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Posts posted by Vigilon

  1. "I am Karri, seeker of sweet revenge, bringer of demise. We could have had so much fun together, Alex. You still have a chance to turn back." Vigilon pulled out his sword. "And if I don't?" "Well, of course I don't need to kill you in order for you to listen," Karri pulled out a blade and smiled in a sinister manner. "But it wouldn't be any fun if there were any qualms about it if necessary." Dark, leather wings unfolded from Karri's back, and she attempted a thrust at Vigilon. He jumped out of the way, then proceeded to attack with Snake Bite, inflicting bleed in the process. "Well, if that's how you're gonna go about it, we'll be fighting either way." "Feel the wrath building up inside you, Alex! By now you should know what you're capable of! You could have avenged your father's death, Alex! If you escape this game, you still can!"

    ID# 85545 Mob: 5-2=3(miss)

    ID# 85547 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    Snake Bite-8*3x1=24

    [2] Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 11/14


    Karri(Vengeance, Murder): HP 69/90, 3 Mit., 18 DMG, Bleed: 2 turns, 12 DMG

  2. "Sure, you recognize me, but I don't know you. Happened about three times so far and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened a fourth time." Vigilon expected a rather hostile response, but instead he heard, "It's because I've been influencing you from within, so you wouldn't know me until now. The others didn't think of that, however..." Vigilon shrugged and said, "Well then, it's no wonder they responded pretty badly with a straight attack. Let me guess, you worked with them, and plan to make me forge my own demise." The opponent laughed in a way that you could mistake it for a cackle. "No, those fools Probusk and Gravizahk never got the big picture. Xariz and I had other plans." She smiled, revealing her two retractable fangs. "Four inner demons, two conflicting sides. Is that it? No wonder I'm not dead yet then." "Oh, dear, it seems you still don't know... You're capable of so much, Alex, why won't you embrace it?" Vigilon still did not understand what was happening. "So, again, who are you?"

  3. Vigilon walked over to the last door, which portrayed a silver figure wielding bloodstained weapons, appearing as if angered and hungry for vengeance, while behind was a violet silhouette which seemed to be reveling in the scene's mood. When he opened the door, the room he entered was larger than any of the other rooms. The floor was made of cobblestone, and was littered with broken bones and splattered with blood. The walls were made from marble, and decorated with various weapons, all of which looked like it had just killed someone. There was a ceiling this time, an obsidian and marble dome which hung a chandelier made from crystals and blades, with violet flames levitating from it. He looked in front of him, and saw marble steps leading to... A throne? The throne was made from obsidian and amethyst crystals, was decorated with killer weapons which looked like they had brought forth massacres, and had a shadowlike aura coming from it. Sitting on the throne was a light grey skinned, young looking woman with jet black hair and amethyst colored eyes. She noticed Vigilon and spoke softly. "Welcome, Alex, I have been expecting you."

  4. The silver dragon was still growing weak, and the deep violet flame was more active than ever. As the dragon fought on, it began to have to make multiple hits on a foe before it was defeated, if it wasn't merely knocked back several yards. "I can't take too long on the next fight if I'm supposed to save this dragon in a certain amount of time. For the record, I hope it's the last fight. I'm not in the mood for a ripoff of the pokemon league..." Veriost looked at Vigilon in a confused way, which he understood. Vigilon looked back at the figure before walking towards the last door. The figure pointed to the area where the third door once stood and said, "I believe you've missed something." Vigilon walked over and found an unusual powderlike substance on the ground. It wasn't ashes or anything like that, and it floated in the air like a cloud when he scooped it with his hands. "This stuff sure is strange."

    ID# 85534 LD: 15(+1 Mat[Known as "Midnight Dust" for RP purposes])

  5. Vigilon looked and saw the hooded figure, which now was a lightish gray, and asked, "This whole thing involves you, too?" The figure answered with, "All of it, even myself, has something to do with you." Vigilon found this hard to understand, then decided to finish pondering the question later. Veriost looked at Vigilon as if to say, "Give up, we're never gonna understand this guy..." Vigilon smiled, and said, "You and me both, bud-er, I mean... Dang, what was the feminine term for this..." Veriost gave off a "Hfff." and rolled her eyes as if she didn't care, but Vigilon said, "Oh, I know you would care. Alright, I think you care, but I guess I'll leave that question for later." He looked at the silver dragon again, and saw that although it was a little more confident, it was still having trouble fending off the black iron enemies.

    ID# 85533 LD: 9(failed)

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 14/14

  6. Once Vigilon reappeared in the seemingly endless room, the first thing he looked at was the silver dragon. It was rid of three fireballs, but the last one seemed to be going overtime or something. The door burned away, once again leaving the silver figure unharmed. Expecting something, Vigilon said, "If you've got something for me, you can toss it to me rather than throw it at me." The figure looked at itself as if checking pockets, then shrugged, signaling that he had nothing to give. It then levitated and surged itself with the dragon. "Heh, I don't blame you." "Grrmmm?" Veriost smiled at Vigilon, and looked at him as if to say, "We seem to be doing pretty well. Should we keep going? We're almost done." Vigilon sat down as he said, "I should take a minute to relax and regenerate first. Then we move on to the last one."

    ID# 85532 LD: 14(failed)

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 10/14

  7. Gravizahk continued to gaze at Vigilon. "So then this is what we are to you? Stepping stones? Molehills? Pitiful worms yet to be vanquished? Probusk and I did so much to try and get yourself in such a weak and pitiful state before you grew like a weed! We were hoping to let you destroy yourself! There is but one thing for a vigilante like yourself! Death! Here, in this forsaken game, is the only place I can and will kill you mysel-" Vigilon decapitated Gravizahk before he could finish. His body caught fire, the dark gray fire, and shattered when the flames flickered and began to die off. "I grew stronger here, because I'm not afraid of you anymore." Bloodred lightning flashed, and thunder boomed overhead. "Come on, Veriost. Let's get out of here." As if on cue, the silver door appeared again, and the creaking wood echoed as Vigilon approached the door and opened it.

    ID# 85530 BD: 7(hit)

    [5] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 6/14


    Gravizahk(Fear and Terror): HP: 0/60

  8. Vigilon smirked and said, "You don't look like you can scare me. Sure, granted, you did startle me, once, but that was beforehand. Is this standoff going to continue, or are we going to finish this?" "True, I am getting sick of stalling like this." Gravizahk rushed at Vigilon, shattered blade in hand, but Vigilon sidestepped, now knowing how his opponent was going to strike. He charged and used Snake Bite from behind, refreshing bleed damage in the process. Enraged, Gravizahk turned around and fixed his gaze on Vigilon, while wings made of bloodstained bones sprouted from his back, and his broken mirror blades floating around him. "I was never able to find out why you never remained the way you were. You grew stronger, in Aincrad as well as reality. Tell me, 'Vigilon', how did you grow stronger when either world threw what they had at you, and you hardly quivered?" "Do I have to say it again? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

    ID# 85528 Mob: 3-2=1(Miss)

    ID# 85529 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG) CD: 9(Recovered 1 Energy)

    Snake Bite-8*3x1=24

    Bleed Damage: Gravizahk takes 12 DMG

    [4] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 6/14


    Gravizahk(Fear and Terror): HP: 4/60, Bleed, 2 turns, 12 DMG

  9. Vigilon looked at Gravizahk defiantly. "I'm not dying here." "That's what they all say." Vigilon attacked with Snake Bite, inflicting bleed in the process. However, Gravizahk stabbed him in the chest(He seemed to like stabbing that spot) once he got close. "So, Alex, how does it feel, to be struck in the same spot, from the same kind of weapon that caused your father to perish?" Vigilon looked at his HP, and said, with a smile growing, "Agh, not that bad actually. Your damage was mitigated." Gravizahk didn't look too happy about Vigilon's reply. "For one who believes he is cautious, you're quite reckless." Veriost blasted her frost breath at Gravizahk, and Vigilon got up. "I'm not bending to your will. I'm confident about that." There was a standoff for a few minutes, and Vigilon was able to take more detail of Gravizahk's current appearance. At his belt, Gravizahk had two hilts, each with floating pieces of broken mirror glass shaped like blades, and was seemingly emotionless most of the time.

    ID# 85526 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG) CD: 9(Recovered 1 Energy)

    ID# 85527 Mob: 10(Critical!! +2 DMG)

    Snake Bite-8*3x1=24

    [2] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 8/14


    Gravizahk(Fear and Terror): HP: 38/60, Bleed, 2 turns, 12 DMG

  10. Vigilon was definitely startled by the sudden attack. His attacker was suddenly gone, then reappeared at the other side of the room. Vigilon tried to strike with Snake Bite, but his first two strikes were deflected, and his third ended in lock against the mirror blade of his foe. "So who might you be, then?" "If you insist on the conversation, I am known by others as Gravizahk. That is, if there was anyone who knew me. I'd like to skip the conversation, however, and get to the part where I enjoy hearing you scream as you breathe your last." "You seem eager to kill me, that's for certain." "You put an end to an ally of mine. Probusk and I wanted to put you in your proper place, as you always were. Weak, frightened, and hopeless." "I didn't know you were an accomplice with the big bully. Besides, didn't you portray in your own way that nobody knew you?" "That is false. I just never told him my name. Now back to the matter at hand. Prepare to die."

    ID# 85520 BD: 4(miss)

    ID# 85521 Mob: 4-2=2(miss)

    Vigilon: HP 169/170, EP 10/14


    Gravizahk(Fear and Terror): HP: 60/60

  11. The figure shrugged. "Depends. Only gets worse." Vigilon approached the third door, which portrayed a silver figure appearing to...maybe be shivering, and behind was a dark gray silhouette with eyes that were the color of candle flames. It's terrifying smile lit with the same color, moving as if there was fire right there. When Vigilon opened the door, he found himself in a dark room with creaky wooden boards as the floor, and walls of a run-down manor, with several mirrors, with a few of them already on the floor. Above were clouds that rumbled with thunder, with bloodred flashes of lightning, and cobwebs decorated the entire area. "I don't like the looks of this..." "Grrrmmm...." "Oh, dear. We haven't even begun yet. Such a shame this will be all too easy, then..." Vigilon slowly turned around, just to end up getting stabbed. His assailant was grey skinned, and wore a cape that, apparently, could easily remind you of a vampire. His flame colored eyes pierced and burned into Vigilon's amber eyes, and turns out the blade of the attacker's weapon was serrated and apparently made from broken mirrors.

    ID# 85516 Mob: 10(Critical!! +2 DMG)

    ID# 85517 BD: 1(Crit. Miss!!)

    Vigilon: HP 169/170, EP 13/14


    Gravizahk(Fear and Terror): HP: 60/60, 2 Mit., 7 DMG

  12. "Pfft, as if. This game couldn't have possibly wanted anything to do with me unless this quest is flexible and depends on the player... Holy crap, this is deeper than it looks." Vigilon began to ponder what this meant. The enemies seem to know him, and were apparently things he had tried to avoid/swat off/push away from his life. He had been beaten down by bullies, he had tried to keep his feelings inside to prevent explosive reactions(but he sometimes failed with whatever angered him), he had feared, and he had been longing for vengeance over his father's death, even if it meant vanquishing the killer himself, on his lonesome. He snapped his fingers. "I know what those fireballs are! They've been haunting me for years...and now they're coming for me. Well, if I'm dead to them, then they're dead to me." Vigilon looked at the hooded figure, who now appeared to be a solid grey in color. "I'll do what I can."

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 13/14

  13. When Vigilon reappeared in the colossal room, he saw the bronze flame flicker and die, while the door burned away, the silver figure unscathed. the beast inside had vanished, too. The silver figure tossed some iron chains at Vigilon, and grabbed them just before they could slap his face from the impact. He looked up where the dragon was, as the silver figure from the second door surged into it. The bronze fireball was gone, but there still seemed to be a problem. The remaining two fireballs seemed to continue pestering the dragon, and it was still slowly failing. "Hmpf, I guess the only way to save the dragon is to eliminate what is causing the fireballs to spawn in the first place... Veriost, what do you think about this?" Veriost looked around, then for a minute seemed to be dwelling on something, and finally she looked at Vigilon as if to say, "So, the two we had fought so far claimed to know you, so maybe this shenanigan is tied to you?"

    ID# 85513 LD: 16(+1 Mat[known as "Iron Chains" for RP purposes])

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 9/14

  14. "Any- Agh, Anything else you have to say? I doubt I'll listen, but try if you can to speak your mind." "Too late for that. I'd rather tear out your heart! If you won't see my reasons for why I try to help you, you're better off dead!" "Suit yourself, you'll only regret rash decisions." Vigilon gestured for Veriost to come near, and she came right over. She blasted Xariz with frost breath, and Vigilon finished the fight with Snake Bite. After dealing his final blow, Xariz returned to the form she had previously taken, then...Began shrinking? Xariz got smaller and smaller until she was the size of a toddler. "Waaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" She fled into the dark as her HP dropped to zero, and reverted into a bronze fireball before shattering. The silver door appeared again, bringing light to the dark, gloomy scene. "Well, Veriost, let's hope things don't get any worse." Vigilon opened the door, hoping for a less frightening situation in the next fight.

    ID# 85512 BD: 6(hit)

    Snake Bite-7*3x1=21

    [4] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 5/14


    Xariz(Uncontrolled, Wild Reactions): HP 0/40

  15. Xariz began to undergo a transformation as she roared in frustration. Have you ever seen a werewolf? Combine that with sharp, deadly fangs, four eyes(one set red, the other set are eyes of a cat), a vicious snarl, claws that looked like they could tear through metal, bronze fur, a hair-like tuft of fur from the head down, and iron shackles, well, let's just leave it at that. "You could have done so much! Why did you conceal yourself, Alex? Tell me why!" She charged for Vigilon, pushing him all the way to the wall before beginning to try tearing him apart the way a beast would. "First off, argh! Wh-Why the heck did you just turn into a werewolf? Second, I was keeping myself under control! What do you think could have happened if I reacted too easily? I could have gotten myself killed or something! Especially in this game!" Vigilon tried to retaliate with Snake Bite, but Xariz threw him all the way to the other side of the room. "Crap, that hurt."

    ID# 85510 Mob: 8-2=6(hit)

    ID# 85511 BD: 1(Crit. Miss!!)

    Snake Bite-Failed!

    [3] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 8/14


    Xariz(Uncontrolled, Wild Reactions): HP 15/40

  16. "I never thought you even exis-...Wait a minute." As Vigilon was thinking about this, Xariz readied herself to lunge at Vigilon. He sidestepped in time to avoid the attack, then retaliated with snake bite while Veriost let out the cold frost breath. "Fo!!!" "Did this game seriously...? Nah, can't be..." "You probably want all this to end, don't you? I know exactly how to end it! Just submit to MY will, and all will go smoothly!" "Since when did I let my mind react to every single solitary each and every one of the multitudes of thoughts that pass by my mind every day? There's only one answer to that, it's the same as the answer to your demand: No." "Don't you realize what the world has done to you? What the insufferable King of Aincrad has done to it's people, the players? How many have died at the hands of PKers, and what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! NOTHING!!!"

    ID# 85499 Mob: 6-2=4(miss)

    ID# 85500 BD: 7(hit)

    Snake Bite-7*3x1=21

    [3] Vigilon: HP 169/170, EP 11/14


    Xariz(Uncontrolled, Wild Reactions): HP 15/40

  17. Vigilon looked at the door, which portrayed a silver figure wailing out, within the figure was a beast the color of bronze, acting without thought. He opened the door, and found himself in another room. Again. The floor looked a lot like a dungeon floor, and the walls were like that of a run-down building, with rips, tears, holes, and giant claw marks that revealed seemingly untouchable metal bars that appeared to be like...a cage. He looked above him, and above the overhead bars, was absolute chaos. Storms, fire, winds, you name it. "Sure is terrible to be caged like an animal, isn't it?" "Huh?" "You should know how I feel by now! Why don't you? WHY?" The bronze fireball emerged from the dark, an took the form of an emotional teenage girl with bronze hair and...apparently eyes of a cat. She also had iron shackles on her wrists, with the links on the chain various different sizes. "Um, j-just cool off, miss. Who are you?" The girl appeared to be dumbfounded, then she said, with her voice quivering, "You! You're the problem here! You caged me here like a wild animal! Like, like a monster!!! And you don't REMEMBER me!?!?!" "If you would be so kind as to add some context, I-" The girl lunged at Vigilon, turns out she could bite like a snake...and all her teeth were sharp, too. "Agh! Answer the question! Who are you?" Unable to get an answer at the moment, he stabbed her in the left shoulder, causing her to let go of Vigilon's right shoulder. "Fine! If you could possibly, magically, conveniently remember me then! I am Xariz, who you encaged for my better judgement that you assumed to be monstrosity!"

    ID# 85494 Mob: 10(Critical!! +2 DMG)

    ID# 85497 BD: 9(Critical, +1 DMG)

    [2] Vigilon: HP 169/170, EP 14/14


    Xariz(Uncontrolled, Wild Reactions): HP 34/40, 5 DMG, 2 Mit.

  18. Vigilon thought for a minute about one of the earlier arguments, and asked the figure, "There's something I can't figure out. Why do people think Veriost is a girl?" The figure smiled as if he was about to laugh, and simply said, "Look her in the eyes. She'll tell you." Vigilon turned around and Veriost was right there, staring at him right in the face. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm.........." "Um, Veriost? Is there something you're trying to tell me by staring at me like that?" "Grarrrraaaa! Grrrraaaaa! Grarrrrraarrrrmmmmm!!!" "Try keeping an expression I can read, Veriost! this isn't helping!" Veriost began gnawing on Vigilon's ear, and the strange figure chuckled. "Veriost, I-...Wait, are you trying to tell me that-...?" "Graaa! Rrrraaaa! Grrrarrrrrrmmm!" "Thank you for allowing me to read that Veriost, I-..." Vigilon realized what Veriost was trying to say: "I'm. A. Girl." "Oh, dear... Man, this is humiliating! I mean, for me! I've never seen any other dragons your size other than Velnia, so I couldn't tell the difference!" Veriost had calmed down, but she looked at him as if to say, "That's no excuse, but I forgive you, friend." "Hm, but what should I change your name to..." "GRRRRRRrrrrrmmmmm......" "You...Like your name?" Veriost nodded, Vigilon let her settle down on his shoulder, and he approached the next door.

  19. Probusk roared in anger and charged for Vigilon. Vigilon dodged the attack, and Probusk ran into a wall before the bleed damage finished him. A silver door appeared in the room, and light seemed to come from it, and Vigilon opened the door. When He arrived back in the keep, he saw the Green fireball over the door flicker and die off, as well as the original green fireball disappear from the area near the dragon. The silver dragon handled itself better, but was still struggling. Vigilon looked back at the first door, and saw that is was ablaze. It quickly burned to a crisp, but the silver figure on the door's scene was unharmed. It took physical form, and flew up, entering the dragon? Vigilon noticed that the figure had dropped something, and picked it up. It was a gemstone that used to be on top of Probusk's mace. Perhaps he could have use for it. The gem was a dark red ruby that apparently glowed. The hooded figure, still smiling, now seemed to be dark gray instead of shadow-black. "You handle yourself well. Proceed at your own pace..." "Thanks, I just need a breather or two before continuing."

    ID# 85501 Mob: 2-2=1(Crit. Miss)

    ID# 85491 LD: 18(+1 Mat[Known as "Dark Ruby" for RP purposes])

    Bleed damage: Probusk takes 12 DMG

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 10/14


    Probusk(Self-Worthlessness): HP 0/30

  20. "I've had enough. Let's just end this already." "For once, I think you're right." Probusk smiled in a sinister manner, and began to...Change form!? He grew larger, and his muscular body suddenly appeared to be able to strike down anyone without even needing the mace. A sickly green fog wafted in the air, coming from the sides of his smile, and his backbone grew spines. Then the certainly unearthly creature spoke in a deep, growling tone. "Let's end this." Probusk practically swatted Vigilon to the side, sending him flying towards the wall. Vigilon landed on the wall pretty hard, got back up on his feet, and readied himself for his attack. Veriost blasted Probusk with frost breath, making an opening for Vigilon's attack. "Fo!!!" Vigilon activated snake bite, and upon his third strike, knocked Probusk to the ground. "How? But, Why? It, it doesn't make any sense! Alex, why didn't you admit your weakness? your chances of dying might have lessened if you did! Why risk everything?" "Because, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." Probusk wailed in frustration.

    ID# 85489 BD: 9(Critical, +1 Base DMG)

    ID# 85490 Mob: 10(Critical!! +2 DMG)

    Snake Bite-8*3x1=24

    [3] Vigilon: HP 167/170, EP 6/14


    Probusk(Self-Worthlessness): HP: 1/30, Bleed, 2 turns, 12 DMG.

  21. Vigilon proceeded to attack with Snake Bite, but missed. Probusk chuckled and whacked him in the chest again, sending him flying till his back hit the wall. "At least this damage is mitigated..." Veriost emerged from the brick wall, shook herself off, and growled at Probusk. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrmm........." "Oh, please, like that pipsqueak of a reptile's gonna do anything." Vigilon freed himself from the wall, and came a little closer to his foe. "Veriost is a dragon. He may be small, but he is still a frost-breathing dragon!" "Pffff Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! He? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh, tiny! You're dumber than you look!" "Shut up! And just WHY does everyone assume Veriost is a girl? Besides, that's not the point here!" "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! How come you haven't figured it out yet? That itty bitty dragon is obviously a girl!" Veriost only continued to growl, believing she was being insulted.

    ID# 85487 BD: 3(miss)

    ID# 85488 Mob: 9-2=7(Critical! +1 DMG[Not enough Eva.])

    Snake Bite-Failed!

    [1] Vigilon: HP 168/170, EP 9/14


    Probusk(Self-Worthlessness): HP: 24/30

  22. Vigilon got up, and dealt a blow on Probusk. He retaliated by striking Vigilon on the chest, despite that the damage was mitigated, although it did send him flying a few feet. "Can't you see how much of a weakling you are? Every time someone dragged you down, you had to accept it! Why did you resist and proceed to be stubborn?" "I was being bullied, numbskull! Did you really think someone like me would submit to others hatred of me? Those who called me worthless only did so to make themselves feel strong! When I found a way around the situation, they found out how wrong they were. They were looking at all this in the wrong perspective, some even apologized to me!" "Pfft. That was LONG ago. Remember that turning point in your life, the one that dragged you downhill? You turned into a crybaby instead of becoming strong, and the increasing amount of bullies only proved it! Did they apologize? Like the weaklings that assumed they were strong?"

    ID# 85485 BD: 6(hit)

    ID# 85486 Mob: 8-2=6(hit)

    [1] Vigilon: HP 169/170, EP 12/14


    Probusk(Self-Worthlessness): HP: 24/30

  23. Vigilon sighed as the accept quest notice popped up on his menu. Veriost looked at Vigilon as if to say, "Well, you prepared for any random shenanigan, so I guess this counts." Vigilon replied with, "To be honest, I wasn't hoping for any shenanigans at all. I just wanted a lay of the land, so to speak." He approached the first door. The scene on the door seemed to portray someone getting beat up by another. The victim appearing in silver, the oppressor appearing in...green, the same green as the flame above the door. He opened the door, and seemed to warp somewhere else. He was now in a room with a grey fog rolling around the floor, which appeared to be square tiles. The walls appeared to be brick, the sky above a twilight overcast with the occasional thunder. After some looking around, Vigilon looked forward to see the green flame begin to change shape, eventually taking the form of a muscular, humanlike figure. "Heh, heh, heh, the big bad wolf comes for the lost little pig!" "Now, who the heck are you?" "Ha! As if you don't remember me, Alex!" "Seriously, I recall every bully in my life, and none of them looked like you. Who the heck are you?" The muscular figure seemed disappointed. "Hmpf, stubborn as always. You never accepted what you were known as, and I, Probusk, will force you to submit if you don't on your own accord!" Probusk pulled out a mace and lashed out at Vigilon, but he sidestepped and tripped him, the apparently massive size taking Vigilon down with him. "Alright, I didn't expect that, but you aren't paying any attention, so this should be quick."

    ID# 85483 Mob: 3-2=1(Crit. miss)

    ID# 85484 BD: 2(Crit. Miss!)

    Vigilon: HP 170/170, EP 12/14


    Probusk(Self-Worthlessness): HP: 30/30, 1 Mit., 4 DMG

  24. The room grew large enough for Vigilon to almost believe there was no end to the space between the walls. When he looked out of one window, which seemed to have been made by a force of destruction, judging by the way it looked like it had been bashed through by a sledgehammer, he saw nothing but endless, swirling storms with raging winds and endless thunder from the countless lightning strikes. When he reached the center of the seemingly endless room, he saw a figure sitting down, which got up, and an inhuman smile crept on it's face. Vigilon pulled out his damage potion and drank it, expecting a fight. The figure was hooded in a strange, red cloak and robes with silver detailing, and it's body was as dark as a shadow. It pointed a finger to up above, where on top of a thick, sturdy pillar with a platform was a dragon made of silver, fighting beasts made of black iron, which seemed spectral from the way they levitated towards it. Around the dragon's head were four flames, each a different, yet unnatural color, circling around and blazing right through the dragon's head. One was a sickly green ember, the second a bronze, wild flame, another was a dark gray flame, with a candle flame sized center of orange which constantly flickered. The final was a deep violet blaze, with a pulsing, blood red center flame, this fireball seemed the largest and most deadly to Vigilon. the four fireballs split, and their copies soon floated above four doors, each with a scene/portrait on the front. The fireballs that remained with the dragon seemed to be irritating it, if not destroying it. It seemed to grow weaker and weaker, and if something didn't stop it, the silver dragon would soon be overwhelmed and overrun with black iron enemies. Vigilon looked back to the figure. "Who ARE you?" In response, the figure merely pointed to the first door, with the green flame over it, and kept his creepy smile as he spoke in a light-ish tone. "Fight. Win. Save the Dragon."

    (- Damage Potion)

    (Vigilon's base damage is now 7 for the duration of the thread)

  25. Vigilon opened his eyes, and somehow he was...somewhere else. He got up, and looked around. He seemed to be in some kind of keep. The walls were made of stone, and dimly lit by torches. As he walked forward, he nudged Veriost awake, saying, "Veriost, wake up. I think you should see this." Vigilon began to slow down, when the dim hall lead to a large room without a roof, and there was a storm without rain raging overhead. He drank his Over-health Potion, deciding to go for caution. The room seemed to grow larger the further he walked, and Veriost seemed downright curious, but also worried at the same time. She looked at him as if to say, "I don't like the looks of this..." "Well, Veriost, normally I wouldn't mind this place, if it weren't for all the chaos around. This storm also seems unusual..." He continued on, but he was uncomfortable, and anxious too.

    (-Over-Health Potion)

    (Vigilon's Max HP is now 170 for the duration of the thread)

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