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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Mina shouted towards the boy as he was playing around. She’s right. I need to start focusing on working with other players if I want to get to killing bosses. His hand begins to glow again, as he charges in. “You’re right I guess. It’s time I pulled my own weight.” He jumps up, hitting the monster in the most vital points on the way up, finishing with a hit to the temple as he falls back next to the girls. “Sorry gals, I was a bit distracted.” His face unusually serious as the monster’s health drops more than before. So that’s the amount of damage I can do with these old things. His eyes shift down to the wraps on his hands. “Don’t worry about me, you ladies should keep up the good work.” He stands in a more orthodox fighting stance, his legs shoulder width and one foot forward, his hands up to protect his face. Like a professional boxer, even a look on his face completely different from before, like a whole new person had taken charge and he took a back seat as this person tried to make things better. “I’ll make it up to you guys, I swear.” A smile rises behind the hands guarding his face.


    ID: 113049

    BD: 7 + 1 = 8

    HIT (finally)

    10 * 9 = 90 DMG

    144 - 90 = 54 HP

    -10 EN

    [H: 1] Dustin: 400/400 HP | 28/40 EN | 10 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH
    [H: 2] Tricolor_mina: 280/280 HP | 21/28 EN | 3 DMG | 23 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 KEEN | BLD 12 | BH 2
    [H: 3] @Katagawa: 280/280 HP | 15/28 EN | 7 DMG | 8 MIT | 3 EVA | 9-10 PLZ | 2 BH | 5 VMP(D)

    Snow Beast: 54/250 HP | 160 DMG [Stunned: 0/1][BLD: 1/2]

  2. Dustin noticed the beast’s size first, and he knew it wouldn’t be an easy fight from the get go, but he didn’t plan to miss twice before the monster could even hit them. His hand had barely missed the monster’s knees, and Dustin’s eyes shot open as widely as they could. I missed again. But... before he could continue to think he was running around the monster to the other side. “So...” he pulls at the side of the hood on his blue sweatshirt. “I kind of missed again.” He looks up at the monster’s HP bar and sees how little damage they had done. I need to get stronger so I can do it. How can I avenge my brother if I can’t beat the guy who killed him? He rotates his hips, moving in such a way that he would be hard to hit even if he were walking into you, and stopping next to the girls with a dramatic spin and childish smirk. “I’m sure as hell not getting into Valhalla if I die without hitting the monster.” His whisper made to keep the others from hearing, but he was never good at that. A hand comes up and grips a necklace tightly, releasing it after a few seconds, revealing a hammer shape. “To Valhalla.” His smirk morphs into a smile.


    ID: 112979

    BD: 3 + 1 = 4 (miss)

    -2 EN

    Dustin: 400/400 HP | 37/40 EN | 10 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 4 BH

    Tricolor_Mina: 280/280 HP | 26/28 EN | 3 DMG | 23 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 KEEN | BLD 12 | BH 2

    @Katagawa: 280/280 HP | 21/28 EN | 7 DMG | 8 MIT | 3 EVA | 9-10 PLZ | 2 BH | 5 VMP(D)

    Snow Beast: 214/250 HP | 160 DMG

  3. Dustin’s eyes scan the area, a few bones and a skull litter the arena like pepper on mashed potatoes. His eyes fixate on a bone that seems to be out of place, something about it called to Dustin, and he remembered how to summon the monster. They said something about striking the skull with a bone. His hands grab the bone as he heaves it above his head. He expertly locks one leg, his hips launching back as he folds bringing his arms down with the force of a truck. His feet even come up off the ground a little. “Hopefully it won’t last long enough to need a tank.” Footsteps echo from a nearby cave, as a monster emerges and looks down on the party. Dustin’s hands start glowing as he smirks and looks at the other two, running in and swinging at the monster which twists out of the way. Shoot, I thought that was gonna hit, I guess I need to think about this for a second. His smile fades as he takes the view in, replaced by a look of pure awe. He was infatuated. The beast was a true monster, and it showed. “Oh I am so killing this thing.” A huge smile forms on his face like he is having fun, life radiating from the expression on his face. He looked like a child on the playground, not a teenager in iminent danger.


    ID: 112856

    BD: 3 + 1 = 4


    -2 EN

    Dustin: 400/400 HP | 38/40 EN | 10 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 EVA | 1 ACC

    Tricolor_Mina: ?

    @Katagawa: ?

    Snow Beast: 250/250 HP | 160 DMG

  4. Placeholder

    Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
    114603 10 7 9 10   Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet 2019-04-11 12:15:21
    114602 6 8 5 6   Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet 2019-04-11 12:14:59
    114601 3 7 4 2   Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet 2019-04-11 12:14:43
    114600 3 10 4 10 Dustin Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet 2019-04-11 12:13:18
    114599 7 3 12 4 Dustin Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet 2019-04-11 12:13:01
    114598 3 2 15 6 Dustin Msg_hover2.png Crafting T3 Helmet


  5. Dustin was in his shop, taking inventory for no reason. Might as well keep this place running while I get stronger... maybe one day I’ll craft again. Dustin looks down at the hammer Pinball gave him and over to his right arm. Memories of the incident flood his mind, his heart filling with sorrow as the face of a friend morphs into the face of an enemy, though none of the features change. Why does the world have to be so cruel. His mind zones back in the moment a ding demands his attention. He examines the message from a guild member and tilts his head, looking up towards the sword mounted above the door of his shop. A smile crosses his face as he opens the door and steps out into town, pulling his hood up, attaching the shoulder piece Hei had made for him and heading out.

    The only thing I remember about Stryder’s place is it being on floor 22... I’ll just have to check everywhere. His face looking like he wanted to die as he cuts through town on the 22nd floor, keeping himself occupied by chewing on a cinnamon stick. 

    Aftera short while the boy sees a stone house, and in front a man he knew in an instant. His eyes light up as he examins the building, so this is the place I have to beat when finding a place of my own? Easy peasy lemon squeezy. He smiles as he gets closer, noticing a familiar face despite it being covered in part by a bowl. “Woah, my two favorite guildmates in the same place... is Hei cool now? Uh oh... paradime shift.” A hand placed on either side of the head, connected to the other by a huge smile.

    @Hei @Jinx

  6. Dustin’s eyes scan the absolute unit before him. It stood tall, but it was clear it wasn’t gonna be standing much longer. He had done what he said he was gonna do and wanted to make it quick. “I’d say see you in Valhalla, but I’m sure the all father has a better place for you.” His sword art making his hands glow as he walks up to the beast, nothing but respect in his eyes. “That’s too bad, you would’ve loved it.” He slams his first hit into the inside of the giant’s knee, then his other into the other. His next hit would be an elbow into the lower left abdomen, where the kidney would be. This went on for a while until he jumped and hit the monster right behind the jaw.

    The Bear explodes and Dustin doesn’t know how he should feel. He knew the bear had to die, and it was only code, but why did it have to be such a beautiful creature? “Not the first bear I’ve killed. But definitely the strongest.” The ground in front of him held his attention with such intensity he forgot the world around him until a message saying “recieved: 1000 col” pops up in front of him and draws him back.

    ”I say we fight another.” The first words after the fight she could hear. “You used the potion, I wanted a specific item. That potion would be a waste if you just took it and we stopped after one short fight. Besides, spending time with my favorite guildmate.” And one of my best friends. One of my only friends, but one of my best. A friendly smile takes over his face, the kind that’s contagious. What else could he do? It’s not like he could just say “I want to kill nore animals to get a weapon.” He had to not sound like a sociopath, so he didn’t.


    ID: 112627

    BD: 5 + 2 = 7

    Acupuncture on Mama Bear

    8 * 9 = 72 DMG

    MD: 3


    ID: 112628

    LD: 2

    CD: 2

    (HP * 2) col (HP * 2) col (HP * 3) col

    1000 col


    Mama Bear: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG

     [1] Dustin: 400/400 HP | 20/40 EN | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

    [6] Jinx: HP/EN: 340/340 | 7/34 EN | 74 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>


  7. Dustin’s sword begins to glow green, but his eyes move down towards Arabelle. I know she’s right, but what’s the fun if it ends so quickly? I can’t control how this works, but I can keep the monster in front of us from surviving this fight. All my messing around is over. “Okay, I guess it’s time to get serious.” He squared his shoulders, taking on a more orthodox form, waiting for the perfect time. Which just so happened to be right as Jinx activated her howl again, the monster turned, looking at the girl who had called its attention. “You guys are no fun.” A smirk crosses his face as he runs in, making the statement an obvious lie. His sword moves up, following the pattern he had used every time before hand as the monster’s health dropped the same as before he hit the tree.

    His uppercut being when he launched himself back, he strikes a pose. What’s the harm in having fun when I’m pulling my own weight? As long as no one gets hurt because of it, I should be fine. Besides, puts and extra little sparkle in the monster’s death. “It’s such a shame. A beautiful creature being executed by a bunch of players for loot or experience. Rhaegal, I wish you a good death, and I want to be the one to give it to you!” His sword points towards the monster. Why are we wasting such a beautiful moment? This monster is fighting its best and all we are doing is talking like it’s just a bunch of numbers on a screen. This is as close to real as you can get yet we just see it as an obstacle to cross. “It’s still a game. We’re here to have fun in a beautiful world. Sure, there’s some flaws, but no more flaws than the real world.” His words carry no further than the grass at his feet.


    ID: 112626

    BD: 10

    Crit on Rhaegal

    7 + 2 = 9 * 6 = 54 - 25 = 29 DMG

    63 - 29 = 34 HP

    MD: 7

    Rhaegal attack’s Jinx

    50 - 47 = 3 DMG

    335 - 3 = 332 HP (Jinx)

    34 - 18 = 16 HP (Rhaegal)


    Rhaegal: HP: 16/125 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 0 - EVA: 0 | DMG: 50 | Stunned

    [8] Jinx:  HP 332/340 | EN: 5/34  | 47 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>
    [6] Dustin: 370/380 HP | 21/38 EN | 7 DMG | 31 MIT | 0 EVA | 1 Thorns <9 DMG>| BH: 3

    [9] @Gryas: HP 180/180 | EN: 18/18  | 40 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Taunt | +3 Accuracy
    [4] @ArabelleHP 180/180 | EN: 15/18 | 5 DMG | 2 ACC | 9 MIT | 3 EVA | 2 Para.
    [3] @MaceHP 140/140 | EN: 5/14 | 40 MIT | 4 DMG 


  8. @Clyde

    ~trading Kadin’s Luck~

    Have fun with my necklace.


    Name: Kadin’s Luck
    Item Type: Jewelry
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Loot Die
    Description: A golden necklace with a sword on the end, the sword has a golden hilt and a black blade


  9. The flickering light in Dustin’s eyes fizzle out as he drops his attention to the ground. “So much for an awesome story.” He frowns as his voice escapes his lips quietly. His attention is grabbed when the monster explodes into blue pixels. His eyes move up to the girl as he puts on a fake smile. I’ll have to do this myself when I’m strong enough. I can’t just let this be the whole story. “I watched as a girl killed the monster before I did.” Raise glass, shout with a smile, and drink. He walks towards her, a straight face and urgency in his step. “Now what?” He questions. What can we do to kill the time? Why couldn’t I just kill the damned thing? Dustin spins and starts to walk away from the combat zone, trying to keep his true thoughts hidden. 

    I was expecting to get there and fight, not get there and watch an umbrella for a time. He sits on a log and looks at the girl. “I was planning on taking my time with that fight, but I guess getting off of this god forsaken floor would be better.” He pulls out a cake and cuts out two pieces, holding one up towards Neo. “Just cause the floor is horrible doesn’t mean the whole experience has to be.” He eats his cake slowly, savoring the sweet flavor of the cloud of goodness on his plate. “Second best cake I’ve ever had.” He smiles, frosting still on his teeth as he washes it down with a juice.


  10. Dustin’s eyes move to hers as she asks to go to speak to his brother with him. Is it okay? Is that okay? I always thought that was a one person thing, maybe two if it’s with family. But I guess his memory can only live longer if more than I remember him. He smiles politely at her if only for a moment. “I’m betting he’d like that. Be nice to hear more than just my stupid stories.” His eyes fall to his hands fidgeting with eachother as he speaks. “It’ll tell you about him Along the way. I reckon he would’ve liked you. He was that type of person.” He pulls his hood up and starts walking towards the palace which holds the monument. He had lost the battle, the crowd had dispersed, and yet, he still felt like he was having fun. Maybe talking was something that he enjoyed, not something he dreaded, had he been wrong all those years? Was this where he was truly at home? Damn I wish Kadin was here, he would’ve been smiling so brightly now that I’ve found my calling in life with this guild. A smile crosses Dustin’s face.



    1 SP

    200 Col



    1 SP

    200 Col

  11. Dustin didn’t like the way she was acting, but the boy couldn’t make her tell him anything or even maybe make her feel better. All he could do was hope she was telling the truth and try not to die if she isn’t. “Well, I reckon we should head out. This is dangerous for me, so I want it done quickly. It’s gonna make for a great story.” A huge stupid grin crosses his face as he turns to walk out of the bar. “Do you have any idea where this thing is, we can’t fight what we can’t find.” He makes his way out of the bar and into the town. This is the only way I know how to get stronger, but to be fair I’m not sure I’d like it any other way. He pulls out a small cookie and pops it in his mouth as he walks towards the edge of town.

    As he takes his first step out into the Forrest, he smiles back towards the girl. “I heard stories about this floor. What it does to their minds. How it hurts the players.” His face twists to a more serious look. “It makes me sick. No game should treat their players so poorly. Let alone in a game where death is real.” His fists tighten in their gloves as he looks up at her once more. “This game is supposed to be fun, yet all it does is play with their heads on this floor.” He stops for a moment, looking over and seeing flames as he grins. “There she is. Let’s do this quickly. The longer I’m here the more likely I am to die.” He walks towards it just enough for it’s health bar to appear and the quest log to update.

    Byakko Spawned

    Byakko: 150/150 HP | 60 DMG | 40 MIT (On MD rolls of 9 or 10, half the damage dealt is instead dealt as burn damage, which ignores mitigation as a status. This has no DoT.)

    Dustin: 400/400 HP | 40/40 EN | 10 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | BH 4

    @Neopolitan: ?


  12. Dustin sits at the bar on a stool watching the entrance. He couldn’t help but be excited to finally be able to pull his own weight around the one who killed Miraak. His eyes land on a parasol as she walks in, and he tilts his head, she looked like she was struggling to be here in this bar. But you can message me when you’re at the bar if it bothers you. Or even better, tell me we can’t meet there. So it’s gotta be something else. He stands up and walks across the room towards the woman.

    “Is there something wrong?” He asks the woman, looking worriedly, “I don’t expect you to tell me what’s wrong but you’re the strongest one here, if you’re distracted, we both get hurt.” He says, trying to make it less weird and gooey for him to ask that stuff. “Actually, more likely I would get hurt. You’d just be hurt a little.” He says to himself. “Either way, I need to know if you’re okay to help me in this fight, cause I kind of need you there.” He closes his mouth and turns to walk beside her as he motions for her to follow. I’m at risk of dying either way.


  13. Dustin’s hand tightens around his sword. “It’s doesn’t really matter whether we give them a show or not, what matters is that it ends soon.” His hand comes up with his sword as he looks at her. He knew he was gonna lose, he knew that this fight was pointless from here. But he had to make sure he stuck with it to the end. That was the only way. He couldn’t forfeit, he definitely couldn’t just do the damage to himself, he had to lose to her. His leg moves forward, his body leans in as he makes the final move. He launches in, as fast as he can, and the flat of his blade slams into the girl as he watches her health barely move while his drops into the yellow and the victory sign appears over her head.

    Dust flies out as he drops to the ground exhausted and trying to catch his breath. “Congrats, what are you gonna do with the bragging rights? They won’t get you much in the way of street cred, but you might make someone proud for winning in a duel.” His eyes examine her face to see if she’s changes her expression in reaction to the victory, and he looks at the ground. “Well, you have fun. Make sure to tell Stryder when you see him that you can beat me up. I’m going to visit the monument to talk to my brother.” He walks away, stopping and turning around. “The last time I fought another player my brother died, I’m glad this one went a bit differently.” He smiles, sheathing his sword and walking up, holding out his hand for her to shake. “You did good today, I’m proud to call you friend.”

    ID: 112275

    BD: 6 (Hit)

    6 - 47 = 1 DMG

    254 - 1 = 253 HP

    149 - 18 = 131HP

    Dustin: HP- 131/280 | EN- 20/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 254/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>


  14. Dustin runs in and throws a punch across the chest as the bear twists it’s arm, catching the boy’s fist in the pad of her paw. Her eyes land on the boy as her leg moves up and pushes him away with her leg. His body tumbles over the dirt and rocks as he rolls next to the player. “Essentially Jinx, everyone dies, whether it be here or in the real world.” Dustin begins to push himself up and looks at the girl. “Personally, I’d much rather be killed in a boss battle in game than in a peaceful way in the real world. I’d rather die protecting the people who need it than die in my sleep.” He smiles. His attentionturjs towards the bear as he pulls his fists up again.

    The boy and bear stand across from each other, his hands up like he’s ready to hit again, but he knows how this works, Jinx generates hate while Dustin takes the monster down. It was only this fact that keeps him from attacking again and killing this thing. “So, do you want to fight another monster after this or are you good with this one alone?” He keeps his attention on the monster.


    ID: 112272

    BD: 1


    MD: 5



    Mama Bear: 47/200 HP | 60 DMG

     [1] @Dustin: 400/400 HP | 20/40 EN | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

    [4] @Jinx: HP/EN: 340/340 | 16/34 EN | 74 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>


  15. Dustin’s glove starts to glow as a smirk grows on his face. “Oh me? I’ve been just...” He cuts his sentence short as he runs in and punches the same spots on the bear as last time. “Dandy.” He finishes, rolling back from the last punch to stand next to the friend he brought on this adventure. “I’ll be even better when I kill this thing.” He looks at the magnificent beast and tilts his head. She is a beautiful creature though, It’d be a shame to let it just go to waste in the field after falling to two curious adventurers. He frowns, realizing there’s nothing he can do about it. His hands clench tightly into fists as he stands up straight. “We put you to rest in the name of glory.” He puts his hand on his chest and looks down at the ground and smiles. “I don’t do this in search of loot or experience. I do this to bring you the death you deserve.” His hands fall to his sides and he spins to the girl next to him. “I’ll make sure it dies bravely.” He rotates towards it again, “You do your best to make sure it doesn’t do the same to us.” His smirk and playful tone makes it seem like it’s a joke, but to him it’s not.



    ID: 112209

    BD: 9

    Acupuncture on Mama Bear

    8 + 1 = 9 * 9 = 81 DMG

    128 - 81 = 47 HP

    MD: 1



    Mama Bear: 47/200 HP | 60 DMG

     [1] @Dustin: 400/400 HP | 21/40 EN | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

    [4] @Jinx: HP/EN: 340/34 | 74 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>


  16. Dustin listened as the girl asked about the fight then the other girl answered. His mind was back in his shoes when he was shaking in them in front of the demon. He vividly remembers seeing her torn in half and watching her HP hit zero. I knew she came back, but I didn’t know she didn’t die. I thought she was dead for good. He looks down when she asks if that means her and who he assumed was the other girl who died were just as useless. The difference is morale, when you and the other girl died the remaining players fought harder. Meanwhile I stopped and took care of myself. I was useless, I couldn’t even do 10 damage to the damned demon. Dustin stands up and tilts his head to the door. “I say we head out now, glory awaits us on the other side of that gate.” He says, a bright smile on his face as he walks towards the door.

    “The name’s Dustin, and to answer your question back there, no, I’m not joking. I’m doing it for the story to tell my brother, and my cousin.” He laughs, “Why slay a beast when there’s no one to share the story with? The items aren’t important.” He spins and walks backwards eating a cookie and laughing as he goes. “What is important is to remember that we are people, not players. This is a game, and we’re supposed to have fun. Everyone’s always so stiff about how we could die and never come back, but they always let Kayaba win. They forget themselves and play the game, not live their lives. Sure it’s not ideal, but why rot away in a world where the adventure is just worth the risk.” His gloves hands shoot out to his sides as he takes in the cold weather of the floor.

    @Katagawa @tricolor_mina

  17. After hearing about a fire breathing tiger, Dustin’s interest was piqued. As he made his way up he realized that he had reached floors where he was probably gonna be out of his depth. These monsters appear to be keeping up with me stats wise and there’s no way I can keep this up. He opens his menu, looking through the short list of people he could ask for help from. Most of these people will either end it all in one hit or take ages to finish it off. He lands on a name he had forgotten about. Despite being in her shop at least once every other week he couldn’t quite put a face to the name. So he started thinking. Someone named Neopolitan, like Neapolitan, oh. It’s ice cream girl. He smiles and sends her a quick message.


    To: @Neopolitan

    Message: I reckon you’ve heard of mittens on floor 6. The fire breathing tiger. Well I say we can kill it and because of that we should. Meet me at the sinking sun tavern on floor 6. It’s south of the teleport gate.

    After sending the message he slips his hands into his pockets and heads towards the nearest watering hole, “The sinking sun,” such a sad name, despite being the liveliest place on the sixth floor. “Don’t worry guys, won’t be here long, you can get back to your boring lives.” He says, almost like he was insulting them. He meant well but he couldn’t get the words to ease the blow.

  18. Dustin has gained the interest of an adventurer, her words put a smile on his face. “I just wanted to kill it for the story, so sure you can have the item.” He says, smiling and reaching back grabbing a small glass, in it a brown liquid. His excitement starts to fade, having been in the situation for a time, waiting for another person. “If no one else shows up, we’ll head out in about 5 minutes.” His eyes go back to his glass of scotch, as he pulls it up and takes a sip. This scotch is decent, though I don’t have much to compare it to. As Dustin sets down his drink another girl shows up and asks about the monster. Great, trapped on a deadly mission with two pretty ladies. My lucky day. Despite his sarcastic thoughts, Dustin’s excitement about fighting something that could kill someone was on the verge of making him want to dance. Then the second lady asks a question that Dustin didn’t want to answer.

    also, weren't you from the Miraak Raid fight? the T1 one?

    The fight still scared Dustin. Why didn’t I just leave? All I did was take up space. “I was, but I didn’t do much of anything, so I might as well have not been there.” His smile from before had officially disappeared. “After a while I was basically a mosquito to him.” A faster breath, almost like a single segment of a laugh escapes his lips. “But we still fought on, what am I saying, you were there.” He looks at her with a tilted head examining her to see if he recognized her, but the only two he remembered were the ones who died. That’s when the familiarity of the face finally sinks in. “You’re the girl.” his quiet words reveal his realization. She’s one of the ones who died. Yet she still wants to risk this? Sure, it won’t be as bad as Miraak, but it’s still dangerous. After the boss fight Dustin disappeared, so he never saw anyone’s reactions to the people who had come back, nor did he see who they celebrated the victory with.

    ”Anyways, we head out in a few minutes, just let me finish my drink.” He pulls it up and finishes it like a shot.

    @Katagawa @tricolor_mina

  19. Dustin sits tired in a bar, the days started to merge together when he hears someone say something about a mighty beast, and his eyes open up as he takes a sip from his mug. “Another please.” He says standing up and walking over to the group of players in the somewhat dead tavern. He smiles, hearing the location of the monster and how to fight it as he climbs up on the table and takes a big drink from his tankard. “It’s decided. I’m killing that beast.” He slips his cup down and sets it on the table. His voice changed by the smirk he’s fighting, “But I won’t be able to do it by myself. Anyone wanna come along on my adventure? It’ll be fun, and I’ll buy drinks after.” He shouts, trying to get the attention of all the dead eyes in the room. Well this isn’t working. No one here looks to be the fun type. 

    His smile quickly fades as he steps down and walks back to the bar and sits down, staring off into space. His cup in his hand as the world around him seems to dull and the life he had heard was so short began to slow down as he drinks his boredom away, hoping someone would take him up on his offer.

    @Katagawa @tricolor_mina

  20. Dustin’s hands shake as he raises his blade and walks towards the girl. Is this how it ends? With me making a stupid decision to just keep fighting? I owe it to her to not stop, but it’s a guaranteed loss anyways. His eyes survey the area around him, they had drawn a crowd and Dustin hadn’t noticed. This dance of theirs was keeping him so fixated on the girl that the world around him could’ve change and he never would’ve noticed. I guess this fight was a disappointment to the people, but who cares? It wasn’t for them. “Not much longer.” He says to himself, as he swings his blade through the air in front of him and he launches back away from the girl. Dang, guess I missed. Well, I guess the next hit will be the last. He smiles at the crowd around them, not many people but they’re definitely watching. Wondering if they knew it was pretty much over. Maybe that’s why they look so disinterested, or maybe we’re just not being flashy enough. “Make your next attack flashier, let’s at least try to give them a show.” He smiles and tilts his head towards the crowd around them, his HP climbing up just a little bit.


    ID: 111972

    BD: 4 + 1 = 5


    @Dustin: HP- 147/280 | EN- 20/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 254/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>

  21. Dustin watched Jinx, perplexed completely by her words. It’s not abandonment if they tell you to go. He stares for a few moments, then spins around and begins to start to charge his sword art, wondering if there was any reason to do what he was already planning on doing. Yes there is. With every successful hit so far you’ve undone the howl. I have to do this so she can do her job properly. He smirks as he runs in, carefully placing his feet and his body’s tilt just perfect to hit it. Then the immortal object sign pops up as Dustin’s sword gets caught in a tree just enough to count as activating the sword art. “Damn.” He utters, trying to pull his blade out of the tree. That stuck more than I thought it would.

    As the boy pulls on his sword stuck in a tree, the monster’s tail shoots past towards Jinx, hitting her with ridiculous force and kicking up a little dust as it does. Wow Kayaba, you made the dust able to be kicked up? This was an obsession, not a game. He gets his blade out and stumbles back into the tail. I bet my team thinks I’m an idiot, but what they don’t know is what I was doing. They don’t know that I’ve done nothing but overcome Jinx’s howls, so I’m letting her get ahead. But it’s too dangerous to just wait for her to get ahead. He watches the monster’s HP hoping to see it drop even one pixel to know if she was hurt or not. But instead he sees hers drop in the corner of his screen.

    ”Sorry Jinx, I couldn’t keep him off ya. I guess I’ll just have to kill him instead.”


    ID: 111971

    BD: 2

    MD: 10

    Critical Strike on Jinx

    52 - 47 = 5 DMG

    340 - 5 = 335 HP


    Rhaegal: HP67/125 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 0 - EVA: 0 | DMG: 50 | Stunned -1 EVA [-1 HP]

    [6] Jinx:  HP 335/340 | EN: 14/34  | 47 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>
    [4] Dustin: 367/380 HP | 26/38 EN | 7 DMG | 31 MIT | 0 EVA | 1 Thorns <9 DMG>| BH: 3

    [3] @Gryas: HP 180/180 | EN: 18/18  | 40 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Taunt | +3 Accuracy
    [1] @ArabelleHP 180/180 | EN: 15/18 | 5 DMG | 2 ACC | 9 MIT | 3 EVA | 2 Para. [-3 EN]
    [2] @MaceHP 140/140 | EN: 9/14 | 40 MIT | 4 DMG 


  22. Dustin’s hands start to glow red as he looks up at the bear. Well, let’s get this done and over with. Might as well, considering the fight could very well be dangerous for Jinx. He runs in and punches the bear in the side of the knee, then up in the side of the torso, then under the bicep and finally right in the neck. The bear being hit so many times in the most important parts misses it’s scratch at Jinx. Okay, so it needs to focus on her while I deal the damage. So it’s a regular situation, tank and DPS, and I’m gonna have to take the reins and keep us moving. He jumps up and back, landing next to Jinx as he smiles and looks at her. “Don’t worry about me, just don’t get yourself killed, I can handle a few hits.” He says, pulling his hands up into a faighting stance that was common in the real world, only a few minor differences. “So, what have you been up to? If you don’t mind my asking.” He asks, trying to keep her mind off of the bear in front of them, but not calling so much attention that she would forget about it. Talking will keep her relaxed, from what I’ve seen she’s always too worried about messing up. She’s gotta learn to loosen up or she will get hurt. The boy traces the areas he just punched in his mind and tries to map out the best course of action from here on out. So I can keep doing that, or I can stun it and have her attack it too. His eyebrows tilt as he thinks.

    ID: 111715

    BD: 6 + 2 = 8 (Hit)

    Dustin used Acupuncture on Mama Bear

    8 * 9 = 72 DMG

    200 - 72 = 128 HP

    MD: 5 - 2 = 3 (Miss)

    Mama Bear: 128/200 HP | 60 DMG

     [1]Dustin: 400/400 HP | 30/40 EN | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

    [2] @Jinx: HP/EN: 340/34 | 74 MIT | 2 THRN <18 DMG> | 1 Regen <5HP> | 2 Para <8-10, -EVA and turn> | 1 Bleed <9-10, 12DMG>

  23. Dustin smiles as Arabelle asks them to attack the enemy without killing it. I get it, We can’t kill it. All that does to me is make me want to kill it even more. “Got it.” He says, throwing himself towards the Fishboy as his blade charges blue. The blue glow shines on Dustin’s face as he steps through the field the battle takes place on, and his hand guides the blade towards the beast as the sword art releases. A V is cut into the monsters chest and Dustin waits there to make sure the monster doesn’t die. If it dies I’ll have to leave. He watches as the HP of the monster drops down towards the bottom, stopping just a few red pixels short. What a relief. His mind reads sarcastically. Now Arabelle has to kill it and I get to save up my energy. He slips his hands into his pockets, pulls out a cup of pudding with a spoon and starts to eat it, his sword resting in the ground as he chows down on his chocolate snack. Man, I’m so glad I found that shop. I never have any col, but I do have snacks, so i guess it’s okay. He sits on the ground, with his back resting against the sword he had used to help drop these enemies into the red.


    ID: 111713

    BD: 6

    Vertical Arc on Merfolk 1

    6 * 4 = 24 DMG

    31 - 24 = 7 HP


    [11/9] Jinx (Level 15) - 299/300 HP - 5/30 EN - 2 Para - 1 Bleed - 47 MIT - 2 Thorns - 1 Regen - 1 DMG

    [0/5] Arabelle (Level 7) - 140/140HP - 3/14 EN - 6 DMG - 2 ACC - 9 MIT - 3 EVA - 2 Para - 3 Prosperity [-2 EN]

     [2/0] Saphira (Level 12) - 240/240 HP - 19/24 EN - 27 MIT - 1 EVA - 6 DMG - 1 Regen - 1 Bleed

     [2/2] Dustin (Level 12) - 240/240 HP - 14/24 EN - 6 DMG - 32 MIT - 1 EVA - 1 Para - 9 Thorns - 2 BH

    [4/4]  @Gryas (Level 9) - 180/180 HP - 17/18 EN - 40 MIT - 2 Thorns - 1 Taunt - 3 ACC - 1 DMG


    Merfolk 1 - 7/150 HP 45 DMG    -42 HP | Bleed 1 ---> 12 DMG each enemy turn for 1 turns 
    Merfolk 2 - 12/150 HP 45 DMG


  24. Dustin’s HP drops just shy of half and he smiles. His legs crawl under him as he pushes himself up to a standing position. Figures I’d Lose a fight to a tank. He pulls up his sword and slashes a regular attack, but the blade falls short. Well, I’ll be damned, I guess I’m gonna lose by a landslide. He keeps the smile on his face as he waits for an attack from his opponent. Nothing I can do but lose right? No matter how this goes down I lose, so why not keep fighting? But then again, most people would ask why I keep fighting, to which I would say, what’s the point if you’re just gonna lay down and lose, it’s not about who wins or loses, it’s about the fight, the thrill of the hunt. “So, I guess that means I can read your mind now, everyone knows that’s how that works.” He makes a “you know I’m right” face at the girl as he nods. “Nothing you can do that I won’t see.” Even if I could, wouldn’t Make much of a difference anyhow. I guess she wins and should be congratulated. “So by now I’m sure you know what this fight was for. But what you don’t know is what else it was used for. See, now I know you’re strong, and that you can use a rapier. You know I can take a beating, and that I’m what some would call reckless. The thing about fighting though, is that it’s a dance. And in order to have the best flow during a dance, each must know the other. Our fighting won’t be perfect by any means, but it’ll be better than before.” His words start to fall out. This unorthodox approach to better teamwork was used by Dustin’s father when teaching him how to fight alongside his much younger brother. Dustin rarely lost these bouts so this was new to him. “Think if it as a team building exercise.” He smiles, awaiting the inevitable.

    ID: 111645

    BD: 2

    basic attack misses

    156 - 12 = 144 HP

    @Dustin: HP- 144/280 | EN- 21/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 287/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>

  25. Dustin smiles as the girl shows up, his hands land on her shoulder so as he points her towards the beat out in the field. “Don’t worry about being late, I’m not losing that any time soon.” Out in the distance there is a massive bear, stuff from legend really. So big that if you hadn’t seen it you wouldn’t have believed it. “I reckon it’s upwards of 1000 pounds.” He says, pulling out a potion from his inventory. He slides it over Jinx’s shoulder as he walks out into the field, he equips his handwraps and runs towards the MOAB, (Mother Of All Bears) and laughs as he runs. “Drink the potion now, I’m guessing her swipes are gonna sting a bit if you don’t!” He shouts back to her as the bear turns and notices the boy. She stands up on her hind legs and waves her arms to try and scare off the player, roaring as she does this. She’s probably got cubs around here somewhere. Of course she’s trying to protect them, and I can’t hurt them. “It’s okay, I’m not here to hurt your cubs. I’m here to make sure you don’t hurt any players. Me and my friend here are just gonna fight you, your cubs are safe.” He looks around and noticed a severe lack of cubs. Right, so I was wrong. “Hey Jinx, I don’t think she has cubs and I think I know why.” He says, looking at her and back towards the bear. “I think she’s the aggressive type, Bears aren’t into that.” He says, not knowing what to do now that talking it down wasn’t an option.

    Mama Bear: 200/200 HP | 60 DMG

    [0] Dustin: 400/400 HP | 40/40 EN | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 2 EVA

    [0] @Jinx:

    -Give sand armor potion (+27 MIT) to Jinx

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