would be both.  At any rate she moved on to the next part of their conversation, and asking him why not just accept the offer to join her on a quest.  She was stating how she was repeating a quest she had already done and wanted someone with damage to help her get through it.  He was there already so it saved her time not having to ask for others to help.  Domarus narrowed his eyes under the helmet, making a mental note to talk to Raven in private about this sudden change in Hestia, and what Raven said to her.  He sighed in slight annoyance at this all.  Something wasn't right and he didn't like it, but he supposed the best way to handle it was to investigate further.  Best way to do that was to keep Hestia close and pretend like he was warming up to her.  It had to start with tolerance with the progression being extremely slow or it wouldn't be believable of course.
    Very well, I'll get you through the quest.  Since you're a tank you probably don't have too much damage correct?  Here's your item by the way.  And as per agreement, sixty fifty," he said as he sent the item to Hestia, along with two thousand col, keeping the three thousand for himself.


  16. She essentially told him right of the bat that she didn't believe him and talked about how all guilds would eventually come undone but that the Celestial Ascendants would last a while.  Domarus scoffed at that.
    "Your funeral.  If you don't take my word for it then it's on you when they're torn apart."  Now this was a method that suited him.  Guilt.  If she was insisting on not trusting him on any level, if she insisted on hating him, he'd make her life a living hell until she did join him.  Either that or just stopped trying to take him down.  He knew about the players Fearx and Chaos, and he also knew about their followers the seven sins and the seven virtues.  He had sent players out to join every one of the guilds in order to gain more information on them.  One of them joined a guild called the Red Claw a while back, whose leader was killed by his own guild when the two players showed up, and manipulated the situation to their will.  After their appearance he ordered his spies to investigate the two and soon enough he had the information he needed.  The player Fearx and Itzal had a history in the real world, and had a grudge against one another.  Enough to the point where they may fight to the death.  Chaos and Fearx had set up a carefully laid plan to bring the guild down.  In all honesty they had every single advantage.  Numbers, cooperation, coordination, manipulation, power, and the fact that none of them were becoming more and more upset with each other like the Ascendants were.  When she told him she wanted to continue the conversation and that was all.  That she wanted the ideas to carry on.  He stared at her.
    "It's a futile method since we both hold deep roots in our beliefs and won't be changing our views no matter what is said.  You have a personal grudge against manipulation which makes it harder for you to change.  I have my own roots, so you know nothing will change because of it.  And the only use you'd have for the knowledge I provide which you despise is to learn more about me and how I operate, which you can use against me.  I find no other reason for you to want a simple conversation with someone you hate and despise."


  17. Hestia went on to try and taunt him, mocking him about his two players who would stand by him with no facade, completely ignoring, missing or forgetting that he'd have an entire army with his facade up.  An army willing and able to die for him if need be.  She was being childish in her response and thus when he replied it would be short.  He turned his head and said:
    "You won't get me with childish taunts Ember.  And don't count on the Celestial Ascendants guild, they won't be around much longer."  With that he opened his menu and moved to prepare the trade to Hestia.  As he navigated through his menu, which was a mess of a system since he had to go long stretches in just to pull out a consumable.  Hestia mentioned how she was going to go off and do the return of the queen quest again since she needed to go and kill some monsters.  Specifically she wanted to get some perfect damage potions, which had been nerfed recently to only give three damage instead of three times tier.  Still, it was additional damage so it worked out in the end he supposed.  However, when she continued, she invited him to come along with her, joining her in a quest.  He stopped navigating his menu and stared at her for a moment in silence.  He was legitimately shocked that she would invite him when she still despised him.
    "What are you up to Ember?  I know you despise me so I doubt you would invite me to join you on another quest so lightly.  Your sister had to drag you here in the beginning so I don't believe for a second that you would invite me to a quest without some sort of plot in mind." 


  18. The first thing Hestia had chosen to cover first was his mentioning the title.  She stated how it seemed to her he was chasing after something, like he wanted to prove something to someone or something.  Domarus scoffed at this.
    "There's no one I care enough about to want to prove anything to.  Think of it as the satisfaction of having won.  That feeling you get when you've completed something you know is difficult.  That's the more accurate description."  He wasn't too impressed with Hestia remaining completely calm under the gaze of his armor.  She had probably faced off against far worse enemies if he was honest.  At any rate, she was moving on to him mentioning being corrupted, stating that he was like other corrupted leaders if that was the case.  She continued even further, stating how she doubted that if he was ever in a tight spot, that no one would back him up in the end.  That no one would fight for him when it truly counted.  Domarus laughed loudly at this.
    "Firstly, I'm not like tyrants of the past.  I know what doesn't work, and I can and will avoid those errors.  The people will love me as I rise up and even after I've established solid power and dominance.  And you don't really get how effective manipulation can be do you Ember?  Won't fight with me when it matters?  I can name two players who would gladly fight by my side to the end while knowing my true nature, and everyone else don't have a clue what I'm truly like and will fight by my side to the end of hell itself.  And they will NEVER find out.  As for your little bit on Kindness and the like I've told you I don't really care about others.  However I know what methods work for certain situations and can very easily convince and persuade.  Once again you're underestimating how powerful manipulation and deception can be if used right.  Until you've seen it in action Ember, truly and not those pathetic parlor tricks, you'll know what I mean."  The boss erupted from the ground and launched at Hestia, striking her shield.  At the same time Domarus used Screw dimension against the boss, killing it and ending the fight.

    ID#  99274  BD:  10  MD:  6

    15x13-38 (phase on BD 10) +74 thorns = 231 dmg

    Boss ded


    [H:4] Domarus:  780/780 = 62/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  966/1205 EN: 92/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  0/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

  19.      "Power Corrupts Absolutely?  You're seriously going with that argument?  You don't get it then, I'm already past the point of no return.  I don't care what happens to others in reality, you could all die for all I care.  But for my plans to succeed I'm required to play the good guy.  Doesn't matter what I want or how I feel, I have to do everything I can to look perfect in every way to the eyes of the public.  I have many plans to do so but I can't stop doing so until the entire world is in my hands and my control.  Even then I can't stop until I've prepared the world for it's change.  I don't care about luxurious foods.  I don't care about women and sex.  I don't care about anything except being on top.  About calling the shots and controlling the laws.  If Alexander the Great had survived and conquered All of the world, he could have been considered the God of that age.  I don't care about titles, but I do want the world to know who I am, and that I and alone was able to seize the whole world in my grasp, and change it to however way I want.  You can keep your good will and kindness.  That can only gain you so many allies.  Whereas I can have as many as I want.  Because to others I'm whatever they need me to be, when in reality they all belong to me."  Domarus turned to face her completely, his visor flashing red.
    You can't fight an enemy you don't know exists.  In this sense, I have the upper hand when it comes to changing the world Ember.  Through your method you'd be fighting against the ocean with nothing but your bare hands, and the bare hands of whoever you call to your aid.  You'll drown in the corruption that fills our world.  Whereas I, I'll work in the shadows, and by the time my true colors are shown it will be too late.  I'll have already gained full control and can change things at my will.  We could have this conversation all day long and you'd be no closer to changing my mind.  You can't convince me that power will corrupt me when I get to the top Ember.  Because when you see that corruption at it's finest, it affects you as well."  He felt movement and swung his ax overhead, turning around to meet his foe as well.  However the boss had appeared in a manner that would be launching itself away from Domarus.  It's freaking taunting me...

    ID#  99249  BD:  3+3-3=3  MD:  4+1=5

    [H:2] Domarus:  780/780 = 75/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  966/1205 EN: 92/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  206/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

  20. Hestia's response was still disappointing, yet at the same time a bit relieving.  At least she had stopped going on about him being an evil son of a b**ch.  While she didn't literally say those words, it was the summary of how she spoke to him and described him.  Now she was stating that they both were similar, but different when it came to end goals.  She talked about how she believed in the current structure of the country and the world.  Domarus sneered at her when she said that.
    "Then you haven't seen the state the world is in Ember.  Either that or your brain dead or just plain old stubborn.  Those people don't want to change.  You think some words and some kind acts will change anything?  You think that you can change the majority of people for the better?  I know there are people whose intentions are good, but they either screw up or sit there and do nothing, just telling people how to live.  I've also seen people seize power and abuse it, they will never change.  You know what's effective however?  Power.  When I came to public school for the first time I gathered followers with my reputation.  When the school tyrants came to take me out, I and my miniature army tore them to shreds and exposed them.  Meanwhile there was no evidence I was evil the entire time.  Guess what?  After I left the school I ran into them again, and they became my underlings.  They recognized power and were willing to work for me, giving me power over them and the ability to watch them closely.  You can't change how someone feels or thinks Ember, not unless you put effort into it.  And the more you try to change the more difficult it is.  If you wanted to change entire cities, states, countries.  You're a fool."  He waited until the boss rushed at Hestia, damaging both of them, before swinging his blade at the creature.  He had barely missed, but the boss was playing the old hit and run tactic, burrowing under after it's attack.  Domarus pierced the ground with the handle.
    "D**n pest."

    ID#  99238  BD:  1  MD:  8


    250-151=99 damage to Hestia

    Boss receives 74 thorns damage

    [H:2] Domarus:  681/780 = 75/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  1052/1205 EN: 91/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  206/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

  21. He couldn't believe she was still going on, and it was very much annoying him that she was too.  He was trying to focus on landing a hit, trying to hit this boss that they had somehow agreed to cooperate with each other long enough to defeat.  Why was she so insistent on distracting him to this degree?  Domarus was becoming more and more frustrated with Hestia and it wasn't about to stop.
    "There are a great more ways to deal with individuals like that Ember, and I don't have the time to state every single one of them because we're in the middle of a Boss Fight and I'm trying to hit this d**n thing!  Suffice it to say that I already have a very long list of methods to handle situations like that, before, during and after they have occurred.  Methods more discrete and more preferable than assassinations.  I have a plan for every and any scenario in which I'm assaulted in public, behind the scenes, through force, words or action.  I have a plan for every single scenario, and a plan if the original plans fail.  Don't try finding some excuse for me to stop my conquest Ember, you can't bring me down easily.  I'm an unstoppable force and I will own the world."  Domarus watched as the boss emerged yet again but this time he didn't intend to hit it.  He saw the monster charge at him and swung his ax only to redirect it.  As he expected the creature was very wary of his ax and was on the edge of it's feet, ready to avoid it at any moment.  He had to catch it off guard, that's how he'd win this fight.  The boss, excited that it believed it had them on the ropes, charged Hestia again and landed a hit.  Although the creature did growl with frustration when it was damaged in return.  Domarus calmly turned around, spinning the massive ax in his right hand.
    "I always learn from my mistakes too.  You won't ever find another piece of paper written by me giving anything away again.  Personality or plan wise.  Not only that, but the paper you have in your inventory won't be much use once I've come up with a method to reduce it's meaning and use to absolutely nothing.  All I have to do is have Porvós tail you until said plan is fully complete.  I, always win Ember.  Give up."

    ID#  99203  BD:  1  MD:  5+1=6

    250-151=99 damage to Hestia

    Boss receives 74 thorns damage

    [H:2] Domarus:  681/780 = 77/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  1136/1205 EN: 91/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  280/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

  22. When Hestia asked him the question he turned his head to her in disbelief, seeing as how she had chosen the absolute worst time to ask him a question like that.  He returned his attention to the battlefield, trying to keep his senses sharp as he gave her an answer in return.
    "You don't know America all that well do you?  Everyone in America is lazy and greedy to the point where they are stupid.  So long as they have their little comforts under the illusion that they have control they are perfectly and utterly content with whatever happens.  Anyone who is able to see through what it is I'm doing, regardless of my discretion, will either join me or will be assassinated.  Put away.  Simple as that.  In the real world Ember, people don't have levels.  You're either skilled at killing and thus are the predator, or you are weak and will die.  This gives me an even higher advantage as I'll have very skilled killers on my side.  And of course these assassinations will be subtle and will never trace back to me, though we don't have time for the details on how and why.  And finally, as for the unlikely and most stupid idea I've heard involving nukes, if another country decides to try nuking me for 'restoring my country', then I could very easily rally up other countries to my aid and purge them.  Or start up a world war and use that to seize control of more countries through discrete means.  Regardless of which way it goes, it would only strengthen my rule as I can demonstrate how I'll protect my empire.  I doubt I'll rule the entire world, but my legacy will.  I'm already training a successor in case something happens to me in this world.  I'm not leaving my future to chance, not now and not ever.  I will always expect the worst outcome and be ready for it."  With that he returned his attention to the boss that was lurking in the sand beneath him.  Domarus watched as the boss leaped from the sands again and Domarus swung his ax at it.  However it shifted itself so that it's hardest armor was what the blade hit, causing the creature to fly through the air unharmed, but unable to attack Hestia.  Domarus tsked.
    "Another thing:  Remember that war and harming the innocent is the very last thing I want.  That was worst case scenario as you were thinking.  However I'm not going to just back down and surrender without a fight Ember.  It would benefit you to remember that.  I'm in this to win and no one will stand in my way and live a bountiful life."

    ID#  99159  BD:  4+3-3=4  MD:  4+1=5


    [H:2] Domarus:  780/780 = 69/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  1136/1205 EN: 100/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  354/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

  23. Watching as Embers seemed at first distracted, and then focused on scouting, he looked around himself in case her familiar was in sight.  Rhozarth made a cry after Embers had found it and Domarus followed his gaze, spotting the bird just before it flew into view.  Embers began by whistling with her arm out though all it really did was cock it's head curiously.  She then began to give it a little speech which actually caused Domarus to chuckle with amusement.  When the bird landed on her shoulder instead of her arm Domarus clapped slowly with a chuckle.
    "Nice speech.  Though it seems he has his own desires.  Well either way we've finally found your familiar.  I assume you'd like some time to teach and train him, so we should probably part ways for now.  I have a few things to work on before night falls, and more after that even."  This of course, included getting Aereth and Hidden and punishing them for their inactivity.  As well as getting stronger, recruiting more players for the guild, and gathering more and more col for the guild hall.  He needed to make a name for himself so that his name had weight.  So that when he reached the front lines they would take him seriously and he could begin his conquest one bit at a time.  Once he had gained enough powerful forces he could take down dark guilds and possibly rally all the players together for the stronger ones such as the laughing coffin.  If he could do that he would definitely earn respect.


  24. The boss had roared when it was thrown by Domarus but it didn't really have too much time to react.  It tried to get up again and attack, which Domarus was already charging at it before it could strike.  However when Hestia activated the song and the music reached it's ears it roared again and clawed at it's ears.  When it saw Domarus approaching it burrowed into the ground to escape.  Domarus stopped moving and focused on the mount of dirt that indicated where it was...  Until even that had vanished.  Domarus scoffed.
    "Running away from a fight.  Stupid thing needs to be put down and quick.  If it starts regenerating health I'll be so pissed."  He waited quietly from that point on, keeping his focus on his eyes, ears, and feet.  Feet because if he focused enough he would be able to feel the vibrations it was making while burrowing close to the surface...  Or rather, close to the surface he was standing on.  Domarus waited patiently until he felt the vibrations and leaped out of the way, avoiding the hit by a mile.  The boss seemed very angry with them for what they had done but there wasn't much that it could do really.  Domarus swung his weapon at the creature but it had burrowed underground again, causing Domarus to curse.  This was becoming a nuisance.

    ID#  99152  BD:  1  MD:  1

    [H:2] Domarus:  780/780 = 63/78 = DMG:  15 = MIT:  89 = ACC:  3 = Thorns:  36

    [H:5] @Hestia: HP:  1121/1205 EN: 109/116 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 1 |  EVA: -1 | Thorns: 74 l BLD: 36

    Terra Firma:  354/650 EVA:4-2=2   Field affect: -1 ACC to players

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