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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin’s body jolts as he wakes up and sits up from the table. How did I fall asleep? He looks around, seeing that the party was still going on and he stands. “Sorry about that.” He apologizes to someone who clearly wanted to sit down. As he begins to walk away he hears Kirbs shout something about the snowball. Oh shoot, did someone else throw a snowball at her? Because that would be golden. As he walks, he scoops up some more snow and starts to ball it in his hand. Nah, she already hates me enough. He lets the snowball fall to the ground and smiles as he approaches Kirbs. “Hey y’all, I’m sorry, I fell asleep over by the drinks.” Ha laments pulling out a crepe and taking a bite, pulling out another and offering it to @Arabelle “They’re amazing, you should try it.” He finishes and takes another bite of his own.

    His eyes dance around, noticing people who won in the raffle as he looks towards the ground and smiles. So I didn’t win. It’s probably for the best, I wouldn’t be putting any of it to much use. He takes the last bite of his own crepe and looks to the two other players. “So did y’all win anything?” He asks, trying to keep the conversation off of what he had done earlier to Kirbs.


  2. Dustin smiles. So, she won’t hold back. Good. She has no need to, she’ll win even if she comes at me with all she’s got, my Thorns don’t do as much as hers. He begins to think of any attacks that avoid thorns. I’m pretty sure there are ways to avoid thorns on an attack, but it’s very difficult. He spins his blade up, and rests it on his shoulder. “Hey Jinx, I’m getting the vibe that you don’t like fighting. First you apologized for inflicting bleed and paralysis on me and then there’s the part where you’re a tank.” He analyzes her fight style. “But for someone who hates inflicting pain, you sure know what you’re doing. You made it this far, so you have to be awesome.” He chuckles and then runs in, slashing at her with no assist from the system at all. His moves were too natural to be a sword art. He felt comfortable, like he was back in the real world, fighting trees and idiots who tried to fight him.

    ”I don’t get that many people who will fight me, I’m either too weak, or they hate fighting. You ever need any help with anything and I’ll be there is you ask.” He stays close to her, ready for an attack that may never come to him. But it was a fight, and a fight that isn’t fair isn’t fun.

    ID: 110846

    BD: 7


    Dustin uses a Basic attack on Jinx

    6 - 47 = 1 DMG

    211 - 18 = 193 HP

    @Dustin: HP- 193/280 | EN- 22/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 300/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>

  3. Dustin tilts his head. So she remembered my name... Weird. He pulls out a crepe this time and smiles. "Want a crepe?" He offers to the girl with purple hair. He turns to Maca and sticks his tongue out like a child on the playground. "So my rival is branching out and taking the fun quests now?" He smiles at the completely different paths they have taken yet they always meet at the worst possible times for Dustin. Hehe, I'm gonna show them what a true warrior can do. He smile drops into a grin as he listens to Arabelle's build. Holy cow. I'm 10 levels above her now? So I'll have to help her instead of showing off? Okay, not like I'm super flashy anyways.

    The question she then asks feels wrong to Dustin. He had asked the question so many times, but he hated it when he was asked the question. "But Charging in blindly is the most fun way to fight." He smiles. Nicholas and Kadin sure didn't think so, and look where that got them, Nicholas is in a relationship, and Kadin is dead. He grabs the necklace around his neck and smiles. "I'm assuming Jinx has a plan though. And Bluenette here is always boring so she'll like the plan." He turns and walks away. "I can't help make a plan, but I'll damn sure follow it." He pulls out a piece of red velvet cake and a fork, taking a bite of his snack.


  4. Dustin smiles as Arabelle throws him under the bus and then disappears. Well that was just rude, I can't believe she did that." He tilts his head as Kirbs approaches. "Hey Kirbs, I guess tall dark and dorky over there wasn't cool enough for you." He chuckles. "I'm kidding." He says in his defense. The snowball hadn't phased the boy, especially considering he had been hit with far worse in the past three hours than a snowball. "Oh hello, New people. My name is Dustin." He gives a sincere smile that doesn't at all look out of place in reference to his age or apparel at this festival. He looks at @Penelo trying to figure out if he knows her or not. I probably haven't seen her before, but I can't be too sure. He then notices his guild leader approach, his sudden statement barely following after and actually making the boy jump a little. "What the hell?" He shouts, spinning around and recognizing the man before him as his guild leader. He's lucky I don't think poorly of him, I'd fight him right here and now if I had the ability to do so. He lets out a cocky grin at the thought of fighting @Stryder to test his strength. Probably not much I could do to be fair. He frowns, pulling out a whole pie from his inventory and taking a bite.

  5. Dustin sits and watches the snow on the ground, unmoving and every now and again a sparkle would appear. The snow reminds him of home. If when him and his family would all pack snow into a shovel and throw that snow at eachother, sometimes skipping the part where they ball it up. Clumps of snow flying everywhere is how he learned to celebrate Christmas, and without Kadin, he usually just killed monsters in the field. Kadin was why I came here, but all I’ve done is nope around and avoid Ennakai. “I guess a snowball in the face wouldn’t hurt anyone. Might even start an all out snowball war.” He says, forgetting he was speaking out loud. He effortlessly reaches down and forms a snowball, taking aim with one hand and smiling as his eyes lock on a player who had bumped into a tower of a man. “Stay right there. Watch me nail this kid in the head. Also, nice outfit Jinx.” He closes one eye and looks down the length of his arm.

    Steady... Steady. Okay, you’ve got it locked, now just wait... waaaaaaaaaaaait... NOW! He winds his arm back and launches the snowball at @Kirbs and instantly turns to face @Arabelle and @Jinx “Quick, act like we are having a normal conversation.” He laughs loudly, making it more obvious that he was the one who threw it. “So, now that I’ve done my devious deed of the week, what’s up with y’all?” He asks, tilting his head and looking at Jinx.

  6. Dustin smiles, standing up and walking back away from the table and back towards the refreshments. That's right, my sweet Enna lives around here. I should find him. He always cheers me up. He cuts across the crowd, waving to @Jinx and @Arabelle as he moves. They're cool people, but Enna is my favorite person. I wonder how cheery he'll be today. Maybe cheerful enough to make my day better. He approaches the two players he had just waved to and smiles. "Have you two ladies seen a woman with beautiful purple hair? Not you." He points to Arabelle. "Ah, screw it, it'll be better if I find her." He lurks around for a few more minutes, snaking through the large crowd when he sees his not so secret crush.

    He gives a tilt of the head. Enna doesn't look too happy, maybe I should leave him alone. Dustin frowns, turning to walk away. It's not my place anyways, I'm just an annoyance to everyone. He begins to walk away, noting the multiple groups forming that he had no intention of being part of. Why am I even here? I could be out farming and getting stronger to hunt that prick who killed Kadin. Then maybe I could enjoy something without thinking of how Kadin is watching me be lazy. He moves back over to Arabelle and Jinx, sitting down and drinking some water. "Y'all having fun?" He asks in a tone that sounded more dead than anything else.

  7. Dustin makes his way across the first floor, Hunting for hours trying to undo his biggest mistake ever, when a message dings. Cosi? Why would he message me? It's not like we're great friends or anything. He smiles, opening the message and reading it's for a Christmas event. Tempting, but I have better things to do. Besides, Christmas isn't exactly my favorite time of the year. A tear falls down, as he works on killing another monster. He swipes with his blade, cutting the monster clear in two, as it explodes into blue pixels. Then he receives another message. Oh, It's from my guildmate... Arabelle? Don't think I've met her outside of the col farm trip. He smiles, Well, I guess I can check it out. Besides, Kadin would want me to go. His mouth morphs into a frown. He hated when he did stuff because Kadin would want him to, That's not a reason. Yes his brother was important to him, but in all actuality, Kadin would want him to move on and get his sorry butt to the front lines. He climbs atop the teleporter and shouts the activation command.


    His vision fades back to normal, arriving in the main town on the fourth floor. I'm assuming this is the right direction. He smiles, walking in the direction a huge crowd, also following a few stragglers. He reaches the event and looks around for anyone he knows, noticing only people he was sure didn't like him. All except for Arsenal. But he's here with his boyfriend, I can't interrupt that. Dustin breaks away, hiding himself by the snacks and drinks. It was a regular move for him to want to be somewhere else in Christmas parties, but he secretly always knew that was the best place for him. So this time he changes, he wears a smile and sits down in front of the drinks and snacks.

    Suddenly the merchant catches his attention. Raffle? I love raffles. They're frickin awesome. HE smiles, making his way to @Benny with a wave of the hand. "Yo, put me down. The candy cane blade caught my eye, I need a new weapon anyways." He smiles. I'm sure the odds of at least winning that one are pretty low, though I've never been in a raffle in this game. He tries not to get his hopes up as he looks around for someone to talk to.




  8. Dustin cuts through the town on the first floor. I've always wanted to be like a real knight, I had the sword, shield, and skills to match. But now I'm fighting a Dragon. That's so freakin cool. And it's with Jinx nonetheless. She's an awesome teammate, I can't wait to tear this thing's head off. He smiles, his eyes dancing across the town as he looks at the other players who weren't strong enough to take this quest on. I almost feel bad for them. I'm only doing this for revenge, but they want out to see their friends and family again. I have nothing to get back to. All I need is in this world, why would I want to leave? His memories of his mother come flooding back. Tears streaming down her face on multiple occasions. She'll never cry again if I have anything to say about it. He walks through, thinking of how he was going to kill the monster.

    "Hello. I'm here to help with killing scales." He says sarcastically. "That's what we're doing right? Or did I misread the invite?" He tilts his head at the girl with gray hair. His eyes shift over the empty area around him when his innocent smile opens and takes a bite of a crepe. I'm guessing we're still waiting on a few more to make this more fun. But it appears we might not get too many extra helpers. Not that many people like me, but I don't know about Jinx. She's cool in my eyes, but she might not be super popular. He looks around for any more players coming to assist them.



    LVL 19

    HP: 380

    EN: 38

    DMG: 7

    MIT: 23

    ACC: 1

    EVA: 1

    THRN: 9

    BH: 1%


    [Perfect] Harbinger's Wrath: +3 DMG

    [Perfect] Stryker Shield: +2 MIT, +1 THRN

    [Rare] Deus Tempus: +1 ACC, +1 EVA


    Rank 3 1HSS (+3 DMG)

    Rank 1 Battle Healing (1% HP regen on turn)

    Rank 1 Light Armor (+5 MIT)

    @Jinx @Arabelle @Mace

  9. Dustin charges through town, trying to keep up with the player. His legs couldn't muster the strength to keep up with the masked criminal, but Dustin wouldn't give up until he had caught the prick. His eyes flicker through the streets as he climbs up a building and follows where he thinks the player would've snuck off to. I can't believe he flipped me off. As a player, I understand his agitation, but as a fighter, it's just disrespectful. The mouth that boy had spewed so many insults towards other people forms into a frown. To be fair, I've said and done worse. He begins to rush towards the nearest exit of town that he could see, when suddenly he sees a spark of golden lightning dance towards the ground. No f*cking way. Is that? He jumps down off of the building and lands next to his old blade, the one he had replaced with his new gray sword. "So... Pinball was in town. Guess it's my lucky day." He pulls the blade out, putting his hood up and walking away, not even getting the col from the bartender he was paid to protect.

    - GAINED: [Perfect T1 1HSS] DawnBringer: +2 DMG, +1 Para 

    @Prometheus @Pinball

    <<Dustin Leaves the Thread>>

  10. Dustin can't help but smile, as he jumps off of his back leg and slams his dominant hand into the rock in front of him. The form of a professional fighter is visible if only for a second as the rock begins to crack, and then shatter. "We did it... WE DID IT!" He shouts in excitement, jumping up and throwing his fist in the air. I'm coming to avenge you Kadin, the man who took your life has no idea what's coming to him. He smiles, turning back to the players who had helped him break the rock that both metaphorically and physically stood in his way. "I'd like to thank you all for coming. Uh, enjoy your day, and I'll be getting out of here." He steps over the broken pieces of rock and runs away. I'm on the right path now I just have to make sure I get strong enough to help clear the game. Or I'll just let us be trapped in the game for an eternity. Keeping his eyes forward, the boy jumps through the air in celebration, finally having broken the stupid rock.


    ID: 110608

    BD: 3 + 3 = 6


    1 - 2 = 0 HP

    Boulder: 0/50 HP | -2 EVA




    -2 SP

    -100 col


    -1 SP

    -100 col


    -1 SP

    -100 col


    -1 SP

    -100 col



  11. Dustin walks around on the fourth floor, awaiting the arrival of his wonderful date. I should've done more to get ready. All I did was wake up and fix my hair. I should've worn a different outfit. The boy is obviously nervous. He doesn't want anything to go wrong, he had planned this date to a Tee, no way was he gonna let his outfit stand in the way. No, I look good, I can't just up and change for a date, then change back after we get comfortable. I want him to know the true Dustin. He smiles, walking into the restaurant and looking at the hostess. "Table for two please." He smiles, holding up his hand in a V formation.

    Then the words came from her mouth. The words he had hoped he wouldn't hear. "I'm sorry sir, we're full today." His eyes drain of all emotion. How could they be full? I had been planning this for the past 3 days. What the hell? Why now? His mouth drops into a frown as he turns and begins to walk away. "Okay, sorry." He says, walking out of the restaurant with a sad face and a not so positive outlook on the rest of the day. We could go to my shop. Or my spot in the woods. Maybe go to Enna's shop. That wouldn't be so bad, I do have my... He opens his inventory and sees how low he is on snacks. I guess stress eating and carrying an inventory of snacks doesn't mix... And I don't have time to shoot to Neo's shop for some more snacks. Oh this is bad. He begins to look even more nervous than before.


  12. Dustin smiles once again. I've got this stupid snowman right where I want him. No way in hell am I losing to this stupid ice block. His sword begins to glow green. "Let's make sure these stupid monsters never hurt any other players ever again." His green sword collides with the ice block, pulling back and repeating the motion four more times. This attack has never failed me before, so might as well stick with it. He spins, moving backwards and then darting forwards. A vicious uppercut rings true on the monster once again, barely hitting it though. Then the monster draws its hand back, pointing it's sharp fingers all forward and slamming them through the boy's chest. A grunt escapes the boys lips as he pulls up his shield and presses it against the pillar of ice. "Ack, Stupid... Monster..." He pulls his shield down and steps forward. He twists his body, pulling the monster's arm from his chest and leaping backwards, but falling over. "I'll never get used to that feeling." He leans on the cross guard of his blade.


    ID: 110606

    BD: 5 + 1 = 6


    7 * 6 = 42 DMG

    81 - 42 = 39 HP

    MD: 10 (No thorns uwu)

    54 + 2 = 56 - 23 = 33 DMG

    352 - 33 = 319 HP

    Dustin: 319/360 HP | 25/36 EN | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | THRN: 9 | 1 EVA | 1 ACC (BH: 3)

    Ice Elemental: 39/180 HP | 54 DMG


  13. Dustin smiles. I guess she knows I have thorns now. This is gonna be great. He begins to charge his sword art, locking his eyes on the girl in front of him. No way in hell am I missing this time. He lunges in, completely closing the gap between the two of them in an instant, releasing the sword art a moment too early as his blade barely misses her side. "Sh*t." He remarks, knowing he is now wide open for a counter attack. She should take this opportunity. They don't come very often. That is, until his foot hits the ground and he spins to the other side of her. It looked like he had planned that move from the get go. He did, but more of a contingency than an actual plan. So that went better than expected, though she didn't attack. She has to know I have thorns, she doesn't seem like the type to hold back. He clenches his fist around the blade in his hand, Does she think I'm less than her? Does she think she is above me? His eyes fill with anger, then release said anger. There's no way, the calculated attacks, the kind spirit, she doesn't think of me as less than her. A smirk crosses his face.

    ID: 110602

    BD: 2 + 1 = 3


    223 - 12 = 211 HP

    Dustin: HP- 211/280 | EN- 22/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 300/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>

  14. Dustin sat in the corner, waiting for something to happen. After all, he had been asked to protect the bartender due to recent events. This is 100% the most boring gig a boy could get. Watching a bar to make sure the owner doesn't get attacked... How did I end up so low on the totem pole? He smiles, taking another drink of his bourbon. Smooth, as it should be. The only other person in here is the person he asked last night, and he is just here to have drinks. Oh, I stand corrected, these two are a bit more sketchy than before. He slips the hood on his tan cloak up, hiding most of his face from the new customers.

    "That'll be 200 col, Tin man." Idiot... Dustin moves a little, getting ready to hop in and attack the spiky tower of a player, when the tower attacks faster than Dustin can even think of a plan. I don't know if I can handle two players at a time, but I have to try. Maybe I'm lucky and they're beginners. But who is that kitsune Prick? He runs in, jumping off of a bar stool and soaring through the air. If I do this right, I can take them both out and get the man out of here. Come on, please let this work. He notices the smile on the bartenders face. I'm never protecting anyone again...

    Suddenly a knee flies up and collides with Dustin, which would've knocked him further back had he not caught the player's knee after the collision. They were within arms reach, and Dustin had the advantage of having his sword drawn, but Dustin had no urge to fight. Recent events made him want to better himself, which also meant learning when not to fight as well. You're outnumbered and outclassed, your only hope was the element of surprise. Now to make sure I don't get killed I'll have to fight my way through. And I'm damn sure not gonna win with this cloak distracting me. "Let's get this party started..." Dustin removes his cloak in a distracting fashion, and just before he would attack, guards came bursting in. Good call Kayaba, someone was gonna get hurt. He looks down at the sword in his hand as the guards rushed in and sheathed it.

    @Prometheus @Pinball

  15. Dustin is caught off guard by the player poking him in the stomach, but just lets it slide. “As admittedly awesome looking you are, I need you to calm down, weddings are a place for adults.” He takes another cookie from his pocket and scarfs it down like a child who went to bed without dessert. He finishes his snack and Pulls Enna in for a kiss. Then he hears a voice he recognizes. Oh god... she’s here too... well, better than only knowing the bride groom and my plus one.

    When she asks if Enna brought a plus one by the name of Dustin, he spins around with a cocky smile. “My sweet Enna was my Plus one. Which is weird, usually she’s much more known than I am.” He tilts his head thinking about the peculiar situation he is in. Why didn’t they get an invite? I got one and Neo doesn’t like me, while Haz barely knows me. “No matter the reason, I’m glad I was able to bring her to the wedding.” Hopefully not the last one I bring him to. ((Wink wink)) his hands move down and grab a snack as he spins towards Ennakai. “And I mofe fertainly am nof getting fat” He says with a cookie in his mouth again.

    @Ennakai @Kirbs

  16. Dustin awaits another attack that never comes, so he decides to run in and perform the same attack, this time, the upper cut manages to hit the face of the elemental as he slashes. "I guess Kayaba likes making these thing easy..." He showboats, getting thrown across the field by the arm of the ice monster he had so ignorantly attacked. So that's how we're gonna play this frosty? Cheap shots and back stabbing? Okay, I can do that. He flips his sword up and stands at the ready. "So Nicholas, I should what? That's right, I landed my attacks and you've missed." He smiles, looking at the elemental and back to his cousin. Okay, this shouldn't take very long now that I've dropped it this far. His blade points at his foe as he gives a cocky grin. "I don't need that much col, but I do also want some weapons, so I'm gonna be out here for a while." He frowns, thinking about the cold floor on which he was farming.


    ID: 110461

    BD: 9

    7 + 1 = 8 * 6 = 48 DMG

    138 - 48 = 90 HP

    MD: 7 - 1 = 6 (hit)

    54 - 23 = 31 DMG

    380 - 31 = 349 HP

    90 - 9 = 81 HP

    Dustin: 349/360 HP | 25/36 EN | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | THRN: 9 | 1 EVA | 1 ACC (BH: 3)

    Ice Elemental: 81/180 HP | 54 DMG


  17. Dustin nods, "I hate this floor, so lets get going on this hunt, I don't want to be here very long." He sighs, taking a few steps towards the edge of the snowy town. The floor was so cold Dustin just wanted to light himself on fire and stand on the sun if it meant never coming to this floor again. "I don't understand how some players can live on this floor. It's so damn cold it makes everything a drag." His words said with an almost childish fit, as he walks kicking snow. "It reminds me of our uncle Lemmy's farm in the winter." He smiles. "Except here there's no one eyed war vet telling us to quit playing and to get back to work." His smile Disappears as he thinks about the real world and about how he'll tell his mom about what happened.

    They reach the edge of town in no time. Dustin had drawn his sword before he reached the edge of town, so he ran out into the field. "I call dibs on the coolest looking stuff." He runs out charging his sword art, but then a block of Ice floats up and an <<Ice Elemental>> appears. Dustin's smile remains as he runs in, stabbing it five times in the chest in the shape of a star and backing up. He launches back in and finishes it off with a devastating uppercut. The monster gets knocked back a bit then starts moving towards the boy once more. Dustin prepares for the worst, pulling up his shield and waiting for the attack.



    ID: 110458

    BD: 6 + 1 = 7


    7 * 6 = 42 DMG

    180 - 42 = 138 HP

    MD: 1

    Crit miss


    Dustin: 360/360 HP | 30/36 EN | 7 DMG | 23 MIT | THRN: 9 | 1 EVA | 1 ACC (BH: 3)

    Ice Elemental: 138/180 HP | 54 DMG


  18. Dustin watches the players take a breather after the big fight and he smiles to himself. He sees his entire squad in the courtyard and sees that everyone from the frontlines was okay as well. It seemed no one had actually died. I guess I wouldn't have made a difference in a fight, so I can't make one here. He turns to walk away when he hears Domarus stand up and give an elegant speech. So it's that easy huh? I watched two people die and can't help but feel like I was just slowing everyone down getting in their way, but now that you've said I shouldn't blame myself I won't anymore. I guess this is my problem to sort out. He walks over to @Black and nods. "You're a damn fine leader, keep up the good work. I look forward to fighting alongside you guys again." He says in his less chipper voice, a voice the players who knew him before he left the town of beginnings would recognize. His voice of self loathing. "Well, I've gotta refill on snacks, and I've got a date, so I should be going." Dustin turns and walks to the other side of the courtyard, walking out, turning around one last time to watch everyone feel that sweet relief of victory as he can't help but feel useless, trying to disappear without talking to anyone else.

    Dustin leaves the thread

  19. Dustin looks at that skill he had chosen to focus on and just frowns. I've been trying to make a difference in this game, I've just never been able to keep up with the best of the best. I can't even keep up with the worst of the best. His hand grabs his sword as he draws it, looking down at the silver blade, sharp and true, he smiles. "If I can't fight behind a sword and remain true, I shouldn't fight with a sword at all." He stands up, walking towards the teleporter on the first floor with a cocky grin on his face. I'm gonna go to the stupid cold floor, and I'm gonna kill everything there, and while I'm there, maybe stop at Ennakai's shop and take him out on a date. His cocky smiles dies a little as he shouts the command.

    The player's vision is engulfed in white as he teleports to the fourth floor's main city. The white begins to fade in some areas as he takes a few steps off of the portal and into a small crowd of people. "Excuse me..." He says, as no one moves. What are they doing? Do they not hear me? Maybe I'll talk louder. "EXCUSE ME!" He roars as they stop and look at the boy who looks like a new adventurer and a few start to laugh. "What a little dweeb. Hey kid, want some candy?" One particularly scruffy man says in his roar of a laugh. "Maybe you should get back to class." Another player with an annoying voice shouts to add to the teasing. Then Dustin notices a familiar face, as a gray spear plops down, separating the crowd in half and a man with a black jacket and cigar walks through.


  20. Dustin nods. "Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to take my leave. I've been working here for four hours, so y'all have your fun fishing." He says, giving them a hint of what he does in his free time. Gotta get back to crafting soon anyways. His hands move into his pockets as he walks away, pulling out a cookie and eating it. I'm not in it for the col, I'm not in it for the Mats, I'm not in it for the time with friends. I'm in it to get experience and maybe one day contribute to the front lines. He grabs a hoe and starts working in the fields once more, making sure everything is growing properly, making sure to get water from the pond to water the plants. Just because the NPCs do it doesn't mean I have to let them do all the work. He works just as hard as he was working before the two got there. Now just to make sure I can get out of here without Enna or Cosi seeing me. He begins to slowly work his way to the edge of the field.


  21. Dustin smiles, This was it. This was how he made a new friend. She hated him, or at least wasn't fond of him, so he'd win her over with his constant stream of snacks. After all, that is the reason most people kept him close. Hah, a new friend. Maybe this one won't just up and leave like the others always do. He thinks to himself. "What do you want? I got cookies, cakes, cupcakes, gummies, brownies, biscuits, riceballs, shrimp, cherries, apples, grapes, pineapples, oranges, sandwiches, crepes, pancakes, waffles, tacos, burgers, chicken nuggets, chicken strips, barbecue ribs, ribbecues, sushi, eggs, bacon, sausage, pigs in a blanket, pop tarts, toaster strudels, pizzas, noodles, spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, vegetables, ice cream, Chicken on a stick, crab, doughnuts, doughnettes, oreos, ice cream sandwiches, mints, popcorn and pies." He says, counting along on his fingers. "I have more, I just like to keep those ones on the DL ya know?" He winks at her and tilts his head. "So, what will you be having?" He smiles like a waiter patiently awaiting an order.


  22. Dustin spins, slamming his elbow into the rock but not putting enough force behind it to change a damn thing. The boy frowns at the player who mad him the wraps and starts to back up again, standing in a much more relaxed, but careful stance. Almost like he was back in the real world getting ready to beat somebody to a pulp. The determination in his eyes didn't help trying to hide his past. Come on Dustin, you can do it. It's no different than all of those bullies whose faces you stomped in for talking crap about your family. It's exactly the same. He takes a deep breath and steadies. Oh, there's nothing stopping me now. I've made up my mind, I'm breaking this rock. He draws his arm down, flicks it and brings it back up. He starts to dance a dance of a boxer getting ready for round two as he loosens up. "I got this stupid rock. No need for y'all to step in." His voice almost holding anger towards the boulder.

    ID: 110397

    BD: 1

    Crit Miss

    Boulder: 1/50 HP | -2 EVA

    @Hei ((OOC: They said skip them until the rock is broken))

  23. Dustin smiles, making his way across the third floor after a day of hunting. Suddenly a notification dings and catches him off guard. "AH! OH GOD! AM I DEAD?" He feels his face, not even caring that he was now the center of attention. He isn't big on attention from large crowds, but it has never bothered him enough to try and change who he is. Oh, it's just a wedding invitation. From who though? His eyes dart around the invite, looking for signs as to who invited him. What a weird coincidence, I know a girl who took on the appearance of... OH! His hand shoots through the air, scrolling through his rather short friends list as he reaches the name he held so dear to himself. "Would he be a good guest at a wedding though? The playful trickster isn't the type I'd want at a wedding of mine." Unless he was walking down the aisle. He clicks send message and smiles. Oh well, too late to go back now, guess I'll head there and wait for my hot date to arrive.

    The boy walks onto the teleporter and shouts the command to travel to the sixteenth floor. If I can recall, The beach is that way. He starts off in the direction of the wedding.

    Some time passes and the player closes in on what appears to be a party. There's Haz, so I guess this is either his bachelor party, which is a tradition which has to live on in this game, or his wedding, and judging by how the suit is still clean and fancy, it's probably the latter. He steps down towards the sand and pulls out a cookie. "Sure, y'all have food here, but that doesn't mean I can just waste all of my delicious cookies." A smile crosses his face as he walks across the course ground in his Church pants.




    Message to @Ennakai

    Hey my Sweetums, wanna attend the permanent joining of two decent people? I think there'll be snacks and you can even wear your nicest dresses. Maybe even that maid dress. ;)


  24. Dustin watches the second body fall. Was this it? Was this the way the boy wanted to die? He talked a tough game, but could he really back it up? This has been incredibly humbling to me. As I watch the players fight so hard and die so quickly, am I really of use in this fight? Am I really a useful member of this team? What am I doing in this fight, I wasn’t ready to take this on. I just jumped in as soon as I heard about it way before I was able to hold my own. All I wanted to do was prove I could be helpful in a fight to Hestia. I have something to fight for though. I can’t lose to a monster in a room of dead bodies, I refuse to fall here. His hand opens his inventory as he pulls out another of his potions, for the second time ever he takes a swig of the thick red liquid as his health climbs a little. His eyes lock back onto the demon who had destroyed everything the boy had seen before him. Two players had fallen and the boy couldn’t do anything. “Hey Squad leader, I’ll stand behind you in any fight. You have been a great leader and an even better rallying cry. We knew going in not all of us were gonna make it back. That’s where You stepped in and kept us together.” He shouts towards the player who had kept his squad together and smiles. “It was an honor serving under you sir.” The hope in his voice is lost, leaving a dead voice in its wake. As dead as the two players who had fallen before the unforgiving might of such a beautiful terror. Fate says three nameless soldiers fall today, we know two, so why don’t I make sure the third isn’t someone important? “You may have stopped two warriors, but let’s see to it that only three people die here tonight.” He rests his blade on the shield on his arm.

    used 1 uncommon healing potion (+40 HP)

    82 + (40 - 5%(2) = 38) = 120 HP


    Party One
    [H:8]  Domarus:  412/840 HP // 16/84 EN // 21 DMG | 92 MIT | 5 ACC | 0 EVA | 4 REC | 1 TAUNT | [Event Item] 
    [H:7]  Hazado: 65/360 HP // 28/36 EN // DMG 7 | MIT 45 | ACC 1 | TAUNT 1 | Thorn -18 | 
    [H:0] Sunova:  0/240 HP //  21/24 EN // DMG 3 | ACC 2 | EVA 0 | MIT 12
    [H:4] Tricolor_mina : 0/240 HP // 23/24 EN // 8 DMG | 15 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 3 BH | 1 BLD [Event Item]  
    [H:4] Aereth: 542/980 HP // 60/98 EN // 18 DMG | 42 MIT | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | Thorn - 10 
    [H:3] Dazia: 31/240 HP // 9/24 EN // 9 DMG | 38 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | [Event Item]  

     Party Two
    [H:1] Cosi: 276/360 HP //  36/36 EN // DMG: 4  | MIT: 66 | THN: 18 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | RGN: 5 | [Event Item] 
    [H:11] @Black 331/450 HP // 40/40 EN // DMG: 1| MIT:54 | THN: 18 | EVA: 2 | ACC : 5 |PARA : 2  | REC 1 | Taunt 1 
    [H:1] Krysta:  145/360 HP // 29/36 EN // 7 DMG | 28 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | [Event Item] 
    [H:2] @Kyot0 : 79/320 HP // 32/32 EN // 9 DMG | 26 MIT | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 Keen [Event Item]
    [H:9] Vigilon: 236/540 HP //45/64 EN // 18 DMG | 48 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 3 REC | 9-10 Para | 1 BLD | 1 Taunt [Event Item] 
    [H:0] Dustin: 120/240 HP // 24/24 EN // 8 DMG | 41 MIT | 4 EVA | 3 ACC | 1 PARA | 1 Savvy | 9 Thorns | BH: 2 

    Party Three
    [H:6] Kairi: 258/640 HP // 30/64 EN // 20 DMG | 90 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 Para | 1 TNT 
    [H:2] Hidden : 530/720 HP // 50/70 EN // 18 DMG | 58 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 8 Holy DMG| 1 HIDE [Event Item]
    [H:3] Stryder: 638/700 HP // 14/70 EN // 17 DMG | 86 Mit | ACC  7 | EVA  6 
    [H:7] Mars: 440/855 HP // 2/72 EN // MIT:11 |  DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 5  |  Savvy: 1|  10 REG | 
    [H:4] Neopolitan :338/560 HP // 24/56 ENG // 17 DMG | 70 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 BLD | 2 Para | 1 REC [Half Burn Damage] [Event Item]  
    [H:1] Kimi 439/660 HP // 48/66 EN // 18 DMG | 25 MIT | 4 ACC | 5 EVA |


  25. The boy's blade begins to glow green as a smile crosses his face. This is gonna be amazing, though getting here was pretty rough, I'm glad I stuck it out. He launches in, reaching a speed to match that of a car, as his green blade flies forward, hitting the girl six times and he uses an uppercut, though this attack barely dents her HP as his drops way further than hers. "You know, I'm beginning to think this fight was a bad idea, but thanks for dueling me." A friendly smile crosses his face as he stops attacking all together, dropping his sword arm and eyeing the girl from a distance that made his reach seem tiny. As a tank she shouldn't be any faster than me, though this game can distort speed and stuff. So I'm gonna have to watch her like a hawk... from a distance. He smiles, locking his eyes on the woman standing a good 10 feet away. "I'm having fun, are you?" He shouts to the girl. This isn't fair if I'm the only one having a good time. His hand tightens around his sword.



    ID: 110202

    BD: 7

    Star Quint Prominence on Jinx

    6 * 6 = 36 DMG

    36 - 47 = 1 DMG

    300 - 1 = 299 HP

    251 - 28 = 223 HP

    Dustin: HP- 223/280 | EN- 22/28 | DMG- 6 | MIT- 23 | ACC- 1 | EVA- 1 | THRN- 9 | BH- 1%  <Bleed>

    @JinxHP 300/300 | EN 30/30 | 47 MIT | 2 THRNS <18dmg> | 1 RGN <5Hp> | 2 Para <8-10> | 1 BLD <9-10, 12DMG>



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